Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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for the purpose the proceeding week . The brethren , to the number of 40 , then adjourned to banquet , which was admirably served by Bro . Holt , the host , and after the removal of the cloth tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to . Bro . Killick , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of their W . M ., Bro . Davis , " and in very eulogistic terms expatiated upon the many excellent qualities he possessed , eminently fitting him for the honourable position the brethren had laced
p him in , The toast was received and drunk with enthusiasm . The WM . briefly respondeel to the high compliment paid him , and hoped that at the expiration of his year of office the brethren would have no reason to regret the position they hael placed him in . The AV . M . then gave , as the next toast , " The Visitors , " a toast the brethren of tire Merchant Navy Lodge always appreciate , and expressed his gratification at seeing so
many among them . He felt assured that the principles of Freemasonry were move fully developed by these interchanges , and called upon the brethren for a bumper . Bro . Clark , P . M ., 554 , and Bro . Bellaby , AV . M ., 65 , having responded , "Tho Health of the Past Masters" was then given . Bro . Killick stated that it devolved upon him to reply to this toast on behalf of the P . M . ' s . He thanked the W . M . and brethren , and added
that the welfare of the lodge had at all times been their particular study , and as he was now one of them he could only say that their best exertions should continue to he used to promote the good feeling and general prosperity of the lodge . Bro . Wright , P . M ., then asked the brethren to drink success to our Masonic Institutions , and particularly urged up-vn them the claims of the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows .
A very large proportion of the brethren being subscribers ' , he hoped by the next anniversary , when the Merchant Navy Lodge again sent a Steward , every member ( without exception ) would be a subscriber . He also hoped that the lodge would send a Steward to the next festival , whether for the girls or boys schools , or for both . The healths of the S . AV . and J . W . were then given and duly responded to by Bro . Bracebridge , S . AV .
The Officers and Tylers toast brought this happy evening to a close . Some excellent songs were rendered by several of the brethren . ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( NO . 907 ) . —The ceremony of installing
the W . M . for the year ensuing of this lodgo took place on Monday evening , the 15 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , when Bro . AV . H . Farnfield , who had been elected to this distinguished position by the unanimous vote of the brethren , was duly installed into office by Bro . Joseph Smith , Treas ., P . M ., and P . G . Purst ., assisted by P . M . ' s T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst ., J . A . Farnfield , Peters , anel several P . M . ' s of other lodges , visitors . Bro . T . PetersI . P . M . in presenting Bro . W . II . Farnfield to
, , the installing officer , spoke in very high terms ofthe estimation in which Bro . AV . H . Farnfield was helel amongst the brethren , as testified by their unanimous vote . After the installation the new AA . M . invested the following brethren as the officers of the lodge : —Bros . C . Chard , S . W . ; H . Lewis , J . AV . ; J . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; A . E . T . Worlev , Sec . ; Rev . J . Vaughau , Chap , and S . D . ; E . TerryJ . D . ; T . MortonI . G .- and Dal Tyler-.
, , , y , Bro . H . Smith then received the sublime degree of a M . M ., and Bro . Haddock was advanced to the dignity of a F . C , after which Mr . Henry B . Saudall and Mr . Jacob Flatan received the benefits of initiation . Business concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet-table , which , in addition to a full attendance of the brethren of the loelge , was graced with the presence of the following visitors : —¦ Bros . W . Farnfield ,
P . Assist . G . Sec ; W . Willey , AA' . M , No . 9 ; M . Scott , W . M . No . 765 ; AV W insor , P . M . No . 15 ; H . Potter , P . M . No . 11 ; T . AV . Goldsboro ' , P . M . No . 99 S ; G . AVilley , No . 171 ; J . Atkinson . No . 256 ; R . W . Dunn , No . 34 ; T . Parker , No . 34 ; and J . G . Marsh , No . 2 S . Tho toasts , " The Queen and the Craft , " and "The Grand Master , " having been duly honouredthe W . M . proposed "The Earl De Grey and Ri
, pon , Deputy Grand Master , " together with the rest of the Grancl Officers , Past and Present , associating with it the names of Bros . W . Farnfield , P . Assist . G . Sec ; . 1 . Smith , P . G . Burst . ; anel T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst . ; to which Bro . AV . Farnfield uitably replied . The health of the new AV . M . was proposed iu glowing terms by Bro . T . Peters , the I . P . M ., and most enthusiastically responded toauguring well for the prosperitof
, y the lodge , under the direction of Bro . AA . H . Farnfield . Bro . Peters , in proposing the toast , took occasion to refer to the fact that he was preceded in office by a Farnfield—brother of the present W . M . —and there was another member of the same family , one of the brethren for whom all had the strongest
regard , away on the seas ; so that the name of Farnfield was a ' " household word" in the ltoyal Albert Lodge . The W . M ., in proposing " Tho Health of Bro . Peters , the I . P . M ., " presented him , amid tho cheers of the brethren , with a P . M . ' s jewel , which had been unanimously voted to Bro . Peters by tho loelge . The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Goldsboro ' , Prov . G . M . for AA'ales , who congratulated the brethren upon tho successful working of the lodgeand the
, unanimity and harmony which prevailed amongst therm The health ot Bro . Smith , P . M ., as the installing officer , having been honoured , the toast of the P . M . 's was proposed , anel cordially responded to by Bro . J . A . Farnfield . After the usual other Masonic toasts had been given , the " Tyler's Toast" was drunk with that ceremony peculiar to the Craft , after which the brethren separated .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . —The annual meetingfor the installation of the AV . M ., Bro . J . Mercer Johnson , was helel at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on the 10 th instant . In addition to a good number of members tlm following visitorswere present : —Bros . Thomas AA ylie , Prov . G . Reg ., Prov . G . J . AV ., & , c . ; Rev . H . Vernon , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . Dr . Page Fairfield LaidlawProv . G . S . P . M . ; GrimnerP . M . and P . Z .
, , , 216 ; Stephens , Prov . G . Deacon , Cheshire ; Jones , AV . M . 249 ,-Pastor , AV . M . 203 ; Rowson , P . M . 203 ; Richard AVilliams , 605 ; Henry Jones , 605 ; Dod , 292 ; Bagg , 241 ; Armstrong , Prov . G . Piu-st . and P . M . ; & c . The minutes of the last meeting wereread and confirmed , and the ballot taken for Mr . Edward-Jones , who was duly elected , and being in attendance was initiated into Freemasonrythe working tools in tbe degree
, being given by Bro . Joseph Killett Smith , J . AV ., in a very impressive manner . The loelge was openeel in the second degree , when Bro . Richard H . D . Johnson , \ A . M ., after the usual preparatory ceremonies , was duly installed in the chair of K . S . Bros . James Mercer Johnson , the AV . M . of Lodge 1 , 094 ; Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; and Crane , P . M ., assisted in the same . The-AV . M . having been proclaimed by the Installing Master , and
saluted by the brethren in the three degrees , appointed his officers : —Bros . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M . ; J . K . Smith , S . AV ? ,-Sheldon , J . W . ; Jos . Wood , Treas . ; Thomas Marsh , P . M ., Sec . ; - George Dyke , S . D . ; Richard AVilliams , J . D . ; D . AV . Winstanley , I . G . ; Boucher , 31-JD ., Henry Pearson , Richard Danson , and ' J . R . Robinson , Stewards ; Ball , Tylei—Bro . Johnson , P . M ., addressing tho officers on the duties of the same . The brethrenwere called from labour to refreshment . After the usual loval
and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas AVyue , Prov . G . Reg ., in responding to the Prov . G . Officers of AA ' esfc Lancashire , after thanking them for the many acts of kindness received from the members of the Temple Lodge , said that the more they looked into the principles and teaching of Freemasonry tho more they loved Freemasonry in general , and thevolume of tho Sacred Law in particular . Bro . AVylie eloquently advocated our Masonic charitiesgiving some good advice to all
, present . The W . Master ' s health having been proposed by Bro . Johnson , P . M ., and having been well received , the W . M . thanked the brethren sincerely for the compliment they had paid him , and regretted that he was not able to devote as much time as he wished to in furthering the good of Freemasonry , the W . M .. thanking Bro . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., for his kindness in conducting the ceremony of installationfor he was sure all
of-, the lodge unanimously approved of the same good working of the day . The AV . M ., in a speech full of beautiful and high sentiment , proposed "The Masonic Charities of the Order , " coupling Bro . Hauler ' s , Prov . G . Treas ., health with it . Bro . Hamer thanked the AV . M . very much for associating his name with those great institutions of our Order , and explained the merits of each , calling upon all present to support them , and that of
tho West Lancashire Educational Institution the most . The "Visiting Brethren" was proposed by the AV . M ., with thanks for their kind services . Bro . Grimner , P . M ., of Lodge 216 , responded with true Masonic spirit , expressing the pleasure it afforded him and the visiting brethren to visit them . He was much pleased with the good working of the loelge , and hoped at no distant time to be again able to visit them . Bro . J . K . Smith , S . A \ ., proposed " The Health of the newly-initiated brother . " Bro . E . Jones was extremely grateful to the brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
for the purpose the proceeding week . The brethren , to the number of 40 , then adjourned to banquet , which was admirably served by Bro . Holt , the host , and after the removal of the cloth tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to . Bro . Killick , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of their W . M ., Bro . Davis , " and in very eulogistic terms expatiated upon the many excellent qualities he possessed , eminently fitting him for the honourable position the brethren had laced
p him in , The toast was received and drunk with enthusiasm . The WM . briefly respondeel to the high compliment paid him , and hoped that at the expiration of his year of office the brethren would have no reason to regret the position they hael placed him in . The AV . M . then gave , as the next toast , " The Visitors , " a toast the brethren of tire Merchant Navy Lodge always appreciate , and expressed his gratification at seeing so
many among them . He felt assured that the principles of Freemasonry were move fully developed by these interchanges , and called upon the brethren for a bumper . Bro . Clark , P . M ., 554 , and Bro . Bellaby , AV . M ., 65 , having responded , "Tho Health of the Past Masters" was then given . Bro . Killick stated that it devolved upon him to reply to this toast on behalf of the P . M . ' s . He thanked the W . M . and brethren , and added
that the welfare of the lodge had at all times been their particular study , and as he was now one of them he could only say that their best exertions should continue to he used to promote the good feeling and general prosperity of the lodge . Bro . Wright , P . M ., then asked the brethren to drink success to our Masonic Institutions , and particularly urged up-vn them the claims of the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows .
A very large proportion of the brethren being subscribers ' , he hoped by the next anniversary , when the Merchant Navy Lodge again sent a Steward , every member ( without exception ) would be a subscriber . He also hoped that the lodge would send a Steward to the next festival , whether for the girls or boys schools , or for both . The healths of the S . AV . and J . W . were then given and duly responded to by Bro . Bracebridge , S . AV .
The Officers and Tylers toast brought this happy evening to a close . Some excellent songs were rendered by several of the brethren . ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( NO . 907 ) . —The ceremony of installing
the W . M . for the year ensuing of this lodgo took place on Monday evening , the 15 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , when Bro . AV . H . Farnfield , who had been elected to this distinguished position by the unanimous vote of the brethren , was duly installed into office by Bro . Joseph Smith , Treas ., P . M ., and P . G . Purst ., assisted by P . M . ' s T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst ., J . A . Farnfield , Peters , anel several P . M . ' s of other lodges , visitors . Bro . T . PetersI . P . M . in presenting Bro . W . II . Farnfield to
, , the installing officer , spoke in very high terms ofthe estimation in which Bro . AV . H . Farnfield was helel amongst the brethren , as testified by their unanimous vote . After the installation the new AA . M . invested the following brethren as the officers of the lodge : —Bros . C . Chard , S . W . ; H . Lewis , J . AV . ; J . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; A . E . T . Worlev , Sec . ; Rev . J . Vaughau , Chap , and S . D . ; E . TerryJ . D . ; T . MortonI . G .- and Dal Tyler-.
, , , y , Bro . H . Smith then received the sublime degree of a M . M ., and Bro . Haddock was advanced to the dignity of a F . C , after which Mr . Henry B . Saudall and Mr . Jacob Flatan received the benefits of initiation . Business concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet-table , which , in addition to a full attendance of the brethren of the loelge , was graced with the presence of the following visitors : —¦ Bros . W . Farnfield ,
P . Assist . G . Sec ; W . Willey , AA' . M , No . 9 ; M . Scott , W . M . No . 765 ; AV W insor , P . M . No . 15 ; H . Potter , P . M . No . 11 ; T . AV . Goldsboro ' , P . M . No . 99 S ; G . AVilley , No . 171 ; J . Atkinson . No . 256 ; R . W . Dunn , No . 34 ; T . Parker , No . 34 ; and J . G . Marsh , No . 2 S . Tho toasts , " The Queen and the Craft , " and "The Grand Master , " having been duly honouredthe W . M . proposed "The Earl De Grey and Ri
, pon , Deputy Grand Master , " together with the rest of the Grancl Officers , Past and Present , associating with it the names of Bros . W . Farnfield , P . Assist . G . Sec ; . 1 . Smith , P . G . Burst . ; anel T . Lewis , Assist . G . Purst . ; to which Bro . AV . Farnfield uitably replied . The health of the new AV . M . was proposed iu glowing terms by Bro . T . Peters , the I . P . M ., and most enthusiastically responded toauguring well for the prosperitof
, y the lodge , under the direction of Bro . AA . H . Farnfield . Bro . Peters , in proposing the toast , took occasion to refer to the fact that he was preceded in office by a Farnfield—brother of the present W . M . —and there was another member of the same family , one of the brethren for whom all had the strongest
regard , away on the seas ; so that the name of Farnfield was a ' " household word" in the ltoyal Albert Lodge . The W . M ., in proposing " Tho Health of Bro . Peters , the I . P . M ., " presented him , amid tho cheers of the brethren , with a P . M . ' s jewel , which had been unanimously voted to Bro . Peters by tho loelge . The toast of " The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Goldsboro ' , Prov . G . M . for AA'ales , who congratulated the brethren upon tho successful working of the lodgeand the
, unanimity and harmony which prevailed amongst therm The health ot Bro . Smith , P . M ., as the installing officer , having been honoured , the toast of the P . M . 's was proposed , anel cordially responded to by Bro . J . A . Farnfield . After the usual other Masonic toasts had been given , the " Tyler's Toast" was drunk with that ceremony peculiar to the Craft , after which the brethren separated .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . —The annual meetingfor the installation of the AV . M ., Bro . J . Mercer Johnson , was helel at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on the 10 th instant . In addition to a good number of members tlm following visitorswere present : —Bros . Thomas AA ylie , Prov . G . Reg ., Prov . G . J . AV ., & , c . ; Rev . H . Vernon , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . Dr . Page Fairfield LaidlawProv . G . S . P . M . ; GrimnerP . M . and P . Z .
, , , 216 ; Stephens , Prov . G . Deacon , Cheshire ; Jones , AV . M . 249 ,-Pastor , AV . M . 203 ; Rowson , P . M . 203 ; Richard AVilliams , 605 ; Henry Jones , 605 ; Dod , 292 ; Bagg , 241 ; Armstrong , Prov . G . Piu-st . and P . M . ; & c . The minutes of the last meeting wereread and confirmed , and the ballot taken for Mr . Edward-Jones , who was duly elected , and being in attendance was initiated into Freemasonrythe working tools in tbe degree
, being given by Bro . Joseph Killett Smith , J . AV ., in a very impressive manner . The loelge was openeel in the second degree , when Bro . Richard H . D . Johnson , \ A . M ., after the usual preparatory ceremonies , was duly installed in the chair of K . S . Bros . James Mercer Johnson , the AV . M . of Lodge 1 , 094 ; Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; and Crane , P . M ., assisted in the same . The-AV . M . having been proclaimed by the Installing Master , and
saluted by the brethren in the three degrees , appointed his officers : —Bros . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M . ; J . K . Smith , S . AV ? ,-Sheldon , J . W . ; Jos . Wood , Treas . ; Thomas Marsh , P . M ., Sec . ; - George Dyke , S . D . ; Richard AVilliams , J . D . ; D . AV . Winstanley , I . G . ; Boucher , 31-JD ., Henry Pearson , Richard Danson , and ' J . R . Robinson , Stewards ; Ball , Tylei—Bro . Johnson , P . M ., addressing tho officers on the duties of the same . The brethrenwere called from labour to refreshment . After the usual loval
and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas AVyue , Prov . G . Reg ., in responding to the Prov . G . Officers of AA ' esfc Lancashire , after thanking them for the many acts of kindness received from the members of the Temple Lodge , said that the more they looked into the principles and teaching of Freemasonry tho more they loved Freemasonry in general , and thevolume of tho Sacred Law in particular . Bro . AVylie eloquently advocated our Masonic charitiesgiving some good advice to all
, present . The W . Master ' s health having been proposed by Bro . Johnson , P . M ., and having been well received , the W . M . thanked the brethren sincerely for the compliment they had paid him , and regretted that he was not able to devote as much time as he wished to in furthering the good of Freemasonry , the W . M .. thanking Bro . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., for his kindness in conducting the ceremony of installationfor he was sure all
of-, the lodge unanimously approved of the same good working of the day . The AV . M ., in a speech full of beautiful and high sentiment , proposed "The Masonic Charities of the Order , " coupling Bro . Hauler ' s , Prov . G . Treas ., health with it . Bro . Hamer thanked the AV . M . very much for associating his name with those great institutions of our Order , and explained the merits of each , calling upon all present to support them , and that of
tho West Lancashire Educational Institution the most . The "Visiting Brethren" was proposed by the AV . M ., with thanks for their kind services . Bro . Grimner , P . M ., of Lodge 216 , responded with true Masonic spirit , expressing the pleasure it afforded him and the visiting brethren to visit them . He was much pleased with the good working of the loelge , and hoped at no distant time to be again able to visit them . Bro . J . K . Smith , S . A \ ., proposed " The Health of the newly-initiated brother . " Bro . E . Jones was extremely grateful to the brethren