Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTTISH CONSTITUTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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NORFOLK . AVnroNDHAJT . —Doric Lodge ( No . 1 , 193 ) . —On Wednesday 3 rd inst ., tbe annual installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms of tbe King ' s Arms Hotel , when the AV . M ., Bro . G . W . Loftus , was re-installed into the chair of K . S ., with the usual ceremonies . The AV . M . then appointed aud invested his officers , Bros . E . Beeston as S . W ., and G . Plumst . cad , JW There was a large attendance of the members of tbe
.. Doric and several visitors of llie Norwich and other surrounding lodges . The business of tbe evening being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was ably presided over tbe AV . M . Tbe usual loyal and Masonic toasts wore given and feelingly responded to , and after a truly enjoyable every the brethren separated .
SHROPSHIRE . TaoivniHEG-E . —Lodge of St . MiVunrgu-a- ( No . 1120 ) . —The second meeting of this lodge for the t > ro * o » t season was held on Tuesday , Nov . 9 tb , at the Tontine Hotel , ironb . i . Ific llie business on the agenda being tbe iusiaUatioti of the AV . M . for tbe ensuing year , to invest offices i ' or ( lie fame form , aud to pass au apprentice brother . Thee were present . B . os . James Proctor ,
AV . M . ; Alexander Grant , AV . M . dec ; J . Bates , S . D . ; R . Anslow , J . D . ; J . Macbin , I . G . ; ' !' . Greville Tnnw-fielu , M . D ., Sec : Stanley Crowder , Edward Lawrence , B'yce Smith , P . M . 116 , 1 , 120 ; Lewis , P . M . 116 ; and W . B . Sndili , visitor , llie lodge having been opened in due form , Bro . Grant was presented to Bro . Lewis , P . M . 116 , wdio officiated for in-t .-ilktion , and was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , and was saluted by the brethren < a due form . The AV . M . then
proceeded to invest his officers as follow ? : —Rvos . Bates , S . AV . ; Anslow , J . W . ; Lawrence , S . D . ; J . Macbin , J . D . ; Stanley Chowder , I . G . ; F . G . Yates , Trca . ; : md T . G . 'S hurciield , Sec . Bro . Prior was then passed by Bro . Lew s , P . M ., to the degree of Fellow Craft , and the brethren then adjourned to refreshment .
WARWICKSHIRE . BlPMisa-HAli . —Meiclier Lodge ( No . 1 , 031 ) . —On Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., this lodge met at the Masonic lloo . ns , New-street , Bro . Dixon Millc occupied the chair , supported by his officers . Bros . E . Kent , S . W : W . W . Rose , J . AV . : Rev . AV . B . Smith , Chap . ; A , Simpson , Treas . ; A . Rooke , Sec . ; C . Cooper , as S . D . ; J . E . Cibby , as J . D .: John Kennedy , Dir . of Cers . ; W .
T . Belcher , Org .: S . A . Slaney , T . G . ; J . J . Fullan , S . ; Thos . Hart , S . Bros . Pi . ri . cl ., P . ntidge , P . M „ Dr . Foster , E . Smith , E . Snapo , and several other brethren to tlie number of about 30 were present . The lodge being opeued , and the minutes read and approved , Bro . Moore was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Mr . Bushy was introduced to receive tbe benefit of initiation at the hands of tiio W . M . This being the closing meeting of the yearthe by-laws were readair audit committee
, , was appointed , and the election of ihe AV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler " for the ensuing year took place , which resulted in the election of Bro . Kent , S . W ., to the chair , Bro . Hart , Treasurer , and Bro . Coates , Tyler . Nothing further appearing for the good of Freemasonry , the brethren adjourned for refreshment and social enjoyment .
Rssi & woara . — StoneliujhLodge ( No . 725 ) . —The brethren of this lodge mci atthe King ' s Arms Hotel , on Wednesday the 10 th inst . There were present : Bros . J . D . AAliitley , AV . M . ; Frederic Bashell , S . W . ; John Fl' nm , J . W . j John Warren , S . D . ; B , AA . Hicks , J . D . ; John Overton , I . G . ; Rev . Frederic Stonliouse , P . M . ; Rev . C . H . C . Webb , Chap . ; J . H . Jervis , Sec . ; AVilliam Turner , Tyler . Bros . A . E . Giidlnnder , AV . M ., 254 ; Henry Brown , P . S . W ., 254 were present as visitors . Rev . Robert Brougbton Stockwell , was raised to tbe degree of MM . The officers for the ensuing year were nominated ^ and the lodge was closed in due form .
AVAUWICK . —Shalcespeare Lodge ( No . 2 S 4 ) . —On Tuesday , the 9 tb inst ., tbe lodge met at the Masonic Rooms , Warwick . Bro . AV . B . Sanderson , W . M . occupied the chair . There were also present : Bros . J . AV . Margett , S . AV . ; S . AV . Cooke , P . Prov . S . G . W . Sec ; Rev . P . S . Harris , J . D . ; Faulkner , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Lucy , P . Prov . G . Chap ., and several others . Bro . Miller , AA . M . 473 , was present as n visitor , llro . Aspa was passed to the second degree , the cciemony being ably performed by the W . M . It was proposed tbat the usual Masonic ball in aid of the
Benevolent Ammity Fund of llie province of AVarwickshire , should be held in January next , at the Shire Hall , under the auspices of this lodge . The Annuity Fund of the province of Warwickshire is an excellent institution , originated by the Prov . G . Master of AVarwickshire , Lord Leigh . By its aid deserving old members of the Craft belonging to this province , and their families , are granted annual sums to assist them in their infirmit y , sums of money are granted in special cases , and candidates for the Boys' and Girls' School oi Aged Freemasons are assisted in the expenses of their election .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . El-i-AKD . —Savile Lodge ( No . 1 , 231 ) . —The usual monthl y meeting of this lodge was holden on Thursday evening , the 11 th inst ., at the Royal Hotel . Tho officers of the lodge present were Bros . Ely Walker Shaw , W . M . ; Francis Crossley , S . W . ; Frederick Crossley , J . AV . ; F . Wad'linsrton , Sec ; G . Normanton , P . M . and Prov ! G . D ., Treas . ; AV . Dewhirst , S . D . ; J . Shaw , J . D . ;
and J . Dyson , I . G . This being the anniversary of the opening of this prosperous young lodge , after the minute of the previous regular lodge meeting had heen rend and confirmed , and some correspondence read , the W . M . for tho ensuing year was elected by ballot . The list of qualified brethren contained eleven names , but the votes were all given to the two Wardens ; and the AV . M having announced the numbers to be ten votes for Bro . Francis Crossley , S . AV ., and 12 votes for Bro . Frederick Crossley , J . AV ., the
latter esteemed brother was declared duly elected ; Bro . John Smithies , Steward , was elected Treasurer , and Bro . John . Greenwood , P . M . 308 , Tyler for the ensuing year . Bro . Law was admitted and raised to the sublime degre of Master Mason , the W . M ., who was suffering from indisposition , being very ably assisted in the ceremony by Bro . John Armitage , P . M . 827 and 1 , 231 , and Bro . Allen , P . M .. 14-9 . After the proposition of a gentleman for initiation , bad been brought forward , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
Scottish Constitution.
METROPOLITAN . CELTIC LODGE OE EDINBUBGH AND LGITH ( NO . 291 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th instant , and , in consequence of its becoming known that the "Celts " bad sent au invitaton to the masonic brethren of the 42 nd Hig hlanders to partake of their hospitality previous to the regiment leav i ng Edinburgh for Aldershot ; there was a
numerous and influential attendance of the Craft . Besides upwards of twenty brethren of the " Black Watch . " who accepted the Celts' invitation , there were present deputations from tbe lodges Mary's Chapel , Journeymen , Roman Eagle , and Defensive Baud , headed by their respective R . AV . M . 's , and a host of visiting brethren who filled the room to overflowing . Bro . II . B . Kay , the deservedly popular R . AV . M . of the lodgeoccupied tbe chairaud he was ably supported b
, , y his wardens , Bros . Inches and Kemp . After the lodge had been called from labour to refreshment , a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , cons i sting of Bros . Henry Inglis , of Tersonce , Substitute Grand Master , AVilliam Mann , S . G . AV . ; William Officer , J . G . D . ; Alon Hay , Grand Jeweller ; David Bryce , G' -and Architect ; John Cog-bill , Grand Marshall ; and William ____ . Bryce , Grand Tyler , was announced , and on being admitted with the usual honours , took their places on the
dais . The R . W . M . then gave tbe usual and loyal masonic toasts , after which be called upon the subslitute Grand Master to give tbe toast of tbe evening , '• The 42 nd Highlanders . " Brother Inglis said : — " Glad as I always am to meet my brothers of the Celtic , I must say that tbat pleasure is enhanced by the circumstances which have brought them together this evening . The health of the brethren of tlie ' Black AA ateh' could not have been proposed in a more fitting country , or iu a more fitting place . The
badge of the 42 nd is " St . Andrew , " the patron saint of Scotland , and the patron saint of Scottish masonry : the motto of the 42 nd is " Nemo rue impune lacessit , " the royal motto of Scotland ; and we drink to the Highland regiment in the midst of Scotland's capita ) , and iu a lodge of Freemasons which bears the Highland name ( cheers ) . Brethren , it would be easy forme , had I the time , to descant for a . lengthened space upon the services of tbe 42 nd , Eor have they not served their country for nearly a centuiy ^ throughout a large portion of the habitable
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NORFOLK . AVnroNDHAJT . —Doric Lodge ( No . 1 , 193 ) . —On Wednesday 3 rd inst ., tbe annual installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms of tbe King ' s Arms Hotel , when the AV . M ., Bro . G . W . Loftus , was re-installed into the chair of K . S ., with the usual ceremonies . The AV . M . then appointed aud invested his officers , Bros . E . Beeston as S . W ., and G . Plumst . cad , JW There was a large attendance of the members of tbe
.. Doric and several visitors of llie Norwich and other surrounding lodges . The business of tbe evening being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was ably presided over tbe AV . M . Tbe usual loyal and Masonic toasts wore given and feelingly responded to , and after a truly enjoyable every the brethren separated .
SHROPSHIRE . TaoivniHEG-E . —Lodge of St . MiVunrgu-a- ( No . 1120 ) . —The second meeting of this lodge for the t > ro * o » t season was held on Tuesday , Nov . 9 tb , at the Tontine Hotel , ironb . i . Ific llie business on the agenda being tbe iusiaUatioti of the AV . M . for tbe ensuing year , to invest offices i ' or ( lie fame form , aud to pass au apprentice brother . Thee were present . B . os . James Proctor ,
AV . M . ; Alexander Grant , AV . M . dec ; J . Bates , S . D . ; R . Anslow , J . D . ; J . Macbin , I . G . ; ' !' . Greville Tnnw-fielu , M . D ., Sec : Stanley Crowder , Edward Lawrence , B'yce Smith , P . M . 116 , 1 , 120 ; Lewis , P . M . 116 ; and W . B . Sndili , visitor , llie lodge having been opened in due form , Bro . Grant was presented to Bro . Lewis , P . M . 116 , wdio officiated for in-t .-ilktion , and was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , and was saluted by the brethren < a due form . The AV . M . then
proceeded to invest his officers as follow ? : —Rvos . Bates , S . AV . ; Anslow , J . W . ; Lawrence , S . D . ; J . Macbin , J . D . ; Stanley Chowder , I . G . ; F . G . Yates , Trca . ; : md T . G . 'S hurciield , Sec . Bro . Prior was then passed by Bro . Lew s , P . M ., to the degree of Fellow Craft , and the brethren then adjourned to refreshment .
WARWICKSHIRE . BlPMisa-HAli . —Meiclier Lodge ( No . 1 , 031 ) . —On Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., this lodge met at the Masonic lloo . ns , New-street , Bro . Dixon Millc occupied the chair , supported by his officers . Bros . E . Kent , S . W : W . W . Rose , J . AV . : Rev . AV . B . Smith , Chap . ; A , Simpson , Treas . ; A . Rooke , Sec . ; C . Cooper , as S . D . ; J . E . Cibby , as J . D .: John Kennedy , Dir . of Cers . ; W .
T . Belcher , Org .: S . A . Slaney , T . G . ; J . J . Fullan , S . ; Thos . Hart , S . Bros . Pi . ri . cl ., P . ntidge , P . M „ Dr . Foster , E . Smith , E . Snapo , and several other brethren to tlie number of about 30 were present . The lodge being opeued , and the minutes read and approved , Bro . Moore was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Mr . Bushy was introduced to receive tbe benefit of initiation at the hands of tiio W . M . This being the closing meeting of the yearthe by-laws were readair audit committee
, , was appointed , and the election of ihe AV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler " for the ensuing year took place , which resulted in the election of Bro . Kent , S . W ., to the chair , Bro . Hart , Treasurer , and Bro . Coates , Tyler . Nothing further appearing for the good of Freemasonry , the brethren adjourned for refreshment and social enjoyment .
Rssi & woara . — StoneliujhLodge ( No . 725 ) . —The brethren of this lodge mci atthe King ' s Arms Hotel , on Wednesday the 10 th inst . There were present : Bros . J . D . AAliitley , AV . M . ; Frederic Bashell , S . W . ; John Fl' nm , J . W . j John Warren , S . D . ; B , AA . Hicks , J . D . ; John Overton , I . G . ; Rev . Frederic Stonliouse , P . M . ; Rev . C . H . C . Webb , Chap . ; J . H . Jervis , Sec . ; AVilliam Turner , Tyler . Bros . A . E . Giidlnnder , AV . M ., 254 ; Henry Brown , P . S . W ., 254 were present as visitors . Rev . Robert Brougbton Stockwell , was raised to tbe degree of MM . The officers for the ensuing year were nominated ^ and the lodge was closed in due form .
AVAUWICK . —Shalcespeare Lodge ( No . 2 S 4 ) . —On Tuesday , the 9 tb inst ., tbe lodge met at the Masonic Rooms , Warwick . Bro . AV . B . Sanderson , W . M . occupied the chair . There were also present : Bros . J . AV . Margett , S . AV . ; S . AV . Cooke , P . Prov . S . G . W . Sec ; Rev . P . S . Harris , J . D . ; Faulkner , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Lucy , P . Prov . G . Chap ., and several others . Bro . Miller , AA . M . 473 , was present as n visitor , llro . Aspa was passed to the second degree , the cciemony being ably performed by the W . M . It was proposed tbat the usual Masonic ball in aid of the
Benevolent Ammity Fund of llie province of AVarwickshire , should be held in January next , at the Shire Hall , under the auspices of this lodge . The Annuity Fund of the province of Warwickshire is an excellent institution , originated by the Prov . G . Master of AVarwickshire , Lord Leigh . By its aid deserving old members of the Craft belonging to this province , and their families , are granted annual sums to assist them in their infirmit y , sums of money are granted in special cases , and candidates for the Boys' and Girls' School oi Aged Freemasons are assisted in the expenses of their election .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . El-i-AKD . —Savile Lodge ( No . 1 , 231 ) . —The usual monthl y meeting of this lodge was holden on Thursday evening , the 11 th inst ., at the Royal Hotel . Tho officers of the lodge present were Bros . Ely Walker Shaw , W . M . ; Francis Crossley , S . W . ; Frederick Crossley , J . AV . ; F . Wad'linsrton , Sec ; G . Normanton , P . M . and Prov ! G . D ., Treas . ; AV . Dewhirst , S . D . ; J . Shaw , J . D . ;
and J . Dyson , I . G . This being the anniversary of the opening of this prosperous young lodge , after the minute of the previous regular lodge meeting had heen rend and confirmed , and some correspondence read , the W . M . for tho ensuing year was elected by ballot . The list of qualified brethren contained eleven names , but the votes were all given to the two Wardens ; and the AV . M having announced the numbers to be ten votes for Bro . Francis Crossley , S . AV ., and 12 votes for Bro . Frederick Crossley , J . AV ., the
latter esteemed brother was declared duly elected ; Bro . John Smithies , Steward , was elected Treasurer , and Bro . John . Greenwood , P . M . 308 , Tyler for the ensuing year . Bro . Law was admitted and raised to the sublime degre of Master Mason , the W . M ., who was suffering from indisposition , being very ably assisted in the ceremony by Bro . John Armitage , P . M . 827 and 1 , 231 , and Bro . Allen , P . M .. 14-9 . After the proposition of a gentleman for initiation , bad been brought forward , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
Scottish Constitution.
METROPOLITAN . CELTIC LODGE OE EDINBUBGH AND LGITH ( NO . 291 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th instant , and , in consequence of its becoming known that the "Celts " bad sent au invitaton to the masonic brethren of the 42 nd Hig hlanders to partake of their hospitality previous to the regiment leav i ng Edinburgh for Aldershot ; there was a
numerous and influential attendance of the Craft . Besides upwards of twenty brethren of the " Black Watch . " who accepted the Celts' invitation , there were present deputations from tbe lodges Mary's Chapel , Journeymen , Roman Eagle , and Defensive Baud , headed by their respective R . AV . M . 's , and a host of visiting brethren who filled the room to overflowing . Bro . II . B . Kay , the deservedly popular R . AV . M . of the lodgeoccupied tbe chairaud he was ably supported b
, , y his wardens , Bros . Inches and Kemp . After the lodge had been called from labour to refreshment , a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , cons i sting of Bros . Henry Inglis , of Tersonce , Substitute Grand Master , AVilliam Mann , S . G . AV . ; William Officer , J . G . D . ; Alon Hay , Grand Jeweller ; David Bryce , G' -and Architect ; John Cog-bill , Grand Marshall ; and William ____ . Bryce , Grand Tyler , was announced , and on being admitted with the usual honours , took their places on the
dais . The R . W . M . then gave tbe usual and loyal masonic toasts , after which be called upon the subslitute Grand Master to give tbe toast of tbe evening , '• The 42 nd Highlanders . " Brother Inglis said : — " Glad as I always am to meet my brothers of the Celtic , I must say that tbat pleasure is enhanced by the circumstances which have brought them together this evening . The health of the brethren of tlie ' Black AA ateh' could not have been proposed in a more fitting country , or iu a more fitting place . The
badge of the 42 nd is " St . Andrew , " the patron saint of Scotland , and the patron saint of Scottish masonry : the motto of the 42 nd is " Nemo rue impune lacessit , " the royal motto of Scotland ; and we drink to the Highland regiment in the midst of Scotland's capita ) , and iu a lodge of Freemasons which bears the Highland name ( cheers ) . Brethren , it would be easy forme , had I the time , to descant for a . lengthened space upon the services of tbe 42 nd , Eor have they not served their country for nearly a centuiy ^ throughout a large portion of the habitable