Article THE MODEL MASTER. ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC JOTTINGS, No. 70. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC JOTTINGS, No. 70. Page 1 of 1 Article TENETS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Model Master.
Notes , notices this truth , and describes himself as lying drowsily on a vessel's deck , looking up and through the sky . This trembling transparency , in popular apprehension , intervenes between earth and heaven , man and his Creator .
Let us , as Masons , when we see the blue decorations in our lodges , look nob at them , but through them , to their high symbolic meaning—Constancy , Fidelity , Generosity , Benevolence , Love , and Truth . The Blue Lodge is but a type
or shadow of the glorious Grand Lodge above , where , if we fail to obtain au entrance , our many entrances and exits here below will have been but the merest vanities . To obtain this hi gher entrance , we must endure hardships , as good soldiers .
Let us illustrate . The sapphire is one of the most beautiful of stones , of a deep blue color , and great lustre . Some varieties , by exposure to heat , become pure white . So when we shall have passed from the Blue Lodge below to the Grand
Lodge above , our blue will he changed to pure white , and we " shall shine as tho stars for ever and ever . " —Keystone .
Masonic Jottings, No. 70.
BY A PAST PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTER . DESAGULIERS . The Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent , in a short biographical notice of Desaguliers ,
Freemasons' Magazine , vol . xviii ., page 411 , observes that it seems somewhat improbable that such a man as Desaguliers should , on the revival of an institution which was in its old state Christian , have made it in its new state Theistic .
THE TUTORED MIND . Brother , meditation on the Great Architect of the Universe , and the contemplation of His glorious works are Spiritualistic Masonry , and tire not the tutored mind . HISTORIES OF GREECE AND ROME .
Brother—You forbear to eliminate myths and legends from the history of Greece and the history -of Rome . Forbear also to eliminate them from the history of Masonry . RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OE THE GRAND LODGE OP
THE THREE GLOBES , BERLIN . The Religious System of the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes , Berlin , includes the English Charges of 1723 , but excludes those of 1738 .
Masonic Jottings, No. 70.
IGNORANCE AND ECCENTRICITY Ignorance and Eccentricity may deny the existence of our English Masonry before the year 1717 , as ignorance and eccentricity a few months ago denied the rotundity of the earth .
RELIGION OP THE OLD MASONS . The Charges of 1723 inform us that the Religion of the old Masons was the Religion of their country or nation , whatever that Religion was . THEORETICALLY CONSIDERED . Theoretically considered our Form of
Government is not the best ; and theoretically considered our Masonry is not the best . But the prudent man pauses long before he sanctions alteration in the former ; and the instructed Mason will pause long before he meddles with the Landmarks of the
latter . WITH WHAT RELIGION THE ENGLISH LODGE OVERFLOWS . It is with Christianity , its Religion as a Particular Freemasonry , and not with Natural Theology , its Religion as a Universal Freemasonry that the English Lodge overflows .
THE 1717 THEORY . A Correspondent is altogether wrong . First , the theory is by no means new . It was not unknown to me half a century ago . Next , no one objects that the theory appears in our periodical but all object that it should so often have been
propounded in words not fitting . SYMBOLISM ' . This Science has ever been Masonry ' s great assistant in her religious and moral teachings . OUR OLD LECTURES . Our old Lectures had no legislative force .
Tenets Of Knighthood.
It was at Jerusalem that the tragedy was enacted , which gave rise to the Order of the Temple—the principles of whicli are purely Christian , and are practised for the noble end of filling men ' s hearts with the religion of the Cross .
A . nd when we see one who' bears the cross in our ranks , and yet not lives the life of the cross , he is there hy fraud—occupying the Iscariot tent ! The great and glorious light of the Knight Templar , is the Resurrection of the body . Upon
the bodily resurrection of our Lord rests the fabric of Christianit y . Sweep away that event and the superstructure of our Knighthood crumbles into fragments , never to be re-united , while the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Model Master.
Notes , notices this truth , and describes himself as lying drowsily on a vessel's deck , looking up and through the sky . This trembling transparency , in popular apprehension , intervenes between earth and heaven , man and his Creator .
Let us , as Masons , when we see the blue decorations in our lodges , look nob at them , but through them , to their high symbolic meaning—Constancy , Fidelity , Generosity , Benevolence , Love , and Truth . The Blue Lodge is but a type
or shadow of the glorious Grand Lodge above , where , if we fail to obtain au entrance , our many entrances and exits here below will have been but the merest vanities . To obtain this hi gher entrance , we must endure hardships , as good soldiers .
Let us illustrate . The sapphire is one of the most beautiful of stones , of a deep blue color , and great lustre . Some varieties , by exposure to heat , become pure white . So when we shall have passed from the Blue Lodge below to the Grand
Lodge above , our blue will he changed to pure white , and we " shall shine as tho stars for ever and ever . " —Keystone .
Masonic Jottings, No. 70.
BY A PAST PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTER . DESAGULIERS . The Past Provincial Grand Master for Kent , in a short biographical notice of Desaguliers ,
Freemasons' Magazine , vol . xviii ., page 411 , observes that it seems somewhat improbable that such a man as Desaguliers should , on the revival of an institution which was in its old state Christian , have made it in its new state Theistic .
THE TUTORED MIND . Brother , meditation on the Great Architect of the Universe , and the contemplation of His glorious works are Spiritualistic Masonry , and tire not the tutored mind . HISTORIES OF GREECE AND ROME .
Brother—You forbear to eliminate myths and legends from the history of Greece and the history -of Rome . Forbear also to eliminate them from the history of Masonry . RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OE THE GRAND LODGE OP
THE THREE GLOBES , BERLIN . The Religious System of the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes , Berlin , includes the English Charges of 1723 , but excludes those of 1738 .
Masonic Jottings, No. 70.
IGNORANCE AND ECCENTRICITY Ignorance and Eccentricity may deny the existence of our English Masonry before the year 1717 , as ignorance and eccentricity a few months ago denied the rotundity of the earth .
RELIGION OP THE OLD MASONS . The Charges of 1723 inform us that the Religion of the old Masons was the Religion of their country or nation , whatever that Religion was . THEORETICALLY CONSIDERED . Theoretically considered our Form of
Government is not the best ; and theoretically considered our Masonry is not the best . But the prudent man pauses long before he sanctions alteration in the former ; and the instructed Mason will pause long before he meddles with the Landmarks of the
latter . WITH WHAT RELIGION THE ENGLISH LODGE OVERFLOWS . It is with Christianity , its Religion as a Particular Freemasonry , and not with Natural Theology , its Religion as a Universal Freemasonry that the English Lodge overflows .
THE 1717 THEORY . A Correspondent is altogether wrong . First , the theory is by no means new . It was not unknown to me half a century ago . Next , no one objects that the theory appears in our periodical but all object that it should so often have been
propounded in words not fitting . SYMBOLISM ' . This Science has ever been Masonry ' s great assistant in her religious and moral teachings . OUR OLD LECTURES . Our old Lectures had no legislative force .
Tenets Of Knighthood.
It was at Jerusalem that the tragedy was enacted , which gave rise to the Order of the Temple—the principles of whicli are purely Christian , and are practised for the noble end of filling men ' s hearts with the religion of the Cross .
A . nd when we see one who' bears the cross in our ranks , and yet not lives the life of the cross , he is there hy fraud—occupying the Iscariot tent ! The great and glorious light of the Knight Templar , is the Resurrection of the body . Upon
the bodily resurrection of our Lord rests the fabric of Christianit y . Sweep away that event and the superstructure of our Knighthood crumbles into fragments , never to be re-united , while the