Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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o ' clock the brethren , to the number of about fifty , sat down to a substantial and well-served banquet in a room adjoining the lodge . After dinner the brethren returned to the lodge-room , which was gaily dressed with flowers and abundantly supplied with fruit . The usual loyal ancl patriotic toasts having been given ancl rapturously received , the AV . M . said the next toast was one in which they all felt a deep interest , ancl he believed heartily every
English Mason would respond to it . It was " The Health of the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . " ( Masonic honours . ) Bro . P . M . May said he had great pleasure in proposing the next toast , " The Health of the R . AV . D . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon . " He was sure that every one who had sat under his presidency must have been much pleased with the manner in which he conducted himself as R . W . D . G . M . He was present on the occasion of his being installed Prov . G . Master of Yorkshireand he therefore
, could speak of the high satisfaction it afforded him to see the manner in which he conducted himself on the occasion , and the excellent prospect they had in him should he ever become Grand Master . ( Cheers ) . —Bro . Jas . Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., responded to the toast , " The R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Le Gench-e N . Starkie , Esq ., ancl his deputy , Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Bart ., " and thanked the brethren for the manner in which they had acknowledged the toast . He believed that Ls Gendro N . Starkie was one of the
best Masons he had ever seen . As to Sir Thomas , he had not been long amongst them , but he promised to become an indefatigable ancl excellent Mason , and they would soon find him visiting every lodge in the province . —Bro . May then gave "The AV . Master of the Lodge , Bro . Crankshaw . " In referring to their late Master , he could not refrain from alluding to the success which had
attended the efforts of those brethren who had been initiated in the lodge , in advancing step by step to the chair . He was the second AV . M . who had been installed in the lodge , ancl their present Master made the third , which showed what could be obtained by attention ancl perseverance . With respect to their present AV . M ., Bj-o . Crankshaw , he had no doubt his year of office would prove a successful one , and the lodge under his presidency would prosper . ( Cheers ) . —The AA . M ., after returning thanks for the very
satisfactory way in which his health had been drank , said he had no doubt , with the assistance of the officers , ancl the able support of the Past Masters , his year of office would prove a successful one . For himself , he was determined to give his undivided attention to his office , and he had no fear of the support which he should receive . ( Applause ) . —After the health of the Past Masters and other officers had been given ancl responded to by P . M . Bro . ThorntonBro . May saidin proposing "The AVest Lancashire
, , Educational Institution . " He was sorry that Bro . AA ahnisley , the founder of the institution , was absent from ill health . They looked upon the institution as one of the best connected with the Order , and at the present time it was the means of doing a vast amount of good . He trusted they would soon see a building erected worthy of the object of the Charity , in which the children would be clothed and fed as well as educated . He concluded bproposing
y the health of Bro . James Hamer , as one of the governors of the Institution . —Bro . Hamer replied , and the following toasts were afterwards given , " The Newly-initiated Brethren , " " The Visiting Brethren , " & e . Bros . Armstrong , Haswell , and Graham enlivened the proceedings of the evening by singing several glees , songs , & c ., which were admirably given . Bro . AVilberforce presided effectively at the piano-forte .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ABVEIKJAVEXST . —Philanthropic Lodge ( 1120 ) . —The anniversary festival of this lodge takes place on Friday next , when a P . M's . jewel will be presented to Bro . Figginson , AV . M ., in testimony of the active part taken by bim in the formation of the lodge , ancl the able manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office .
SUFFOLK . IXSTALEATIOT OE THE R . AV . CotOXEL R . A . SlIAETO ADAIE , AS PHOvnrciAii GBASD MASTER SOU SUTJ-OLK . [ EEOM OUR OWS REPORTER , ] Friday , the 12 th of July , will be a day long remembered in
Ipswich . For seven years the province of Suffolk has been actuall y without a Provincial Grand Master , although it has virtually possessed such a ruler in the person of the Grand Registrar , under whom it has been in charge . Since the death of Bro . Sir Edward Gooch , Bart ., in 1 S 54 , there have been several offers of the Prov . G . Mastership made to Bro . Colonel Shafto Adair , all of which have been steadily refused until the present time , ancl now that he has accepted the office , the Prov . G . M . of Suffolk bids fair to be as
popular a ruler of the Craft as any province can boast . Intimately connected with the county , being one of its resident gentry , an officer , and a tried public man , the appointment , by the M . W . G . M . has given the greatest satisfaction to the brethren , and has been warmly applauded as a most judicious selection . Lodge was opened at the Town Hall , kindly granted for the occasion by the Mayor of Ipswich , E . Grimwade , Esq ., at eleven
o ' clock , ancl the council chamber was appropriately decorated with the following banners , besides the usual adjuncts of Masouie paraphernalia . Over the chair was the banner of the R . AA . Bro . Col . Robert Alexander Shafto Adair , bearing his arms and motto— "Loyal au Mort . " On the right that of the Grand Lodge of England , ancl on the left , emblazoned with the arms of the county the banner of
the Prov . G . Lodge . There were also the banners of Bros , the Rev . F . AV . Freeman , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Martin , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; that of the late Prov . G . M ., Sir Edward Gooch , ancl those of the lodges of the province .
Bro . Col . Adair was presented ancl went through the form of being inducted in the chair of K . S . as an installed master , and such a numerous hoard of installed masters , who assisted in the ceremony , has rarely been seen . On the re-admission of those below the chair , the R . W . Bro . T . H . Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire opened the Grand Lodge , and Bro . Col . Adair , having previously retired , was introduced by seven P . M ' s . of the province , his entrance being the signal for hearty applause . The R . AV . Bro . Hall , then called
upon Bro . E . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec ., to read the new Prov . G . M . ' s patent , after which Bro . Hall addressed him , in the manner well known to Masons , installed him Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , and called upon the brethren to salute him . He was afterwards lustily cheered and when the applause had subsided , spoke to the following effect : — He said he entertained a heavy sense of the responsibilities of his new position . It was a great satisfaction to all the brethren of that province to see so large an assemblage to do the Craft honour in his
humble person . Since his initiation he had been acquainted with the general spirit that had prevaded Masonry in all times but he had been interrupted by the business of active life from devoting that attention to it which he felt it deserved . Still he had never lost sight of it , and hoped to carry forward , year by year , a nearer acquaintance with its beauties . Based on principles of charity and universal brotherhood , he believed it was largely extending its kindly influence , ancl must progress . He had learned from the
ancient charges that it would be his duty to see the laws properly carried out , and that the Royal Art should not be despised . Such w-ould be his principle in administering the law in his province . In that spirit the D . Prov . G . M . had administered them , and in that , his first official act , he esteemed himself fortunate in securing such an officer as the Rev . Bro . Freeman . AVhat he had said he seriously intended , ancl would relax no efforts to carry out . ( Hear , hear ) . The Prov . G . M . then appointed the Rev . F . AV . Freeman his D . Prov . G . M ., and called on Bro . Dorling to read the patent .
lhe next business was the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the previous Prov . G . Lodge . The roll of the lodges of the province was then called over , ancl every lodge was found to be properly represented . The Report of the Board of Finance was read and adopted , which showed an aggregate balance of forty-one pounds to the credit of the Prov . G . Lodge . The following brethren were then appointed Prov . G . Officers for the ensuing year : —Spencer Freeman , Prov . G . Treas . ; A . Fleming , Prov .
S . G . AV . ; B . M . Bradbeer , Prov . J . G . AV . ; The Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; the Rev . Dr . Vemon , in consideration of his long services and devotion to the best interests of Masonry , Honorary Prov . G . Chaplain ; Robert Girling , Prov . G . Reg . ; Edward Dorling , re-appointed , Prov . G . See . ; Robert G . Fuller , re-appointed , Prov . S . G . D . ; Samuel Aldrich , re-appointed Prov . J . G . D ., and who the Prov . G . M . requested to continue in that
office as he , the Prov . G . M . was well aware of Bro . Aldrioh ' s interest in the Craft ; H . Luff , Prov . G . Supt . of AA orks ; T . Bayes , Prov . G . D . of Cers . ; G . S . Findley , Asst . Prov . G . D . of Cers . ; AV . AVilmhurst , Prov . G . S . B . ; W . 0 . AVard , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; ancl A . Robertson , Prov . G . Tyler . The D . Prov . G . M ., the Eev . F . AV . Freeman , and the Prov . G . Officers were saluted , ancl the D . Prov . G . M . said : —He had always endeavoured to discharge his duties and hoped to continue in the same path , ancl he was sure
that all the other Prov . G . Officers were actuated by a similar desire . —The Prov . G . M . said that having appointed his Prov . G . Officers he would express a hope— -however superfluous it was to do so , but he thought it would not be well to separate without advising them to work with unanimity and zeal to promote an institution having benificence for its object , which had hitherto rendered it a bond of union alike beneficial aud successful . There being some little time before tho brethren were to be formed previous to going to church the D . Prov . G . M . announced he should have the pleasure of introducing them severally to the Prov .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
o ' clock the brethren , to the number of about fifty , sat down to a substantial and well-served banquet in a room adjoining the lodge . After dinner the brethren returned to the lodge-room , which was gaily dressed with flowers and abundantly supplied with fruit . The usual loyal ancl patriotic toasts having been given ancl rapturously received , the AV . M . said the next toast was one in which they all felt a deep interest , ancl he believed heartily every
English Mason would respond to it . It was " The Health of the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . " ( Masonic honours . ) Bro . P . M . May said he had great pleasure in proposing the next toast , " The Health of the R . AV . D . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon . " He was sure that every one who had sat under his presidency must have been much pleased with the manner in which he conducted himself as R . W . D . G . M . He was present on the occasion of his being installed Prov . G . Master of Yorkshireand he therefore
, could speak of the high satisfaction it afforded him to see the manner in which he conducted himself on the occasion , and the excellent prospect they had in him should he ever become Grand Master . ( Cheers ) . —Bro . Jas . Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., responded to the toast , " The R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Le Gench-e N . Starkie , Esq ., ancl his deputy , Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Bart ., " and thanked the brethren for the manner in which they had acknowledged the toast . He believed that Ls Gendro N . Starkie was one of the
best Masons he had ever seen . As to Sir Thomas , he had not been long amongst them , but he promised to become an indefatigable ancl excellent Mason , and they would soon find him visiting every lodge in the province . —Bro . May then gave "The AV . Master of the Lodge , Bro . Crankshaw . " In referring to their late Master , he could not refrain from alluding to the success which had
attended the efforts of those brethren who had been initiated in the lodge , in advancing step by step to the chair . He was the second AV . M . who had been installed in the lodge , ancl their present Master made the third , which showed what could be obtained by attention ancl perseverance . With respect to their present AV . M ., Bj-o . Crankshaw , he had no doubt his year of office would prove a successful one , and the lodge under his presidency would prosper . ( Cheers ) . —The AA . M ., after returning thanks for the very
satisfactory way in which his health had been drank , said he had no doubt , with the assistance of the officers , ancl the able support of the Past Masters , his year of office would prove a successful one . For himself , he was determined to give his undivided attention to his office , and he had no fear of the support which he should receive . ( Applause ) . —After the health of the Past Masters and other officers had been given ancl responded to by P . M . Bro . ThorntonBro . May saidin proposing "The AVest Lancashire
, , Educational Institution . " He was sorry that Bro . AA ahnisley , the founder of the institution , was absent from ill health . They looked upon the institution as one of the best connected with the Order , and at the present time it was the means of doing a vast amount of good . He trusted they would soon see a building erected worthy of the object of the Charity , in which the children would be clothed and fed as well as educated . He concluded bproposing
y the health of Bro . James Hamer , as one of the governors of the Institution . —Bro . Hamer replied , and the following toasts were afterwards given , " The Newly-initiated Brethren , " " The Visiting Brethren , " & e . Bros . Armstrong , Haswell , and Graham enlivened the proceedings of the evening by singing several glees , songs , & c ., which were admirably given . Bro . AVilberforce presided effectively at the piano-forte .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ABVEIKJAVEXST . —Philanthropic Lodge ( 1120 ) . —The anniversary festival of this lodge takes place on Friday next , when a P . M's . jewel will be presented to Bro . Figginson , AV . M ., in testimony of the active part taken by bim in the formation of the lodge , ancl the able manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office .
SUFFOLK . IXSTALEATIOT OE THE R . AV . CotOXEL R . A . SlIAETO ADAIE , AS PHOvnrciAii GBASD MASTER SOU SUTJ-OLK . [ EEOM OUR OWS REPORTER , ] Friday , the 12 th of July , will be a day long remembered in
Ipswich . For seven years the province of Suffolk has been actuall y without a Provincial Grand Master , although it has virtually possessed such a ruler in the person of the Grand Registrar , under whom it has been in charge . Since the death of Bro . Sir Edward Gooch , Bart ., in 1 S 54 , there have been several offers of the Prov . G . Mastership made to Bro . Colonel Shafto Adair , all of which have been steadily refused until the present time , ancl now that he has accepted the office , the Prov . G . M . of Suffolk bids fair to be as
popular a ruler of the Craft as any province can boast . Intimately connected with the county , being one of its resident gentry , an officer , and a tried public man , the appointment , by the M . W . G . M . has given the greatest satisfaction to the brethren , and has been warmly applauded as a most judicious selection . Lodge was opened at the Town Hall , kindly granted for the occasion by the Mayor of Ipswich , E . Grimwade , Esq ., at eleven
o ' clock , ancl the council chamber was appropriately decorated with the following banners , besides the usual adjuncts of Masouie paraphernalia . Over the chair was the banner of the R . AA . Bro . Col . Robert Alexander Shafto Adair , bearing his arms and motto— "Loyal au Mort . " On the right that of the Grand Lodge of England , ancl on the left , emblazoned with the arms of the county the banner of
the Prov . G . Lodge . There were also the banners of Bros , the Rev . F . AV . Freeman , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Martin , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; that of the late Prov . G . M ., Sir Edward Gooch , ancl those of the lodges of the province .
Bro . Col . Adair was presented ancl went through the form of being inducted in the chair of K . S . as an installed master , and such a numerous hoard of installed masters , who assisted in the ceremony , has rarely been seen . On the re-admission of those below the chair , the R . W . Bro . T . H . Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire opened the Grand Lodge , and Bro . Col . Adair , having previously retired , was introduced by seven P . M ' s . of the province , his entrance being the signal for hearty applause . The R . AV . Bro . Hall , then called
upon Bro . E . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec ., to read the new Prov . G . M . ' s patent , after which Bro . Hall addressed him , in the manner well known to Masons , installed him Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , and called upon the brethren to salute him . He was afterwards lustily cheered and when the applause had subsided , spoke to the following effect : — He said he entertained a heavy sense of the responsibilities of his new position . It was a great satisfaction to all the brethren of that province to see so large an assemblage to do the Craft honour in his
humble person . Since his initiation he had been acquainted with the general spirit that had prevaded Masonry in all times but he had been interrupted by the business of active life from devoting that attention to it which he felt it deserved . Still he had never lost sight of it , and hoped to carry forward , year by year , a nearer acquaintance with its beauties . Based on principles of charity and universal brotherhood , he believed it was largely extending its kindly influence , ancl must progress . He had learned from the
ancient charges that it would be his duty to see the laws properly carried out , and that the Royal Art should not be despised . Such w-ould be his principle in administering the law in his province . In that spirit the D . Prov . G . M . had administered them , and in that , his first official act , he esteemed himself fortunate in securing such an officer as the Rev . Bro . Freeman . AVhat he had said he seriously intended , ancl would relax no efforts to carry out . ( Hear , hear ) . The Prov . G . M . then appointed the Rev . F . AV . Freeman his D . Prov . G . M ., and called on Bro . Dorling to read the patent .
lhe next business was the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the previous Prov . G . Lodge . The roll of the lodges of the province was then called over , ancl every lodge was found to be properly represented . The Report of the Board of Finance was read and adopted , which showed an aggregate balance of forty-one pounds to the credit of the Prov . G . Lodge . The following brethren were then appointed Prov . G . Officers for the ensuing year : —Spencer Freeman , Prov . G . Treas . ; A . Fleming , Prov .
S . G . AV . ; B . M . Bradbeer , Prov . J . G . AV . ; The Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; the Rev . Dr . Vemon , in consideration of his long services and devotion to the best interests of Masonry , Honorary Prov . G . Chaplain ; Robert Girling , Prov . G . Reg . ; Edward Dorling , re-appointed , Prov . G . See . ; Robert G . Fuller , re-appointed , Prov . S . G . D . ; Samuel Aldrich , re-appointed Prov . J . G . D ., and who the Prov . G . M . requested to continue in that
office as he , the Prov . G . M . was well aware of Bro . Aldrioh ' s interest in the Craft ; H . Luff , Prov . G . Supt . of AA orks ; T . Bayes , Prov . G . D . of Cers . ; G . S . Findley , Asst . Prov . G . D . of Cers . ; AV . AVilmhurst , Prov . G . S . B . ; W . 0 . AVard , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; ancl A . Robertson , Prov . G . Tyler . The D . Prov . G . M ., the Eev . F . AV . Freeman , and the Prov . G . Officers were saluted , ancl the D . Prov . G . M . said : —He had always endeavoured to discharge his duties and hoped to continue in the same path , ancl he was sure
that all the other Prov . G . Officers were actuated by a similar desire . —The Prov . G . M . said that having appointed his Prov . G . Officers he would express a hope— -however superfluous it was to do so , but he thought it would not be well to separate without advising them to work with unanimity and zeal to promote an institution having benificence for its object , which had hitherto rendered it a bond of union alike beneficial aud successful . There being some little time before tho brethren were to be formed previous to going to church the D . Prov . G . M . announced he should have the pleasure of introducing them severally to the Prov .