Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 4 →
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* a * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
NOTICES of motion for Grand Lodge , on Wednesday , Isfc prox ., have been given to the following effect : —By W . Bro . J . E . Stebbing , P . G-D ., " That the tenure of office as Grand Master by any brother , be limited to three years in succession . " By W . Bro . R . W . Steward , W . M . 12 , P . M . 108 , "That no brother shall be eligible for election as Grand Master for a longer period
than five years in succession , " By W . Bro . Joseph Smith , P . GPurst ., " That the office of Grand Master shall not be held by any brother for a longer period in succession than seven years . '' In each case is added , " except in the case of a Prince of the Blood . "
THE Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Tuesday , the 30 th inst ., at 5 o ' clock . THE fifteen sections will be worked in the St . Luke's Lodge of Instruction , hold at the Pier Hotel , Cbeyne Walk , Chelsea , on Fridey evening , 26 th inst ., Bro . George King , jun ., W . M-
1 , 260 , and J . W . 1 , 238 , in the chair . Tho lodge will bo opeued at seven o ' clock precisely . AT the St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction ( No . 765 ) , held at tho Gregorian Arms Tavern , Bermoudsey , on Friday evenings , at 8 o ' clock , the ceremonies are worked in rotation , beginning on the first Friday in every month ; the fifteen sections and the ceremony of installation three times yearly . The preceptors are Bros . Howes , Bose , W . W . Smith , and J . Nash .
THE Masonic Temple at Boston , cost 418 , 522 dollars , and tlie organ , furniture , & c ., 35 , 000 dollars . It is supposed by the Bostonians to far exceed in beauty tbe Temple built by King Solomon , and is acknowledged to be one of the finest specimens of architecture in tho country . Tho Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has ordered tbat a yearly tax of one dollar shall be
levied on each member of tbe fraternity in tbe State , by which it is calculated the debt will bo liquidated in thirteen years . SUBOEDINATE lodges , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas , are prohibited from enacting by-laws . The Grand Lodge has established an uniform code by which all are to be governed .
THE Grand Master of Iowa , while remitting that be has no power to recognise coloured Masons , is apparently in favour of removing negroes from the disability under which tbey labour in this respect . TXIEBS of Lodges . Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to
forward their names and addresses to thc Publisher of THE FBEEJIASOM' MAGAZINE , SO tbat a complete Register and Directory may be compiled . OEEICEBEAEEHS OI ? THE GEAKD LODGE or SCOCIAKD . —We . regret that , through some inadvertence , the name of Bro . D Murray LyonG . B . Brownand BYItichie did nob in
, , . appear tne list of Grand Stewards which we gave in our report of last week . Bro . Lyon ' s name stands eleventh on the roll of Grand Stewards , and the present is his sixth ro-eleetion to that honourable and influential post .
^ THE trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund of New York have pppointed a committee to procure plans for the Masonic Hal ] , to be erected at the corner of Twenty-third Street and Sixth Avenue in that city .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . BBITAKKIC LODGE ( NO . 33 ) . —Tliis lodge met at the Free , mason ' s Eall ou Friday the 12 fch inst ., the chair being occupied bv B' -o Shields . W . M ., who was ablv supported by his officers : Bros . Church , S . W . ; GJaisher , J . W . " ; Chubb , Sec , ; Gale , I . G . ; EnglandSenPM . EnglandJun . Steward : and the
follow-, ., . ; , , ing P . M . ' s : Bros . Glegg' , I . P . M ., Bridges , Pierce , W . Smith , CE „ Strapp , and Grissc-1 . There was , as usual in this flourishing lodge , a large attendance of members , as follows : Bros . Paddon , Eschar ! , , Horslcy , Rowland , Kicks , Finlay , Finch , Pendred , Hodge , Gammon , Turner , Cbeynoetii , Dixon , Bearinan , Pawley , Cope , Rcclm . son , Parker , Paget , Palmer , Browning , Sharp , Cloustou . Fairlie , Voell , Osborne , Webb , Sparks , Stent , Sugg ,
Toiing , Spencer , Clarke . Straw-bridge , and James . Visitors : Bros . Law , P . M ., 343 and 817 , and P . P . G . W . for Essex ; Murrav , D . G . M . for China ; George King , W . M . 172 ; Truss , 1 , 155 ; Adlard , P . M ., 7 , and P . A . D . C . for Essex ; Kench , J . W ., 538 ; Brown . P . M ., 723 ; F . Walters . P . M ., 73 , W . M ., 871 ; Gilber , 160 ; Eglese , W . M ., 1 , 261 ; Edwards , No . 10 ; Browning , 806 ; Bath 772 Hallows . 709 Gulden 191 Beattie 291 Lawlor 92 ;
, ; ; , ; , ; , . Tckyll , 87 ; Barnby , -1 : Carter , P . M ., 382 . C . J . Speight acted _ jg . Tyler . The minutes were read and confirmed . None of the candidates being present , after the usual routine business was transacted tlie brethren adjourned from labour to refreshincut .
VITRUTIAH LODGE ( NO . 57 ) . —Tho regular meeting of thr o lodge took place at the White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , on Wednesday , tbe 10 th inst . Bro . Carey , W . M ., in the chair , supported by his officers . A strong muster of P . M . ' s was present , viz .. Bros . Fisher , Hill , Bain , Stuart , Morris , Stoke ( Treas . ) , and Whiting ( Sec , ) , besides a large attendance of the brethren . The minutes having been read aud confiiuied , the ballot was taken for five gentlemen who were candidates for initiation ,
which proved unanimous in their favour , and they were duly admitted as members of the Craft . Bros . Alien Carter , Cor . nelisson , and Nott ware passed to the second degree , and Bros . Wood and Robson were raised to the degree of M . M . In accordance with notice of motion previously given , it was resolved to alter date of the election of W . M . to the month of February . Bro . Bain announced himself willing to undertake the duties of Steward at the Benevolent Institution Festival , and appealed to
the brethren for contributions to his list . Two petitions to the Board of Benevolence were signed by the W . M . It was an . nounced that the father of the lodge was a candidate for the male annuity , and the brethren resolved to do all they could to secure his election . There were present as visitors Bros . Waghorn , 946 , and Cook , , 959 . An excellent supper followed the close of Ihe lodge , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and tbe evening ' s entertainment was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of several of tho brethren .
MOUNT Lrausos LODGE ( No . 73 ) . —This old lodge met ou Tuesday , the 13 th mstr . nt , ot the Bridge House Hotel . Bro . D . P . ose , W . M ., who raised two , passed one , and initiated one . Business ended , the members separated . There were present : — Bros . Ebswortb , S . W . ; Locwrnstark , J . W . ; Harris , P . M . Treas . ; C ' onkin , P . M ., See . ; Free , S . D . ; Grace , I . G . ; Stevens , D . C ; Dussek , W . S . ; F . Walters . P . M . ; Sabine , P . M ., aud others . Visitors : Batt , W . M ., 147 ; Levy , P . M ., 188 ; Massey , P . M ., 619 ; Harris , J . W ,
205 , and others . Bro . Henry Whittle was initiated in the Boyal Oak Lodge , No . 87 , on August 30 th , 1865 . He served the several offices ii ]> to S . W ., which post he held when he died , on Friday the 12 th inst . ; lie was a founder of the new " Star " Lodge , 1 , 275 ; also the Lodge of Ins ! ruction , held under the warrant of that lodge ; he was a founder of the South Eastern Masonic Charitable Association ( New Cross Branch ); he was an active Masonand a zealous supporter of tho charities ; he
, served the office of Steward to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and became a life governor of that charity ; he was buried on Monday last at Brockley Cemetery ; iu tho presence of a large number of relations and his Masonic brethren . The W . M . of his lodge was present at the funeral . He died atthe early age of 45 years , leaving his widow and a large circle of friends to deplore his loss .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* a * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
NOTICES of motion for Grand Lodge , on Wednesday , Isfc prox ., have been given to the following effect : —By W . Bro . J . E . Stebbing , P . G-D ., " That the tenure of office as Grand Master by any brother , be limited to three years in succession . " By W . Bro . R . W . Steward , W . M . 12 , P . M . 108 , "That no brother shall be eligible for election as Grand Master for a longer period
than five years in succession , " By W . Bro . Joseph Smith , P . GPurst ., " That the office of Grand Master shall not be held by any brother for a longer period in succession than seven years . '' In each case is added , " except in the case of a Prince of the Blood . "
THE Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Tuesday , the 30 th inst ., at 5 o ' clock . THE fifteen sections will be worked in the St . Luke's Lodge of Instruction , hold at the Pier Hotel , Cbeyne Walk , Chelsea , on Fridey evening , 26 th inst ., Bro . George King , jun ., W . M-
1 , 260 , and J . W . 1 , 238 , in the chair . Tho lodge will bo opeued at seven o ' clock precisely . AT the St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction ( No . 765 ) , held at tho Gregorian Arms Tavern , Bermoudsey , on Friday evenings , at 8 o ' clock , the ceremonies are worked in rotation , beginning on the first Friday in every month ; the fifteen sections and the ceremony of installation three times yearly . The preceptors are Bros . Howes , Bose , W . W . Smith , and J . Nash .
THE Masonic Temple at Boston , cost 418 , 522 dollars , and tlie organ , furniture , & c ., 35 , 000 dollars . It is supposed by the Bostonians to far exceed in beauty tbe Temple built by King Solomon , and is acknowledged to be one of the finest specimens of architecture in tho country . Tho Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has ordered tbat a yearly tax of one dollar shall be
levied on each member of tbe fraternity in tbe State , by which it is calculated the debt will bo liquidated in thirteen years . SUBOEDINATE lodges , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas , are prohibited from enacting by-laws . The Grand Lodge has established an uniform code by which all are to be governed .
THE Grand Master of Iowa , while remitting that be has no power to recognise coloured Masons , is apparently in favour of removing negroes from the disability under which tbey labour in this respect . TXIEBS of Lodges . Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to
forward their names and addresses to thc Publisher of THE FBEEJIASOM' MAGAZINE , SO tbat a complete Register and Directory may be compiled . OEEICEBEAEEHS OI ? THE GEAKD LODGE or SCOCIAKD . —We . regret that , through some inadvertence , the name of Bro . D Murray LyonG . B . Brownand BYItichie did nob in
, , . appear tne list of Grand Stewards which we gave in our report of last week . Bro . Lyon ' s name stands eleventh on the roll of Grand Stewards , and the present is his sixth ro-eleetion to that honourable and influential post .
^ THE trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund of New York have pppointed a committee to procure plans for the Masonic Hal ] , to be erected at the corner of Twenty-third Street and Sixth Avenue in that city .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . BBITAKKIC LODGE ( NO . 33 ) . —Tliis lodge met at the Free , mason ' s Eall ou Friday the 12 fch inst ., the chair being occupied bv B' -o Shields . W . M ., who was ablv supported by his officers : Bros . Church , S . W . ; GJaisher , J . W . " ; Chubb , Sec , ; Gale , I . G . ; EnglandSenPM . EnglandJun . Steward : and the
follow-, ., . ; , , ing P . M . ' s : Bros . Glegg' , I . P . M ., Bridges , Pierce , W . Smith , CE „ Strapp , and Grissc-1 . There was , as usual in this flourishing lodge , a large attendance of members , as follows : Bros . Paddon , Eschar ! , , Horslcy , Rowland , Kicks , Finlay , Finch , Pendred , Hodge , Gammon , Turner , Cbeynoetii , Dixon , Bearinan , Pawley , Cope , Rcclm . son , Parker , Paget , Palmer , Browning , Sharp , Cloustou . Fairlie , Voell , Osborne , Webb , Sparks , Stent , Sugg ,
Toiing , Spencer , Clarke . Straw-bridge , and James . Visitors : Bros . Law , P . M ., 343 and 817 , and P . P . G . W . for Essex ; Murrav , D . G . M . for China ; George King , W . M . 172 ; Truss , 1 , 155 ; Adlard , P . M ., 7 , and P . A . D . C . for Essex ; Kench , J . W ., 538 ; Brown . P . M ., 723 ; F . Walters . P . M ., 73 , W . M ., 871 ; Gilber , 160 ; Eglese , W . M ., 1 , 261 ; Edwards , No . 10 ; Browning , 806 ; Bath 772 Hallows . 709 Gulden 191 Beattie 291 Lawlor 92 ;
, ; ; , ; , ; , . Tckyll , 87 ; Barnby , -1 : Carter , P . M ., 382 . C . J . Speight acted _ jg . Tyler . The minutes were read and confirmed . None of the candidates being present , after the usual routine business was transacted tlie brethren adjourned from labour to refreshincut .
VITRUTIAH LODGE ( NO . 57 ) . —Tho regular meeting of thr o lodge took place at the White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , on Wednesday , tbe 10 th inst . Bro . Carey , W . M ., in the chair , supported by his officers . A strong muster of P . M . ' s was present , viz .. Bros . Fisher , Hill , Bain , Stuart , Morris , Stoke ( Treas . ) , and Whiting ( Sec , ) , besides a large attendance of the brethren . The minutes having been read aud confiiuied , the ballot was taken for five gentlemen who were candidates for initiation ,
which proved unanimous in their favour , and they were duly admitted as members of the Craft . Bros . Alien Carter , Cor . nelisson , and Nott ware passed to the second degree , and Bros . Wood and Robson were raised to the degree of M . M . In accordance with notice of motion previously given , it was resolved to alter date of the election of W . M . to the month of February . Bro . Bain announced himself willing to undertake the duties of Steward at the Benevolent Institution Festival , and appealed to
the brethren for contributions to his list . Two petitions to the Board of Benevolence were signed by the W . M . It was an . nounced that the father of the lodge was a candidate for the male annuity , and the brethren resolved to do all they could to secure his election . There were present as visitors Bros . Waghorn , 946 , and Cook , , 959 . An excellent supper followed the close of Ihe lodge , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and tbe evening ' s entertainment was much enhanced by the vocal abilities of several of tho brethren .
MOUNT Lrausos LODGE ( No . 73 ) . —This old lodge met ou Tuesday , the 13 th mstr . nt , ot the Bridge House Hotel . Bro . D . P . ose , W . M ., who raised two , passed one , and initiated one . Business ended , the members separated . There were present : — Bros . Ebswortb , S . W . ; Locwrnstark , J . W . ; Harris , P . M . Treas . ; C ' onkin , P . M ., See . ; Free , S . D . ; Grace , I . G . ; Stevens , D . C ; Dussek , W . S . ; F . Walters . P . M . ; Sabine , P . M ., aud others . Visitors : Batt , W . M ., 147 ; Levy , P . M ., 188 ; Massey , P . M ., 619 ; Harris , J . W ,
205 , and others . Bro . Henry Whittle was initiated in the Boyal Oak Lodge , No . 87 , on August 30 th , 1865 . He served the several offices ii ]> to S . W ., which post he held when he died , on Friday the 12 th inst . ; lie was a founder of the new " Star " Lodge , 1 , 275 ; also the Lodge of Ins ! ruction , held under the warrant of that lodge ; he was a founder of the South Eastern Masonic Charitable Association ( New Cross Branch ); he was an active Masonand a zealous supporter of tho charities ; he
, served the office of Steward to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and became a life governor of that charity ; he was buried on Monday last at Brockley Cemetery ; iu tho presence of a large number of relations and his Masonic brethren . The W . M . of his lodge was present at the funeral . He died atthe early age of 45 years , leaving his widow and a large circle of friends to deplore his loss .