Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
paratively light . Henry James Owen , a solicitor , was indicted for indecently assaulting Anne Jordan , a young lady , in Battorsca Park . The jury acquitted the prisoner on the ground of insanity , ancl he was ordered to bo detained in custody during Her Majesty ' s pleasure . At the Middlesex Sessions , which were also commenced , John AA'illiams , previously convicted , was brought up for judgment . This fellow would seem to possess some genius in his way , having the merit of striking out
a new line for himself in the swindling profession . His practice was to find out the friends of convicts in prison , and representing that ho was an official in the establishment , offered to convey to the unhappy prisoners whatever they might he disposed to send . In this way it was shown that ho had obtained £ G from the friends of Mr . King Hai-man , before the Homo Secretary set that gentleman free . The prisoner was sentenced to IS months' hard labour .
Louis Moullett was charged with fraudulently obtaining the sum of £ 30 from Mr . Attenborough , pawnbroker , Greek-street . Tho money was advanced to the prisoner on two hogsheads of port wine , so called . Although tho quality of the article had been tested hy tapping when first deposited , a week or two after it was found to have become converted into an equivalent quantity of indifferent water . This clover metamorphosis was effected by means of a little mechanical ingenuity . There
w-as another charge against the prisoner of feloniously appropriating a bill of exchange to his own use . He was found guilty , and sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment . On Saturday evening a serious accident occurred on the North Kent Railway , by which unfortunately a young man named Charles AVhitehead met with an instantaneous death . A long goods train , consisting of some thirty trucks , had started for Maidstone from the Strood station , when , having- got a short distance into the tunnel , it was thrown from the rails . The destruction of property is very considerable ; and it seems little less than miraculous that any of those in charge of the train escaped . The young man who lost his life was travelling in the break van , contrary to the company ' s rules , as he was not on duty , but proceeding home .
COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE . —Tho London and AVestminstor Bank has held its half-yearly meeting , and declared a dividend and bonus of 10 per cent . ; the City a dividend and bonus of 4 % per cent ; the London a dividend of 2 J per cent . ; and the Union of Australia a dividend of G per cent .
FOREIGN LvTEELiGEircE . —An Imperial decree m the Moniteur modifies the import duties on foreign sugar , either refined or unrefined . The same decree modifies the duties on the importation of coffee . Foreign sugars unrefined and imported from countries out of Europe by foreign vessels will be admitted , with benefit of drawback , if re-exported . A division of the French Mediterranean squadron , which is to be accompanied by the iron-cased frigate Gloire , has been ordered by telegraph to be kept ready for sailing . Its destination is unknown , but it seems not improbable that it may be the Levant . Prince Adam Czartoryskithe
, patriareh of Polish patriots , who fought , in the Polish armies which vainly opposed the second partition of Poland , and who was President of the National Government established at AVarsaw in 1831 , died on Monday evening , in Paris , in his 92 nd year .- An attempt—happily an unsuccessful one—was made on Sunday morning to assassinate the King of Prussia . While the King was walking on the promenade at Baden-Baden , a Leipsic student fired a pistol shot at him , but inflicted no injury beyond a slight contusionwhich did not prevent His Majesty
, from returning on foot to his residence . The assassin is a young man named Becker . He is not supposed to be connected with any secret society , and he declares that lie has no accomplices . He seems , according to a letter found upon him , to have committed the crime because "ho does not consider the King of Prussia competent to deal with the German question . The King slept well on the night of the 16 th , and awoke much restored . The contusion on his neck is progressing very
favourably . The intensity of the financial and commercial crisis at St . Petersburg does not appear to abate . Gold cannot be procured in exchange for the depreciated paper currency , and the government has ordered a sum of about £ 1 , 400 , 000 to be coined in copper and debased silver . Rumours are still circulated in Spain with regard to the existence of a widely ramifying revolutionary movement . It is asserted even that disturbances have again broken out in the provinces . The Ministerial journals , however , deny that any remains of the late conspiracy are j'et in active existenceand affirm that the maintenance of
, public tranquillity is perfectly secure . The prisoners who were taken at Loja are very shortly to be brought to trial . The provinces of Malaga and Granada , in which Lojo is situated , aro ordered by the Spanish Government to be militarily occupied , though tranquillity is said to lie perfectly restored . A late telegram from Madrid reports that the insurrection had ramifications in Portugal . All that is known in A icnna respecting the Conference between the Government and the Hungarian deputation is , that the former demands that the Pragmatic sanction
should form the basis of the relations between Austria and Hungary , and the constitution of February should be considered as unalterable . The Hungarians have positively given up all idea of a mere personal union between Hungary and Austria . The Croatian Diet , as we are informed hy a telegram from Agram , almost unanimously adopted on Saturday last , the proposal for a severance of Croatia from Hungary . The Austrian government has thus succeeded in inflaming the national aversion of the Croats to the Magyars , so as to render impossible any
The Week.
conjoint action of the Hungarian and Croatian Diets ; but it remains to bo seen whether , in the event of an insurrection in Hungary , it will be able , as in 1848 , to hound on the Croats against the Magyars . A despatch received at Paris , dated Constantinople , July 10 , announces that the Sultan had commuted a great number of punishments , and that reductions had been effected in the War Budget . A arious diplomatic and other appointments had been made . The new Sultan , among other reforms , is turning his attention to a new organisation of the Ottoman fleet , and has decided on sending two superior officers to England and France to examine all the latest improvements in shipbuilding . He has given an instance of his liberal views by appointing two Christians to important offices at Constantinople .
AMERICA . —By the arrival of the Anglo Saxon last night , at Liverpool , from Quebec , wo learn that Congress met on the 4 th inst ., and was organised the same day , by the election of Mr . Grow , of Pennsylvania , as speaker . The New York Herald of the 4 th states that by intelligence received from Washington at midnight the previous evening , the advance movement had then commenced "both from Alexandria and Arlington Heights , and that a bloody page in the history of the country may be recorded to-day . " On Tuesday morning an action had been
fought between the division of General Patterson and the rebel forces under General Jackson , which resulted in the defeat and flight of the latter . A movement is progressing in Missouri to hold a state convention this month for the purpose of choosing state officers . The President ' s message is naturally of a most determined , warlike character . It opens by stating that , at the beginning of the present Presidential term , tho functions of the Federal Government were found to be generally suspended within the several states of South Carolina , Georgia ,
Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , and Florida , excepting only thoso of the Post-office department . Then follows a recapitulation of the various movements made ; and the message proceeds to dilate on various topics , which are classified under tho following heads : —forbearance of the Government ; Fort Sumter affair ; the expedition for its relief ; measures taken to preserve the Union : the course of Virginia ; the neutrality humbug ; privateering ; necessity of suspending the Habeas Corpus ; sympathy of foreign powers for the Union ; patriotism of the people ; sophism of the rebel leader ; the sovereignty of the State not in the Constitution ; secession fallacy ; rebel politicians ignoring the people ; tho ballot-box v . bullets ; no compromise by public servants . The special report of the Secretary at AVar is a very able document .
INDIA AND THE COLONIES . —The Calcutta mail brings us the satisfactory intelligence that copious rains have fallen in the north-west provinces and the Punjab ; and we may , therefore , hope that the fearful calamity of a second failure of the crops has been averted . From China and Japan the political news is confined to the announcement that the relations of the native ' authorities with the European Consuls are on a satisfactory footing . Tha Maori war in New Zealand , which previous accounts had led us to deem terminated , appears likely to be renewed on a scale which will cause the expenditure of much English blood and
treasure . At all events , a curt despatch , dated Auckland , 11 th May , says that the natives are preparing to re-commence hostilities , and adds that " a general native insurrection is anticipated . " The news brought by the mail from tho AVest India Islands is politically unimportant . The weather generally has been wet and unhealthy , and business very dull . In Jamaica the question of cotton cultivation continued to occupy public attention . The Bay Islands had been formally delivered over by the British governor to the Republic of Honduras .
To Correspondents.
LIVERPOOL . — In our last report of the proceedings of the Merchants' Lodge ( No . 294 ) , it is stated that Bro . Ybunghusband , at the solicitation of Bro . Kearne , undertook the ceremony of installation . It should have been that Bro . Younghusband solicited as a favour that he might instal the AV . Master Bro . Bentley , as he had heen a friend of many years' standing . ERRATUM . —In the letter of Veritas last week , Verax was
errroneously spelt A erex . J . C . P , —It is not absolutely necessary that the principals of a new chapter named in the Charter should have previously filled any office in a chapter ; but they must be acting or Past Masters of Craft lodge . LUDWIG . —No . R . S . T . —AVe will make inquiry .
X . X . —Send us the report , and we shall be enabled to decide . J . AA . P . —It is not Masonic for a Bro . to pledge himself to vote on or against any particular measure before it has been discussedneither is it legal to canvass for votes . The votes of the brethren would not , however , be vitiated by such promises or canvassing . AVe have received two pamphlets entitled The Further Revision of the Liturgy with a Reference to the Clergy , Essays and Reviews , cf-c . j and Amendments in the Boole of Common Prayer , but neither are fitted for discussion in our pages , however admirable may be the views of the writers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
paratively light . Henry James Owen , a solicitor , was indicted for indecently assaulting Anne Jordan , a young lady , in Battorsca Park . The jury acquitted the prisoner on the ground of insanity , ancl he was ordered to bo detained in custody during Her Majesty ' s pleasure . At the Middlesex Sessions , which were also commenced , John AA'illiams , previously convicted , was brought up for judgment . This fellow would seem to possess some genius in his way , having the merit of striking out
a new line for himself in the swindling profession . His practice was to find out the friends of convicts in prison , and representing that ho was an official in the establishment , offered to convey to the unhappy prisoners whatever they might he disposed to send . In this way it was shown that ho had obtained £ G from the friends of Mr . King Hai-man , before the Homo Secretary set that gentleman free . The prisoner was sentenced to IS months' hard labour .
Louis Moullett was charged with fraudulently obtaining the sum of £ 30 from Mr . Attenborough , pawnbroker , Greek-street . Tho money was advanced to the prisoner on two hogsheads of port wine , so called . Although tho quality of the article had been tested hy tapping when first deposited , a week or two after it was found to have become converted into an equivalent quantity of indifferent water . This clover metamorphosis was effected by means of a little mechanical ingenuity . There
w-as another charge against the prisoner of feloniously appropriating a bill of exchange to his own use . He was found guilty , and sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment . On Saturday evening a serious accident occurred on the North Kent Railway , by which unfortunately a young man named Charles AVhitehead met with an instantaneous death . A long goods train , consisting of some thirty trucks , had started for Maidstone from the Strood station , when , having- got a short distance into the tunnel , it was thrown from the rails . The destruction of property is very considerable ; and it seems little less than miraculous that any of those in charge of the train escaped . The young man who lost his life was travelling in the break van , contrary to the company ' s rules , as he was not on duty , but proceeding home .
COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE . —Tho London and AVestminstor Bank has held its half-yearly meeting , and declared a dividend and bonus of 10 per cent . ; the City a dividend and bonus of 4 % per cent ; the London a dividend of 2 J per cent . ; and the Union of Australia a dividend of G per cent .
FOREIGN LvTEELiGEircE . —An Imperial decree m the Moniteur modifies the import duties on foreign sugar , either refined or unrefined . The same decree modifies the duties on the importation of coffee . Foreign sugars unrefined and imported from countries out of Europe by foreign vessels will be admitted , with benefit of drawback , if re-exported . A division of the French Mediterranean squadron , which is to be accompanied by the iron-cased frigate Gloire , has been ordered by telegraph to be kept ready for sailing . Its destination is unknown , but it seems not improbable that it may be the Levant . Prince Adam Czartoryskithe
, patriareh of Polish patriots , who fought , in the Polish armies which vainly opposed the second partition of Poland , and who was President of the National Government established at AVarsaw in 1831 , died on Monday evening , in Paris , in his 92 nd year .- An attempt—happily an unsuccessful one—was made on Sunday morning to assassinate the King of Prussia . While the King was walking on the promenade at Baden-Baden , a Leipsic student fired a pistol shot at him , but inflicted no injury beyond a slight contusionwhich did not prevent His Majesty
, from returning on foot to his residence . The assassin is a young man named Becker . He is not supposed to be connected with any secret society , and he declares that lie has no accomplices . He seems , according to a letter found upon him , to have committed the crime because "ho does not consider the King of Prussia competent to deal with the German question . The King slept well on the night of the 16 th , and awoke much restored . The contusion on his neck is progressing very
favourably . The intensity of the financial and commercial crisis at St . Petersburg does not appear to abate . Gold cannot be procured in exchange for the depreciated paper currency , and the government has ordered a sum of about £ 1 , 400 , 000 to be coined in copper and debased silver . Rumours are still circulated in Spain with regard to the existence of a widely ramifying revolutionary movement . It is asserted even that disturbances have again broken out in the provinces . The Ministerial journals , however , deny that any remains of the late conspiracy are j'et in active existenceand affirm that the maintenance of
, public tranquillity is perfectly secure . The prisoners who were taken at Loja are very shortly to be brought to trial . The provinces of Malaga and Granada , in which Lojo is situated , aro ordered by the Spanish Government to be militarily occupied , though tranquillity is said to lie perfectly restored . A late telegram from Madrid reports that the insurrection had ramifications in Portugal . All that is known in A icnna respecting the Conference between the Government and the Hungarian deputation is , that the former demands that the Pragmatic sanction
should form the basis of the relations between Austria and Hungary , and the constitution of February should be considered as unalterable . The Hungarians have positively given up all idea of a mere personal union between Hungary and Austria . The Croatian Diet , as we are informed hy a telegram from Agram , almost unanimously adopted on Saturday last , the proposal for a severance of Croatia from Hungary . The Austrian government has thus succeeded in inflaming the national aversion of the Croats to the Magyars , so as to render impossible any
The Week.
conjoint action of the Hungarian and Croatian Diets ; but it remains to bo seen whether , in the event of an insurrection in Hungary , it will be able , as in 1848 , to hound on the Croats against the Magyars . A despatch received at Paris , dated Constantinople , July 10 , announces that the Sultan had commuted a great number of punishments , and that reductions had been effected in the War Budget . A arious diplomatic and other appointments had been made . The new Sultan , among other reforms , is turning his attention to a new organisation of the Ottoman fleet , and has decided on sending two superior officers to England and France to examine all the latest improvements in shipbuilding . He has given an instance of his liberal views by appointing two Christians to important offices at Constantinople .
AMERICA . —By the arrival of the Anglo Saxon last night , at Liverpool , from Quebec , wo learn that Congress met on the 4 th inst ., and was organised the same day , by the election of Mr . Grow , of Pennsylvania , as speaker . The New York Herald of the 4 th states that by intelligence received from Washington at midnight the previous evening , the advance movement had then commenced "both from Alexandria and Arlington Heights , and that a bloody page in the history of the country may be recorded to-day . " On Tuesday morning an action had been
fought between the division of General Patterson and the rebel forces under General Jackson , which resulted in the defeat and flight of the latter . A movement is progressing in Missouri to hold a state convention this month for the purpose of choosing state officers . The President ' s message is naturally of a most determined , warlike character . It opens by stating that , at the beginning of the present Presidential term , tho functions of the Federal Government were found to be generally suspended within the several states of South Carolina , Georgia ,
Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , and Florida , excepting only thoso of the Post-office department . Then follows a recapitulation of the various movements made ; and the message proceeds to dilate on various topics , which are classified under tho following heads : —forbearance of the Government ; Fort Sumter affair ; the expedition for its relief ; measures taken to preserve the Union : the course of Virginia ; the neutrality humbug ; privateering ; necessity of suspending the Habeas Corpus ; sympathy of foreign powers for the Union ; patriotism of the people ; sophism of the rebel leader ; the sovereignty of the State not in the Constitution ; secession fallacy ; rebel politicians ignoring the people ; tho ballot-box v . bullets ; no compromise by public servants . The special report of the Secretary at AVar is a very able document .
INDIA AND THE COLONIES . —The Calcutta mail brings us the satisfactory intelligence that copious rains have fallen in the north-west provinces and the Punjab ; and we may , therefore , hope that the fearful calamity of a second failure of the crops has been averted . From China and Japan the political news is confined to the announcement that the relations of the native ' authorities with the European Consuls are on a satisfactory footing . Tha Maori war in New Zealand , which previous accounts had led us to deem terminated , appears likely to be renewed on a scale which will cause the expenditure of much English blood and
treasure . At all events , a curt despatch , dated Auckland , 11 th May , says that the natives are preparing to re-commence hostilities , and adds that " a general native insurrection is anticipated . " The news brought by the mail from tho AVest India Islands is politically unimportant . The weather generally has been wet and unhealthy , and business very dull . In Jamaica the question of cotton cultivation continued to occupy public attention . The Bay Islands had been formally delivered over by the British governor to the Republic of Honduras .
To Correspondents.
LIVERPOOL . — In our last report of the proceedings of the Merchants' Lodge ( No . 294 ) , it is stated that Bro . Ybunghusband , at the solicitation of Bro . Kearne , undertook the ceremony of installation . It should have been that Bro . Younghusband solicited as a favour that he might instal the AV . Master Bro . Bentley , as he had heen a friend of many years' standing . ERRATUM . —In the letter of Veritas last week , Verax was
errroneously spelt A erex . J . C . P , —It is not absolutely necessary that the principals of a new chapter named in the Charter should have previously filled any office in a chapter ; but they must be acting or Past Masters of Craft lodge . LUDWIG . —No . R . S . T . —AVe will make inquiry .
X . X . —Send us the report , and we shall be enabled to decide . J . AA . P . —It is not Masonic for a Bro . to pledge himself to vote on or against any particular measure before it has been discussedneither is it legal to canvass for votes . The votes of the brethren would not , however , be vitiated by such promises or canvassing . AVe have received two pamphlets entitled The Further Revision of the Liturgy with a Reference to the Clergy , Essays and Reviews , cf-c . j and Amendments in the Boole of Common Prayer , but neither are fitted for discussion in our pages , however admirable may be the views of the writers .