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Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia.
tion , after some difficulties and considerable delay , on the score of formalities , was finally confirmed to the purchaser ' s successor , the redoubted sixth earl . This magnificent abbey and its monastic buildings , up to the period of the grant to Melville
of its temporalities , appear to have remained uninjured , though , doubtless , for some considerable time in an utterly neglected condition . Pont , Avho visited the abbey in about 10 years after the ¦ event , states its destruction to have been consum *
mated in the year 1591—a date corresponding to Melville's acquisition , and not improbably connected with that event .
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
By > J < Bro . WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , 18 ° , & c . ( Continued from page 283 . ) An elaborate letter and petition to Grand Lodge is inserted in fche minute book dated 19 fch January 1818 , respecting the "Book of Constitutions , "
and the emergency clauses previously referred to , and the whole question is fully explained on behalf ef the Master and Wardens of the Love and
Honour Lodge . It occupies two sheets ( closely written ) of large minute book , and evinces much ability on the part of the composer , Avho is most anxious for a change being made for the benefit of the members . As no answer appears to this
¦ document , we suppose it was unfavourably acknowledged by the Grand Secretary . The new Secretary appointed at this time , believed in * ' spreading out" his records , and in transcribing very little of the labours of the lodge , hence , for
some time , the minutes are but meagre , and those most indifferently written . The anniversary of St . John the Evangelist falling on Sunday , the annual meeting was postponed to the Monday folloAving , Avhen it Avas proposed that a subscription
be entered into by the present members for the relief of the most indigent persons in the town of Falmouth , and that the sum so collected be laid out in bread and distributed amongst a given number of poor persons as a gift from the lodge .
We feel much gratified in stating that the brethren nobly responded to this appeal , and having given liberally , they had the pleasure of feeding upwards of one hundred and twenty poor people for some time . Bro . J . Ellis Avas re-elected to the chair * of the lodge , and in appointing his
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
officers for the ensuing * year , expressed a ho ] " ) e that they would , in conjunction with himself and the members , endeavour to promote the prosperity and Masonic Avelfare of the lodge . A new Secretary was appointed , and from his carefally recorded
minutes Ave are able to present some information regarding an important meeting held in consequence of the following circular : — Redruth , 30 fch April , 1819 . " Dear Sir and Brother . —Having- been informed
on good authority that the making , passing , and raising are not performed in the several lodges in this province in the same forms , and it being desirable for the good of the Craft , that the same forms should be used throughout the province , by
virtue of the powers vested in me , I appoint the several Masters of lodges in the province to meet me at Wynn ' s Hotel , in Falmouth , on Friday , the 14 fch day of May next , by eleven o'clock in the forenoon , to settle the precise forms to be used in
future in performing the ceremonies above-mentioned in each and every lodge Avithin the province , and in case any cause should occur to prevent the Master of the lodge from attending the meeting , then he must appoint some brother that is a
member of his lodge , and learned in those ceremonies , to attend in his stead , so that each lodge irr the province may be duly represented at the meeting . I am dear , Sir and Brother , with fraternal regard ,. Yours most faithfully , THOMAS WABBEN ,
D . P . G . M . for the County of Cornwall . To the Master of the Lodge of Love and Honour , Falmoufch . In compliance with the above notice , the several Masters of the lodges in the province of Cornwall
assembled at the Love and Honour lodge room , on tlie day appointed , when the D . Prov . G . M . ( having stated his reasons for summoning the meeting ) said he was given to understand that the Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 110 ) , Falmouth , was the only lodge
in possession of the regular forms of opening and closing in the different degrees , and for making , passing , and raising according to the plan recently laid down by the United Grand Lodge of England , and he therefore requested the W . M . of that lodge
to take the chair , and to perform the various ceremonies in Craft Masonry , with his Wardens and other officers . Accordingly Bro . J . Ellis , the W . M . took the chair and post of honour , when he requested the worthy D . Prov . G . M . to take the chair at his right hand ( being a distinguished visitor ) , and Bro . J . T Vivian , P . M . 110 , and Prov . S . G . W ., on his left , as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia.
tion , after some difficulties and considerable delay , on the score of formalities , was finally confirmed to the purchaser ' s successor , the redoubted sixth earl . This magnificent abbey and its monastic buildings , up to the period of the grant to Melville
of its temporalities , appear to have remained uninjured , though , doubtless , for some considerable time in an utterly neglected condition . Pont , Avho visited the abbey in about 10 years after the ¦ event , states its destruction to have been consum *
mated in the year 1591—a date corresponding to Melville's acquisition , and not improbably connected with that event .
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
By > J < Bro . WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , 18 ° , & c . ( Continued from page 283 . ) An elaborate letter and petition to Grand Lodge is inserted in fche minute book dated 19 fch January 1818 , respecting the "Book of Constitutions , "
and the emergency clauses previously referred to , and the whole question is fully explained on behalf ef the Master and Wardens of the Love and
Honour Lodge . It occupies two sheets ( closely written ) of large minute book , and evinces much ability on the part of the composer , Avho is most anxious for a change being made for the benefit of the members . As no answer appears to this
¦ document , we suppose it was unfavourably acknowledged by the Grand Secretary . The new Secretary appointed at this time , believed in * ' spreading out" his records , and in transcribing very little of the labours of the lodge , hence , for
some time , the minutes are but meagre , and those most indifferently written . The anniversary of St . John the Evangelist falling on Sunday , the annual meeting was postponed to the Monday folloAving , Avhen it Avas proposed that a subscription
be entered into by the present members for the relief of the most indigent persons in the town of Falmouth , and that the sum so collected be laid out in bread and distributed amongst a given number of poor persons as a gift from the lodge .
We feel much gratified in stating that the brethren nobly responded to this appeal , and having given liberally , they had the pleasure of feeding upwards of one hundred and twenty poor people for some time . Bro . J . Ellis Avas re-elected to the chair * of the lodge , and in appointing his
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
officers for the ensuing * year , expressed a ho ] " ) e that they would , in conjunction with himself and the members , endeavour to promote the prosperity and Masonic Avelfare of the lodge . A new Secretary was appointed , and from his carefally recorded
minutes Ave are able to present some information regarding an important meeting held in consequence of the following circular : — Redruth , 30 fch April , 1819 . " Dear Sir and Brother . —Having- been informed
on good authority that the making , passing , and raising are not performed in the several lodges in this province in the same forms , and it being desirable for the good of the Craft , that the same forms should be used throughout the province , by
virtue of the powers vested in me , I appoint the several Masters of lodges in the province to meet me at Wynn ' s Hotel , in Falmouth , on Friday , the 14 fch day of May next , by eleven o'clock in the forenoon , to settle the precise forms to be used in
future in performing the ceremonies above-mentioned in each and every lodge Avithin the province , and in case any cause should occur to prevent the Master of the lodge from attending the meeting , then he must appoint some brother that is a
member of his lodge , and learned in those ceremonies , to attend in his stead , so that each lodge irr the province may be duly represented at the meeting . I am dear , Sir and Brother , with fraternal regard ,. Yours most faithfully , THOMAS WABBEN ,
D . P . G . M . for the County of Cornwall . To the Master of the Lodge of Love and Honour , Falmoufch . In compliance with the above notice , the several Masters of the lodges in the province of Cornwall
assembled at the Love and Honour lodge room , on tlie day appointed , when the D . Prov . G . M . ( having stated his reasons for summoning the meeting ) said he was given to understand that the Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 110 ) , Falmouth , was the only lodge
in possession of the regular forms of opening and closing in the different degrees , and for making , passing , and raising according to the plan recently laid down by the United Grand Lodge of England , and he therefore requested the W . M . of that lodge
to take the chair , and to perform the various ceremonies in Craft Masonry , with his Wardens and other officers . Accordingly Bro . J . Ellis , the W . M . took the chair and post of honour , when he requested the worthy D . Prov . G . M . to take the chair at his right hand ( being a distinguished visitor ) , and Bro . J . T Vivian , P . M . 110 , and Prov . S . G . W ., on his left , as