Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
took of a very excellent banquet , after ivhich the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to . After spending a very pleasant evening the brethren parted in harmony . MAODOJTAID LOOSE ( NO . 1 , 216 ) . —This lodge hold at tbe Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Camberwell New Road , met on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at 6 p . m . Bro . Major A . L . Irvine , P . M . W . M , occupied the chair , supported by Bros .
James Stevens , P . M . S . W . ; Dr . E . Cronier , Treas . ; S . H . Waa ; - staff , J . D . ; G . N . Bridges , Dir . of Cers . ; G . AVatorall , I . G . ; AV . J . Messenger , H . Pucklc , Stewards ; J . J . Curtis , Sec . The following members were also present ¦ Bros . AV . Dicker ; J . H . Hashe , H . Francis ; J . AV . Carnell ; A . Walton ; AV . H . Thomas ; M . S . Larlham ; J . B . Pike ; N . W . Skairp ; W . A . Willis ; A . Scruby ; H . AVoodgate _; James Pike ; D . Fourdrinier . The visitors present were : Bros . C . C . DumasG . Assist . Dir . of Cors .
, P . M . 46 ; -Geo . Powell , P . M . 142 ; R . A . Steel , 1 , 194 ; G . Saward , 33 ; W . Warrel ] , 766 ; E . S . Biggins , 120 ; W . V . Bedolfe , 1 , 194 ; N . G . Davis , 1 , 238 . The lodge being opened the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . AVilliam AVorrell was unanimou-dy elected an honorary member of tbe lodge and appointed by the AV . M . to the office of honorary Assist . Org . The working of the lodge was subsequently accompanied throughout with full musical performance . Bros . Dr . AVoodgates ,
Scruby and Bedolfe were passed to the degree of F . C , aud the AV . M then delivered tbe lecture on tbe tracing board . At tbe request of the W . M ., Bro . Stevens , S . AV . delivered the second section in that degree in the form of a lecture . The lodge was then called off for refreshment , and on resuming Bros . N . W . Shairp and J . Pike were duly raised to the degree of Master Mason . Tho lodge was then closed down , and tlle closing hymn having been sung , the business of the evening terminated . A more agreeable visit in Masonry has seldom been experienced by those who were strangers to tbe perfection with which this lodge is worked by the excellent W . M ., aud bis no less effective officers .
INSTRUCTION . YATCBOBOUGH LODGE ( No . 554 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 2 nd inst , Bro . J . G . Stevens gave a reading in aid of tbe fund for the relief of " Aged and Decayed Freemasons and the AVidows of Freemasons , " in the lodge-room , Green Dragon Tavern , Stepney . The time announced for the commencement was 7 . 30 , but before tbat time tbe room was nearly filled , and
altogether there were 45 brethren present during the reading , and the following- lodges were represented viz .: Merchant Navy , British Oak , Crystal Palace , Confidence , Camden , Sincerity , Industry , Jubilee , Perfect Ashlar , Upton , Victoria , Doric , and Yarborough . It being the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened in jdue form at 7 . 30 precisely , and the minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and confirinod , tbe lodwas called from labourand the reading commenced at
ge , 7 . 45 . The subjects chosen were the " Christmas Carol , " and the " Boots at the Holly Tree Inn . " The " Carol is , perhaps , the best and most successful effort of its author to arouse the sympathies of the indifferent and the selfish of the well-to-do portions of society in behalf of thou- needy and struggling fellowcreatures , and it seems impossible to read , or bear read , its soulstirring passages without being constrained , like " Scroog , " to
throw aside our selfishness and apathy , to again mix freely with tbe world , and to feel that to do our best to make others happy is to sow seed from which we shall reap a rich harvest of the same blessed condition for ourselves . Badly indeed must the story be read , and sad the condition of the reader or hearer , if it misses the aim of its author ; and Bro . Stevens entered fully into the spirit of tbe story , especially in the pathetic episode of " Bob Crachefc " and his poor family , " Tiny Tim , " as usual , drawing
more than a tiny tear from the eyes of most of those present . The story throughout was listened to with tbe most absorbing attention , tbe best of evidence tbat the reader had done justice to tbe author ; and at its conclusion the audience manifested its satisfaction in a hearty round of applause . After a brief interval , "Boots" was introduced , and told his amusing and laughter-provoking story of the baby lovers and their elopementnot concealing liis own vile conduct in
deceiv-; ing and betraying the innocents ; and so deep-rooted was his villany that not even the promise of " £ 2 , 000 a year as their head gardener " could win him from bis course of deception . May he continue as "Boots" to the end of bis days—a fitting reward for bis baseness . At the conclusion of the reading , the lodge was re-called to labour , and upon the dues being collected were aduounced to amount to £ 6 Is . —a very satisfactory result
Craft Masonry.
of an hour or two spent in a rational manner and free from any selfish purpose . In addition to this liberal contribution , many brethren placed their names upon Bro . Robert ' s list as donors to the institution . It being the night of election , Bro . Chadwick was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing fortnight , when , upon the motion of Bro . Henry AVainwright , seconded by Bro . G . Roberts , AA . M . of 554 , the thanks of the meeting were voted to Bro . Stevens for bis able and pleasing
reading . Bro . Roberts then rose and said : — " We all know ho iv ready aud willing at all times Bro . Stevens is to do suit and service to the Craft ,, and to aid the cause of charity in any direction—Masonic or otherwise . This was not the first time Bro . Stevens bad rendered a similar service for a kindred object , and we ought to mark our appreciation of such services by conferring upon him the only honour we , as a lodge of instruction , have in our power to bestow , namely , an honorary membership
of the lodge . That we could freely accord to him , and , as its chief value would lie in the spirit in which the award was made , he was sure tbat the motion be was about to make would be carried with unanimous acclamation . He therefore moved , 'That as a slight acknowledgment of tbe valuable services rendered to this lodge on this evening and on previous occasions by Bro . Stevens , he be elected an honorary member of the lodge . " That was seconded by Bro , Barnes , and carried with entire
unanimity . Bro . Stevens , iu a few and appropriate words , returned thanks for the warm support and kind attentions given him , and for the honour of electing bim an honorary member of the lodge , and concluded by saying that he should always look back upon that evening as one of the happiest and proudest of his Masonic life . Upon the motion of Bro . Roberts , seconded by Bro . Scurr , the thanks of the lodge was unanimously given to those visitors who had so kindly and liberally responded to the appeal of the lodge . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren dispersed , highly gratified by the re-union and its results .
CHESHIRE . BIKKENHEAD . —Zetland Lodge fNo . 537 ) . —On Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., this lodge met at tbe Masonic Chambers , Birkenhead , A . B . Golborne , AV . M ., occupying the chair , supported by bis officers , Bros . James Lambert , S . W . ; Thomas Earl Hignett . J . AV . ; John P . Blatfc , Treas . ; Charles P . Nosworthy , Sec . ; P . K , Stevenson and E . G . Willoughby , P . M . ' s , and several other
brethren . Bro . Tysilio Johnson , No . 1 , 030 , was present as a visitor . Mr . Theodore Olsen was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , and Bro . AV . C . Beggs passed to the second degree . A vote of condolence to Bro . J . P . Piatt ou his late severe bereavement was proposed and unanimously carried . There being nofurther business the lodge was closed in due form . DEVONSHIRE .
DEVOHTOHT . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) , —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., when a large number of the brethren were present , also several visiting brethren from other lodges , amongst whom were Bros . Isaac AVatts , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas . St . Johns Lodge No . 70 ; Major Russell , 57 th Regt . ; Eaton , of Lodge Meridian , Cornwall , & c , & c . The AV . M . Bro . James Hawton , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . took the chair of King Solomon punctually at 7
o ' clock , and the business of the lodge was proceeded with , by balloting for Mr . Morris Cole Lakeman , a candidate for initiation into the Order , and the ballot was unanimous iu the candidate's favour . Bro . B . Anderson who bad been initiated on the 12 th ult ., was passed to the F . C . degree . Mr . Lakeman was then introduced and initiated into the ancient mysteries . The change being impressively given by Bro . Watts , P . M . P . Prov . G . Treas . The business of the evening having been concluded , tlie lodge closed at 9 . 30 p . m .
DORSET . LYME REGIS . —Montagu Lodge ( No . 665 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Lion Hotel , on Monday , Nov . 8 , at half-past seven , p . m . Bro . Samuel S . Moore , AV . M ., was in tbe chair ,, supported by Bro . John Godden , P . M ., as S . AV . ; Robert Radford , Treas ., as J . AA . ; John Fowler , P . M . and Sec ; William Mansfield , S . D . ; John Grove , J . D . ; William Langford , I . G . ; and AVilliam Lucas , Tyler . Mr . John Stevens was initiated , and Bros . Charles Langley , John E . AVallis , and Edwin H . Wallis
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
took of a very excellent banquet , after ivhich the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to . After spending a very pleasant evening the brethren parted in harmony . MAODOJTAID LOOSE ( NO . 1 , 216 ) . —This lodge hold at tbe Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Camberwell New Road , met on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at 6 p . m . Bro . Major A . L . Irvine , P . M . W . M , occupied the chair , supported by Bros .
James Stevens , P . M . S . W . ; Dr . E . Cronier , Treas . ; S . H . Waa ; - staff , J . D . ; G . N . Bridges , Dir . of Cers . ; G . AVatorall , I . G . ; AV . J . Messenger , H . Pucklc , Stewards ; J . J . Curtis , Sec . The following members were also present ¦ Bros . AV . Dicker ; J . H . Hashe , H . Francis ; J . AV . Carnell ; A . Walton ; AV . H . Thomas ; M . S . Larlham ; J . B . Pike ; N . W . Skairp ; W . A . Willis ; A . Scruby ; H . AVoodgate _; James Pike ; D . Fourdrinier . The visitors present were : Bros . C . C . DumasG . Assist . Dir . of Cors .
, P . M . 46 ; -Geo . Powell , P . M . 142 ; R . A . Steel , 1 , 194 ; G . Saward , 33 ; W . Warrel ] , 766 ; E . S . Biggins , 120 ; W . V . Bedolfe , 1 , 194 ; N . G . Davis , 1 , 238 . The lodge being opened the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . AVilliam AVorrell was unanimou-dy elected an honorary member of tbe lodge and appointed by the AV . M . to the office of honorary Assist . Org . The working of the lodge was subsequently accompanied throughout with full musical performance . Bros . Dr . AVoodgates ,
Scruby and Bedolfe were passed to the degree of F . C , aud the AV . M then delivered tbe lecture on tbe tracing board . At tbe request of the W . M ., Bro . Stevens , S . AV . delivered the second section in that degree in the form of a lecture . The lodge was then called off for refreshment , and on resuming Bros . N . W . Shairp and J . Pike were duly raised to the degree of Master Mason . Tho lodge was then closed down , and tlle closing hymn having been sung , the business of the evening terminated . A more agreeable visit in Masonry has seldom been experienced by those who were strangers to tbe perfection with which this lodge is worked by the excellent W . M ., aud bis no less effective officers .
INSTRUCTION . YATCBOBOUGH LODGE ( No . 554 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 2 nd inst , Bro . J . G . Stevens gave a reading in aid of tbe fund for the relief of " Aged and Decayed Freemasons and the AVidows of Freemasons , " in the lodge-room , Green Dragon Tavern , Stepney . The time announced for the commencement was 7 . 30 , but before tbat time tbe room was nearly filled , and
altogether there were 45 brethren present during the reading , and the following- lodges were represented viz .: Merchant Navy , British Oak , Crystal Palace , Confidence , Camden , Sincerity , Industry , Jubilee , Perfect Ashlar , Upton , Victoria , Doric , and Yarborough . It being the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened in jdue form at 7 . 30 precisely , and the minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and confirinod , tbe lodwas called from labourand the reading commenced at
ge , 7 . 45 . The subjects chosen were the " Christmas Carol , " and the " Boots at the Holly Tree Inn . " The " Carol is , perhaps , the best and most successful effort of its author to arouse the sympathies of the indifferent and the selfish of the well-to-do portions of society in behalf of thou- needy and struggling fellowcreatures , and it seems impossible to read , or bear read , its soulstirring passages without being constrained , like " Scroog , " to
throw aside our selfishness and apathy , to again mix freely with tbe world , and to feel that to do our best to make others happy is to sow seed from which we shall reap a rich harvest of the same blessed condition for ourselves . Badly indeed must the story be read , and sad the condition of the reader or hearer , if it misses the aim of its author ; and Bro . Stevens entered fully into the spirit of tbe story , especially in the pathetic episode of " Bob Crachefc " and his poor family , " Tiny Tim , " as usual , drawing
more than a tiny tear from the eyes of most of those present . The story throughout was listened to with tbe most absorbing attention , tbe best of evidence tbat the reader had done justice to tbe author ; and at its conclusion the audience manifested its satisfaction in a hearty round of applause . After a brief interval , "Boots" was introduced , and told his amusing and laughter-provoking story of the baby lovers and their elopementnot concealing liis own vile conduct in
deceiv-; ing and betraying the innocents ; and so deep-rooted was his villany that not even the promise of " £ 2 , 000 a year as their head gardener " could win him from bis course of deception . May he continue as "Boots" to the end of bis days—a fitting reward for bis baseness . At the conclusion of the reading , the lodge was re-called to labour , and upon the dues being collected were aduounced to amount to £ 6 Is . —a very satisfactory result
Craft Masonry.
of an hour or two spent in a rational manner and free from any selfish purpose . In addition to this liberal contribution , many brethren placed their names upon Bro . Robert ' s list as donors to the institution . It being the night of election , Bro . Chadwick was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing fortnight , when , upon the motion of Bro . Henry AVainwright , seconded by Bro . G . Roberts , AA . M . of 554 , the thanks of the meeting were voted to Bro . Stevens for bis able and pleasing
reading . Bro . Roberts then rose and said : — " We all know ho iv ready aud willing at all times Bro . Stevens is to do suit and service to the Craft ,, and to aid the cause of charity in any direction—Masonic or otherwise . This was not the first time Bro . Stevens bad rendered a similar service for a kindred object , and we ought to mark our appreciation of such services by conferring upon him the only honour we , as a lodge of instruction , have in our power to bestow , namely , an honorary membership
of the lodge . That we could freely accord to him , and , as its chief value would lie in the spirit in which the award was made , he was sure tbat the motion be was about to make would be carried with unanimous acclamation . He therefore moved , 'That as a slight acknowledgment of tbe valuable services rendered to this lodge on this evening and on previous occasions by Bro . Stevens , he be elected an honorary member of the lodge . " That was seconded by Bro , Barnes , and carried with entire
unanimity . Bro . Stevens , iu a few and appropriate words , returned thanks for the warm support and kind attentions given him , and for the honour of electing bim an honorary member of the lodge , and concluded by saying that he should always look back upon that evening as one of the happiest and proudest of his Masonic life . Upon the motion of Bro . Roberts , seconded by Bro . Scurr , the thanks of the lodge was unanimously given to those visitors who had so kindly and liberally responded to the appeal of the lodge . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren dispersed , highly gratified by the re-union and its results .
CHESHIRE . BIKKENHEAD . —Zetland Lodge fNo . 537 ) . —On Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., this lodge met at tbe Masonic Chambers , Birkenhead , A . B . Golborne , AV . M ., occupying the chair , supported by bis officers , Bros . James Lambert , S . W . ; Thomas Earl Hignett . J . AV . ; John P . Blatfc , Treas . ; Charles P . Nosworthy , Sec . ; P . K , Stevenson and E . G . Willoughby , P . M . ' s , and several other
brethren . Bro . Tysilio Johnson , No . 1 , 030 , was present as a visitor . Mr . Theodore Olsen was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , and Bro . AV . C . Beggs passed to the second degree . A vote of condolence to Bro . J . P . Piatt ou his late severe bereavement was proposed and unanimously carried . There being nofurther business the lodge was closed in due form . DEVONSHIRE .
DEVOHTOHT . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) , —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., when a large number of the brethren were present , also several visiting brethren from other lodges , amongst whom were Bros . Isaac AVatts , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas . St . Johns Lodge No . 70 ; Major Russell , 57 th Regt . ; Eaton , of Lodge Meridian , Cornwall , & c , & c . The AV . M . Bro . James Hawton , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . took the chair of King Solomon punctually at 7
o ' clock , and the business of the lodge was proceeded with , by balloting for Mr . Morris Cole Lakeman , a candidate for initiation into the Order , and the ballot was unanimous iu the candidate's favour . Bro . B . Anderson who bad been initiated on the 12 th ult ., was passed to the F . C . degree . Mr . Lakeman was then introduced and initiated into the ancient mysteries . The change being impressively given by Bro . Watts , P . M . P . Prov . G . Treas . The business of the evening having been concluded , tlie lodge closed at 9 . 30 p . m .
DORSET . LYME REGIS . —Montagu Lodge ( No . 665 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Lion Hotel , on Monday , Nov . 8 , at half-past seven , p . m . Bro . Samuel S . Moore , AV . M ., was in tbe chair ,, supported by Bro . John Godden , P . M ., as S . AV . ; Robert Radford , Treas ., as J . AA . ; John Fowler , P . M . and Sec ; William Mansfield , S . D . ; John Grove , J . D . ; William Langford , I . G . ; and AVilliam Lucas , Tyler . Mr . John Stevens was initiated , and Bros . Charles Langley , John E . AVallis , and Edwin H . Wallis