Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Channel Islands.
Master to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . He received the usual address , and gave his assent to the ancient charges , and having taken the O . B . ns regards the government of the lodge , the lodge was opened in the third degree . The brethren below the rank of W . M . were then called upon to retire , and a board of Installed Masters having been opened , the presiding officer duly installed Bro . Lequesne in the chair of K . S . as AV . M . of Royal Alfred Lodge for the ensuing yearand
, invested Bro , J . Le Cronier with the jewel of I . P . M ., lucidly explaining the import . The whole of this interesting and impressive ritual was worked with great accuracy and effect amidst an assemblage of nine P . M . ' s . The brethren were retiduvitted , and the newly-installed W . W . duly proclaimed and duly saluted in the three degrees . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers for the year , and invested those who were
present as follows : —Bros . AV- Gallichan , S . AA . ; E . D . Le Couteur , J . W . ; AV . J . Eckford , S . D . ; W . Adams , See . ; Smith , I . G . Bro . S . Le Cronier was unanimously and by acclamation elected to tbe office of Treasurer . Let it be observed , enpassant , that the W . M . was warmly congratulated on his deserved promotion to the highest station that a lodge can bestow on any of its members ; who briefly addressed the brethrenassuring
, them of his firm determination of discharging the duties of his office to the best of his abilities , appealing , at the same time , to his officers for their faithfnl co-operation . The lodge was closeel at six o ' clock in love and harmony . LODGE LA CESAEEE ( No . 590 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was helel on Thursday 2 Sth ult ., at the Masonic Temple . The lodge was openeel in ancient form bBro . H . L .
y Manuel , W . M ., assisted by Bros . C . Le Sueur , I . P . M . ; J . Oakley , S . W . ; A . Viel , J . W . ; A . Sehmitt , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Le Goupillot , Treas . ; J . T . du Jardin , P . M . ; J . Durell , P . M . ; Ph . Binet , P . M . ; Ph . Starck , I . G . The assemblage of members anel visitors was , as usual , very numerous ; amongst the latter we observed Bros . W . T . Pugsley , P . M . 245 ; H . AA . Long , W . M . 958 ; J . 0 . Le Sueur , J . W ., 491 , & c The AV . M . requested Bro .
J . T . du Jardin , P . M . to perform in English the ceremony of passing two candidates to the degree of F . C , who , in assuming the chair , begged Bro . Ph . Binet , P . M ., to act act as J . AV ., and G . J . Renouf , as S . D . Bros . N . AV . Moyse anel A . G . Cantall
were examined as to their proficiency , anel having satisfactorily acquitted themselves were passed out for preparation . In the interim the loelge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Moyse and Cantall were severally re-admitted , properly prepared , and duly passed to the degree of F . C . Freemasons . The working tools and the tracing board were lucidly explained by the Acting W . M . The lodge was thereupon lowered to the first degree . The chair was now assumed bBro . Le Sueur ,
y who informed the brethren that the next business ou the agenda was the initiation of Mr . J . AV . Buesnel , previously admitted . After all the preliminary formalities had been disposed of the candidate was initiated into the E . A . degree in clue form ; the ceremony being most impressively and ably conducted by the acting AV . M . and his officers . No further business requiring to he transacted , tbe lodge was closeel in solemn form and perfect
harmony at a quarter to ten o ' clock ; after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the rest of the evening was spent in that instructive and harmonious manner which ought ever to characterise all well-conducted lodges of Freemasons . ROYAL ALERED LODGE ( NO . 877 ) . —The first monthly meeting of this lodge after the installation of the new officers was held at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday , April 9 th . There was a large attendance of visitorsin number about 18 among whom
, , were Bros . Col . Miller , Sergeant Barrow , 244 ; John Oatley , J . AV ., 590 ; Croud , 590 ; Davis , 244 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., 43 and 958 , & c The lodge was opened at a quarter to eight by Bro . P . AV . Le Quesne , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Le Cronier , I . P . M ., and D . P . G . M ., M . Gallichan , S . AA ' ., Dr . Smith , P . M ., acting , as J . AA ., till the arrival of Bro . E . D . Le Contour , P . M ., tho ¦ appointed officer . The minutes were read by Bro . Adams , P . M .,
Sec , and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Thos . Cooke Burnell , who had been regularly proposed for initiation , which proved unanimous in his favour . He was then introduced , properly prepared , and duly initiated by the new AV . M ., who performed the ceremony in a manner very creditable to one who was presiding in the lodge for the first time . The explanation of the working tools and the delivery of the charge were undertaken hy the D . P . G . M ., who discharged the duty in a veryimpressive manner . A committee was appointed to revise the By-laws , and no other business offering , the AV . M . closed the lodge at nine o ' clock .
BOMBAY . LODGE STAR OE INDIA ( NO . 1 , 062 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 7 th February ; there were present Bros . AV . C . Penson , AV . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . and Treas ; E . AV . Keiley , S . AV . ; F . D . Parker , J . AV . ; J . Thomas , Sec . and Org . ; Alfred Swift , S . D . ; AV . S . WetherellJ . D . ; H . J . P . ThomsonI . G . ; J . AV
, , . Seager , Tyler , and many other brethren . After the ordinary business had been disposed of , the AV . M . having requested Bro . Farnham to retire , stated that as the worthy founder and P . M . of the lodge was about to depart for England , on account of his health , he wished that his services to the lodge might have some suitable recognition . He regretted that the funds of the lodge were not in a state to justify anything of an expensive
nature being clone ; but he would propose that a gold bar be presented , with a short inscription , anel that the P . M . be requested to wear it on the ribbon by which the P . M . ' s jewel he already wore was suspended . This was carried , and was also resolved that a suitable inscription on vellum be presented . It was proposed that the brethren subscribe to present some more substantial mark of their esteem to Bro . Farnhambut on its
, being mentioned that a more general movement had been set on foot , with this object , it was resolved that the brethren of this lodge join in that . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tbe banquet at half-past eight p . m . AVe believe that the W . M . of Bro . Farnham's mother lodge , the Jordan ( No . 201 ) , is to be written to and requested to procure a suitable bar or clasp , and to present it in the Jordan Lodge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . —The installation convocation of the above chapter was held on Thursday , the 11 th inst ., at the Green Man , Tooloy-street , when there were present Comps . F . AA alters , M . E . Z . ; J . AV . Halsey , as H . ; and Alfred Avery , J . Bro . J . Norrish was exalted , and a Board of Installed Principals having been formed , Comps . J . C . Gooddy
, was installed J . ; Alfrecl Avery , II . ; and E . N . Levy , M . E . Z . Then Comps . F . AValters was appointed S . E . ; A . D . Loewenstark , S . N ., Treas . ; A . P . Leonard , P . S . ; T . J . Sabine , First A . S . ; G . Morris , Second A-S . ; James AVilliam Avery , Dir . of Cers . ; M . A . Loewenstark , AA . S . ; and AV . Y . Laing , Janitor . The night of meeting was altered to the fourth Thursday in the month . Two brethren were proposed for exaltation at the next
meeting , and a massive P . Z-jewel was presented to the retiring M . E . Z ., together with the Charity jewel , with the bar , to which he was entitled . The P . Z . jewel bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Comp . Frederick Walters , P . Z ., by the voluntary subscriptions of the members of the Mount Lebanon Chapter ( No . 73 ) , as a mark of their respect and esteem , and in recognition of his valuable services as one of the founders and their second M . E . Z . A . L . ( No . 5807 ) April 11 th 1867 . " The
in-, , , , scription certainly might have been grammatically expressed , but we suppose it answered its purpose . The P . Z . in a suitable speech , acknowledged the compliment paid him by tbe presents , and reminded the companions that he was Steward for the next Festival of tho Girl ' s School . The chapter was then closed , and the usual good banquet followed . Alsitor : J . W . Halsey , H . 507 .
INDIA . BOMBAY . —Keystone Chapter ( No . 757 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the 12 th February . Present : —Comps . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . Z . ; Alfred King , Past P . Z . and H . ; J . Anderson , Past P . Z . ; II . if . Avron , P . J . ; Trenn , Scribe E . ; & c . The chapter having been duly opened by the Principalsthe companions were
ad-, mitted . The minutes of the last regular meeting having been confirmed , Comp . Farnham proceeded to instal Comp . H . H . Avron , first into the chair of H ., and theu into that of Z . Comp . Gumpert , the H . elect , not being present , Comp . Alfred King then proceeded to instal Comp . E . Parker into the chair of J . The companions were then admitted , and the several officers were duly invested .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
Master to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . He received the usual address , and gave his assent to the ancient charges , and having taken the O . B . ns regards the government of the lodge , the lodge was opened in the third degree . The brethren below the rank of W . M . were then called upon to retire , and a board of Installed Masters having been opened , the presiding officer duly installed Bro . Lequesne in the chair of K . S . as AV . M . of Royal Alfred Lodge for the ensuing yearand
, invested Bro , J . Le Cronier with the jewel of I . P . M ., lucidly explaining the import . The whole of this interesting and impressive ritual was worked with great accuracy and effect amidst an assemblage of nine P . M . ' s . The brethren were retiduvitted , and the newly-installed W . W . duly proclaimed and duly saluted in the three degrees . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers for the year , and invested those who were
present as follows : —Bros . AV- Gallichan , S . AA . ; E . D . Le Couteur , J . W . ; AV . J . Eckford , S . D . ; W . Adams , See . ; Smith , I . G . Bro . S . Le Cronier was unanimously and by acclamation elected to tbe office of Treasurer . Let it be observed , enpassant , that the W . M . was warmly congratulated on his deserved promotion to the highest station that a lodge can bestow on any of its members ; who briefly addressed the brethrenassuring
, them of his firm determination of discharging the duties of his office to the best of his abilities , appealing , at the same time , to his officers for their faithfnl co-operation . The lodge was closeel at six o ' clock in love and harmony . LODGE LA CESAEEE ( No . 590 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was helel on Thursday 2 Sth ult ., at the Masonic Temple . The lodge was openeel in ancient form bBro . H . L .
y Manuel , W . M ., assisted by Bros . C . Le Sueur , I . P . M . ; J . Oakley , S . W . ; A . Viel , J . W . ; A . Sehmitt , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Le Goupillot , Treas . ; J . T . du Jardin , P . M . ; J . Durell , P . M . ; Ph . Binet , P . M . ; Ph . Starck , I . G . The assemblage of members anel visitors was , as usual , very numerous ; amongst the latter we observed Bros . W . T . Pugsley , P . M . 245 ; H . AA . Long , W . M . 958 ; J . 0 . Le Sueur , J . W ., 491 , & c The AV . M . requested Bro .
J . T . du Jardin , P . M . to perform in English the ceremony of passing two candidates to the degree of F . C , who , in assuming the chair , begged Bro . Ph . Binet , P . M ., to act act as J . AV ., and G . J . Renouf , as S . D . Bros . N . AV . Moyse anel A . G . Cantall
were examined as to their proficiency , anel having satisfactorily acquitted themselves were passed out for preparation . In the interim the loelge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Moyse and Cantall were severally re-admitted , properly prepared , and duly passed to the degree of F . C . Freemasons . The working tools and the tracing board were lucidly explained by the Acting W . M . The lodge was thereupon lowered to the first degree . The chair was now assumed bBro . Le Sueur ,
y who informed the brethren that the next business ou the agenda was the initiation of Mr . J . AV . Buesnel , previously admitted . After all the preliminary formalities had been disposed of the candidate was initiated into the E . A . degree in clue form ; the ceremony being most impressively and ably conducted by the acting AV . M . and his officers . No further business requiring to he transacted , tbe lodge was closeel in solemn form and perfect
harmony at a quarter to ten o ' clock ; after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the rest of the evening was spent in that instructive and harmonious manner which ought ever to characterise all well-conducted lodges of Freemasons . ROYAL ALERED LODGE ( NO . 877 ) . —The first monthly meeting of this lodge after the installation of the new officers was held at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday , April 9 th . There was a large attendance of visitorsin number about 18 among whom
, , were Bros . Col . Miller , Sergeant Barrow , 244 ; John Oatley , J . AV ., 590 ; Croud , 590 ; Davis , 244 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., 43 and 958 , & c The lodge was opened at a quarter to eight by Bro . P . AV . Le Quesne , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Le Cronier , I . P . M ., and D . P . G . M ., M . Gallichan , S . AA ' ., Dr . Smith , P . M ., acting , as J . AA ., till the arrival of Bro . E . D . Le Contour , P . M ., tho ¦ appointed officer . The minutes were read by Bro . Adams , P . M .,
Sec , and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Thos . Cooke Burnell , who had been regularly proposed for initiation , which proved unanimous in his favour . He was then introduced , properly prepared , and duly initiated by the new AV . M ., who performed the ceremony in a manner very creditable to one who was presiding in the lodge for the first time . The explanation of the working tools and the delivery of the charge were undertaken hy the D . P . G . M ., who discharged the duty in a veryimpressive manner . A committee was appointed to revise the By-laws , and no other business offering , the AV . M . closed the lodge at nine o ' clock .
BOMBAY . LODGE STAR OE INDIA ( NO . 1 , 062 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 7 th February ; there were present Bros . AV . C . Penson , AV . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . and Treas ; E . AV . Keiley , S . AV . ; F . D . Parker , J . AV . ; J . Thomas , Sec . and Org . ; Alfred Swift , S . D . ; AV . S . WetherellJ . D . ; H . J . P . ThomsonI . G . ; J . AV
, , . Seager , Tyler , and many other brethren . After the ordinary business had been disposed of , the AV . M . having requested Bro . Farnham to retire , stated that as the worthy founder and P . M . of the lodge was about to depart for England , on account of his health , he wished that his services to the lodge might have some suitable recognition . He regretted that the funds of the lodge were not in a state to justify anything of an expensive
nature being clone ; but he would propose that a gold bar be presented , with a short inscription , anel that the P . M . be requested to wear it on the ribbon by which the P . M . ' s jewel he already wore was suspended . This was carried , and was also resolved that a suitable inscription on vellum be presented . It was proposed that the brethren subscribe to present some more substantial mark of their esteem to Bro . Farnhambut on its
, being mentioned that a more general movement had been set on foot , with this object , it was resolved that the brethren of this lodge join in that . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tbe banquet at half-past eight p . m . AVe believe that the W . M . of Bro . Farnham's mother lodge , the Jordan ( No . 201 ) , is to be written to and requested to procure a suitable bar or clasp , and to present it in the Jordan Lodge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . —The installation convocation of the above chapter was held on Thursday , the 11 th inst ., at the Green Man , Tooloy-street , when there were present Comps . F . AA alters , M . E . Z . ; J . AV . Halsey , as H . ; and Alfred Avery , J . Bro . J . Norrish was exalted , and a Board of Installed Principals having been formed , Comps . J . C . Gooddy
, was installed J . ; Alfrecl Avery , II . ; and E . N . Levy , M . E . Z . Then Comps . F . AValters was appointed S . E . ; A . D . Loewenstark , S . N ., Treas . ; A . P . Leonard , P . S . ; T . J . Sabine , First A . S . ; G . Morris , Second A-S . ; James AVilliam Avery , Dir . of Cers . ; M . A . Loewenstark , AA . S . ; and AV . Y . Laing , Janitor . The night of meeting was altered to the fourth Thursday in the month . Two brethren were proposed for exaltation at the next
meeting , and a massive P . Z-jewel was presented to the retiring M . E . Z ., together with the Charity jewel , with the bar , to which he was entitled . The P . Z . jewel bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Comp . Frederick Walters , P . Z ., by the voluntary subscriptions of the members of the Mount Lebanon Chapter ( No . 73 ) , as a mark of their respect and esteem , and in recognition of his valuable services as one of the founders and their second M . E . Z . A . L . ( No . 5807 ) April 11 th 1867 . " The
in-, , , , scription certainly might have been grammatically expressed , but we suppose it answered its purpose . The P . Z . in a suitable speech , acknowledged the compliment paid him by tbe presents , and reminded the companions that he was Steward for the next Festival of tho Girl ' s School . The chapter was then closed , and the usual good banquet followed . Alsitor : J . W . Halsey , H . 507 .
INDIA . BOMBAY . —Keystone Chapter ( No . 757 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the 12 th February . Present : —Comps . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . Z . ; Alfred King , Past P . Z . and H . ; J . Anderson , Past P . Z . ; II . if . Avron , P . J . ; Trenn , Scribe E . ; & c . The chapter having been duly opened by the Principalsthe companions were
ad-, mitted . The minutes of the last regular meeting having been confirmed , Comp . Farnham proceeded to instal Comp . H . H . Avron , first into the chair of H ., and theu into that of Z . Comp . Gumpert , the H . elect , not being present , Comp . Alfred King then proceeded to instal Comp . E . Parker into the chair of J . The companions were then admitted , and the several officers were duly invested .