Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
LODGE or FRIENDSHIP ( No . 206 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leadcnhallstreet , on Thursday , the 11 th inst . There were present Bros . IT . M . Collier , W . M . ; E . B . Barnard , S . W . ; George Collier , J . W . ; A . Harris , S . D . ; W .-Rumsey , P . M ., Treas . ; John Bumi ly , P . M ., Sec ; A . Turner , P . M ., Steward ; R , Boyd , P . M . ; and nineteen others . Bros . Marsha , 199 , and Rumbold , 55 , wore the visitors ou this occasion . The W . M ., in an admirable manner ,
raised Bro . C . T . Parsons to the degree of M . M ., and initiated Mr . Thomas Seaborn . The election of W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , Bro . E . B . Barnard beiug unanimously chosen W . M . ; Bros . Rumsey , Treas . ; and S . Palti , Tyler . One brother and the widow of another , late members of this lodge , were relieved with a sum of money from the funds . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at which the usual toasts were given and responded to .
ZETLAND LODGE ( No . 511 ) . —On Wednesday , November 10 th , this lodge met at Andeitou's Hotel , Bro . Durrani , W . M . presided . The minutes of cho former lodge having been read and confirmed , Messrs . Wikhnan , Mill _ ou > 'i > e , Herriman , and Ttemer , Were initiated . Bro . G ? rrod ivas pa « sed to tho degree of P . O ., and Bros . Green and Rad cliffc were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Darrant then proceeded hi a , oaast-or ' y manner to install iu the chair of bis
W . M . successor , Bro . W . Adams Davy , who invested his officers as follows : —H . J . Eh-ph , S . W . ; H . Edwards , J . W . ; G . Read , S . D . ; W . Game , J . D . ; . 7 . Aiiitio , I . G . ; A . Barfield , P . M ., Trees . ; W . H . Andrew , Sec ; G . A . Herlau and P . Lack , Stewards ; and W . Radford , T . vler . Bro . F . Walters applied for the vitcs aud . interest of the brethren on behalf of Bro . Saqui , a Candida _ e for the Benevolent Institution , which were promised . T . ie business concluded , the lodge
was closed , and the brethren adjou . "cd from labour to refreshment . About 80 sat doivn to a splendid banquet , and there were present as visitors : —Bros . Walter' , P . M . ; Ard'iig , P . M . ; H . Masscy , and J . Wy ' . d .
BEXG RATE LODGE ( No . 749 ) . The i nstallation meeting of ib s dis . i ' -goisbed lodge was IHd on Wednesday , Hie 10 th inst ., rt AficVriou ' s Ho . ;; 1 . J ? H ' -it . et . Precisely at 4 o ' clock , VJV . Win . BOUVUP , W . M .. a ' o ' y palsied by his officers , all acting . Geo . '\ j _ - " \ S . W . ; W . 'ck-s-. er , J . W . ; P . Par _ on =, S . D . ; S . Hoo . fiv . ood , J . D . ; E . B : > vnc-v , I . G . The following P . M . ' s were also present : —Bros . J . G . F-ond , IVa-s . ;
H . Gari-od , Sec ; G . N . C ' rogan , R . F . Potter , Thou . as Nash . The W . Bro . Win . Ong' . i , G . Pu . -. s . The loll-whig members wee also present : —Bros . '''bus . Ship , W . E . Mae' : " !" , •) . Painter . G . S . EUioi . t , W . Wkl . i -e . __ i , W , _ i _ Peavc " ., Alec . Leicb- 'e Catuan , and about 50 other b .-ei ' u- 'tn . The lodge was t-lso honoured by the presence of the j ' olloivk'g visito' -v : —Tlie W . Bro . Jno . Hervey , G . Sec . ; George Littfewood , W . M ., Royal Mfi-ed , 780 ; J . Coui fcf , P . M ., EgipUai ., 27 ; H . Job-son , M ' . D .
KM , Caledonian , B . 4 ; P . M . M-s ^ e , Finsbury , _ . ' 6 I ; T . fi . Pnlsfovd ; P . M ., Soni . lievu Star , l . lbS ; G . St ' . ' eoy , P . M ., Etonian , 209 ; E . Lowtber , Cociogo . ii , 106 ; So " . wj . rt Reid n-ul W . __ i . mii , Etonian , 209 ; C . Tucket , ; Jo _ -.. " -i , 201 ; JiJni Wyalt , Robert Burns , 25 ; A . Greeuaway , Bevkhamnstead , 504 ; H . J . Fitness , Tolerance , 784 ; Ge"vge Fa '"" - _ i __ n , Der . not . 40 ; John Leary , Roy . d Albert , GO , "; George Eh > eI . more , Ecli-t ' c . 1 . 201 .
After the coi . _> 'nv _ iian of the minutes , Bio . Albi-vS Davis was passed to the second degree . Bro . Ough . G . f J ., then p .-es-eiifced Bro . George Pymni to tlie W . M ., to receive iVom Irs hands the benefit oi' i-s . allalion . Bro . G : 'i " od , & M . ami Sec , seed tbe ancient charges tn Bro . G . Py . mn , the M . W . elct ; af-. oi- ivlroii a bca--d of installed Masters to the numher of 14 was .. he-i formed , ami B ; n . Bonr-ie , in the most able uimuie , .- , ics ailed l s successor lo the C ' naiv of K . S . On the re-admis : _ ion of the
brethren , and after hav ing saluted the W . M . hi ihe ,. i-ree degrees , he invested fus officers as follows , to whom he s . 'dn a few congratulaioi y WOKIS on thei" p i- ^ i'meiit : —B"Os . William Hester , R . W ; ' Pete- Pa rams , J . W . ; J . G . Frond , P . M ., Treas . ; Henrv Gi- 'vud , P . M ., See . ; Spencer Homei- 'ood , S . D . ; E . . ) , Scott " , J . D . ; Edivavd Ha' per , " 1 G . ; Bm . Daly , Tyler . Bro . Pymm ftien opened the lodgi hi tbe thud decree , mid by pai-ti-!
crar reqee . f vacated the cmin- to Bro . Bou ,, . ie , -he hn . ncdiu . ee P . M ., who laised Bro . Greenwood to ihe degree of M . M . Thc lodge was then resumed to the first degree , ami Bro . George Pymm , Uie W . M ., rose and said , that one of the most pleasant on hies that ever fell to his lot , was that , of piesen ,. iog the bpaiu'i ' ul jewel , he ttieu held >' n his hand to B .-o . tionnie , the immediate I . M ., from tha members of tbe Belgrave Lodge , as the unanimous expression of their appreciation of his services .
The W . M . then react the inscription , which was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Wm . Bourne , P . M ., by thc Belgrave Lodge . No . 749 , as a token of fraternal regard , and in appreciation of the excellent manner in which he discharged the duties of W . M . 10 th Nov ., 1869 . " Ho then placed the jewel on Bro . Bourne ' s breast , and said ho hoped he would long live to wear it , and that the brethren of the Belgrave Lodge might enjoy the benefit of his Masonic knowledand private friendship
forge mally years , as he ( the W . M . ) had done . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to tbe banquet table . Tbe dinner was served in Bro . Clemow ' s usual satisfactory style , superintended by Bro . Smith . The following toasts were given by the W . M . in the most happy and genial manner , and responded to by the brethren with the utmost cordiality : — " Tbe Queen and the Craft , " " . The
Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family , " "The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., " "The Earl de Grey aud Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " He called the attention of the brethren tbat tbey were honoured by the presence of the G . Sec , Bro . J . Hervey , and also with Bro . W . Oug'h , G . Purs ., the latter a member of their own lodge . The G . See . and G . Purs , both returned thanks in a very eloquent manner .
Bro . Bourne then rose and proposed " The health of Bro . Pymm , W . M ., and felt sure that the brethren were honoured in having such a Master to preside over them and direct the affairs of the lodge , and that ivhen he left the chair the brethren would not regret having elected bim to the office ; that the admirable w . ay in which be had discharged the duties of all the offices he had hitherto filled had endeared him to every member of the Belgrave Lodge . The W . M . returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren , and said that it w as a very old adage that the Great
Architect of the Universe gave man speech to disguise his thoughts , but be wished He had given him language to express his , and then he shoidd be at no loss to thank them in a manner suitable to himself and the brethren . He gave them many thanks for tho hearty good wishes that had been expressed tov / a . ds him , and he hoped to meet the brethren for many years to come . The W . MT then said that the next toast he had to propose was a very pleasant one—that of the visitors—and
called attention to the fact tbat tbe Belgrave Lodge never met without being honoured by visitors . On that occasion they had many distinguished Masons , and be called on the brethren to drink "The health of the visitors" v . ith cordiality . Bro . Geo . S . aeey , P . SI . Etonian , 201 , said that he congratulated the brethren on having elected so worthy a brother as Bro . George Pymm to preside over them ; that he bad loiown
him for many years , and felt sure that be possessed in a most eminent degree those qualities which would render him one of tlie most distinguished Masters of the Belgrave Lodge ; that " no possessed tbat brotherly love and affection which ought to shine in the breast of every member of the Craft . On behalt of himself and tho other visitors ho had to return thanks for the hospitable reception he bad met with . He had many opportunities of seeing the working of other lodges , but he bad never
been iuone where the duties were performed in such an . admirable manner as that of the Belgrave Lodge , and he hoped the Great Architect of the Hu-vev-. e would spread a blessing on all the undertakings of the lodge . Bro . J . Coutfs , P . M . Egpptian , 27 , also as an old friend of the W . M ., stated that it gave him great pleasure to be one of tbe visitors ou that auspxious occasion , and that tlie W . M . ivas a brother who entered heart and soul into Freemasonry , and he felt sure be would do all in his power for the brethren of the Belgrave Lodge . Bvo . Johnson , M-X > ., P . M . 1 S 7 , also returned thanks in a very
warm manner . s Tha W . M . then rose and said , that the next toast was one he called on the brethren of the lodge to do all the honors to , viz ., that o" the health of P . M ., Bro . Bonnie , that he felt sure that the manner in which he had gone tliroegti the installation ceremony , hscl taken every brother by surmise , tbat as every member of tbe lodge well knew that his ti'fie always was at their service , as well as his talents ami abilityin order to enhance the prosperity
, of the Be ' lrrravc Lodge . Bro . Bojme said , tbat the W . M . had placed a greater d friT . uHy in his way , than being called upon to work any of toe coreui . inics . He assured tbe brethren tbat he had s ' - mi . ly done what be felt to he liis doty , and that , in the knowledge that ho had given satisfaction to the members of the Belgrave Lodge , he was more . tban amply repaid , and that the jewel
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
LODGE or FRIENDSHIP ( No . 206 ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leadcnhallstreet , on Thursday , the 11 th inst . There were present Bros . IT . M . Collier , W . M . ; E . B . Barnard , S . W . ; George Collier , J . W . ; A . Harris , S . D . ; W .-Rumsey , P . M ., Treas . ; John Bumi ly , P . M ., Sec ; A . Turner , P . M ., Steward ; R , Boyd , P . M . ; and nineteen others . Bros . Marsha , 199 , and Rumbold , 55 , wore the visitors ou this occasion . The W . M ., in an admirable manner ,
raised Bro . C . T . Parsons to the degree of M . M ., and initiated Mr . Thomas Seaborn . The election of W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , Bro . E . B . Barnard beiug unanimously chosen W . M . ; Bros . Rumsey , Treas . ; and S . Palti , Tyler . One brother and the widow of another , late members of this lodge , were relieved with a sum of money from the funds . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at which the usual toasts were given and responded to .
ZETLAND LODGE ( No . 511 ) . —On Wednesday , November 10 th , this lodge met at Andeitou's Hotel , Bro . Durrani , W . M . presided . The minutes of cho former lodge having been read and confirmed , Messrs . Wikhnan , Mill _ ou > 'i > e , Herriman , and Ttemer , Were initiated . Bro . G ? rrod ivas pa « sed to tho degree of P . O ., and Bros . Green and Rad cliffc were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Darrant then proceeded hi a , oaast-or ' y manner to install iu the chair of bis
W . M . successor , Bro . W . Adams Davy , who invested his officers as follows : —H . J . Eh-ph , S . W . ; H . Edwards , J . W . ; G . Read , S . D . ; W . Game , J . D . ; . 7 . Aiiitio , I . G . ; A . Barfield , P . M ., Trees . ; W . H . Andrew , Sec ; G . A . Herlau and P . Lack , Stewards ; and W . Radford , T . vler . Bro . F . Walters applied for the vitcs aud . interest of the brethren on behalf of Bro . Saqui , a Candida _ e for the Benevolent Institution , which were promised . T . ie business concluded , the lodge
was closed , and the brethren adjou . "cd from labour to refreshment . About 80 sat doivn to a splendid banquet , and there were present as visitors : —Bros . Walter' , P . M . ; Ard'iig , P . M . ; H . Masscy , and J . Wy ' . d .
BEXG RATE LODGE ( No . 749 ) . The i nstallation meeting of ib s dis . i ' -goisbed lodge was IHd on Wednesday , Hie 10 th inst ., rt AficVriou ' s Ho . ;; 1 . J ? H ' -it . et . Precisely at 4 o ' clock , VJV . Win . BOUVUP , W . M .. a ' o ' y palsied by his officers , all acting . Geo . '\ j _ - " \ S . W . ; W . 'ck-s-. er , J . W . ; P . Par _ on =, S . D . ; S . Hoo . fiv . ood , J . D . ; E . B : > vnc-v , I . G . The following P . M . ' s were also present : —Bros . J . G . F-ond , IVa-s . ;
H . Gari-od , Sec ; G . N . C ' rogan , R . F . Potter , Thou . as Nash . The W . Bro . Win . Ong' . i , G . Pu . -. s . The loll-whig members wee also present : —Bros . '''bus . Ship , W . E . Mae' : " !" , •) . Painter . G . S . EUioi . t , W . Wkl . i -e . __ i , W , _ i _ Peavc " ., Alec . Leicb- 'e Catuan , and about 50 other b .-ei ' u- 'tn . The lodge was t-lso honoured by the presence of the j ' olloivk'g visito' -v : —Tlie W . Bro . Jno . Hervey , G . Sec . ; George Littfewood , W . M ., Royal Mfi-ed , 780 ; J . Coui fcf , P . M ., EgipUai ., 27 ; H . Job-son , M ' . D .
KM , Caledonian , B . 4 ; P . M . M-s ^ e , Finsbury , _ . ' 6 I ; T . fi . Pnlsfovd ; P . M ., Soni . lievu Star , l . lbS ; G . St ' . ' eoy , P . M ., Etonian , 209 ; E . Lowtber , Cociogo . ii , 106 ; So " . wj . rt Reid n-ul W . __ i . mii , Etonian , 209 ; C . Tucket , ; Jo _ -.. " -i , 201 ; JiJni Wyalt , Robert Burns , 25 ; A . Greeuaway , Bevkhamnstead , 504 ; H . J . Fitness , Tolerance , 784 ; Ge"vge Fa '"" - _ i __ n , Der . not . 40 ; John Leary , Roy . d Albert , GO , "; George Eh > eI . more , Ecli-t ' c . 1 . 201 .
After the coi . _> 'nv _ iian of the minutes , Bio . Albi-vS Davis was passed to the second degree . Bro . Ough . G . f J ., then p .-es-eiifced Bro . George Pymni to tlie W . M ., to receive iVom Irs hands the benefit oi' i-s . allalion . Bro . G : 'i " od , & M . ami Sec , seed tbe ancient charges tn Bro . G . Py . mn , the M . W . elct ; af-. oi- ivlroii a bca--d of installed Masters to the numher of 14 was .. he-i formed , ami B ; n . Bonr-ie , in the most able uimuie , .- , ics ailed l s successor lo the C ' naiv of K . S . On the re-admis : _ ion of the
brethren , and after hav ing saluted the W . M . hi ihe ,. i-ree degrees , he invested fus officers as follows , to whom he s . 'dn a few congratulaioi y WOKIS on thei" p i- ^ i'meiit : —B"Os . William Hester , R . W ; ' Pete- Pa rams , J . W . ; J . G . Frond , P . M ., Treas . ; Henrv Gi- 'vud , P . M ., See . ; Spencer Homei- 'ood , S . D . ; E . . ) , Scott " , J . D . ; Edivavd Ha' per , " 1 G . ; Bm . Daly , Tyler . Bro . Pymm ftien opened the lodgi hi tbe thud decree , mid by pai-ti-!
crar reqee . f vacated the cmin- to Bro . Bou ,, . ie , -he hn . ncdiu . ee P . M ., who laised Bro . Greenwood to ihe degree of M . M . Thc lodge was then resumed to the first degree , ami Bro . George Pymm , Uie W . M ., rose and said , that one of the most pleasant on hies that ever fell to his lot , was that , of piesen ,. iog the bpaiu'i ' ul jewel , he ttieu held >' n his hand to B .-o . tionnie , the immediate I . M ., from tha members of tbe Belgrave Lodge , as the unanimous expression of their appreciation of his services .
The W . M . then react the inscription , which was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Wm . Bourne , P . M ., by thc Belgrave Lodge . No . 749 , as a token of fraternal regard , and in appreciation of the excellent manner in which he discharged the duties of W . M . 10 th Nov ., 1869 . " Ho then placed the jewel on Bro . Bourne ' s breast , and said ho hoped he would long live to wear it , and that the brethren of the Belgrave Lodge might enjoy the benefit of his Masonic knowledand private friendship
forge mally years , as he ( the W . M . ) had done . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to tbe banquet table . Tbe dinner was served in Bro . Clemow ' s usual satisfactory style , superintended by Bro . Smith . The following toasts were given by the W . M . in the most happy and genial manner , and responded to by the brethren with the utmost cordiality : — " Tbe Queen and the Craft , " " . The
Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family , " "The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., " "The Earl de Grey aud Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " He called the attention of the brethren tbat tbey were honoured by the presence of the G . Sec , Bro . J . Hervey , and also with Bro . W . Oug'h , G . Purs ., the latter a member of their own lodge . The G . See . and G . Purs , both returned thanks in a very eloquent manner .
Bro . Bourne then rose and proposed " The health of Bro . Pymm , W . M ., and felt sure that the brethren were honoured in having such a Master to preside over them and direct the affairs of the lodge , and that ivhen he left the chair the brethren would not regret having elected bim to the office ; that the admirable w . ay in which be had discharged the duties of all the offices he had hitherto filled had endeared him to every member of the Belgrave Lodge . The W . M . returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren , and said that it w as a very old adage that the Great
Architect of the Universe gave man speech to disguise his thoughts , but be wished He had given him language to express his , and then he shoidd be at no loss to thank them in a manner suitable to himself and the brethren . He gave them many thanks for tho hearty good wishes that had been expressed tov / a . ds him , and he hoped to meet the brethren for many years to come . The W . MT then said that the next toast he had to propose was a very pleasant one—that of the visitors—and
called attention to the fact tbat tbe Belgrave Lodge never met without being honoured by visitors . On that occasion they had many distinguished Masons , and be called on the brethren to drink "The health of the visitors" v . ith cordiality . Bro . Geo . S . aeey , P . SI . Etonian , 201 , said that he congratulated the brethren on having elected so worthy a brother as Bro . George Pymm to preside over them ; that he bad loiown
him for many years , and felt sure that be possessed in a most eminent degree those qualities which would render him one of tlie most distinguished Masters of the Belgrave Lodge ; that " no possessed tbat brotherly love and affection which ought to shine in the breast of every member of the Craft . On behalt of himself and tho other visitors ho had to return thanks for the hospitable reception he bad met with . He had many opportunities of seeing the working of other lodges , but he bad never
been iuone where the duties were performed in such an . admirable manner as that of the Belgrave Lodge , and he hoped the Great Architect of the Hu-vev-. e would spread a blessing on all the undertakings of the lodge . Bro . J . Coutfs , P . M . Egpptian , 27 , also as an old friend of the W . M ., stated that it gave him great pleasure to be one of tbe visitors ou that auspxious occasion , and that tlie W . M . ivas a brother who entered heart and soul into Freemasonry , and he felt sure be would do all in his power for the brethren of the Belgrave Lodge . Bvo . Johnson , M-X > ., P . M . 1 S 7 , also returned thanks in a very
warm manner . s Tha W . M . then rose and said , that the next toast was one he called on the brethren of the lodge to do all the honors to , viz ., that o" the health of P . M ., Bro . Bonnie , that he felt sure that the manner in which he had gone tliroegti the installation ceremony , hscl taken every brother by surmise , tbat as every member of tbe lodge well knew that his ti'fie always was at their service , as well as his talents ami abilityin order to enhance the prosperity
, of the Be ' lrrravc Lodge . Bro . Bojme said , tbat the W . M . had placed a greater d friT . uHy in his way , than being called upon to work any of toe coreui . inics . He assured tbe brethren tbat he had s ' - mi . ly done what be felt to he liis doty , and that , in the knowledge that ho had given satisfaction to the members of the Belgrave Lodge , he was more . tban amply repaid , and that the jewel