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Mark Masonry.
absence of the AA . M ., the lodge was opened at 4-. 30 p . m . by Bro . Dickes , P . M . and P . Prov . G . Org ., supported by Bros . Blight , iS . W . ; AVay , J . AV . ; Pasmore , Sec . ; Spink , S . D . ; Bodley , Dir . of Cers ., & c . By request Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . G . J . AV . of England , and P . M . 26 and 74 , took the chair of I . P . M . As the only business on the circular of summons was the installation , immediately after the minutes of tbe previous meeting bad been read and confirmed , tbe S . AV . was presented by Bro . Dr . Seott , P . M .
to the acting Installing Master , who , having gone through tbe usual preliminaries , dismissed the brethren and formed a Board of Installed Masters , by whom Bro . Blight was duly placed in tbe chair of Adoniram . On the return of the members , after tbe customary salutations and greetings , the following were appointed officers for tbe ensuing year . Bros . Brewster , I . P . M . ; AVay , S . W . ; Easton , J . AV . ; Pasmore , Chap . ; Dickes , P . M . Treas . ; JonesSee . ; SinkReg . ; BodleyS . D . ; StileJ . D . ;
, p , , , Adams Dir . of Cers . ; Moass and Hugo , Stewards ; H . W . Hooper , I . G . ; Gregory , Tyler . After the investiture of these brethren with the collars and jewels , Bro . Dr . Hopkins was called upon to deliver tho charges to the AV . M ., Wardens , and brethren , omitting the one to thc overseers , as there are here no such officers , thc lodge still adhering to the form of ritual first adopted on the formation of the Grand Mark Lodge of England in which considerable modifications have since been made . Now
however that the ritual seems settled , it appears very desirable that all lodges should become assimilated in the working , before diversities become extended by communication to new lodges as they are gradually opened , and a course which is easy now , with a limited number of lodges , may be rendered difficult by increase , as has been found to be the case in tbe Craft . After the "onehision of the ceremony , several matters of business were discussedand four brethren were proposed for advancement at tbe
, next meeting . The lodge was closed at 5 . 30 , and the members adjourned to tbe Bride Hotel for the annual banquet , the W . M . presiding . The loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed , honoured and responded to , and harmony was also blended with the other proceedings of the evening . The W . M . vacated his chair at 9 . 30 p . m .
Masonic Presentation To Bro. The Rev. S. G. Morrison, P.G. Chap., Ireland.
A large number of tbe brethren of tbe Masonic Order in this city met on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., in the new Masonic Hall , Molesworth-street , Dublin , for tho purpose of presenting an address and testimonial to Bro . the Rev . S . G . Morrison , P . G . Chap ., as a mark of the very high esteem in which he is deservedly held by the members of that honourable and ancient fraternity in this city . The reverend gentleman has long been
a member of lodge No . 245 , the greater number of tbe brethren of which were present to do him honour on tho occasion . This was the first presentation made in the . new Masonic Hall , and it could hardly have been made to a more deserving brother . For several years tbe Rev . Bro . Morrison has been attached to the Masonic body , and proved himself worthy of the confidence reposed in him by the Craft who had honoured him by electing him as a Grand Chaplain . The brethren first met in an
anteroom . Bro . Alderman Manning , G . Dir . of Cers ., presided . Amongst the other members present were Bros . Edward Purdon , Lord Mayor elect ; Vice-chairman ; John Byrne ; Rev . S . G . Morrison , P . G . C ; Rev . L . A . Le Pan , E . Kempson , AA . F . Drought , J . AVilson , J . Woodward , James Wilson , P . R . Patman , P . M . ; J . Gilbert , W . Beaker , T . M'Govern , M . E . Solomons , A .
Fitepatrick , S . D . ; W . Spence , C . Doherty , C . Rankin , F . H . Pike , G . R . Greil , G . R , Price , S . AV . ; H . Fielding , E . Tracy , A . AVallcr , J . Langstaff , H . Cochrane , J . Fitzmaurica , J . Twamley , S . Strahan , J . Molloy , J . Cox , A . Harrison , Captain Clifford , W . M . ; S . G . Durham , John Young , David Young , Ev Davies , S . Pickering , AV . M . ; F . Benson , vf . Hawkins , F . Tinkler , S . Boucher , J . Wonfor , & c . BroFl HonSec ( 245 ) then read the address . The
. ynn , . , presentation consisted of a very handsomely-finished portrait , three-quarter size , of the Rev . Mr . Morrison , richly framed , and admirably executed by Mr . J . Hoskell . The likeness was very striking , and tbe painting reflected great credit on tbe skill of the artist . There was also a gift of a purse of sovereigns , the amount subscribed being very much in excess of the s um antici-
Masonic Presentation To Bro. The Rev. S. G. Morrison, P.G. Chap., Ireland.
pated to defray the expenses . The address , which was very handsomely framed , was engrossed and illuminated by Mr . Chas . L . O'Brien in a manner that reflected much credit on bis taste and skill . In the centre , at the top , was displayed tbe wellknown intersecting triangles , having on their right a representation of tbe Grand Chaplain ' s insignia , and on the left that emblem which has for its motto , " Audi , Vide , Tace . " In the centre , under tbe heading is placed tbe peculiar cross whose
motto is " Dion le -cent . " At the lower part of tbe address , at either end , stand two pillars suggestive of tbe stability of the Order , and between these is neatly grouped an original design of tbe artist ' s symbolising the Sacred Writings . The brethren then adjourned to the dining hall , where a sumptuous supper bad been prepared for them , at which to entertain their guest . After the supper the usual loyal toasts ware given and responded to , the toast of the evening being proposed by the chairman in highly eulogistic terms , which was g . icefully and appropriately responded to .
Poetry .
THE BUGLE HORN . By Mrs . L . A . CZARNECKI . There is a sound—a stirring sound , Falling gladly on tho ear , Cheering , with gay aud speaking notes ,
All that sound who hear . With strong and mighty power it comos , Whoa on tho breoze 'tis borne , Its music thrilling , bold , and deep'Tis tbe sound of the buglo horn . It pierces tho heart with nameless charm ; The bugle ' s wondrous voice
Seems calling on ovory living thing T' exult and to rojoico , Swelling high on the breezy wind , Like tho noiso of the troubled wave , Awakening tbe heart to tuneful joy'Tis the musio of tho brave .
It fires the gallant hero ' s soul , And rouses it from rost , Inspiring feelings warm and true In every soldier's breast . Ah 1 on tho toilsome , weary march , Tho bravo can only toll How it cheered and lod thorn
on—The bugle ' s martial swell . AVhon faint with thirst and beat , On the arid , sultry plain , It whisper'd hope to those brave bands—Tbat froo aud joyous strain . The sad and wearied soldier feels
Ho ceases then to mourn ; He thinks of sweet rest drawing nigh AATion bo boars thc buglo born .
Scientific Meetings For The Week.
Monday , 22 nd Nov . —Geographical Society , at tbe Royal Institution , Albemarle-strect , Sir It . J . Mnrchison , Bart ., President , iu the chair . The following are the papers to be read : — 1 . " Explanation of the now course to tbe Yellow River of China " by Ney Elias , Esq . ; 2 . " Failure of Earthquake predictions iu Peru , " by the Hon . W . G . S . Jerringham . Tuesday , 23 rd Nov . —Society of Civil Engineers . AVednesday , 24 th Nov . —Society of Arts . Geological Society .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
absence of the AA . M ., the lodge was opened at 4-. 30 p . m . by Bro . Dickes , P . M . and P . Prov . G . Org ., supported by Bros . Blight , iS . W . ; AVay , J . AV . ; Pasmore , Sec . ; Spink , S . D . ; Bodley , Dir . of Cers ., & c . By request Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . G . J . AV . of England , and P . M . 26 and 74 , took the chair of I . P . M . As the only business on the circular of summons was the installation , immediately after the minutes of tbe previous meeting bad been read and confirmed , tbe S . AV . was presented by Bro . Dr . Seott , P . M .
to the acting Installing Master , who , having gone through tbe usual preliminaries , dismissed the brethren and formed a Board of Installed Masters , by whom Bro . Blight was duly placed in tbe chair of Adoniram . On the return of the members , after tbe customary salutations and greetings , the following were appointed officers for tbe ensuing year . Bros . Brewster , I . P . M . ; AVay , S . W . ; Easton , J . AV . ; Pasmore , Chap . ; Dickes , P . M . Treas . ; JonesSee . ; SinkReg . ; BodleyS . D . ; StileJ . D . ;
, p , , , Adams Dir . of Cers . ; Moass and Hugo , Stewards ; H . W . Hooper , I . G . ; Gregory , Tyler . After the investiture of these brethren with the collars and jewels , Bro . Dr . Hopkins was called upon to deliver tho charges to the AV . M ., Wardens , and brethren , omitting the one to thc overseers , as there are here no such officers , thc lodge still adhering to the form of ritual first adopted on the formation of the Grand Mark Lodge of England in which considerable modifications have since been made . Now
however that the ritual seems settled , it appears very desirable that all lodges should become assimilated in the working , before diversities become extended by communication to new lodges as they are gradually opened , and a course which is easy now , with a limited number of lodges , may be rendered difficult by increase , as has been found to be the case in tbe Craft . After the "onehision of the ceremony , several matters of business were discussedand four brethren were proposed for advancement at tbe
, next meeting . The lodge was closed at 5 . 30 , and the members adjourned to tbe Bride Hotel for the annual banquet , the W . M . presiding . The loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed , honoured and responded to , and harmony was also blended with the other proceedings of the evening . The W . M . vacated his chair at 9 . 30 p . m .
Masonic Presentation To Bro. The Rev. S. G. Morrison, P.G. Chap., Ireland.
A large number of tbe brethren of tbe Masonic Order in this city met on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., in the new Masonic Hall , Molesworth-street , Dublin , for tho purpose of presenting an address and testimonial to Bro . the Rev . S . G . Morrison , P . G . Chap ., as a mark of the very high esteem in which he is deservedly held by the members of that honourable and ancient fraternity in this city . The reverend gentleman has long been
a member of lodge No . 245 , the greater number of tbe brethren of which were present to do him honour on tho occasion . This was the first presentation made in the . new Masonic Hall , and it could hardly have been made to a more deserving brother . For several years tbe Rev . Bro . Morrison has been attached to the Masonic body , and proved himself worthy of the confidence reposed in him by the Craft who had honoured him by electing him as a Grand Chaplain . The brethren first met in an
anteroom . Bro . Alderman Manning , G . Dir . of Cers ., presided . Amongst the other members present were Bros . Edward Purdon , Lord Mayor elect ; Vice-chairman ; John Byrne ; Rev . S . G . Morrison , P . G . C ; Rev . L . A . Le Pan , E . Kempson , AA . F . Drought , J . AVilson , J . Woodward , James Wilson , P . R . Patman , P . M . ; J . Gilbert , W . Beaker , T . M'Govern , M . E . Solomons , A .
Fitepatrick , S . D . ; W . Spence , C . Doherty , C . Rankin , F . H . Pike , G . R . Greil , G . R , Price , S . AV . ; H . Fielding , E . Tracy , A . AVallcr , J . Langstaff , H . Cochrane , J . Fitzmaurica , J . Twamley , S . Strahan , J . Molloy , J . Cox , A . Harrison , Captain Clifford , W . M . ; S . G . Durham , John Young , David Young , Ev Davies , S . Pickering , AV . M . ; F . Benson , vf . Hawkins , F . Tinkler , S . Boucher , J . Wonfor , & c . BroFl HonSec ( 245 ) then read the address . The
. ynn , . , presentation consisted of a very handsomely-finished portrait , three-quarter size , of the Rev . Mr . Morrison , richly framed , and admirably executed by Mr . J . Hoskell . The likeness was very striking , and tbe painting reflected great credit on tbe skill of the artist . There was also a gift of a purse of sovereigns , the amount subscribed being very much in excess of the s um antici-
Masonic Presentation To Bro. The Rev. S. G. Morrison, P.G. Chap., Ireland.
pated to defray the expenses . The address , which was very handsomely framed , was engrossed and illuminated by Mr . Chas . L . O'Brien in a manner that reflected much credit on bis taste and skill . In the centre , at the top , was displayed tbe wellknown intersecting triangles , having on their right a representation of tbe Grand Chaplain ' s insignia , and on the left that emblem which has for its motto , " Audi , Vide , Tace . " In the centre , under tbe heading is placed tbe peculiar cross whose
motto is " Dion le -cent . " At the lower part of tbe address , at either end , stand two pillars suggestive of tbe stability of the Order , and between these is neatly grouped an original design of tbe artist ' s symbolising the Sacred Writings . The brethren then adjourned to the dining hall , where a sumptuous supper bad been prepared for them , at which to entertain their guest . After the supper the usual loyal toasts ware given and responded to , the toast of the evening being proposed by the chairman in highly eulogistic terms , which was g . icefully and appropriately responded to .
Poetry .
THE BUGLE HORN . By Mrs . L . A . CZARNECKI . There is a sound—a stirring sound , Falling gladly on tho ear , Cheering , with gay aud speaking notes ,
All that sound who hear . With strong and mighty power it comos , Whoa on tho breoze 'tis borne , Its music thrilling , bold , and deep'Tis tbe sound of the buglo horn . It pierces tho heart with nameless charm ; The bugle ' s wondrous voice
Seems calling on ovory living thing T' exult and to rojoico , Swelling high on the breezy wind , Like tho noiso of the troubled wave , Awakening tbe heart to tuneful joy'Tis the musio of tho brave .
It fires the gallant hero ' s soul , And rouses it from rost , Inspiring feelings warm and true In every soldier's breast . Ah 1 on tho toilsome , weary march , Tho bravo can only toll How it cheered and lod thorn
on—The bugle ' s martial swell . AVhon faint with thirst and beat , On the arid , sultry plain , It whisper'd hope to those brave bands—Tbat froo aud joyous strain . The sad and wearied soldier feels
Ho ceases then to mourn ; He thinks of sweet rest drawing nigh AATion bo boars thc buglo born .
Scientific Meetings For The Week.
Monday , 22 nd Nov . —Geographical Society , at tbe Royal Institution , Albemarle-strect , Sir It . J . Mnrchison , Bart ., President , iu the chair . The following are the papers to be read : — 1 . " Explanation of the now course to tbe Yellow River of China " by Ney Elias , Esq . ; 2 . " Failure of Earthquake predictions iu Peru , " by the Hon . W . G . S . Jerringham . Tuesday , 23 rd Nov . —Society of Civil Engineers . AVednesday , 24 th Nov . —Society of Arts . Geological Society .