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Masonic Festivities.
three visitors—Bros . J . H . Searle , P . M . 169 , S . W . 1 , 155 ; AVSmith , P . G . S ., P . M . 26 , 33 , 840 , & c ; and Ellis , 147 .
The freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Oxfordshire , S ( c ., for 1867-68 . Edited by Bro . R . J . SPIERS , F . S . A ., D . Prov . G . M . Oxon , P . G . S . B . of tho Grand Lodgo of England . It is with p leasure wo havo again to w-olcomo tho appearance of . this most uselul and unique littlo Masonic calendar , which has now wo observe , attained its eleventh 3 * 0 . 11- of issue . Wo havo so often had occasion to dwell upon tho importance of every province
bavin" its own local calendar that wo again onibraco this opportunity of repeating our advice , and would say to thoso provinces who are as yet um-oprosonlocl by such a calendar , that wo know not of a hotter onsamplor than tho concise ancl elegantly appointed littlo hook wo havo before us , together with tho supplementary sheot recently issued , tho latter containing tho lists of officers of tho various Masonic bodies in tho jiro pinco appointed at the end ol last for tho year ending May 1 SGS . The calendar portion
May , of tho book comprises , in addition to tho usual necessary information for every gentleman's diary and pockot-book , tho meetings of tho vai-ious Masonic bodies of tho province and of others connected with it , of tho Grand Lodgo , Grand festivals , & e ., and of tho University ol Cambridge . Tho lists of officers , besides the information which thoy afford , incite young Masons to attend to thoir duties , and to work up to higher dignities ; and , for old tho reference to tho lists
Oxford Masons who havo loft province , a of officers must prove interesting , as showing tho gradual promotions of brethren whom thoy havo known as junior to themselves . Tho brethren of tho province of Oxfordshire aro fortunate in having as tho editor of tho calendar under notice so distinguished and zealous a Mason as Bro . J . Spiors , who , by tho way , wo may add , stands senior on tho list of members of tho province who have served as Stewards for our threo great Masonic Charities .
THE VICAEAGE OP UrTox-cmi-CnALVEY . —The Rev . R . J . Simpson , M . A-, has been appointed to the vicarage of Uptoncum-Chalvey , Berks . The rev . gentleman was for some time senior curate of Windsor , and All Saints' Church iu that town is a noble memorial of his zeal , the bulk of the subscriptions towards the erection of that sacred edifice having been collected bmeans of his personal and energetic canvass . About a
twelvey month since the Yen . Archdeacon Sinclair nominated Bro . Simpson to a senior curacy in the important parish of Kensington . On the recent promotion of the Rev . J . A . Cree , B . D ., to the Vicarage of Great Marlow , in succession to the Rev . Dr . Miltnan , Bishop of Calcutta , the Rev . Bro- Simpson was appointed senior curate of Upton-cuui-Chalvey , a position which Mr . Cree had held for some years . The vicar , the Rev . E . Champness , has resigned
his benefice , ancl the Rev . Mr . Simpson has received the appointment , which has given much satisfaction in his future and former spheres of clerical labour . The district comjn-ises Upton , Slough , and Chalvey , and there are in it three parochial churches . The late vicar was appointed twenty-six year , ago , and for many years he has been non-resident . It is a matter for rejoicing that there will now be a resident vicar—a gentleman of distinguished eruditionwho displays a remarkable degree
, of tact and continious zeal in the discharge of his ministrations . The new vicar arrived at Slough by the 4 . 40 train on Thursday evening , the 4 th inst , and on arrival he received quite an ovation . Foremost among those to welcome him as brother Masons were Bro . Frederick Charsley , Her Majesty ' s Coroner for Buckinghamshire , ancl Registrar of Eton College , and Bro . Joseph Devereux , J . P . for the borough of Windsor , and our Provincial Grand Secretary for Berks and Bucks .
The bells were rung merrily , and , as the 5 th Bucks Rifle Volunteers happened to he returning ft-oic rifle practice at Chalvey , they tendered their services , with their band , as a guard of honour . Bro . Simpson and his family were conveyed to their future residence in Upton Park in the carriages of Mrs . Beauehamp and Bro . Charsley , preceded by the Volunteer hand and escorted b y the corps . The children of the parochial schools heartily joined in the cordial demonstration . The welcome was most gratifying , and the circumstance of its being impromptu by no means detracted from its cordiality . It is
only right to mention that the happy suggestion of such a reception originated with Mrs . Charsley . Ou reaching Upton Park the v kij _ men formed up right and left . Ascending the steps of ] lls residence , amid enthusiastic cheers , the Rev . Bro . Simpson said he felt from his heart the reception which had been - ' veil him by his parishioners—a reception worthy of Englishmen and Christians , and upon which he looked not only as a compliment to an individual who had come to work
among them , hut as a compliment and high tribute of respect to the old Church of England , of which he was a very humble representative . He trusted that , with God ' s will , as their vicar he should long live with them , and that he should be their friend as well as their vicar ; and he should feel to his latest clay the very kind and hearty tribute they had been so good as to pay him on this occasion . He thanked particularlthe Volunteers
y for their cheering accompaniment to the bells , and the children who had come around and added their glad voices—the happiest music in the world ; and ho need not say how much he felt deeply grateful to all his kind friends , poor and rich , who had assembled on this occasion to greet him as their new vicar . He should try to clo his duty in every respect , and he trusted that he should find them read y to do theirs . He thanked
them all for the kind and hearty reception they had given him , his wife , and family , who were equally gratified with himself for that reception , as kind as it had been unexpected . Bro . Simpson then bade his parishioners good night , and after a renewal of the enthusiastic applause the band performed the National Anthem . Bro . Charsley hospitably entertained the Volunteers and thoir band at Herschel House . [ We need scarcely remind our brethren that the Rev . R . J . Simpson is the Grand Chaplain of England ED . F . M . ]
The Week.
THE COURT . —Tho Quoon , accompanied by thoir Royal Highnesses Prineo and Princess Louis of Hosso , and Princess Beatrice , drove in tho grounds on tho 10 th inst ., and hor Majesty , with thoir Royal Hignossos Prineo and Princess Louis o £ Hesse , Princess Louiso , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , wont out in tho Homo Park on tho morning of tho 11 th inst . Tho Queen ,
accompanied by Prineo Arthur and Princess Beatrice , wont out in tho grounds in tho afternoon . Hor Majesty , Princess Louiso , and Princess Beatrice wont out in tho grounds on tho morning ol tho 12 th inst . His Imperial Majesty the Sultan , accompaniod by thoir Imperial Highnesses Yonssouff Izzoch ' n Eft ' ondi , Murad Effondi , and Hamid Eft ' ondi , visited hor Majesty tho Queon at
Windsor Castlo on tho 13 th inst . Hor Majesty tho Quoon received tho Sultau at tho foot of tho staircaso at tho Sovereign ' s entrance . Hor Majesty the Queon and the royal family walked and drovo out on tho morning- of tho loth inst . Tho Quoon drovo out in tho afternoon , attended by tho Duchoss of Roxburghe . Tho Quoon embarked on board tho Alberta , at Trinity
Pier , at a quarter boforo eleven o ' clock on tho morning of tho lGth inst , and wont out to tho Victoria and Albert yacht , Capt . his Sorono Highness tho Prince ol Loiniugon , in Cowos Roadsj whon tho royal yacht steamed round to Osborne Bay , where sho roniainod until tho Osborne arrived with tho Sultan on board Hor Majesty tho Quoon thon invested his Imperial Majesty tho Sultan with tho Order of tho Garter . Tho ceremony took placo
upon the quarter-dock of tho royal yacht . IHPEHIAL PAELIA 3 IENT . —The IIOFSE or LOEDS was chiefly occupied on the 11 th inst . with discussions on the Oaths Bill ancl the Transuhstantiatioii , & c , Declaration Bill . Lord Loveden wished to include the Lord-Lieutenant in the provisions of the Oaths Bill , but after a debate the amendment was negatived by
69 votes to 55 . Both bills were advanced a stage- The other business was of no special interest . On the 12 th inst . a good deal of business was got through . The second reading of the Meetings in Parks Bill was , after somo discussion , postponed for a week . There was n long discussion on a motion by the Marquis
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
three visitors—Bros . J . H . Searle , P . M . 169 , S . W . 1 , 155 ; AVSmith , P . G . S ., P . M . 26 , 33 , 840 , & c ; and Ellis , 147 .
The freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Oxfordshire , S ( c ., for 1867-68 . Edited by Bro . R . J . SPIERS , F . S . A ., D . Prov . G . M . Oxon , P . G . S . B . of tho Grand Lodgo of England . It is with p leasure wo havo again to w-olcomo tho appearance of . this most uselul and unique littlo Masonic calendar , which has now wo observe , attained its eleventh 3 * 0 . 11- of issue . Wo havo so often had occasion to dwell upon tho importance of every province
bavin" its own local calendar that wo again onibraco this opportunity of repeating our advice , and would say to thoso provinces who are as yet um-oprosonlocl by such a calendar , that wo know not of a hotter onsamplor than tho concise ancl elegantly appointed littlo hook wo havo before us , together with tho supplementary sheot recently issued , tho latter containing tho lists of officers of tho various Masonic bodies in tho jiro pinco appointed at the end ol last for tho year ending May 1 SGS . The calendar portion
May , of tho book comprises , in addition to tho usual necessary information for every gentleman's diary and pockot-book , tho meetings of tho vai-ious Masonic bodies of tho province and of others connected with it , of tho Grand Lodgo , Grand festivals , & e ., and of tho University ol Cambridge . Tho lists of officers , besides the information which thoy afford , incite young Masons to attend to thoir duties , and to work up to higher dignities ; and , for old tho reference to tho lists
Oxford Masons who havo loft province , a of officers must prove interesting , as showing tho gradual promotions of brethren whom thoy havo known as junior to themselves . Tho brethren of tho province of Oxfordshire aro fortunate in having as tho editor of tho calendar under notice so distinguished and zealous a Mason as Bro . J . Spiors , who , by tho way , wo may add , stands senior on tho list of members of tho province who have served as Stewards for our threo great Masonic Charities .
THE VICAEAGE OP UrTox-cmi-CnALVEY . —The Rev . R . J . Simpson , M . A-, has been appointed to the vicarage of Uptoncum-Chalvey , Berks . The rev . gentleman was for some time senior curate of Windsor , and All Saints' Church iu that town is a noble memorial of his zeal , the bulk of the subscriptions towards the erection of that sacred edifice having been collected bmeans of his personal and energetic canvass . About a
twelvey month since the Yen . Archdeacon Sinclair nominated Bro . Simpson to a senior curacy in the important parish of Kensington . On the recent promotion of the Rev . J . A . Cree , B . D ., to the Vicarage of Great Marlow , in succession to the Rev . Dr . Miltnan , Bishop of Calcutta , the Rev . Bro- Simpson was appointed senior curate of Upton-cuui-Chalvey , a position which Mr . Cree had held for some years . The vicar , the Rev . E . Champness , has resigned
his benefice , ancl the Rev . Mr . Simpson has received the appointment , which has given much satisfaction in his future and former spheres of clerical labour . The district comjn-ises Upton , Slough , and Chalvey , and there are in it three parochial churches . The late vicar was appointed twenty-six year , ago , and for many years he has been non-resident . It is a matter for rejoicing that there will now be a resident vicar—a gentleman of distinguished eruditionwho displays a remarkable degree
, of tact and continious zeal in the discharge of his ministrations . The new vicar arrived at Slough by the 4 . 40 train on Thursday evening , the 4 th inst , and on arrival he received quite an ovation . Foremost among those to welcome him as brother Masons were Bro . Frederick Charsley , Her Majesty ' s Coroner for Buckinghamshire , ancl Registrar of Eton College , and Bro . Joseph Devereux , J . P . for the borough of Windsor , and our Provincial Grand Secretary for Berks and Bucks .
The bells were rung merrily , and , as the 5 th Bucks Rifle Volunteers happened to he returning ft-oic rifle practice at Chalvey , they tendered their services , with their band , as a guard of honour . Bro . Simpson and his family were conveyed to their future residence in Upton Park in the carriages of Mrs . Beauehamp and Bro . Charsley , preceded by the Volunteer hand and escorted b y the corps . The children of the parochial schools heartily joined in the cordial demonstration . The welcome was most gratifying , and the circumstance of its being impromptu by no means detracted from its cordiality . It is
only right to mention that the happy suggestion of such a reception originated with Mrs . Charsley . Ou reaching Upton Park the v kij _ men formed up right and left . Ascending the steps of ] lls residence , amid enthusiastic cheers , the Rev . Bro . Simpson said he felt from his heart the reception which had been - ' veil him by his parishioners—a reception worthy of Englishmen and Christians , and upon which he looked not only as a compliment to an individual who had come to work
among them , hut as a compliment and high tribute of respect to the old Church of England , of which he was a very humble representative . He trusted that , with God ' s will , as their vicar he should long live with them , and that he should be their friend as well as their vicar ; and he should feel to his latest clay the very kind and hearty tribute they had been so good as to pay him on this occasion . He thanked particularlthe Volunteers
y for their cheering accompaniment to the bells , and the children who had come around and added their glad voices—the happiest music in the world ; and ho need not say how much he felt deeply grateful to all his kind friends , poor and rich , who had assembled on this occasion to greet him as their new vicar . He should try to clo his duty in every respect , and he trusted that he should find them read y to do theirs . He thanked
them all for the kind and hearty reception they had given him , his wife , and family , who were equally gratified with himself for that reception , as kind as it had been unexpected . Bro . Simpson then bade his parishioners good night , and after a renewal of the enthusiastic applause the band performed the National Anthem . Bro . Charsley hospitably entertained the Volunteers and thoir band at Herschel House . [ We need scarcely remind our brethren that the Rev . R . J . Simpson is the Grand Chaplain of England ED . F . M . ]
The Week.
THE COURT . —Tho Quoon , accompanied by thoir Royal Highnesses Prineo and Princess Louis of Hosso , and Princess Beatrice , drove in tho grounds on tho 10 th inst ., and hor Majesty , with thoir Royal Hignossos Prineo and Princess Louis o £ Hesse , Princess Louiso , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , wont out in tho Homo Park on tho morning of tho 11 th inst . Tho Queen ,
accompanied by Prineo Arthur and Princess Beatrice , wont out in tho grounds in tho afternoon . Hor Majesty , Princess Louiso , and Princess Beatrice wont out in tho grounds on tho morning ol tho 12 th inst . His Imperial Majesty the Sultan , accompaniod by thoir Imperial Highnesses Yonssouff Izzoch ' n Eft ' ondi , Murad Effondi , and Hamid Eft ' ondi , visited hor Majesty tho Queon at
Windsor Castlo on tho 13 th inst . Hor Majesty tho Quoon received tho Sultau at tho foot of tho staircaso at tho Sovereign ' s entrance . Hor Majesty the Queon and the royal family walked and drovo out on tho morning- of tho loth inst . Tho Quoon drovo out in tho afternoon , attended by tho Duchoss of Roxburghe . Tho Quoon embarked on board tho Alberta , at Trinity
Pier , at a quarter boforo eleven o ' clock on tho morning of tho lGth inst , and wont out to tho Victoria and Albert yacht , Capt . his Sorono Highness tho Prince ol Loiniugon , in Cowos Roadsj whon tho royal yacht steamed round to Osborne Bay , where sho roniainod until tho Osborne arrived with tho Sultan on board Hor Majesty tho Quoon thon invested his Imperial Majesty tho Sultan with tho Order of tho Garter . Tho ceremony took placo
upon the quarter-dock of tho royal yacht . IHPEHIAL PAELIA 3 IENT . —The IIOFSE or LOEDS was chiefly occupied on the 11 th inst . with discussions on the Oaths Bill ancl the Transuhstantiatioii , & c , Declaration Bill . Lord Loveden wished to include the Lord-Lieutenant in the provisions of the Oaths Bill , but after a debate the amendment was negatived by
69 votes to 55 . Both bills were advanced a stage- The other business was of no special interest . On the 12 th inst . a good deal of business was got through . The second reading of the Meetings in Parks Bill was , after somo discussion , postponed for a week . There was n long discussion on a motion by the Marquis