Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 1 Article WESTERN INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
greeting by which the toast was met . He came among them a stranger , ancl knew not a face then present , ancl never had he received more courtesy and kindness . He could but hope that , ere long , he should again visit England , and attend their meetings . —Bro . BOLOGNESI , in French , expressed his regret that , being unacquainted with the English language , he could not satisfactorily convey his thanks for the courtesy of the brethren , and in perfect Masonic terms . He was proud to have been admitted into the
Order in England . He was before aware that faith , hope , ancl charity were the great emblems ; but he had that clay learned that there was something even of more vital import in that Christian Order . He should soon return to Peru , and he trusted that , ere long , he should be enabled to make known much of what he had seen ancl heard that day . —Bro . HARCOURT then said that the chapter was under considerable obligation to his chief officer , who , although presiding over another chapter , and attained the 32 ° ,
had done the Metropolitan Chapter the honour of accepting office , and thus , by his knowledge and perfection , greatly aided them . — Bro . PULLEN briefly acknowledged the compliment , gratefully recognising the way in which the M . W . Sov . had been pleased to introduce it . It was his desire , in joining the Metropolitan Chapter , to aid by his efforts its working ; and he felt confident that , by the assistance of some around him , they would see that chapter pre-eminent . Having a hih respect for the degrees
g united under that rite , he earnestly desired their extension . Bro . Pullen , ere he resumed his seat , said that , during the time he had been a member of the chapter , he could not but notice the untiring services of Bro . Goulden , ancl he hence thought they ought not to separate without offering a word of acknowledgment for the care he had taken of their funds , ancl likewise , ancl of their satisfaction for what he had done for the improvement of the chapter . Bro .
GOULDEN said the way in which the toast had been given and received assured him the feeling came from their hearts . It was most gratifying to find that his efforts in the service of his brethren were so acceptable , which services he should be most happy to continue so long as the chapter were pleased to accept them . —The M . W . Sov . concluded the toasts by proposing the health of his predecessor , who had also , in his office of Secretary , rendered much good to the chapter . This was gracefully acknowledged by Bro . JONES , and the clay ' s proceedings terminated .
ROYAL ORDER EDINBURGH , —At a meeting at Edinburgh on the 4 th inst ., Major C . E . Thornton , Grand Office-bearer of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple and Prior of the Ayr Priory , No . 4 , was elected Grand Banner-bearer of the Eoyal Order of Scotland , in room of Sir George Beresford , Bart ., w-ho has left Scotland . ARDROSSAS . —The Lodge Saltcoats ancl Ardrossan St . John , ( No .
360 ) , held their annual meeting for the election of Office-bearers , in their lodge-room on the 1 st inst ., when the following brethren w-ere appointed : —Captain R . K . Barbour , R . AV . M . ; Norman M'Leod , D . M . ; Rob . Boyd , P . M . ; James Robertson , S . AV . ; George Hunter , J . AV . ; Alexander Baimatyne , Treas . ; John Robertson Sec ; Thomas Carson , S . D . ; John Howie , J . D . ; James Raeside , S . S . ; James Dawson , J . S . ; John Patterson , Chap . ; Thomas Heald , I . G . AYR . —A quarterly communication of the Ayr Lodges was held
in the Royal Arch Hall on Monday the 6 th inst ., Dep . Master Hunter , in absence of B . W . M . Pollock , presiding . The business being of a routine character , was quickly disposed of , ancl tho brethren pnfc under the immediate superintendence of the G . O . T . M . C . O . T . T ., whose special duties were pleasantly discharged to the satisfaction of all present , not excepting the Lodge Steward . The deputations from Nos . 124 , 13 S , 204 , were headed respectivel y by Bros . Guthrie , Kelly , and Stevenson .
SMYRNA . —Homer Lodge ( So . 110 S ) . —The members of this lodge celebrated St . John ' s Day hy a banquet ancl musical entertainment , in their lodge-room , under the presidency of Bro . Hyde Clarke , W . M . Several visitors were present , ancl speeches were made in various languages . At the usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , 2 nd July , Bro . _ Hyde Clarke , AV . M ., again presiding , a German candidate was initiated , one brother regularised in tho second degree , and one regularised in the third degree .
Western India.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE ( SCOTTISH CONS . ) A quarterly communication was held at Grant Buildings , Colaba , Bombay , on Tuesday , the 16 th of April , 1 S 61 , when there were present the Eight AVorshipful G . R . Ballingall , Acting ' Prov . Grand Master
Bro . Manuckjee Cursetjee Offg . Prov . G . S . M . „ J . Anderson Offg . Pro . G . S . AA . „ J . Irvine Offg . Prov . G . J . AV . „ G . A Summers , Acting Prov . G . Secretary „ J . Firth Prov . G . Treasurer „ T . Carpenter Offg . Prov . G . S . D . „ Ali Mahomed Khan Offg . Prov . G . J . D . „ J . Jamieson President of Grand Stewards' Lodge A „ S . Stephens , jun Prov . G . I . G . „ H . Hazells Prov . G , Tyler , & c .
The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the summons convening the present meeting , and the proceedings of the regular quarterly communication , held on the 2 nd May , 1860 , were read , ancl the latter confirmed . The R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master then stated that A . AV . Bro . A . Jordan having , since the last meeting , resigned the office of Prov . G . See ., he appointed Bro . G . A . Summers Sec . pro tern ., whoas will be observedhaving very satisfactorilbrought the
, , y up accumulated arrears of the Prov . Grand Lodge , it was proposed that he be appointed to fill the vacant office ; which proposition , having met with the unanimous approval of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Bro . G . A . Summers was then duly invested with the insignia of office . An apology was ' read for the absence of the R . AA . the P . Prov . Grand Master .
The Prov . G . Sec . submitted to the Prov . Grand Lodge a summary of proceedings since the last quarterly communication . The B . W . the Prov . Grand Master stated that , from the summary just read , it will have been observed that a letter from the AA . M . of Lodge St . Paul , Mhow ^ was left undisposed of , with a , view that it may be discussed at the present meeting . This he stated the Secretary would read , together with a report from the committee of Lodge St . Paulafter which the sense of the Prov
, . Grand Lodge would be taken on the subject . The Prov . G . Sec . read the letter and report referred to , to the effect that the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland containing no article requiring the office-bearers of subordinate lodges to be in possession , of any documentary evidence of their holding , or having held office , such certificates from the Prov . Grand Lodge were unnecessary for the office-bearers of Lodge St . Paul . Bro . J . Jamieson
stated that the certificates were sanctioned in the Prov . Grand Lodge after due consideration ; and that at a subsequent meeting , on the 2 nd February , I 860 , it was unanimously carried that the fees proposed for the certificates be adopted . These resolutions , he stated , were come to after mature deliberation and serious consideration , weighing all the points set forth in the letter of the AV . M . of Lodge St . Paul . The R . AV . the Prov . Grand Master then proposed , and Bro . G . A . Summers seconded , that a difference of opinion having arisen on the matter , the subject be referred to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . On going to the vote , the proposition was carried unanimously .
Bro . J . Jamieson stated that rule 8 of the bye-laws of Lodge Perseverance having been rescinded , Bro . Craig was appointed Depute , and lie Substitute Master in the said lodge ; that neither of them had ever filled the Master ' s chair , though he had officiaced as AV . M . on some occasions . The question he wished settled was , that in case of the absence of the AA . M ., or P . M ., could the next officer in rotation , i . e . Depute or Substitute Master , who had never been installed in the AV . M . 's chair , govern a lodge ancl confer
degrees . It was unanimously agreed , on a proposition from the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., and seconded by Bro . Anderson , that the questions be submitted to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for instructions . The Acting R . AA . the Prov . G . M . suggested that , it having been resolved that a suitable address , expressing a deep sense of regret on the R . W . Bro . Cartwright ' s resignation of office of Prov . G . M . of AA'estern Indiabe presented to himthat Bros . J . Anderson
, ; and G . A . Summers be directed to undertake the duty , which was agreed to . Bro . Manuckjee Cursetjee proposed , and the officiating Prov . G . M . seconded the proposition , that the loss Masonry has sustained in the lamentable demise of the much respected and highly esteemed R . AV . P . Prov . G . M . of AA'estern India , Bro . P . AV . LeGeyt , be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
greeting by which the toast was met . He came among them a stranger , ancl knew not a face then present , ancl never had he received more courtesy and kindness . He could but hope that , ere long , he should again visit England , and attend their meetings . —Bro . BOLOGNESI , in French , expressed his regret that , being unacquainted with the English language , he could not satisfactorily convey his thanks for the courtesy of the brethren , and in perfect Masonic terms . He was proud to have been admitted into the
Order in England . He was before aware that faith , hope , ancl charity were the great emblems ; but he had that clay learned that there was something even of more vital import in that Christian Order . He should soon return to Peru , and he trusted that , ere long , he should be enabled to make known much of what he had seen ancl heard that day . —Bro . HARCOURT then said that the chapter was under considerable obligation to his chief officer , who , although presiding over another chapter , and attained the 32 ° ,
had done the Metropolitan Chapter the honour of accepting office , and thus , by his knowledge and perfection , greatly aided them . — Bro . PULLEN briefly acknowledged the compliment , gratefully recognising the way in which the M . W . Sov . had been pleased to introduce it . It was his desire , in joining the Metropolitan Chapter , to aid by his efforts its working ; and he felt confident that , by the assistance of some around him , they would see that chapter pre-eminent . Having a hih respect for the degrees
g united under that rite , he earnestly desired their extension . Bro . Pullen , ere he resumed his seat , said that , during the time he had been a member of the chapter , he could not but notice the untiring services of Bro . Goulden , ancl he hence thought they ought not to separate without offering a word of acknowledgment for the care he had taken of their funds , ancl likewise , ancl of their satisfaction for what he had done for the improvement of the chapter . Bro .
GOULDEN said the way in which the toast had been given and received assured him the feeling came from their hearts . It was most gratifying to find that his efforts in the service of his brethren were so acceptable , which services he should be most happy to continue so long as the chapter were pleased to accept them . —The M . W . Sov . concluded the toasts by proposing the health of his predecessor , who had also , in his office of Secretary , rendered much good to the chapter . This was gracefully acknowledged by Bro . JONES , and the clay ' s proceedings terminated .
ROYAL ORDER EDINBURGH , —At a meeting at Edinburgh on the 4 th inst ., Major C . E . Thornton , Grand Office-bearer of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple and Prior of the Ayr Priory , No . 4 , was elected Grand Banner-bearer of the Eoyal Order of Scotland , in room of Sir George Beresford , Bart ., w-ho has left Scotland . ARDROSSAS . —The Lodge Saltcoats ancl Ardrossan St . John , ( No .
360 ) , held their annual meeting for the election of Office-bearers , in their lodge-room on the 1 st inst ., when the following brethren w-ere appointed : —Captain R . K . Barbour , R . AV . M . ; Norman M'Leod , D . M . ; Rob . Boyd , P . M . ; James Robertson , S . AV . ; George Hunter , J . AV . ; Alexander Baimatyne , Treas . ; John Robertson Sec ; Thomas Carson , S . D . ; John Howie , J . D . ; James Raeside , S . S . ; James Dawson , J . S . ; John Patterson , Chap . ; Thomas Heald , I . G . AYR . —A quarterly communication of the Ayr Lodges was held
in the Royal Arch Hall on Monday the 6 th inst ., Dep . Master Hunter , in absence of B . W . M . Pollock , presiding . The business being of a routine character , was quickly disposed of , ancl tho brethren pnfc under the immediate superintendence of the G . O . T . M . C . O . T . T ., whose special duties were pleasantly discharged to the satisfaction of all present , not excepting the Lodge Steward . The deputations from Nos . 124 , 13 S , 204 , were headed respectivel y by Bros . Guthrie , Kelly , and Stevenson .
SMYRNA . —Homer Lodge ( So . 110 S ) . —The members of this lodge celebrated St . John ' s Day hy a banquet ancl musical entertainment , in their lodge-room , under the presidency of Bro . Hyde Clarke , W . M . Several visitors were present , ancl speeches were made in various languages . At the usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , 2 nd July , Bro . _ Hyde Clarke , AV . M ., again presiding , a German candidate was initiated , one brother regularised in tho second degree , and one regularised in the third degree .
Western India.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE ( SCOTTISH CONS . ) A quarterly communication was held at Grant Buildings , Colaba , Bombay , on Tuesday , the 16 th of April , 1 S 61 , when there were present the Eight AVorshipful G . R . Ballingall , Acting ' Prov . Grand Master
Bro . Manuckjee Cursetjee Offg . Prov . G . S . M . „ J . Anderson Offg . Pro . G . S . AA . „ J . Irvine Offg . Prov . G . J . AV . „ G . A Summers , Acting Prov . G . Secretary „ J . Firth Prov . G . Treasurer „ T . Carpenter Offg . Prov . G . S . D . „ Ali Mahomed Khan Offg . Prov . G . J . D . „ J . Jamieson President of Grand Stewards' Lodge A „ S . Stephens , jun Prov . G . I . G . „ H . Hazells Prov . G , Tyler , & c .
The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the summons convening the present meeting , and the proceedings of the regular quarterly communication , held on the 2 nd May , 1860 , were read , ancl the latter confirmed . The R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master then stated that A . AV . Bro . A . Jordan having , since the last meeting , resigned the office of Prov . G . See ., he appointed Bro . G . A . Summers Sec . pro tern ., whoas will be observedhaving very satisfactorilbrought the
, , y up accumulated arrears of the Prov . Grand Lodge , it was proposed that he be appointed to fill the vacant office ; which proposition , having met with the unanimous approval of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Bro . G . A . Summers was then duly invested with the insignia of office . An apology was ' read for the absence of the R . AA . the P . Prov . Grand Master .
The Prov . G . Sec . submitted to the Prov . Grand Lodge a summary of proceedings since the last quarterly communication . The B . W . the Prov . Grand Master stated that , from the summary just read , it will have been observed that a letter from the AA . M . of Lodge St . Paul , Mhow ^ was left undisposed of , with a , view that it may be discussed at the present meeting . This he stated the Secretary would read , together with a report from the committee of Lodge St . Paulafter which the sense of the Prov
, . Grand Lodge would be taken on the subject . The Prov . G . Sec . read the letter and report referred to , to the effect that the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland containing no article requiring the office-bearers of subordinate lodges to be in possession , of any documentary evidence of their holding , or having held office , such certificates from the Prov . Grand Lodge were unnecessary for the office-bearers of Lodge St . Paul . Bro . J . Jamieson
stated that the certificates were sanctioned in the Prov . Grand Lodge after due consideration ; and that at a subsequent meeting , on the 2 nd February , I 860 , it was unanimously carried that the fees proposed for the certificates be adopted . These resolutions , he stated , were come to after mature deliberation and serious consideration , weighing all the points set forth in the letter of the AV . M . of Lodge St . Paul . The R . AV . the Prov . Grand Master then proposed , and Bro . G . A . Summers seconded , that a difference of opinion having arisen on the matter , the subject be referred to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . On going to the vote , the proposition was carried unanimously .
Bro . J . Jamieson stated that rule 8 of the bye-laws of Lodge Perseverance having been rescinded , Bro . Craig was appointed Depute , and lie Substitute Master in the said lodge ; that neither of them had ever filled the Master ' s chair , though he had officiaced as AV . M . on some occasions . The question he wished settled was , that in case of the absence of the AA . M ., or P . M ., could the next officer in rotation , i . e . Depute or Substitute Master , who had never been installed in the AV . M . 's chair , govern a lodge ancl confer
degrees . It was unanimously agreed , on a proposition from the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., and seconded by Bro . Anderson , that the questions be submitted to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for instructions . The Acting R . AA . the Prov . G . M . suggested that , it having been resolved that a suitable address , expressing a deep sense of regret on the R . W . Bro . Cartwright ' s resignation of office of Prov . G . M . of AA'estern Indiabe presented to himthat Bros . J . Anderson
, ; and G . A . Summers be directed to undertake the duty , which was agreed to . Bro . Manuckjee Cursetjee proposed , and the officiating Prov . G . M . seconded the proposition , that the loss Masonry has sustained in the lamentable demise of the much respected and highly esteemed R . AV . P . Prov . G . M . of AA'estern India , Bro . P . AV . LeGeyt , be