Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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was passed to the Fellow Craffc degree . The lodge being again resumed to tbe first degree , Messrs . T . Nash and J . J . Gibson , being in attendance , ivere initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The election of AV . M . for the ensuing year was , then proceeded with , and Bro . Bunting was elected AV . M . without a dissentient vote . Bro . AVoodstock , P . M ., ancl Bro . Daly , were in the same ¦ unanimous manner elected respectively Treasurer and Tyler . Bro . D . iriiam , of the Enoch , was proposed as a joining member
of this loiige . There being no other business to transact , the lodge was close : ! in ancient form . The next meeting is fixed for November 7 th ; business , installation of AA . M . & c . The brethren adjourned to an adjoining room , where a sumptuous banquet was laid out . After the cloth ivas removed , the ~ \ VM . saicl : —Brethren I am aware that you , as Masons , are loyal ancl loving subjects , and I therefore , do not require to enlarge upon the merits of our Sovereign Ladthe Queenunder AA'I IOSO benificent rule wc have
y , the pleas-ire and the privilege to lire ; I therefore call upon you to be upstanding , and drink with mo , " To the Queen and tho Craft . " The W . I-I . next saitl : —Brethren as " good wine needs no bush , " a good toast needs no preface ; the Earl of Zetland , the M . AV . G . M ., lias so endeared himself to every Masonbv his truly Masonic
, conduct , that the mere mention of his name at an assemblage like this is sure to call forth a hearty response ; I noiv call upon yon to drink , ' - ' 110 . 11111 and long life to the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . " ( Cheers . ) The AA ' . M . said , Tho next toast I have to propose is cue I have always much pleasure in giving , it is " the health of Lord Panmure , D . G . M ., & c . He is too well-known to you all as an upright man anel Mason , to require that his merit should be ilisranted on b will therefore show for
y me ; you your respect our D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , by heartily rcsponcling ' to the toasf . This toast having been drunk , the AV . M . said-. —Our Brother Initiates is the toast that I ivill now give you , Bros . Nash and Gibson . I had the honour of proposing them , and the honour of initiating them , and my sincere hope is , that by following up the career which they bave entered upon this evening , they will give that evidence to the world and the Craftwhich thafcto
, proves , be a good Mason you must be a good man . I would exhort them to remember the virtuous principles , which they have seen illustrated this evening , and to lose no opportunity of giving tangible evidence that they have remembered them . Bro . Sash having- I made a suitable reply , " the W . M . next proposed " The A'isitors , " and said , I can assure you that it gives me great pleasure to see so j
many hretnren sharing in our enjoyment this evening . I am always glad to see brethren from neighbouring lodges sharing our hospitality , and honouring us with their presence , but the honour this evening has some peculiarities . In the first place Bro . Piatt has paid ns his first visit since he has been installed AA . M . of St . Lukes ; in the second place some of our brethren have come a great distance in this inclement weather , to be ivifch us to-night , and the honour of their is thus enhanced btheiv setting aside all
presence y ideas of ot ' mm cum dignitale at homo , to come and see us . I give you heartily the health of our visitors , Bros . Piatt , AV . M . St . Lukes ; Carpenter , P . M ., No . 219 ; Newton , P . M ., So . 2 o ; Mc'Gnffie ; and Durham . Bro . Piatt replied very feelingly , and saicl that he coulcl not do justice to tho Bclgrave Lodge , without saying that he never visited any lodge Avith more pleasure than this ; he was glad to see it- in so prosperous a conditionwhich he did not wonder at
, , knowing as he did , the efficiency ofthe W . M . and his officers * on behalf of himself and brother visitors he returned sincere thanks for the toast . The P . M . Bro . AVOODSTOCK then said : —Brethren , the AA ' . M . has entrusted me ivith his gavel , and you all knoiv to AA'hat ¦ purpose I am about to use it ; it is to call upon you to respond to the toast of the health of Bro . Proud our worthy AV . M . During his year of office , lie has proved himself worthy ofthe oflice he is about
to resign ; owing to his indefatigable exertions , we have secured for our lodge a fixed place and habitation ; by his exertions , the business of our lodge has been carried on in a business manner , cavillings anil disputes have been unknown tons . 1 am sure I only express the feelings of every one present , when I say , that Bro . Froud has the best- wishes of our hearts . May the G . A . O . T . U . grant him long life and prosperity . Bro . FKOUD said : —I teneler ~ you my heartfelt thanks for the kind manner in ivhich have responded to ivhat
you Bro . AVoodstock has so flatteringly said of me . It certainly has occured to me , that if I have been in any way instrumental in promoting the interests of this lodge , 1 have been ably assisted in my exertions by the efficiency of my officers . The Bclgrave is a young lodge and has had many difficulties to contend with ; from uncontrollable causes , we have had three places to meet in , this being the third ; but IIOAV I hope AA' 0 have found an abiding place .
The worthy brother who is to succeed me in the Bclgrave , is one in ivhose energetic character and Masonic abilities I have every confidence . L ' neler his regime the Bclgrave will flourish and prosper , and Avht ' . i tlie time arrives , that be will resign bis post , and pass into the ranks of the 1 ' . M . 's , as I am about to clo , may he lincl a successor as fit to succeed him , as he is fit to 8 your AV . M . Von will
therefore drain a bumper to your Master elect . Bro . BUNTING in reply said , —W . M . anel Brethren , I avail myself of the opportunity of thanking you very briefly , but very sincerely , for the high honour yon have done me . I do hope that at the end of my career as your M ., I shall retire with the same honour as the one ivho has proceeded me , and I hope by my walk anel conduct to uphold unsullied the character of the Belgravc . The toast of the P . M . 's « 'as given and replied to by Bros . Watson , Woodstock , ancl Neivlmry .
The officers of the lodge was then given and responded to , as ivere the healths of the Treasurer and Secretary . The AV . M . then said : — Brethren , the toast that I noiv give ivill meet ivifch that hearty reception ifc deserves ; it is prosperity to the FREEMASONS MAGIZTNE coupled AA'ith the health of Bro . Steivai'fc , AA'IIO is , I see , taking notes for that valuable paper . It has often been the subject of annoyance to myself , and others to whom I have spoken , that our proceedings have been reported in pajiers that come under the notice of
"Cowans" as well as "brethren ofthe mystic tyc , " but the remedy ! for this is simple ; those papers cannot publish matters if they get no reports , and if those brethren , ivho have not yefc seen the FREEMASONS MAGAZINE , will take tlie trouble to get one copy , they will certainly have another and another . I can confidently recommend ifc as a true exponent of Masonicprmciples , andas having the
[ best interests of the Craffc at heart . Of Iiro . Stewart I hai-e only to say that although a young man , and a young Mason too , he as long ago began to cultivate the principles of Freemasonry without knowing it , ancl now that he knoiA's the objects and purposes of Masonry , he will not I hope cease to cultivate the liberal arts . I had the pleasure and honour of proposing , initiating , passing , and raising him—may he prove himself a Mason . Bro . STEAVATIT saicl : — I heartily concur with the remarks that have fallen from the AV . M .
concerning the FREEMASONS MAGAZINE ; the information ifc contains makes it truly valuable as a book of reference on Masonic matters , apart altogether from its claims upon the Craffc , as being exclusively devoted to their service . It must certainly be a matter of congratulation to the worthy and talented brethren who conduct ifc , to knoiv that their efforts are appreciated by such lodges as the Belgrave ; as for myself "deeds not words" will be my motto . I thank you for the honour you have conferred on me in
delegating me to reply for that journal . Tlie Tyler ' s toast was then given , and each Brother took his leave of the Belgrave well pleased ivith the whole proceedings . INSTRUCTION . Sfc . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( No . 10 J ) . —The members of this lodge met ci at the Globe Greenwich
on Thursday 'ening , Tavern , , Bros . Arnold , 1 G 5 " , AV . M . ; Scott , 101 , S . AV . ; Orchard , 93 , J . AV . ; Mouvilyan , 16-1 , S . D . ; Collington , 10-J-, J . IX ; Smyth , I . G . The ceremony of initiation and passing ivcro performed by the AV . M . ancl Instruction afforded in working the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the 1 st lecture . This lodge is noiv opened for the winter months , and as a school for young Masons is tho best in fche neighbourhood .
BERKSHIRE . MAIDENHEAD . —St . John ' s Dodge ( No . 1007 ) . —At the meeting of tliis Lodge , on Monday the 15 th . inst ., Bro . Jos . Sloper , after giving satisfactory proof of the progress he had made in the science , AVUS duly passed to the degree of F . C . hy the AV . M . ( Bro . E . S . Cossens ) , in the presence of nearly thirty members ancl visitors , ivho attended to Avitness the Installation of Bro . C . Vcnables , ivhich AIMS performed perfectly by the AV . M ., assisted by Bro . 11 . Garrod , P . M " . of
Lodge 1090 , the brethren doing their greetings and fealty in the accustomed manner . Before the noiv W . M . closed the lodge , lie addressed the retiring AV . M . as folloivs : — "Brother Cossens—It becomes a most pleasing duty for me , in the name of the lodge , to present to you a jeivel of gold , not only to mark the esteem of every member towards you , as the founder ami first AV . M . of this lodge , but as a proof that they have and do appreciate the valuable services you have so constantly rendered during your year of office ; ancl in
doing so I take the opportunity to express the hope , that as yon have now heen initiated as the first Past Master of St . John's Lodge , you ivill hereafter be as constant in your attendance as yon have hitherto been , that I may at all tiijies have the benefit of your council and advice during the period that I may occupy the principal chair of this lodge ; anel we I rust that the jeivel now presented to you may be preserved by your children , after you have passed from this Avorldto shew them that we have not been
, unmindful of that zeal and assiduity ivhich yon have unceasingly exercised for our benefit . I therefore in the name of tlie brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , present to you this jeivel , on your becoming its first Past Master . " Bro . COSSENS made the following reply :- — "AV . M ., Officers , ancl Brethren , I shoulel be doing you a great injustice , if I did not embrace the earliest opportunity of rendering
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was passed to the Fellow Craffc degree . The lodge being again resumed to tbe first degree , Messrs . T . Nash and J . J . Gibson , being in attendance , ivere initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The election of AV . M . for the ensuing year was , then proceeded with , and Bro . Bunting was elected AV . M . without a dissentient vote . Bro . AVoodstock , P . M ., ancl Bro . Daly , were in the same ¦ unanimous manner elected respectively Treasurer and Tyler . Bro . D . iriiam , of the Enoch , was proposed as a joining member
of this loiige . There being no other business to transact , the lodge was close : ! in ancient form . The next meeting is fixed for November 7 th ; business , installation of AA . M . & c . The brethren adjourned to an adjoining room , where a sumptuous banquet was laid out . After the cloth ivas removed , the ~ \ VM . saicl : —Brethren I am aware that you , as Masons , are loyal ancl loving subjects , and I therefore , do not require to enlarge upon the merits of our Sovereign Ladthe Queenunder AA'I IOSO benificent rule wc have
y , the pleas-ire and the privilege to lire ; I therefore call upon you to be upstanding , and drink with mo , " To the Queen and tho Craft . " The W . I-I . next saitl : —Brethren as " good wine needs no bush , " a good toast needs no preface ; the Earl of Zetland , the M . AV . G . M ., lias so endeared himself to every Masonbv his truly Masonic
, conduct , that the mere mention of his name at an assemblage like this is sure to call forth a hearty response ; I noiv call upon yon to drink , ' - ' 110 . 11111 and long life to the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . " ( Cheers . ) The AA ' . M . said , Tho next toast I have to propose is cue I have always much pleasure in giving , it is " the health of Lord Panmure , D . G . M ., & c . He is too well-known to you all as an upright man anel Mason , to require that his merit should be ilisranted on b will therefore show for
y me ; you your respect our D . G . M ., Lord Panmure , by heartily rcsponcling ' to the toasf . This toast having been drunk , the AV . M . said-. —Our Brother Initiates is the toast that I ivill now give you , Bros . Nash and Gibson . I had the honour of proposing them , and the honour of initiating them , and my sincere hope is , that by following up the career which they bave entered upon this evening , they will give that evidence to the world and the Craftwhich thafcto
, proves , be a good Mason you must be a good man . I would exhort them to remember the virtuous principles , which they have seen illustrated this evening , and to lose no opportunity of giving tangible evidence that they have remembered them . Bro . Sash having- I made a suitable reply , " the W . M . next proposed " The A'isitors , " and said , I can assure you that it gives me great pleasure to see so j
many hretnren sharing in our enjoyment this evening . I am always glad to see brethren from neighbouring lodges sharing our hospitality , and honouring us with their presence , but the honour this evening has some peculiarities . In the first place Bro . Piatt has paid ns his first visit since he has been installed AA . M . of St . Lukes ; in the second place some of our brethren have come a great distance in this inclement weather , to be ivifch us to-night , and the honour of their is thus enhanced btheiv setting aside all
presence y ideas of ot ' mm cum dignitale at homo , to come and see us . I give you heartily the health of our visitors , Bros . Piatt , AV . M . St . Lukes ; Carpenter , P . M ., No . 219 ; Newton , P . M ., So . 2 o ; Mc'Gnffie ; and Durham . Bro . Piatt replied very feelingly , and saicl that he coulcl not do justice to tho Bclgrave Lodge , without saying that he never visited any lodge Avith more pleasure than this ; he was glad to see it- in so prosperous a conditionwhich he did not wonder at
, , knowing as he did , the efficiency ofthe W . M . and his officers * on behalf of himself and brother visitors he returned sincere thanks for the toast . The P . M . Bro . AVOODSTOCK then said : —Brethren , the AA ' . M . has entrusted me ivith his gavel , and you all knoiv to AA'hat ¦ purpose I am about to use it ; it is to call upon you to respond to the toast of the health of Bro . Proud our worthy AV . M . During his year of office , lie has proved himself worthy ofthe oflice he is about
to resign ; owing to his indefatigable exertions , we have secured for our lodge a fixed place and habitation ; by his exertions , the business of our lodge has been carried on in a business manner , cavillings anil disputes have been unknown tons . 1 am sure I only express the feelings of every one present , when I say , that Bro . Froud has the best- wishes of our hearts . May the G . A . O . T . U . grant him long life and prosperity . Bro . FKOUD said : —I teneler ~ you my heartfelt thanks for the kind manner in ivhich have responded to ivhat
you Bro . AVoodstock has so flatteringly said of me . It certainly has occured to me , that if I have been in any way instrumental in promoting the interests of this lodge , 1 have been ably assisted in my exertions by the efficiency of my officers . The Bclgrave is a young lodge and has had many difficulties to contend with ; from uncontrollable causes , we have had three places to meet in , this being the third ; but IIOAV I hope AA' 0 have found an abiding place .
The worthy brother who is to succeed me in the Bclgrave , is one in ivhose energetic character and Masonic abilities I have every confidence . L ' neler his regime the Bclgrave will flourish and prosper , and Avht ' . i tlie time arrives , that be will resign bis post , and pass into the ranks of the 1 ' . M . 's , as I am about to clo , may he lincl a successor as fit to succeed him , as he is fit to 8 your AV . M . Von will
therefore drain a bumper to your Master elect . Bro . BUNTING in reply said , —W . M . anel Brethren , I avail myself of the opportunity of thanking you very briefly , but very sincerely , for the high honour yon have done me . I do hope that at the end of my career as your M ., I shall retire with the same honour as the one ivho has proceeded me , and I hope by my walk anel conduct to uphold unsullied the character of the Belgravc . The toast of the P . M . 's « 'as given and replied to by Bros . Watson , Woodstock , ancl Neivlmry .
The officers of the lodge was then given and responded to , as ivere the healths of the Treasurer and Secretary . The AV . M . then said : — Brethren , the toast that I noiv give ivill meet ivifch that hearty reception ifc deserves ; it is prosperity to the FREEMASONS MAGIZTNE coupled AA'ith the health of Bro . Steivai'fc , AA'IIO is , I see , taking notes for that valuable paper . It has often been the subject of annoyance to myself , and others to whom I have spoken , that our proceedings have been reported in pajiers that come under the notice of
"Cowans" as well as "brethren ofthe mystic tyc , " but the remedy ! for this is simple ; those papers cannot publish matters if they get no reports , and if those brethren , ivho have not yefc seen the FREEMASONS MAGAZINE , will take tlie trouble to get one copy , they will certainly have another and another . I can confidently recommend ifc as a true exponent of Masonicprmciples , andas having the
[ best interests of the Craffc at heart . Of Iiro . Stewart I hai-e only to say that although a young man , and a young Mason too , he as long ago began to cultivate the principles of Freemasonry without knowing it , ancl now that he knoiA's the objects and purposes of Masonry , he will not I hope cease to cultivate the liberal arts . I had the pleasure and honour of proposing , initiating , passing , and raising him—may he prove himself a Mason . Bro . STEAVATIT saicl : — I heartily concur with the remarks that have fallen from the AV . M .
concerning the FREEMASONS MAGAZINE ; the information ifc contains makes it truly valuable as a book of reference on Masonic matters , apart altogether from its claims upon the Craffc , as being exclusively devoted to their service . It must certainly be a matter of congratulation to the worthy and talented brethren who conduct ifc , to knoiv that their efforts are appreciated by such lodges as the Belgrave ; as for myself "deeds not words" will be my motto . I thank you for the honour you have conferred on me in
delegating me to reply for that journal . Tlie Tyler ' s toast was then given , and each Brother took his leave of the Belgrave well pleased ivith the whole proceedings . INSTRUCTION . Sfc . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( No . 10 J ) . —The members of this lodge met ci at the Globe Greenwich
on Thursday 'ening , Tavern , , Bros . Arnold , 1 G 5 " , AV . M . ; Scott , 101 , S . AV . ; Orchard , 93 , J . AV . ; Mouvilyan , 16-1 , S . D . ; Collington , 10-J-, J . IX ; Smyth , I . G . The ceremony of initiation and passing ivcro performed by the AV . M . ancl Instruction afforded in working the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the 1 st lecture . This lodge is noiv opened for the winter months , and as a school for young Masons is tho best in fche neighbourhood .
BERKSHIRE . MAIDENHEAD . —St . John ' s Dodge ( No . 1007 ) . —At the meeting of tliis Lodge , on Monday the 15 th . inst ., Bro . Jos . Sloper , after giving satisfactory proof of the progress he had made in the science , AVUS duly passed to the degree of F . C . hy the AV . M . ( Bro . E . S . Cossens ) , in the presence of nearly thirty members ancl visitors , ivho attended to Avitness the Installation of Bro . C . Vcnables , ivhich AIMS performed perfectly by the AV . M ., assisted by Bro . 11 . Garrod , P . M " . of
Lodge 1090 , the brethren doing their greetings and fealty in the accustomed manner . Before the noiv W . M . closed the lodge , lie addressed the retiring AV . M . as folloivs : — "Brother Cossens—It becomes a most pleasing duty for me , in the name of the lodge , to present to you a jeivel of gold , not only to mark the esteem of every member towards you , as the founder ami first AV . M . of this lodge , but as a proof that they have and do appreciate the valuable services you have so constantly rendered during your year of office ; ancl in
doing so I take the opportunity to express the hope , that as yon have now heen initiated as the first Past Master of St . John's Lodge , you ivill hereafter be as constant in your attendance as yon have hitherto been , that I may at all tiijies have the benefit of your council and advice during the period that I may occupy the principal chair of this lodge ; anel we I rust that the jeivel now presented to you may be preserved by your children , after you have passed from this Avorldto shew them that we have not been
, unmindful of that zeal and assiduity ivhich yon have unceasingly exercised for our benefit . I therefore in the name of tlie brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , present to you this jeivel , on your becoming its first Past Master . " Bro . COSSENS made the following reply :- — "AV . M ., Officers , ancl Brethren , I shoulel be doing you a great injustice , if I did not embrace the earliest opportunity of rendering