Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
nation of the degree . Soon after the conclusion of the ceremony Bro . Prescott presented himself for advancement , and having satisfactorily explained the cause of his late arrival , after a unanimously favourable ballot , the acting W . M . went through all the essential parts of the ritual , deferring the remainder till the next meeting of the lodge . The chair was resumed by Bro . Cheetham . Several notices of motion were given ancl some matters of business arranged . Among them was the election of
Mrs . Greaves , widow of a late brother , as a free member of tbe lodge ; this refers to a burial fund in connection with it , to which she had contributed for a great number of years , her payments , as the wife of a member , making a total of far greater amount than to which , at her death , her representatives would become entitled . The lodge was closed at about nine o ' clock , aud the brethren adjourned to another room for refreshment .
CORNWALL . Hmn . 0 . —Fortitv . de Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —On Thursday , the 4 th inst ., the members of this lodge celebrated their anniversary and the installation of the newly-elected Master , and the following is asliort accountof the interesting proceedings . The brethren ¦ first assembled at the lodge-rooms , Quay-street , Truro , when the W . M . Bro . Thomas ChirgwinGrand Stewardthe Installing
, , , Master , sounded the gavel at two p . m ., to which a large number of the members gladly responded . The lodge having been duly opened , tbe minutes read and confirmed , the ballot taken for Bro . William Tweedy , S . W ., as W . M ., and Bro . T . Chirgwin , W . M ., as Treas ,, and five candidates unanimously accepted for advancement , the W . M . proceeded to instruct the neophytes into the mysteries of Mark Masonry in an impressive manner , and
Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M ., P . G . Overseer , & c „ gave the full explanations of tbe various signs and words peculiar to that degree . The W . M . elect was then presented to the Installing Master , and all below the rank of a P . M . in the Craft having retired , a Board of Installed Masters was declared opened , consisting of Bros . T . Chirgwin , W . M . 78 , G . S . ; Reginald Rogers , W . M . 94 , D . Prov . G . M . in the Craft ; W . J . Hughan , P . M . 78 ,
37 , 94 , P . G . O ., & c ; Frank Harvey , W . M . 87 ; and John R , * H . Spry , P . M . 64 , St . Aubyn Lodge , Devonport , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . for Devon , & c ., whereupon Bro . W . Tweedy was efficiently ntrusted and placed in the chair of A . by the . Installing Master . The Board was then closed , and on the entrance of the members he following were appointed as the officers for the year ensuing : —Bro . William James Johns , S . W . ; Stephen Holloway , J . W . ; JohnNiness , M . O . ; William M . Couch , S . O . ; James T ,
Trull , J . O . ; Rev . H . B . Bullocke , M . A ., Chap . ; William J . Hughan , P . M ., & c ., Reg . ; Thomas Chirgwin , P . M ., & c ., Treas . ; Kicbard John , Sec . ; William Bouse , Assist . Sec . ; Thos . Mann , S . D . ; Tliomas Tregaskis , J . D . ; Tobias E . Sawyer , Dir . of Cers . ; Charles Truscott , jun ., Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; John Paull , Org .. ; Henry Bale , I . G . ; Theophilus Dorrington and Samuel Wade , jun ., Stewards ; William Wyatt , Tyler ; John Langdon , Assist . Tyler . The lodge having subsequently voted one guinea to aid
a distressed brother out of his difficulties , ancl completed the regular business of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where a substantial banquet awaited them . The W . M . occupied the chair , and the S . W . the vice chair . After partaking of a sumptuous repast the toasts were entered upon , and severally received with right goodwill and enthusiasm , particularly when the brethren were called upon to drink to the health of their newly-appointed Prov . G . Master for Cornwall
, Bro . Frederick Martin Williams , MP . ( advanced in the lodge by Bvo . William J . Hughan , P . M . ) , who responded to tho toast , owing to the unavoidable absence of the Prov . G . M ., and stated how gladly the members of the lodges in the province had accepted the appointment of that distinguished brother as their Prov . G . M . by the Grand Master , the M . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach . Bro . John R . II . Spry responded in a neat speech for the province of Devon . Bro . Frank HarveyW . M . for tho
Cor-, , nubian Lodge , No . 87 , Hayle , and 94 , Falmouth , and the other toasts were also respectively warmly received and duly acknowledged . Altogether the meeting was a complete success in every respect , and wo never remember enjoying ourselves more at any Masonic meeting .
Knights Templar.
CORNWALL . TrwAEDEEATn , — A new encampment , called the Restorinel
Encampment , was opened with due solemnity at Tywardreath on the 9 tli inst ., hy Grand Officers Sir Knights R . Rodda and 2 ? . R . Rodd , P . E . C ., when Sir Knight Prelate Rev . George Ross was duly installed E . G ., who appointed as his officers : —Colonel Peard , 1 st CC . ; C Truscott , 2 nd CC . ; J . Seccombe , Expert ; W . P . Sobey , Reg ; N . Kendall , 1 st C . L . ; T . Ling aud J . Kerswill , Standard Bearers ; S . Seccombe , 1 st Herald .
Masonic Festivities.
METROPOLITAN . WELLINGTON - LODGE ( NO . 548 ) . —The summer banquet of this numerous and prosperous lodge took place on Thursday , 11 th inst ., at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . George E . Gale . The brethren met together , in accordance with the usual custom , for recreation during the clay , and vastly enjoyed the delightful grounds of the Palace and the
numerous amusements there provided for visitors . The weather was magnificent , and the presence of the wives , sisters , ancl lady friends of the members of the lodge added very much to the happiness of the brethren who attended . Shortly after five o ' clock the dinner was announced iu the large saloon of the South Wing Dining-room , when a goodly muster of the brethren , members of the lodge , and visitors ( accompanied by the ladies ) entered the room , and a very
bountiful supply of the good things of this life was provided b y the able contractors for the refreshments supplied within the Palace , Messrs . Bertram and Roberts , who catered on the occasion in their usual excellent style . Bro . E . J . 13 . Burnstead , the active and obliging Secretary of the lodge , materially added to comfort of the members and their friends hy the excellence of the arrangements he had made in concert with the W-M . and officers of the lodge . The tables were laid for seventy , and
sixty-four seats were occupied , and ample justice was done to the viands and wines provided for the occasion . The dinner was excellent , and the wines really good . After grace had been said the W . M . proposed the several toasts usually proposed on such occasions . " The Health of her Majesty the Queen , " " The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master of English Freemasons , " ' ¦ The Deputy Grand Master ancl the rest of tbe Grand Officers past and present , " " The Visitors , " " The Ladies , " & c . Bro . Burnstead , Sec . and I . P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M ., Bro . Gale , in appropriate terms . He called attention to the flourishine- state of the loda-e . to the excellent workinn-of
the W . M . and the officers of the lodge , and to the presence of the ladies upon that occasion , as adding so materially to the many enjoyments of the day . The W . M ., in responding to this toast , made au excellent speech , and in a truly Masonic spirit referred to the moot question of whether ladies should be allowed to be fpresent on such occasions as then present , and concluded hy expressing a hope that , if there had hitherto been any doubt about the matter , the success of the experiment
must for ever settle the question . The toast of "The Officers of the Wellington Lodge" was then given , and duly responded to , and the formalities of the meeting being over , thc W . M . requested those present to enjoy themselves in whatever way their tastes inclined . As the grounds were then thronged with visitors some might prefer a promenade , others might prefer to enjoy music and dancing iu thc great saloon adjoining the banqueting-room , for which preparations were then being made .
After dinner and between each toast Mrs . Gale presided at the pianoforte , and , besides giving some admirable selections , accompanied many of the lady vocalists who so kindly favoured the company with sweet songs , which in every case were very nicely given , and in some instances the performances were really excellent . Miss Saegert , who sang several songs delightfully , was followed hy Miss Ward and other ladies , and when the ball-room was 2 > repiii-ed , many adjourned thereto , ancl enjoj-ed
themselves heartily . In short , the meeting was one of the most agreeable description , and every member of tho lodge present expressed himself as highly gratified , and hoped that next year the same treat would be repeated . The following wero present : Bros . George E . Gale , W . M ., and Mrs . Gtile ; West , J . W . ; Welsford , P . M . and Treas ., ami lady ; Saegert , S . D ., and Mrs . and the Misses Saegert ; Phillips , J . D ., ancl Mrs . Phillips ; Coomb , I . G ., and Mrs . Coomb ; Henderson , Dir . of Cers . ; Loewenstark , P . M . ; Ovvden , P . M ., aud Mrs . and MissOwden ; Bentley , P . M ., and Sirs . Bentley : Bngsliaw , P . M ., and Mrs . and the Misses Bagshaw ; Wakefield , and about forty others , besides
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
nation of the degree . Soon after the conclusion of the ceremony Bro . Prescott presented himself for advancement , and having satisfactorily explained the cause of his late arrival , after a unanimously favourable ballot , the acting W . M . went through all the essential parts of the ritual , deferring the remainder till the next meeting of the lodge . The chair was resumed by Bro . Cheetham . Several notices of motion were given ancl some matters of business arranged . Among them was the election of
Mrs . Greaves , widow of a late brother , as a free member of tbe lodge ; this refers to a burial fund in connection with it , to which she had contributed for a great number of years , her payments , as the wife of a member , making a total of far greater amount than to which , at her death , her representatives would become entitled . The lodge was closed at about nine o ' clock , aud the brethren adjourned to another room for refreshment .
CORNWALL . Hmn . 0 . —Fortitv . de Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —On Thursday , the 4 th inst ., the members of this lodge celebrated their anniversary and the installation of the newly-elected Master , and the following is asliort accountof the interesting proceedings . The brethren ¦ first assembled at the lodge-rooms , Quay-street , Truro , when the W . M . Bro . Thomas ChirgwinGrand Stewardthe Installing
, , , Master , sounded the gavel at two p . m ., to which a large number of the members gladly responded . The lodge having been duly opened , tbe minutes read and confirmed , the ballot taken for Bro . William Tweedy , S . W ., as W . M ., and Bro . T . Chirgwin , W . M ., as Treas ,, and five candidates unanimously accepted for advancement , the W . M . proceeded to instruct the neophytes into the mysteries of Mark Masonry in an impressive manner , and
Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M ., P . G . Overseer , & c „ gave the full explanations of tbe various signs and words peculiar to that degree . The W . M . elect was then presented to the Installing Master , and all below the rank of a P . M . in the Craft having retired , a Board of Installed Masters was declared opened , consisting of Bros . T . Chirgwin , W . M . 78 , G . S . ; Reginald Rogers , W . M . 94 , D . Prov . G . M . in the Craft ; W . J . Hughan , P . M . 78 ,
37 , 94 , P . G . O ., & c ; Frank Harvey , W . M . 87 ; and John R , * H . Spry , P . M . 64 , St . Aubyn Lodge , Devonport , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . for Devon , & c ., whereupon Bro . W . Tweedy was efficiently ntrusted and placed in the chair of A . by the . Installing Master . The Board was then closed , and on the entrance of the members he following were appointed as the officers for the year ensuing : —Bro . William James Johns , S . W . ; Stephen Holloway , J . W . ; JohnNiness , M . O . ; William M . Couch , S . O . ; James T ,
Trull , J . O . ; Rev . H . B . Bullocke , M . A ., Chap . ; William J . Hughan , P . M ., & c ., Reg . ; Thomas Chirgwin , P . M ., & c ., Treas . ; Kicbard John , Sec . ; William Bouse , Assist . Sec . ; Thos . Mann , S . D . ; Tliomas Tregaskis , J . D . ; Tobias E . Sawyer , Dir . of Cers . ; Charles Truscott , jun ., Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; John Paull , Org .. ; Henry Bale , I . G . ; Theophilus Dorrington and Samuel Wade , jun ., Stewards ; William Wyatt , Tyler ; John Langdon , Assist . Tyler . The lodge having subsequently voted one guinea to aid
a distressed brother out of his difficulties , ancl completed the regular business of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where a substantial banquet awaited them . The W . M . occupied the chair , and the S . W . the vice chair . After partaking of a sumptuous repast the toasts were entered upon , and severally received with right goodwill and enthusiasm , particularly when the brethren were called upon to drink to the health of their newly-appointed Prov . G . Master for Cornwall
, Bro . Frederick Martin Williams , MP . ( advanced in the lodge by Bvo . William J . Hughan , P . M . ) , who responded to tho toast , owing to the unavoidable absence of the Prov . G . M ., and stated how gladly the members of the lodges in the province had accepted the appointment of that distinguished brother as their Prov . G . M . by the Grand Master , the M . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach . Bro . John R . II . Spry responded in a neat speech for the province of Devon . Bro . Frank HarveyW . M . for tho
Cor-, , nubian Lodge , No . 87 , Hayle , and 94 , Falmouth , and the other toasts were also respectively warmly received and duly acknowledged . Altogether the meeting was a complete success in every respect , and wo never remember enjoying ourselves more at any Masonic meeting .
Knights Templar.
CORNWALL . TrwAEDEEATn , — A new encampment , called the Restorinel
Encampment , was opened with due solemnity at Tywardreath on the 9 tli inst ., hy Grand Officers Sir Knights R . Rodda and 2 ? . R . Rodd , P . E . C ., when Sir Knight Prelate Rev . George Ross was duly installed E . G ., who appointed as his officers : —Colonel Peard , 1 st CC . ; C Truscott , 2 nd CC . ; J . Seccombe , Expert ; W . P . Sobey , Reg ; N . Kendall , 1 st C . L . ; T . Ling aud J . Kerswill , Standard Bearers ; S . Seccombe , 1 st Herald .
Masonic Festivities.
METROPOLITAN . WELLINGTON - LODGE ( NO . 548 ) . —The summer banquet of this numerous and prosperous lodge took place on Thursday , 11 th inst ., at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . George E . Gale . The brethren met together , in accordance with the usual custom , for recreation during the clay , and vastly enjoyed the delightful grounds of the Palace and the
numerous amusements there provided for visitors . The weather was magnificent , and the presence of the wives , sisters , ancl lady friends of the members of the lodge added very much to the happiness of the brethren who attended . Shortly after five o ' clock the dinner was announced iu the large saloon of the South Wing Dining-room , when a goodly muster of the brethren , members of the lodge , and visitors ( accompanied by the ladies ) entered the room , and a very
bountiful supply of the good things of this life was provided b y the able contractors for the refreshments supplied within the Palace , Messrs . Bertram and Roberts , who catered on the occasion in their usual excellent style . Bro . E . J . 13 . Burnstead , the active and obliging Secretary of the lodge , materially added to comfort of the members and their friends hy the excellence of the arrangements he had made in concert with the W-M . and officers of the lodge . The tables were laid for seventy , and
sixty-four seats were occupied , and ample justice was done to the viands and wines provided for the occasion . The dinner was excellent , and the wines really good . After grace had been said the W . M . proposed the several toasts usually proposed on such occasions . " The Health of her Majesty the Queen , " " The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master of English Freemasons , " ' ¦ The Deputy Grand Master ancl the rest of tbe Grand Officers past and present , " " The Visitors , " " The Ladies , " & c . Bro . Burnstead , Sec . and I . P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M ., Bro . Gale , in appropriate terms . He called attention to the flourishine- state of the loda-e . to the excellent workinn-of
the W . M . and the officers of the lodge , and to the presence of the ladies upon that occasion , as adding so materially to the many enjoyments of the day . The W . M ., in responding to this toast , made au excellent speech , and in a truly Masonic spirit referred to the moot question of whether ladies should be allowed to be fpresent on such occasions as then present , and concluded hy expressing a hope that , if there had hitherto been any doubt about the matter , the success of the experiment
must for ever settle the question . The toast of "The Officers of the Wellington Lodge" was then given , and duly responded to , and the formalities of the meeting being over , thc W . M . requested those present to enjoy themselves in whatever way their tastes inclined . As the grounds were then thronged with visitors some might prefer a promenade , others might prefer to enjoy music and dancing iu thc great saloon adjoining the banqueting-room , for which preparations were then being made .
After dinner and between each toast Mrs . Gale presided at the pianoforte , and , besides giving some admirable selections , accompanied many of the lady vocalists who so kindly favoured the company with sweet songs , which in every case were very nicely given , and in some instances the performances were really excellent . Miss Saegert , who sang several songs delightfully , was followed hy Miss Ward and other ladies , and when the ball-room was 2 > repiii-ed , many adjourned thereto , ancl enjoj-ed
themselves heartily . In short , the meeting was one of the most agreeable description , and every member of tho lodge present expressed himself as highly gratified , and hoped that next year the same treat would be repeated . The following wero present : Bros . George E . Gale , W . M ., and Mrs . Gtile ; West , J . W . ; Welsford , P . M . and Treas ., ami lady ; Saegert , S . D ., and Mrs . and the Misses Saegert ; Phillips , J . D ., ancl Mrs . Phillips ; Coomb , I . G ., and Mrs . Coomb ; Henderson , Dir . of Cers . ; Loewenstark , P . M . ; Ovvden , P . M ., aud Mrs . and MissOwden ; Bentley , P . M ., and Sirs . Bentley : Bngsliaw , P . M ., and Mrs . and the Misses Bagshaw ; Wakefield , and about forty others , besides