Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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of the lodge . This interesting part of the proceedings of the evening being over , it was unanimously agreed that the first act of the lodge should be to become subscribers to the various Masonic charities . The lodge was then closed . in solemn form , and adjourned from labour to refreshment . The W . M ! presided over the Banquet , ably supported by the various officers of the lodge . The following toasts were given and cordially , responded to : — "The Queen ; " "The Prince and Princess of . Wales ,
and Royal Family ; " "The Earl of Zetland ; " "The Earl De Grey and Ripon ; " "The Prov . G . M . " of Suffolk , Col . Adair ;" * ' The Lodge , and success to it , united with the name of the S . W . ; " "The newly initiated brothers ; " "The Officers of the Lodge ; " " The joining members , " and " The Lady Contributors . " The toasts were duly honoured by the brethren . The repast , provided by the host , Bro . J . Garrod , gave very great ¦ satisfaction , and a most agreeable and harmonious evening was passed by all .
A ICTORIA . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( E . C . ) The following officers were appointed at the fast Provincial Grand Lodge , " E . G ., by the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . C . Standish : — Bro . II . St . John Clarke D . Prov . G . M . „ Hcnvy Harris Prov . S . G . W .
„ T . Loader , M . L . A Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . C . P . ii . Burdm Prov . G . Chaplain . „ J . H . Lempriere Prov . G . Sec . „ R . H . Emery Prov . S . G . D . „ Bev . H . Wyatt Prov . J . G . D . „ F . M . White Prov . G . Supt . of W . „ Wm . Daish Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ C . E . Horsley Prov . G . Org .
„ John Whiteman Prov . G . Purst . „ John Taylor Smith Prov . G . Tyler . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE ( S . C . ) The regular communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Wednesday , the 22 nd April . The R . W . D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Wilson opened the Grand
Lodge in form . Bro . Barnes , W . M ., of the Kilwinning Lodge , acted as S . W . ; Bro . Thompson , W . M ., Uuited Tradesmen's Lodge , Geeloug , acted as J . W . The minutes of the last communication were read and confirmed .
The Treasurer stated the balance to the credit of the Grand Lodge . Several letters were read which had passed between the Grand Lodge of Scotland and tbe Provincial . Grand Lodge , which contained complaints of the want of . punctuality in the carrespondence of the Grand Lodge of Scotland with the lodges under its jurisdiction in this colony , and it was asked in one of the letters from the Prov . Grand Lodge whether the Grand
Secretary had forgotten that such a place as Victoria existed . A letter from the United Tradesmen's Lodge , Geelong , requesting the opinion of the Prov . Grand Lodge on the right of a private lodge to adjudicate between brethren in case of a dispute . Theright worshipful tlieD . Prov . G . M . said that the Prov . G . Lodge was placed in tlujsame position as a court of justice , and might be appealed to by any brother of the United Tradesmen's
Lodge , they therefore could not express an opinion on a subject 3 iot before them , and which they might be called to judge ; he therefore without entering intering into the merits of the case , directed the Prov . G . Secretary to inform the United Tradesmen's Lodge that all lodges under the Scotch Constitution have power to hear and adjudicate on any question of dispute between the members , and that these powers are defined by the Book of Constitutions ; but that the members have a right to appeal
from that decision to the Prov . Grand Lodge . Two letters , soliciting relief , were then considered , and no funds from the Prov . Grand Lodge being available , the W . M . of the St . Clair , Kilwinning , and Lodge of Judah undertook to investigate the claims and to relieve the brethren . The following Prov . G . officers were appointed : — Bro . Hon . Wm . Clark Haines , M . L . A ... Prov . G . Master . „ W . P . Wilson Dep . Prov . G . Master .
Bro . John Davison .,, Sub . Prov . G . Master , „ Thomas Read Prov . S . G . Warden . „ John Swanson Sprent Prov . J . G . Warden . „ Henry Francis Eaton Prov . G . Treasurer . „ John Edwards Prov . G . Secretary . „ Benjamin Cosway Haniraau Prov . G . Clerk . " David Edward Thomson Prov . S . G . Deacon . " Alfred Tartakover Prov . J . G . Deacon .
„ Frederick Barnes Prov . G . Architect . „ Louis Barwin . Prov . G . Jeweller . „ George Whitley Stokes Prov . G . . Dir . Cers . „ John Edwards , M . L . A Prov . G . Bard . „ Thomas Perrin Prov . G . Sword B . „ R . J . Paling Prov . G . Organist . „ Henry Taylor } p „ g , , ,, Theophilus Lightfoot j 1 r ( n ^ btew
arUSThe D . Prov . G . Master informed the W . M ' s . that he had given his consent to the publication of reports of lodges , but that consent could not apply to the publication of any report ivhich may be requested by any W . M . not to be published . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed with prayer . Bro . Thomas Reed was not able to attend iu his place as Prov . Grand Senior Warden , on account of illness . Bro . Barnes apologised for his absence .
MELBOURNE . —Lodge of Australia Felix ( No . 697 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place at St . Patrick's hall , Bourke-street , on Monday , the 13 th April . Bro . Noone , W . M ., in the chair . Although there was not much business before the lodge , still the brethren were much pleased with the manner in which the W . M . performed the ceremony of the third degree , this being the first time the W . M . went through that beautiful portion of our ritual , the brethren may therefore congratulate themselves on having a brother tor W . M . who is highly esteemed , and who is so well able to conduct the business of the chair .
Washington Lodge ( No . 368 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at their lodge rooms , Ulster Hotel , on Monday , the 13 th April . Mr . D . Azaro Osbourne was regularly initiated into the mysteries of the first , or degree . Bro . Wylie received his second degree . Bro . Rose announced that a Royal Arch Chapter , in connection with Washington Lodge , would be opened during the week . Bro . Gerschele proposed Mr . Montgomery Williams as a fit aud proper person to receive the benefits
of Masonry . Lodge then closed . Kilivhming Lodge . —This lodge held their monthly meeting at St . Patrick's Hall , on Tuesday , the 14 th April . W . Master Barns , after the usual lodge business , said that he had invited their brothev P . M . Taall ' e to deliver a lecture on Masonry to the lodge , and after some complimentary remarks about- the lecturerhoped to seeon the next monthly nihta large number
, , g , of the brethren . Bro . P . M . Taafl ' e accepted the invitation , and rejoiced that his humble efforts were deemed of utility to the . body he had honour to belong to . He would caution the members not to expect a Masonic , lecture , but a lecture on Masonry only . Brethren knew the distinction ; a Masonic lecture was one given by authority , and all were bound to agree
with it ; the other was only the expression of the opinion of the lecturer , and the brethren might either adopt his views or not . Some accounts were then paid , and the lodge closed as usual with prayer . EAST COLLTNGWOOD . — Kent Lodge . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday . All the officers were present . Bro . Johnson , P . M . was elected an honorary member ; Bro . Woodin received his second degree ; and
Bros . Tanner and Austin were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . At an . early hour the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . PRAUKAN — The Lulce of Leinster Lodge ( No . 424 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge ( Irish Constitution ) , was held at the Royal George , Prahran , on Tuesday , April 10 th ,. Bro . C . JohnsonW . M . After the usual businessBro . Capt . Charles
, , M'Mahon received the second degree , and at an early hour the lodge closed in peace and lK . rmony . An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Rros . Capfc . M'Mahon and F . G . Gould were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . As no other business could be transacted in the emergency lodge , it was closed with the usual ceremonies .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of the lodge . This interesting part of the proceedings of the evening being over , it was unanimously agreed that the first act of the lodge should be to become subscribers to the various Masonic charities . The lodge was then closed . in solemn form , and adjourned from labour to refreshment . The W . M ! presided over the Banquet , ably supported by the various officers of the lodge . The following toasts were given and cordially , responded to : — "The Queen ; " "The Prince and Princess of . Wales ,
and Royal Family ; " "The Earl of Zetland ; " "The Earl De Grey and Ripon ; " "The Prov . G . M . " of Suffolk , Col . Adair ;" * ' The Lodge , and success to it , united with the name of the S . W . ; " "The newly initiated brothers ; " "The Officers of the Lodge ; " " The joining members , " and " The Lady Contributors . " The toasts were duly honoured by the brethren . The repast , provided by the host , Bro . J . Garrod , gave very great ¦ satisfaction , and a most agreeable and harmonious evening was passed by all .
A ICTORIA . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . ( E . C . ) The following officers were appointed at the fast Provincial Grand Lodge , " E . G ., by the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . C . Standish : — Bro . II . St . John Clarke D . Prov . G . M . „ Hcnvy Harris Prov . S . G . W .
„ T . Loader , M . L . A Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . C . P . ii . Burdm Prov . G . Chaplain . „ J . H . Lempriere Prov . G . Sec . „ R . H . Emery Prov . S . G . D . „ Bev . H . Wyatt Prov . J . G . D . „ F . M . White Prov . G . Supt . of W . „ Wm . Daish Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ C . E . Horsley Prov . G . Org .
„ John Whiteman Prov . G . Purst . „ John Taylor Smith Prov . G . Tyler . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE ( S . C . ) The regular communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Wednesday , the 22 nd April . The R . W . D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Wilson opened the Grand
Lodge in form . Bro . Barnes , W . M ., of the Kilwinning Lodge , acted as S . W . ; Bro . Thompson , W . M ., Uuited Tradesmen's Lodge , Geeloug , acted as J . W . The minutes of the last communication were read and confirmed .
The Treasurer stated the balance to the credit of the Grand Lodge . Several letters were read which had passed between the Grand Lodge of Scotland and tbe Provincial . Grand Lodge , which contained complaints of the want of . punctuality in the carrespondence of the Grand Lodge of Scotland with the lodges under its jurisdiction in this colony , and it was asked in one of the letters from the Prov . Grand Lodge whether the Grand
Secretary had forgotten that such a place as Victoria existed . A letter from the United Tradesmen's Lodge , Geelong , requesting the opinion of the Prov . Grand Lodge on the right of a private lodge to adjudicate between brethren in case of a dispute . Theright worshipful tlieD . Prov . G . M . said that the Prov . G . Lodge was placed in tlujsame position as a court of justice , and might be appealed to by any brother of the United Tradesmen's
Lodge , they therefore could not express an opinion on a subject 3 iot before them , and which they might be called to judge ; he therefore without entering intering into the merits of the case , directed the Prov . G . Secretary to inform the United Tradesmen's Lodge that all lodges under the Scotch Constitution have power to hear and adjudicate on any question of dispute between the members , and that these powers are defined by the Book of Constitutions ; but that the members have a right to appeal
from that decision to the Prov . Grand Lodge . Two letters , soliciting relief , were then considered , and no funds from the Prov . Grand Lodge being available , the W . M . of the St . Clair , Kilwinning , and Lodge of Judah undertook to investigate the claims and to relieve the brethren . The following Prov . G . officers were appointed : — Bro . Hon . Wm . Clark Haines , M . L . A ... Prov . G . Master . „ W . P . Wilson Dep . Prov . G . Master .
Bro . John Davison .,, Sub . Prov . G . Master , „ Thomas Read Prov . S . G . Warden . „ John Swanson Sprent Prov . J . G . Warden . „ Henry Francis Eaton Prov . G . Treasurer . „ John Edwards Prov . G . Secretary . „ Benjamin Cosway Haniraau Prov . G . Clerk . " David Edward Thomson Prov . S . G . Deacon . " Alfred Tartakover Prov . J . G . Deacon .
„ Frederick Barnes Prov . G . Architect . „ Louis Barwin . Prov . G . Jeweller . „ George Whitley Stokes Prov . G . . Dir . Cers . „ John Edwards , M . L . A Prov . G . Bard . „ Thomas Perrin Prov . G . Sword B . „ R . J . Paling Prov . G . Organist . „ Henry Taylor } p „ g , , ,, Theophilus Lightfoot j 1 r ( n ^ btew
arUSThe D . Prov . G . Master informed the W . M ' s . that he had given his consent to the publication of reports of lodges , but that consent could not apply to the publication of any report ivhich may be requested by any W . M . not to be published . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed with prayer . Bro . Thomas Reed was not able to attend iu his place as Prov . Grand Senior Warden , on account of illness . Bro . Barnes apologised for his absence .
MELBOURNE . —Lodge of Australia Felix ( No . 697 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place at St . Patrick's hall , Bourke-street , on Monday , the 13 th April . Bro . Noone , W . M ., in the chair . Although there was not much business before the lodge , still the brethren were much pleased with the manner in which the W . M . performed the ceremony of the third degree , this being the first time the W . M . went through that beautiful portion of our ritual , the brethren may therefore congratulate themselves on having a brother tor W . M . who is highly esteemed , and who is so well able to conduct the business of the chair .
Washington Lodge ( No . 368 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at their lodge rooms , Ulster Hotel , on Monday , the 13 th April . Mr . D . Azaro Osbourne was regularly initiated into the mysteries of the first , or degree . Bro . Wylie received his second degree . Bro . Rose announced that a Royal Arch Chapter , in connection with Washington Lodge , would be opened during the week . Bro . Gerschele proposed Mr . Montgomery Williams as a fit aud proper person to receive the benefits
of Masonry . Lodge then closed . Kilivhming Lodge . —This lodge held their monthly meeting at St . Patrick's Hall , on Tuesday , the 14 th April . W . Master Barns , after the usual lodge business , said that he had invited their brothev P . M . Taall ' e to deliver a lecture on Masonry to the lodge , and after some complimentary remarks about- the lecturerhoped to seeon the next monthly nihta large number
, , g , of the brethren . Bro . P . M . Taafl ' e accepted the invitation , and rejoiced that his humble efforts were deemed of utility to the . body he had honour to belong to . He would caution the members not to expect a Masonic , lecture , but a lecture on Masonry only . Brethren knew the distinction ; a Masonic lecture was one given by authority , and all were bound to agree
with it ; the other was only the expression of the opinion of the lecturer , and the brethren might either adopt his views or not . Some accounts were then paid , and the lodge closed as usual with prayer . EAST COLLTNGWOOD . — Kent Lodge . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday . All the officers were present . Bro . Johnson , P . M . was elected an honorary member ; Bro . Woodin received his second degree ; and
Bros . Tanner and Austin were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . At an . early hour the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . PRAUKAN — The Lulce of Leinster Lodge ( No . 424 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge ( Irish Constitution ) , was held at the Royal George , Prahran , on Tuesday , April 10 th ,. Bro . C . JohnsonW . M . After the usual businessBro . Capt . Charles
, , M'Mahon received the second degree , and at an early hour the lodge closed in peace and lK . rmony . An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Rros . Capfc . M'Mahon and F . G . Gould were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . As no other business could be transacted in the emergency lodge , it was closed with the usual ceremonies .