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Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
for their knowledge of the human mind and their devotion to oratory . This philosopher taught that the earth was a globe , and turned on an axis . He also explained the motions of the heavenly bodies exactly as they are now known to astronomers .
This knowledge spread from the Grecian cities to the City of Rome , and from this city learning and the arts spread to the countries conquered by her in Western Europe . It was not by Romans , however , that architecture was first introduced into the British Isles . The noble art
originally came direct from Phoenicia . The first promoters of it being the Druids , or , as ancient writers more properly term them , the Magi , who came to Ireland from the Phoenician colony in Spain more than one thousand years before our era , and there introduced the learning of the East .
This is proved by the testimony of all ancient writers to the constant intercourse of the Phoenicians with tbe British Isles , but more especially Ireland , of which island very correct maps were found at Tyre , aud publi shed by the geographer Itrabo . There is also a striking simiiarily between the religious worship of both countries , and the same strict secresy was observed by tbe Druids in confiding their learning to none but the initiated .
With them , as with us , nothing was written , but their knowledge was conveyed from one to thc other by oral tradition . Tbey were the priests , tbe t . achers , aud the law-givers of the people , and from their seat in Ireland their influence spread to Britain and Gaul .
I hey erected some wonderful buildings iu Ireland , of which the round towers have gained tbe most celebrity . These towers are very similar to one on the banks of the Ganges , near Benares , to another near Bagdad , to the Pillar of Wind and Eaiu at Tyre , and to those pillars at the entrance of King- Solomon ' s Temple .
The Druids or Magi were a body similar to ourselves . They could recognise each other by signs , they met together for mutual instruction , ancl they laid more stress on moral rectitude than on mere mental attainments . Such a body of learned , self-d enyitig men gained - ' -nmenso influence wherever they settledand tbe
devo-, tion of the Britons to them can best be seen by tbe fact tbat the Romans could gain no fooLiug in Britain until r ! the Druids were destroyed . But the Romans only destroyed one learned and secret society to introduce another , sprung from tho same
source . For tbe brotherhood that accompanied tbe Romans also derived their knowledge and religious rites from tbe Tyrians , but a more circuitous route . The new society erected buildings with tho stamp of Roman and Grecian genius imprinted on them , and introduced tbat learning
and refinement into Britain , which , though fated for ages to remain in obscurity , shone forth at last with brilliancy that every year increased in splendour .
During the dark ages of history tbat succeeded tbe destruction of the Roman Empire , when barbarians overspread most of the kingdoms of Europe , our ancient
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
order still existed , shedding a bright light in the surrounding mental darkness . The buildings erected iu this period show no decline in their talents , on the contrary , their minds , apparently tinged with melancholy at the gloomy and unsettled state of Europe , inspired them with the idea of
one of the noblest orders of architecture—the Gothic . Tbe unitiated know nothing of the exact time when this arose and where . It was simultaueously adopted in several countries , which shows how closely united was the brotherhood in all countries even in these troublous times . The churches and abbeys erected in these dark
ages show that the lamp of genius still burned brightly and although their knowledge was kept secret , the fruits of it were for the wonder and admirati on of the world . Thus , through the long lapse of csnturies , brethren , we see our ancient order raising up structures for the
worship of God and the admiration of mau , and so can we , by following in their footsteps , found aud raise up benevolent and charitable institutions to the glory of the Most High and the benefit of our fellow-men .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASOJVIC CELESTIAL MYSTUEIES . lor this some time back we have been favoured with a steady wind blowing from tbat Masouic celestial quarter designated the land of dreams . Coming from such a quarter , of course we might fully expect it to he rattier mysterious , aud such in fact it is . Like Pbaronh ' s dreamthe author ran make nothing
, of it himself , far less can he Interpret it to others , neither cau the wise men called in to aid reduce the difficulty . In short , the subject begins iu mystery , it is carried oa in mystery , and a mystery it will be to all concerned till the end of the chapter . It is simp l y a very foolish attempt to turn the
highly poetical and beautifully allegorical , yet simple , language of tbe Bible into a confused mass of mystical and pseudo-astronomic nonsense . Such pretended deep pseudo-astronomic ideas were not in keeping with the Jewish mind or character , and , however much astrology might suit Egyptians , the Jew was
different . At page 342 we read , — " It is admitted that the tribes of the Children of Israel set up ensigns for signs , and that the symbols ou these eusigus were tho pictured constellations of the zodiac . " Now ,, while it is adim . ted that each of the twelve tribes had standardsit is not also admitted that the symbols
, on these ensigns were the pictured constellations of the zodiac , " or even that they had any symbols on tueui ; for probably tbey contained no " symbols , " hub names , as per Exodus , 89 th chap ., verses 6 , 14 ., 80 , where we read of writing being used , viz ., the names of the twelve tribes , & e . ; also at jNumhers ,
chap . 2 , verse 2 , the standards there referred to were also probably distingu i shed by the names , as well as possibly by different colours . The Jews were in the habit of writing , not o ! ' dealing in hieroglyphics or pictorial writing , or symbols like the . Egyptians . Hence the ten commandments were written , their laws and history were written , & c . It follows , there-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
for their knowledge of the human mind and their devotion to oratory . This philosopher taught that the earth was a globe , and turned on an axis . He also explained the motions of the heavenly bodies exactly as they are now known to astronomers .
This knowledge spread from the Grecian cities to the City of Rome , and from this city learning and the arts spread to the countries conquered by her in Western Europe . It was not by Romans , however , that architecture was first introduced into the British Isles . The noble art
originally came direct from Phoenicia . The first promoters of it being the Druids , or , as ancient writers more properly term them , the Magi , who came to Ireland from the Phoenician colony in Spain more than one thousand years before our era , and there introduced the learning of the East .
This is proved by the testimony of all ancient writers to the constant intercourse of the Phoenicians with tbe British Isles , but more especially Ireland , of which island very correct maps were found at Tyre , aud publi shed by the geographer Itrabo . There is also a striking simiiarily between the religious worship of both countries , and the same strict secresy was observed by tbe Druids in confiding their learning to none but the initiated .
With them , as with us , nothing was written , but their knowledge was conveyed from one to thc other by oral tradition . Tbey were the priests , tbe t . achers , aud the law-givers of the people , and from their seat in Ireland their influence spread to Britain and Gaul .
I hey erected some wonderful buildings iu Ireland , of which the round towers have gained tbe most celebrity . These towers are very similar to one on the banks of the Ganges , near Benares , to another near Bagdad , to the Pillar of Wind and Eaiu at Tyre , and to those pillars at the entrance of King- Solomon ' s Temple .
The Druids or Magi were a body similar to ourselves . They could recognise each other by signs , they met together for mutual instruction , ancl they laid more stress on moral rectitude than on mere mental attainments . Such a body of learned , self-d enyitig men gained - ' -nmenso influence wherever they settledand tbe
devo-, tion of the Britons to them can best be seen by tbe fact tbat the Romans could gain no fooLiug in Britain until r ! the Druids were destroyed . But the Romans only destroyed one learned and secret society to introduce another , sprung from tho same
source . For tbe brotherhood that accompanied tbe Romans also derived their knowledge and religious rites from tbe Tyrians , but a more circuitous route . The new society erected buildings with tho stamp of Roman and Grecian genius imprinted on them , and introduced tbat learning
and refinement into Britain , which , though fated for ages to remain in obscurity , shone forth at last with brilliancy that every year increased in splendour .
During the dark ages of history tbat succeeded tbe destruction of the Roman Empire , when barbarians overspread most of the kingdoms of Europe , our ancient
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
order still existed , shedding a bright light in the surrounding mental darkness . The buildings erected iu this period show no decline in their talents , on the contrary , their minds , apparently tinged with melancholy at the gloomy and unsettled state of Europe , inspired them with the idea of
one of the noblest orders of architecture—the Gothic . Tbe unitiated know nothing of the exact time when this arose and where . It was simultaueously adopted in several countries , which shows how closely united was the brotherhood in all countries even in these troublous times . The churches and abbeys erected in these dark
ages show that the lamp of genius still burned brightly and although their knowledge was kept secret , the fruits of it were for the wonder and admirati on of the world . Thus , through the long lapse of csnturies , brethren , we see our ancient order raising up structures for the
worship of God and the admiration of mau , and so can we , by following in their footsteps , found aud raise up benevolent and charitable institutions to the glory of the Most High and the benefit of our fellow-men .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASOJVIC CELESTIAL MYSTUEIES . lor this some time back we have been favoured with a steady wind blowing from tbat Masouic celestial quarter designated the land of dreams . Coming from such a quarter , of course we might fully expect it to he rattier mysterious , aud such in fact it is . Like Pbaronh ' s dreamthe author ran make nothing
, of it himself , far less can he Interpret it to others , neither cau the wise men called in to aid reduce the difficulty . In short , the subject begins iu mystery , it is carried oa in mystery , and a mystery it will be to all concerned till the end of the chapter . It is simp l y a very foolish attempt to turn the
highly poetical and beautifully allegorical , yet simple , language of tbe Bible into a confused mass of mystical and pseudo-astronomic nonsense . Such pretended deep pseudo-astronomic ideas were not in keeping with the Jewish mind or character , and , however much astrology might suit Egyptians , the Jew was
different . At page 342 we read , — " It is admitted that the tribes of the Children of Israel set up ensigns for signs , and that the symbols ou these eusigus were tho pictured constellations of the zodiac . " Now ,, while it is adim . ted that each of the twelve tribes had standardsit is not also admitted that the symbols
, on these ensigns were the pictured constellations of the zodiac , " or even that they had any symbols on tueui ; for probably tbey contained no " symbols , " hub names , as per Exodus , 89 th chap ., verses 6 , 14 ., 80 , where we read of writing being used , viz ., the names of the twelve tribes , & e . ; also at jNumhers ,
chap . 2 , verse 2 , the standards there referred to were also probably distingu i shed by the names , as well as possibly by different colours . The Jews were in the habit of writing , not o ! ' dealing in hieroglyphics or pictorial writing , or symbols like the . Egyptians . Hence the ten commandments were written , their laws and history were written , & c . It follows , there-