Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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The PROV . G . M . next gave " The Health of Bro . Martin , P . D . Prov . G . M ., " who returned thanks in such a low tone as to be totally inaudible . The Prov . G . M . next gave "The Health of the Visiting Brethren . " Among so many lodges it might be thought invidious to select one in preference to another perhaps , therefore , he might indulge in the natural feeling , in seeing the brethren of the Scientific Lodge , Cambridge , in which he had been initiated , to
name it in connection with the toast , and the AV . M . of 105 . The W . M . of the Scientific Lodge returned thanks . The next toast was the " W . M ' s . of the Province of Suffolk , " coupled with the name of the AV . M . of No . 84 . The AV . M . of No . 8-1 , the senior lodge in the province , returned thanks on behalf of thehrethren of Suffolk . He had been thirty years a Mason , and felt that under their present Prov . G . M . they must flourish ancl be successful .
The PROY . G . M . said they were justly proud of their Masonic Charities , and he would give the next toast , "Success to the Masonic Charities , " coupling the same with the name of Bro . Patten . Bro . PATTEN returned thanks for the votes recorded in his favour , which placed him in the position of Secretary to the Girls' School .
He would do his best , and he called upon the Prov . G . M . to give him his name as a Steward for the Girls' School . The PROV . G . M . had to propose a toast to Bro . Dorling , the Prov . G-. Sec . whose indefatigable exertions had contributed so largely to the success of their meeting . ( Here the " Suffolk Harmony " was again introduced to the discomfort of every one boasting an ear for sweet sounds . ) Bro . DORLING , Prov . G . Sec , was much delighted to have gained
their approval . His labour had been a labour of love and all in the province knew his fondness for the Craft . He was glad it had passed off so pleasantly , and no one had any cause to repent it . He hoped that the next meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge , at Beccles , would be as large , ancl show to their Prov . G . M . how ably they could support him . He had been much delighted with their kind manner ; he wished their Prov . G . M . a long and prosperous reign , ancl hoped to be their Prov . G . Sec for many . ( Hear
, many years , hear . ) The PROV , G . M . next gave " The health of the Mayor and Corporation , " ancl thanks to them for their kindness in affording them their council chamber to meet in . Bro . MILLS , a member of the Corporation , returned thanks . The D . PROV . G . M . had one more toast , which he claimed as his by right of being a bachelor— " The Ladies , " heaven bless them !
" No mortal can more the ladies adore Than a free and accepted Mason . " ( Immense cheering . ) After which the meeting dispersed . AA e cannot close- this report without special reference to the exertions of Mrs . E . Dorling , the wife of the Prov . G . Sec . ; to her the Grand Officers ancl Grand Lodge owed much of its excellent appearancefor sho made the clothing and ornamentscovered the
, , cushions , embroidered ; the flags , and . 'did all that lovely woman can do to add to the general effect . Bro . Guiver , too , of the White Horse Hotel , provided well ancl gave great satisfaction . Bros . Francis , Land , Donald W . King , and Lawler , assisted , by their capital singing , to keep the brethren in good humour , and Bro . Dorling took upon himself the arduous duties of toast mast er , which like all he does , was performed heartily and con amors .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden in the Cutlers' Hall , Sheffield , on AVednesday , the 5 th July . Amongst the brethren present we noticed E . AV . Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . ; Eev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., Grand Chaplain and Prov . S . G . AV . ; Joseph Batley , Prov . J . G . W . ; F . Lumb , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; L . Hicks ,
P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; AV . Gath , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; AVilliam Dixon , Eagland , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . See . ; AV . Scott , M . D ., Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Booth , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Thomas Perkinton . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AVm . AVhite , Prov . G . A . D . C . ; John Gill , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; AVilliam Rothwell , Prov . G . S . B . ; Graham , Stuart , P . Prov . G . Organist . ; B . C . Bennett , Prov . G . Purst . J . A . Eadon acting A . G . D . C . ; and AV . Longden acting Prov . G . Purst , ; AA . G . Dyson , Prov . G . Steward ; ancl Bros . E . Harrison , M .
Chambers , E . J . Buxton , P . M ' s ., No . 162 , acted as Prov . G . Stewards ; E . Fox , Treas ., No . 1129 ; H . AVester , Sec , No . 102 , & c „ and AV . Ms ., P . Ms . AVardens , and brethren from lodges Nos . 73 , 162 , 174 , 251 , 322 , 330 , 342 , 364 , 373 , 379 , 382 , 3 S 4 , 529 , 656 , 727 , 763 , 1129 . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodges holden at Huddersfield , on ^ AVednesclay , the lOthApril , and Leeds , May 22 nd , were read and confirmed . Sundry resolutions for the more efficient working of the Charities' Committee of the province were passed .
It had been arranged that the consecration of the new Masonic Hall should take place , but in consequence of the building not being sufficiently prepared , it was deferred to a more convenient time . It was resolved that the next quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge be holden at Wakefield , on Wednesday , the 2 nd October . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed iu form ancl with solemn prayer until further summonedwhen the
brethrenaccom-, , panied by ladies , adjourned to the lodge room to banquet ; this novelty in Masonic banqueting appeared to give great satisfaction to those present . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , the ladies retired to the drawing room , where revolving stereoscopes and other scientific apparatus were placed for their amusement .
SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( So . 162 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , 11 th inst ., in the Music Hall ; Bro . Wm . White , jun ., AV . M ., Prov . G . A . D . C , presided , and there was a large muster of the brethren , including P . M ' s . H . AVood , T . Danby , J . A . Eadon , AV . Longden , E . Harrison , and E . J . Buxton . There were also present as visitors Bros . AA right , P . M . 763 , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; and Moore , 236 . Bro . tho Right Hon .
Lord AVharncliffe , of the Friendship Lodge , No . 6 ; R . N . Philipps , L . L . B ., F . SA ., of the Moira Lodge , ( No . 109 ); ancl Robert Arnison , of the Unanimity Lodge , ( No . 424 ) , were elected joining members . Bro . AV . Ibbotston , having given the requisite proofs of his proficiency in the first two degrees , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Mr . Benjamin Richards was then initiated into the secrets ancl [ mysteries of Freemasonry , in such a mannner as to elicit the praises of Bro . Wright , who declared he had never seen the ceremony better performed by the AV . M . and officers of any lodge he had visited . Several candidates were proposed for initiation .
BRADFORD . —Lodge of Harmony ( 874 ) . —Tho annual lodge meeting for the installation of the AA . M . was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford , on the 27 th June , when seven out of the nine past members ( the two absent ones being detained by business engagements ) , and a goodly number of members and visitors , were present . The lodge was opened by the retiring Master , Bro . S . 0 . Bailey . The minutes referring to the election of the VV . M .,
Treas ., and Tyler , were read , and the usual routine of business , such as reading the bye-laws , & c , customary at the close of the year , having been gone through , the AV . M . called upon the Treasurer to read the balance sheet for the past year . The Treasurer , before doing so , stated that he had as usual a pleasing duty to perform in reporting that all the subscriptions were collected , also , that the lodge was entirely free from debt ; he was not aware that a single shilling was owing , ancl that the balance for the year was in excess of any
previous one . The balance sheet being read , showed a balance for the year—Cash balance , £ 44 7 * . 3 d . ; unapplied funds , £ 5 Is . lid . ; which proved highly satisfactory to the brethren , who proceeded to vote the sums to the respective Institutions and Charities connected with the lodge , the total amounts of which now are : —Capital , £ 185 9 s . lOid . ; Charitable Contingent Fund , £ 8 Is . 2 i < Z . Bro . Engelmann , P . M ., in proposing " that the balance sheet now read be printed , and each brother have a copy thereof , " stated his object was that as many brethren resided at a distance , and could not conveniently attend lodge , he wished them to know how the fund ' s
were applied . —Bro . Johnson , P . M ., seconded the proposition .- —The Treasurer hoped Bro . Engelmann , with the consent of Bro . Johnson , would allow his motion to stand over until next lodge meeting , when he , in the meanwhile , would prepare two tables , which he thought w-ould answer the object in view better than the balance sheet . —Bro . Engelmann consented for the motion to stand over . — Bro . Bailey , AA . M ., before retiring from the chair , thanked the Past Masters for the ready assistance they had rendered him , the officers
for their constant and punctual attendence , ancl the brethren generally for ther Masonic kindness during his year of office ; and he could assure them that , although he was about to retire from the high office it had . been their pleasure to appoint him to , he felt more deeply interested in the lodge than ever , ancl hoped to find leisure to be regularly amongst them ; he then requested Bro . Unna , the senior P . M . to take the chair and install Bro . L . Goldstein , the AV . M . elect , knowing Bro . Unna ' s efficiency , ho having installed
all previous W . M's . with the exception of one . —Bro . Unna , upon taking the chair , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Bailey for his able and courteous conduct during his year of Mastership . Several brethren rose to second the proposition , which was carried by acclamation . Bro . Unna then , in his usual impressive manner , installed Bro . Goldstein . —Bro . Goldstein , being intalled , stated that he should have demurred taking such a responsible duty , had he not known that the same support would be given to him as to his predecessors , and he hoped , at the end of his vear , to leave the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The PROV . G . M . next gave " The Health of Bro . Martin , P . D . Prov . G . M ., " who returned thanks in such a low tone as to be totally inaudible . The Prov . G . M . next gave "The Health of the Visiting Brethren . " Among so many lodges it might be thought invidious to select one in preference to another perhaps , therefore , he might indulge in the natural feeling , in seeing the brethren of the Scientific Lodge , Cambridge , in which he had been initiated , to
name it in connection with the toast , and the AV . M . of 105 . The W . M . of the Scientific Lodge returned thanks . The next toast was the " W . M ' s . of the Province of Suffolk , " coupled with the name of the AV . M . of No . 84 . The AV . M . of No . 8-1 , the senior lodge in the province , returned thanks on behalf of thehrethren of Suffolk . He had been thirty years a Mason , and felt that under their present Prov . G . M . they must flourish ancl be successful .
The PROY . G . M . said they were justly proud of their Masonic Charities , and he would give the next toast , "Success to the Masonic Charities , " coupling the same with the name of Bro . Patten . Bro . PATTEN returned thanks for the votes recorded in his favour , which placed him in the position of Secretary to the Girls' School .
He would do his best , and he called upon the Prov . G . M . to give him his name as a Steward for the Girls' School . The PROV . G . M . had to propose a toast to Bro . Dorling , the Prov . G-. Sec . whose indefatigable exertions had contributed so largely to the success of their meeting . ( Here the " Suffolk Harmony " was again introduced to the discomfort of every one boasting an ear for sweet sounds . ) Bro . DORLING , Prov . G . Sec , was much delighted to have gained
their approval . His labour had been a labour of love and all in the province knew his fondness for the Craft . He was glad it had passed off so pleasantly , and no one had any cause to repent it . He hoped that the next meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge , at Beccles , would be as large , ancl show to their Prov . G . M . how ably they could support him . He had been much delighted with their kind manner ; he wished their Prov . G . M . a long and prosperous reign , ancl hoped to be their Prov . G . Sec for many . ( Hear
, many years , hear . ) The PROV , G . M . next gave " The health of the Mayor and Corporation , " ancl thanks to them for their kindness in affording them their council chamber to meet in . Bro . MILLS , a member of the Corporation , returned thanks . The D . PROV . G . M . had one more toast , which he claimed as his by right of being a bachelor— " The Ladies , " heaven bless them !
" No mortal can more the ladies adore Than a free and accepted Mason . " ( Immense cheering . ) After which the meeting dispersed . AA e cannot close- this report without special reference to the exertions of Mrs . E . Dorling , the wife of the Prov . G . Sec . ; to her the Grand Officers ancl Grand Lodge owed much of its excellent appearancefor sho made the clothing and ornamentscovered the
, , cushions , embroidered ; the flags , and . 'did all that lovely woman can do to add to the general effect . Bro . Guiver , too , of the White Horse Hotel , provided well ancl gave great satisfaction . Bros . Francis , Land , Donald W . King , and Lawler , assisted , by their capital singing , to keep the brethren in good humour , and Bro . Dorling took upon himself the arduous duties of toast mast er , which like all he does , was performed heartily and con amors .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden in the Cutlers' Hall , Sheffield , on AVednesday , the 5 th July . Amongst the brethren present we noticed E . AV . Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . ; Eev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., Grand Chaplain and Prov . S . G . AV . ; Joseph Batley , Prov . J . G . W . ; F . Lumb , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; L . Hicks ,
P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; AV . Gath , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; AVilliam Dixon , Eagland , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . See . ; AV . Scott , M . D ., Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Booth , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Thomas Perkinton . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AVm . AVhite , Prov . G . A . D . C . ; John Gill , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; AVilliam Rothwell , Prov . G . S . B . ; Graham , Stuart , P . Prov . G . Organist . ; B . C . Bennett , Prov . G . Purst . J . A . Eadon acting A . G . D . C . ; and AV . Longden acting Prov . G . Purst , ; AA . G . Dyson , Prov . G . Steward ; ancl Bros . E . Harrison , M .
Chambers , E . J . Buxton , P . M ' s ., No . 162 , acted as Prov . G . Stewards ; E . Fox , Treas ., No . 1129 ; H . AVester , Sec , No . 102 , & c „ and AV . Ms ., P . Ms . AVardens , and brethren from lodges Nos . 73 , 162 , 174 , 251 , 322 , 330 , 342 , 364 , 373 , 379 , 382 , 3 S 4 , 529 , 656 , 727 , 763 , 1129 . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodges holden at Huddersfield , on ^ AVednesclay , the lOthApril , and Leeds , May 22 nd , were read and confirmed . Sundry resolutions for the more efficient working of the Charities' Committee of the province were passed .
It had been arranged that the consecration of the new Masonic Hall should take place , but in consequence of the building not being sufficiently prepared , it was deferred to a more convenient time . It was resolved that the next quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge be holden at Wakefield , on Wednesday , the 2 nd October . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed iu form ancl with solemn prayer until further summonedwhen the
brethrenaccom-, , panied by ladies , adjourned to the lodge room to banquet ; this novelty in Masonic banqueting appeared to give great satisfaction to those present . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , the ladies retired to the drawing room , where revolving stereoscopes and other scientific apparatus were placed for their amusement .
SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( So . 162 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , 11 th inst ., in the Music Hall ; Bro . Wm . White , jun ., AV . M ., Prov . G . A . D . C , presided , and there was a large muster of the brethren , including P . M ' s . H . AVood , T . Danby , J . A . Eadon , AV . Longden , E . Harrison , and E . J . Buxton . There were also present as visitors Bros . AA right , P . M . 763 , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; and Moore , 236 . Bro . tho Right Hon .
Lord AVharncliffe , of the Friendship Lodge , No . 6 ; R . N . Philipps , L . L . B ., F . SA ., of the Moira Lodge , ( No . 109 ); ancl Robert Arnison , of the Unanimity Lodge , ( No . 424 ) , were elected joining members . Bro . AV . Ibbotston , having given the requisite proofs of his proficiency in the first two degrees , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Mr . Benjamin Richards was then initiated into the secrets ancl [ mysteries of Freemasonry , in such a mannner as to elicit the praises of Bro . Wright , who declared he had never seen the ceremony better performed by the AV . M . and officers of any lodge he had visited . Several candidates were proposed for initiation .
BRADFORD . —Lodge of Harmony ( 874 ) . —Tho annual lodge meeting for the installation of the AA . M . was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford , on the 27 th June , when seven out of the nine past members ( the two absent ones being detained by business engagements ) , and a goodly number of members and visitors , were present . The lodge was opened by the retiring Master , Bro . S . 0 . Bailey . The minutes referring to the election of the VV . M .,
Treas ., and Tyler , were read , and the usual routine of business , such as reading the bye-laws , & c , customary at the close of the year , having been gone through , the AV . M . called upon the Treasurer to read the balance sheet for the past year . The Treasurer , before doing so , stated that he had as usual a pleasing duty to perform in reporting that all the subscriptions were collected , also , that the lodge was entirely free from debt ; he was not aware that a single shilling was owing , ancl that the balance for the year was in excess of any
previous one . The balance sheet being read , showed a balance for the year—Cash balance , £ 44 7 * . 3 d . ; unapplied funds , £ 5 Is . lid . ; which proved highly satisfactory to the brethren , who proceeded to vote the sums to the respective Institutions and Charities connected with the lodge , the total amounts of which now are : —Capital , £ 185 9 s . lOid . ; Charitable Contingent Fund , £ 8 Is . 2 i < Z . Bro . Engelmann , P . M ., in proposing " that the balance sheet now read be printed , and each brother have a copy thereof , " stated his object was that as many brethren resided at a distance , and could not conveniently attend lodge , he wished them to know how the fund ' s
were applied . —Bro . Johnson , P . M ., seconded the proposition .- —The Treasurer hoped Bro . Engelmann , with the consent of Bro . Johnson , would allow his motion to stand over until next lodge meeting , when he , in the meanwhile , would prepare two tables , which he thought w-ould answer the object in view better than the balance sheet . —Bro . Engelmann consented for the motion to stand over . — Bro . Bailey , AA . M ., before retiring from the chair , thanked the Past Masters for the ready assistance they had rendered him , the officers
for their constant and punctual attendence , ancl the brethren generally for ther Masonic kindness during his year of office ; and he could assure them that , although he was about to retire from the high office it had . been their pleasure to appoint him to , he felt more deeply interested in the lodge than ever , ancl hoped to find leisure to be regularly amongst them ; he then requested Bro . Unna , the senior P . M . to take the chair and install Bro . L . Goldstein , the AV . M . elect , knowing Bro . Unna ' s efficiency , ho having installed
all previous W . M's . with the exception of one . —Bro . Unna , upon taking the chair , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Bailey for his able and courteous conduct during his year of Mastership . Several brethren rose to second the proposition , which was carried by acclamation . Bro . Unna then , in his usual impressive manner , installed Bro . Goldstein . —Bro . Goldstein , being intalled , stated that he should have demurred taking such a responsible duty , had he not known that the same support would be given to him as to his predecessors , and he hoped , at the end of his vear , to leave the