Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES, ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries,
1 IEE . A sceptic writes thus : — " The earth was in a state of fiery liquifaction ; cooling began ; there was a gradual solidification of the surface- at length life appeared , " and he inquires where life came . The true Freemason says that life came from God , Great Architect of the Universe . What does a sceptic say ? —C . P . COOPER .
THE PRIESTIX ORDER OE ETJSEBITJS . This grade is now given under the authority of the Grand Council of the Knights of the Eed Cross of Constantino , but a similar Order of Priesthood was formerly conferred in connection with the Knights Templar . This was remodelled by Sir Knt . Waller
Uodwell Wright , who was Grand Master of both the Eed Cross and Knights Templar , and by him attached , together with the Order of the Holy Sepulchre , to the Eed Cross Fraternity . The original Priesthood warrant , signed by Grand Master Wright , is still in existenceand the emblems of the
PriestlOrder—, y the Cross of the Sepulchre—and the I . H . S . U . of the Knights of Constantino are still visible on the seal . The ancient seal of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre is now in the possession of the G . Eecorder of the Grand Council , and is highly prized by the members . —MEEOHISEDEO .
THE SLOANE MS . AST ) BRO . J . G . PIK"DEL . The accomplished Mason , Bro . Findel , in his "History of Preemasonry " ( Svo ., London , 1 S 66 ) , states that the Sloane MS . " originated at the end of the 17 th century , " and evidently considers the noted Dr . Plot to have been aware of its existence at the time
of his writing the " Natural History of Staffordshire , " wherein he attacked the Masonic Order , A . D . 1686 . I shall esteem it a great favour to receive any information in elucidation of the matter , either as regards the probable date of the " MS . " or a reference to it by Dr . Plot , for several important reasons . Bro .
Findel is a good authority on the manuscripts of our Order , and has paid more attention to them than any other Masonic author I know , hence his opinion is worthy of consideration and of weight . At the same time , on a subject affecting the antiquity of one of the high degreeswe cannot be blamed for seeking
, more evidence than he gives to settle its appropriate date . I hope this query will receive the attention of the indefatigable Bro . Cooper , who , having cleared up one doubt for me , will surely help me in this . —W . J . HUGHAN .
EECOVEEY or A LODG-E JEWES . —At the time of tbe evacuation of Atlanta , Georgia , by Sherman ' s army , the Hall of Fulton Lodge , No . 216 , was plundered by some vandals , who too often disgrace the flag they fight under . The bible , jewels , ancl clothing were abstracted , though the hall was not fired . About Christmas last , the bible was restored by tbe Grand Master of Minnesota , two of the jewels were returned from St . LouisMo . after being carried to Massachusettsand the
, , , Altar Square was placed , unexpectedly , in the hands of R . W . Bro . W . W . Boyd , D . G . M . of Georgia , then on a visit to Sew York , by Bro . Kellinger , the son of the proprietor of the Monumental Hotel , who was with the army at Atlanta , and , finding it in the possession of a soldier not a Mason , took charge of it until lie could find its owners . We trust the balance will soon be recovered .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIMOE . * * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , W . C .
His Highness Halim Pasha , undo of the Viceroy of Egypt , accompanied by Prince Ignace Zaguiell and Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . G . M . for Turkey , visited Freemasons' Hall on the 15 th inst . The illustrious prince was received by the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . ; Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . M . for Cheshire ; and Bro . Gray Clarke , G . Sec , who conducted his Highness through the
various rooms of the new building , with which the Pasha seemed greatly pleased . We understand that his Highness Helim Pasha is about to be appointed District Grand Master for Egypt—a measure that will have a very excellent effect iu consolidating Freemasonry in the East .
THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire has been fixed to be held at Southsea on Monday , the 29 th inst . THE LATE SIR ARCHIBALD ALISOM , BART ., D . C . L ., LL . D . — Tho following aro tho regulations in connection with tho Funeral Lodgo to bo hold at Glasgow on tho 25 th inst ., in memory of tho late Provincial Grand Master : —1 . Each lodgo intending to send a deputation will bo supplied with tickets , prico ono shilling each , on informing tho Prov . G . Secretary , 213 , Buchanan-street ,
Glasgow , of tho number required ; as the tickets are limited , application must bo mado before Tuesday , the 23 rd inst . 2 . Tha doors of tho City Hall ( Candloriggs-stroot entrance ) will bo oponod at fivo o'clock p . m ., and closed at a quarter to six o'clock . 3 . Tho Master or other office-bearer heading the deputation will marshal thoso accompanying him in tho passage , hand to tha Prov . G . Tyler tho card containing tho namo ancl number o £
lodgo , number of deputation , & c , and vouch for thorn as being all Master Masons . -1 . Tho admission tickets will bo dolivorod up at tho outranco-door to tho hall , at hoad of stair , and tho Prov . G . Stewards will show each deputation to thoir placo in tho hall . 5 . Tho lodgo will bo opened at six o'clock p . m . Members of tho Craft can only bo admitted along with deputations . Each Brother
present will rocoivo a memorial card . We havo boon requested to stato that tho consecration of tho Victoria Chapter of Roso Croix will toko placo at tho Masonio Hall , Brook-stroot , Ipswich , on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at halfpast four . WE havo been requested to inform our readers that tho publication of tho new edition of tho " Origin of tho English Royal Arch Dogroo , " by tho late Bro . Dr . Oliver , is delayed through , tho introduction of a short biography in memoriam .
DURHAM . BISHOP ATJCKLASD . —Wear Valley Lodge ( No . 1 , 121 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this young lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Geo . Canney , M . D ., the S . W ., who rules the lodge in consequence of the death of the late W . M ., Bro . Joseph Nicholson , P . 1 , ' rov . J . G . D . There is no P . M ., the lodge liaving onlbeen formed a year since . Bro . John Proud
y officiated as S . W ., and Bro . George Stillman as J . W . There was a large attendance of brethren . The preliminary business having been disposed of , Bros . Rev . E . Healey , B . A . ; W . Edgar , and W . Staudish having duly served their term of apprenticeship , underwent the usual examination , and having acquitted themselves very creditably , withdrew . The lodge was then opened
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries,
1 IEE . A sceptic writes thus : — " The earth was in a state of fiery liquifaction ; cooling began ; there was a gradual solidification of the surface- at length life appeared , " and he inquires where life came . The true Freemason says that life came from God , Great Architect of the Universe . What does a sceptic say ? —C . P . COOPER .
THE PRIESTIX ORDER OE ETJSEBITJS . This grade is now given under the authority of the Grand Council of the Knights of the Eed Cross of Constantino , but a similar Order of Priesthood was formerly conferred in connection with the Knights Templar . This was remodelled by Sir Knt . Waller
Uodwell Wright , who was Grand Master of both the Eed Cross and Knights Templar , and by him attached , together with the Order of the Holy Sepulchre , to the Eed Cross Fraternity . The original Priesthood warrant , signed by Grand Master Wright , is still in existenceand the emblems of the
PriestlOrder—, y the Cross of the Sepulchre—and the I . H . S . U . of the Knights of Constantino are still visible on the seal . The ancient seal of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre is now in the possession of the G . Eecorder of the Grand Council , and is highly prized by the members . —MEEOHISEDEO .
THE SLOANE MS . AST ) BRO . J . G . PIK"DEL . The accomplished Mason , Bro . Findel , in his "History of Preemasonry " ( Svo ., London , 1 S 66 ) , states that the Sloane MS . " originated at the end of the 17 th century , " and evidently considers the noted Dr . Plot to have been aware of its existence at the time
of his writing the " Natural History of Staffordshire , " wherein he attacked the Masonic Order , A . D . 1686 . I shall esteem it a great favour to receive any information in elucidation of the matter , either as regards the probable date of the " MS . " or a reference to it by Dr . Plot , for several important reasons . Bro .
Findel is a good authority on the manuscripts of our Order , and has paid more attention to them than any other Masonic author I know , hence his opinion is worthy of consideration and of weight . At the same time , on a subject affecting the antiquity of one of the high degreeswe cannot be blamed for seeking
, more evidence than he gives to settle its appropriate date . I hope this query will receive the attention of the indefatigable Bro . Cooper , who , having cleared up one doubt for me , will surely help me in this . —W . J . HUGHAN .
EECOVEEY or A LODG-E JEWES . —At the time of tbe evacuation of Atlanta , Georgia , by Sherman ' s army , the Hall of Fulton Lodge , No . 216 , was plundered by some vandals , who too often disgrace the flag they fight under . The bible , jewels , ancl clothing were abstracted , though the hall was not fired . About Christmas last , the bible was restored by tbe Grand Master of Minnesota , two of the jewels were returned from St . LouisMo . after being carried to Massachusettsand the
, , , Altar Square was placed , unexpectedly , in the hands of R . W . Bro . W . W . Boyd , D . G . M . of Georgia , then on a visit to Sew York , by Bro . Kellinger , the son of the proprietor of the Monumental Hotel , who was with the army at Atlanta , and , finding it in the possession of a soldier not a Mason , took charge of it until lie could find its owners . We trust the balance will soon be recovered .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIMOE . * * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street Strand , London , W . C .
His Highness Halim Pasha , undo of the Viceroy of Egypt , accompanied by Prince Ignace Zaguiell and Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . G . M . for Turkey , visited Freemasons' Hall on the 15 th inst . The illustrious prince was received by the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . ; Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . M . for Cheshire ; and Bro . Gray Clarke , G . Sec , who conducted his Highness through the
various rooms of the new building , with which the Pasha seemed greatly pleased . We understand that his Highness Helim Pasha is about to be appointed District Grand Master for Egypt—a measure that will have a very excellent effect iu consolidating Freemasonry in the East .
THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire has been fixed to be held at Southsea on Monday , the 29 th inst . THE LATE SIR ARCHIBALD ALISOM , BART ., D . C . L ., LL . D . — Tho following aro tho regulations in connection with tho Funeral Lodgo to bo hold at Glasgow on tho 25 th inst ., in memory of tho late Provincial Grand Master : —1 . Each lodgo intending to send a deputation will bo supplied with tickets , prico ono shilling each , on informing tho Prov . G . Secretary , 213 , Buchanan-street ,
Glasgow , of tho number required ; as the tickets are limited , application must bo mado before Tuesday , the 23 rd inst . 2 . Tha doors of tho City Hall ( Candloriggs-stroot entrance ) will bo oponod at fivo o'clock p . m ., and closed at a quarter to six o'clock . 3 . Tho Master or other office-bearer heading the deputation will marshal thoso accompanying him in tho passage , hand to tha Prov . G . Tyler tho card containing tho namo ancl number o £
lodgo , number of deputation , & c , and vouch for thorn as being all Master Masons . -1 . Tho admission tickets will bo dolivorod up at tho outranco-door to tho hall , at hoad of stair , and tho Prov . G . Stewards will show each deputation to thoir placo in tho hall . 5 . Tho lodgo will bo opened at six o'clock p . m . Members of tho Craft can only bo admitted along with deputations . Each Brother
present will rocoivo a memorial card . We havo boon requested to stato that tho consecration of tho Victoria Chapter of Roso Croix will toko placo at tho Masonio Hall , Brook-stroot , Ipswich , on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at halfpast four . WE havo been requested to inform our readers that tho publication of tho new edition of tho " Origin of tho English Royal Arch Dogroo , " by tho late Bro . Dr . Oliver , is delayed through , tho introduction of a short biography in memoriam .
DURHAM . BISHOP ATJCKLASD . —Wear Valley Lodge ( No . 1 , 121 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this young lodge was held on the 12 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Geo . Canney , M . D ., the S . W ., who rules the lodge in consequence of the death of the late W . M ., Bro . Joseph Nicholson , P . 1 , ' rov . J . G . D . There is no P . M ., the lodge liaving onlbeen formed a year since . Bro . John Proud
y officiated as S . W ., and Bro . George Stillman as J . W . There was a large attendance of brethren . The preliminary business having been disposed of , Bros . Rev . E . Healey , B . A . ; W . Edgar , and W . Staudish having duly served their term of apprenticeship , underwent the usual examination , and having acquitted themselves very creditably , withdrew . The lodge was then opened