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for drinking his health . He had no doubt they did the same kindness to every new brother , and held the hope that every man who joined the Craft would become a good anel honest Mason . He found himself in a strange position , and he had not known what to do , but what he had heard he trusted would not be thrown away upon him . He had found good fellowship — be would do all he could to become a good brother . The W . M . proposed "The P . M . of Lodge 1 , 094 , Bro . R . H . D .
Johnson . " Bro . Johnson returned thanks for the kindness in which his name had been received , and said it was very gratifying to him to receive their approbation and esteem , and , although he had passed the chair , he would not lessen his zeal 5 n the cause . The lodge was planted in a good soil , and brought , forth fruit abundantly . " The Health of the Officers" followed , and was responded to by Bro . Smith , S . AV ,, and Bro . Sheldon J . AV ., after which the lodge was closed .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —On AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., the regular monthly meeting of the members of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , and , as usual , a large number of the Craft attended . The principal husiness was the initiation of two candidates and passing two others . The candidates initiated were Capt . Herman Goltfried
Haasloop Werner , of Rotterdam , master of the Jonea , of that port , and Mr . William Northcott , of Newport . The WM . , Bro . B . Thomas , took the chair , and was most ably assisted by Bro . Hellyer , P . M ., the latter brother administering the obligation and explaining the principal parts of the ceremony to Bro . Werner in Dutch . In fact , we may venture to assert that nowhere in the principality could another English brother be
found who could more effectuall y perform the ceremony in Dutch than Bro . Hellyer . The brethren present listened attentively , and at the conclusion Bro . Hellyer , P . M ., was warmly congratulated as a Mason and a linguist of no ordinary capacity . Two brethren , Bros . Rowe and Phillips , were then passed as F . C . 's , and tho W . M ., Bro . Thomas , intended going through the third degree , but Bro . J . H . Scott being the only candidate for that sublime degree present , and it now being near ten o ' clock , the raising was adjourned till the next meeting , when , we are told , there will be at least five or six to take that
beautiful degree . The Newport brethren have lately purchased a splendid organ from Bro . Bell , of Bristol , which has been fitted up in the magnificent hall room , and on this occasion Bro . Groves , Prov . G . Org ., who presided , assisted by a firstclass choir , favoured the brethren with a capital collection of appropriate chants , & c . This organ will be used regularly for the future . The Secretary then introduced a petition from Bro . Clement Zoneh ( formerly of Newport—now au inmate of the
London Hospital ) to the Board of Benevolence for relief . It appears Bro . Zoneh was initiated in the Silurian Lodge , 471 , in November , 1845 , and subscribed thereto as long as he remained here ; but he bas latel . v been visited with severe illness and losses , and his wife and daughter are now totally destitute . On the motion of the Secretary , Bro . W . AVilliams , seconded by Bro . Evans , P . M ., two guineas were ordered to be sent to Bro .
Zoneh by the Treasurer , and the petition having been duly hacked , was signed by the majority of the Silurian brethren present , in the manner prescribed by the " Book of Constitutions , " and ordered to be forwarded to the proper authorities . Three candidates were proposed for admission at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed in harmony at 9 . 55 p . m . We hear it is the intention of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . John E . W . Rolls , to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting early this summer at Monmouth .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . MARINERS' LODGE ( NO . 168 ) . —The ordinary monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on AVednesday , the 27 th ult . The chair was taken by Bro . Smythson , AV . M ., at a quarter to eight , though the hour named on the summonses was seven . The lodge was opened in the first degree with only three of its members present , namely , the AA . M ., Bro . AVakley , actiniand
as I . P . M ., Bro . Brown , S . AV . There were , however , many visitors—Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 95 S , acting as J . AV Draper , P . M . 243 , acting as I . G . ; Thompson , P . M . 5 S 7 ' Jewell , AV . M . 491 ; Pow , 1 , 003 ; Davis , 241 ; De Nigris ; Sarchet .
Channel Islands.
84 ; Luke , 243 . The minutes were read and confirmed . There was no business on the circular , and about half an hour having been occupied in considering several claims for pecuniary assistance , the lodge was closeel at half-past eight , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room . DOYLE ' S LODGE OE FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 34 ) . —On Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., the members of this lodge assembled for the monthly meetingunder the presidency of Bro . GuilbertW . M .,
, , assisted by Bros . James Gallieune , D . Prov . G . M . ; Dr . Collenette , I . P . M . ; Sparrow , P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . ; Stickland , P . M . ; Smithard , P . M . ; Churchouse , P . M . ; Martin , _ S . W . ; and James Gardner , J . W . All the other officers were in their respective places . There were also present as visitors : —Bros . Jaboneau , Orator of 590 ; Dr . Greig ; Smythson , W . M . 168 ; AV . Le Page , 243 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 95 S , and several
others . The ceremonies were conducted with musical accompaniments , the vocal parts being taken by P . M . 's Churchouse , Smithard , and Dr . Hopkins , the former presiding at tbe harmonium . The lodge was openeel at 7 . 20 by the W . M . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . Nicolls was examined as to his proficiency , anel the result being satisfactory , he was entrustedand dismissed for preparation . The lodge
, was then opened in the second degree , the candidate was readmitted , and passed to the rank of F . C . by the WM . The lecture on the second tracing board was given by the D . Prov . G . M ., with his usual accuracy anel ability . The loelge was then closeel in the second degree , anel no other business offering , was finally closed at S . 30 . The brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room for refreshment , after which the usual routine of
Masonic toasts were given , those of the D . Prov . G . M . and AA . M . being received with great enthusiasm , and appropriately responded to . The D . Prov . G . M . gave the toast of " The Visitors , " enlarging especially on the excellent qualities of Bro . Japoneau , as a good specimen of a French Mason , who , in many respects , resembled the friars of old , in his happy , cheerful conviviality , his jolly personal appearance , indicative of a contented mind , his fine intellectual head , and the kindly disposition of
his heart ; but differing from them in one respect , namely , that he was endowed with groat powers of eloquence , as befitted the Orator of a distinguished loelge . The D . Prov . G . M . also commented on the assistance kindly rendered hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins during his temporary residence in Guernsey , through whose instructions the officers had been made perfect in their respective duties , and musical arrangements hael been introduced ; thus the proceedings of the evening had iven him entire satisfaction
g and great pleasure . He desired to take this opportunity to express his personal and grateful thanks , as well as those of the members , for the useful services of Dr . Hopkins , which would cause his name to be long remembered among the Craft in Guernsey after his departure , and he called on the brethren present to join in hearty wishes for his future happiness and welfare—a sentiment which was enthusiastically received by
them . These brethren subsequently responded , Bro . Japoneau , as a French Mason , though now affiliated to a loelge in Guernsey , alluding to the international Masonic meeting to be held at Paris in June , aud , on behalf of his countrymen , offering a most cordial welcome to English Masons . At about ten o'clock a portion of the brethren withdrew , the others remaining a short time longer for social intercourse .
JERSEY . ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . S 77 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday 26 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple . The loelge was opened in due form by Bro . Dr . John Le Cronier , D . P . G . M ., AA , M ., assisted by Bros . A Sehmitt as I . P . M . ; Ph . AV . Lequesne , S . AV , ; M . Galliehan , P . M ., J . W " .,-AV . Adams , P . M ., Sec . ; Eel . D . Le Couteur , P . M ., Treas . ; AV .
J . Eckford , S . U . ; AVm . H . Long , AV . M . 958 , as I . G . ; H . L . Manuel , AA ' . M . 590 . The assemblage of members and visitors was very fair , among the latter we noticed Bros . J . Fauvel , AV . M . 245 ; AA . T . Pugsley , P . M . 245 ; John Oatley , S / W ., 590 ; and others . The minutes of the previous lodge night was read and confirmed , and a ballot was taken for Bro . R . AV . Gumming- , anel declared unanimous in favour of his admission as a joining member . The business of the evening consisted in the
installation of MAAOI . elect , anel investiture of officers . The lodge was openeel in the second degree . Thereupon the AV . 3 I . requested a brother to perform the ceremony of installing his successor , and immediately vacated the chair , which was taken by Bro . AVm . Adams . Bros . J . Le Cronier and E . D . Le Couteur then presented Bro . Ph . W . Lequesne , AV . M . elect , to the Installing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
for drinking his health . He had no doubt they did the same kindness to every new brother , and held the hope that every man who joined the Craft would become a good anel honest Mason . He found himself in a strange position , and he had not known what to do , but what he had heard he trusted would not be thrown away upon him . He had found good fellowship — be would do all he could to become a good brother . The W . M . proposed "The P . M . of Lodge 1 , 094 , Bro . R . H . D .
Johnson . " Bro . Johnson returned thanks for the kindness in which his name had been received , and said it was very gratifying to him to receive their approbation and esteem , and , although he had passed the chair , he would not lessen his zeal 5 n the cause . The lodge was planted in a good soil , and brought , forth fruit abundantly . " The Health of the Officers" followed , and was responded to by Bro . Smith , S . AV ,, and Bro . Sheldon J . AV ., after which the lodge was closed .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —On AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., the regular monthly meeting of the members of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , and , as usual , a large number of the Craft attended . The principal husiness was the initiation of two candidates and passing two others . The candidates initiated were Capt . Herman Goltfried
Haasloop Werner , of Rotterdam , master of the Jonea , of that port , and Mr . William Northcott , of Newport . The WM . , Bro . B . Thomas , took the chair , and was most ably assisted by Bro . Hellyer , P . M ., the latter brother administering the obligation and explaining the principal parts of the ceremony to Bro . Werner in Dutch . In fact , we may venture to assert that nowhere in the principality could another English brother be
found who could more effectuall y perform the ceremony in Dutch than Bro . Hellyer . The brethren present listened attentively , and at the conclusion Bro . Hellyer , P . M ., was warmly congratulated as a Mason and a linguist of no ordinary capacity . Two brethren , Bros . Rowe and Phillips , were then passed as F . C . 's , and tho W . M ., Bro . Thomas , intended going through the third degree , but Bro . J . H . Scott being the only candidate for that sublime degree present , and it now being near ten o ' clock , the raising was adjourned till the next meeting , when , we are told , there will be at least five or six to take that
beautiful degree . The Newport brethren have lately purchased a splendid organ from Bro . Bell , of Bristol , which has been fitted up in the magnificent hall room , and on this occasion Bro . Groves , Prov . G . Org ., who presided , assisted by a firstclass choir , favoured the brethren with a capital collection of appropriate chants , & c . This organ will be used regularly for the future . The Secretary then introduced a petition from Bro . Clement Zoneh ( formerly of Newport—now au inmate of the
London Hospital ) to the Board of Benevolence for relief . It appears Bro . Zoneh was initiated in the Silurian Lodge , 471 , in November , 1845 , and subscribed thereto as long as he remained here ; but he bas latel . v been visited with severe illness and losses , and his wife and daughter are now totally destitute . On the motion of the Secretary , Bro . W . AVilliams , seconded by Bro . Evans , P . M ., two guineas were ordered to be sent to Bro .
Zoneh by the Treasurer , and the petition having been duly hacked , was signed by the majority of the Silurian brethren present , in the manner prescribed by the " Book of Constitutions , " and ordered to be forwarded to the proper authorities . Three candidates were proposed for admission at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed in harmony at 9 . 55 p . m . We hear it is the intention of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . John E . W . Rolls , to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting early this summer at Monmouth .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . MARINERS' LODGE ( NO . 168 ) . —The ordinary monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on AVednesday , the 27 th ult . The chair was taken by Bro . Smythson , AV . M ., at a quarter to eight , though the hour named on the summonses was seven . The lodge was opened in the first degree with only three of its members present , namely , the AA . M ., Bro . AVakley , actiniand
as I . P . M ., Bro . Brown , S . AV . There were , however , many visitors—Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 95 S , acting as J . AV Draper , P . M . 243 , acting as I . G . ; Thompson , P . M . 5 S 7 ' Jewell , AV . M . 491 ; Pow , 1 , 003 ; Davis , 241 ; De Nigris ; Sarchet .
Channel Islands.
84 ; Luke , 243 . The minutes were read and confirmed . There was no business on the circular , and about half an hour having been occupied in considering several claims for pecuniary assistance , the lodge was closeel at half-past eight , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room . DOYLE ' S LODGE OE FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 34 ) . —On Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., the members of this lodge assembled for the monthly meetingunder the presidency of Bro . GuilbertW . M .,
, , assisted by Bros . James Gallieune , D . Prov . G . M . ; Dr . Collenette , I . P . M . ; Sparrow , P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . ; Stickland , P . M . ; Smithard , P . M . ; Churchouse , P . M . ; Martin , _ S . W . ; and James Gardner , J . W . All the other officers were in their respective places . There were also present as visitors : —Bros . Jaboneau , Orator of 590 ; Dr . Greig ; Smythson , W . M . 168 ; AV . Le Page , 243 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 95 S , and several
others . The ceremonies were conducted with musical accompaniments , the vocal parts being taken by P . M . 's Churchouse , Smithard , and Dr . Hopkins , the former presiding at tbe harmonium . The lodge was openeel at 7 . 20 by the W . M . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . Nicolls was examined as to his proficiency , anel the result being satisfactory , he was entrustedand dismissed for preparation . The lodge
, was then opened in the second degree , the candidate was readmitted , and passed to the rank of F . C . by the WM . The lecture on the second tracing board was given by the D . Prov . G . M ., with his usual accuracy anel ability . The loelge was then closeel in the second degree , anel no other business offering , was finally closed at S . 30 . The brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room for refreshment , after which the usual routine of
Masonic toasts were given , those of the D . Prov . G . M . and AA . M . being received with great enthusiasm , and appropriately responded to . The D . Prov . G . M . gave the toast of " The Visitors , " enlarging especially on the excellent qualities of Bro . Japoneau , as a good specimen of a French Mason , who , in many respects , resembled the friars of old , in his happy , cheerful conviviality , his jolly personal appearance , indicative of a contented mind , his fine intellectual head , and the kindly disposition of
his heart ; but differing from them in one respect , namely , that he was endowed with groat powers of eloquence , as befitted the Orator of a distinguished loelge . The D . Prov . G . M . also commented on the assistance kindly rendered hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins during his temporary residence in Guernsey , through whose instructions the officers had been made perfect in their respective duties , and musical arrangements hael been introduced ; thus the proceedings of the evening had iven him entire satisfaction
g and great pleasure . He desired to take this opportunity to express his personal and grateful thanks , as well as those of the members , for the useful services of Dr . Hopkins , which would cause his name to be long remembered among the Craft in Guernsey after his departure , and he called on the brethren present to join in hearty wishes for his future happiness and welfare—a sentiment which was enthusiastically received by
them . These brethren subsequently responded , Bro . Japoneau , as a French Mason , though now affiliated to a loelge in Guernsey , alluding to the international Masonic meeting to be held at Paris in June , aud , on behalf of his countrymen , offering a most cordial welcome to English Masons . At about ten o'clock a portion of the brethren withdrew , the others remaining a short time longer for social intercourse .
JERSEY . ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . S 77 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday 26 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple . The loelge was opened in due form by Bro . Dr . John Le Cronier , D . P . G . M ., AA , M ., assisted by Bros . A Sehmitt as I . P . M . ; Ph . AV . Lequesne , S . AV , ; M . Galliehan , P . M ., J . W " .,-AV . Adams , P . M ., Sec . ; Eel . D . Le Couteur , P . M ., Treas . ; AV .
J . Eckford , S . U . ; AVm . H . Long , AV . M . 958 , as I . G . ; H . L . Manuel , AA ' . M . 590 . The assemblage of members and visitors was very fair , among the latter we noticed Bros . J . Fauvel , AV . M . 245 ; AA . T . Pugsley , P . M . 245 ; John Oatley , S / W ., 590 ; and others . The minutes of the previous lodge night was read and confirmed , and a ballot was taken for Bro . R . AV . Gumming- , anel declared unanimous in favour of his admission as a joining member . The business of the evening consisted in the
installation of MAAOI . elect , anel investiture of officers . The lodge was openeel in the second degree . Thereupon the AV . 3 I . requested a brother to perform the ceremony of installing his successor , and immediately vacated the chair , which was taken by Bro . AVm . Adams . Bros . J . Le Cronier and E . D . Le Couteur then presented Bro . Ph . W . Lequesne , AV . M . elect , to the Installing