Article TEE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Tee Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on AVednesday last , Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., in the chair , thirteen petitioners were relieved with various sums , amounting to £ 150 10 ? ., and one recommended to Grand Lodge for £ 30 . AVednesday next is a public night of the Grand Steward *'
Lodge , when the first degree will be worked . The new Canonbury Chapter is to be opened in a few days , the paraphernalia and furniture , prepared by Comp . AVm . Piatt , being most , chaste and elegant .
Piiffixix LODOE ( NO . 202 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Saturday last , the chair being occupied by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . C , in the unavoidable absence , through severe indisposition , of the AV . M ., Bro . Morris , and the P . M . 's present being engaged in other duties . Bros . Dennison and Lowe were raised to the third degree , Bros . Lovejoy and Cowland passed to the second degree , and Mr . AA'alkerof St . Paul's Cathedralduly initiated into
, , the Order , the ceremonies being most admirably performed . The brethren , after the close of business , adjourned to a very elegant dinner , Bro . A \ arren , the Senior P . M ., presiding , when the toasts were given and responded to sharp and brief . The enjoyment of tbe evening was much enhanced by the musical exertions of Bros . Distin , Slater , Weeks , and AValker . The visitors present were Bros . YatesNo . 23 ; ClarkeNo . 745 •and Home
, , , , of No . 81 , Bristol . Sr . MARK ' S LODGE ( No . 1159 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met for the dispatch of business on Tuesday , March 17 th , at the Horns Tavern , Kcnnington , Bro . P . J . Lilley , AV . M ., presiding . There were four initiations , namely , Mr . Frederick Doulton , M . P . for Lambeth , Dr . Roberts , Mr . AVatson , and Mr . Pond . The ceremony of installation then took place , Bro . F . J . Lilley ,
the AV . M ., having been elected a second time to fill the chair . The ceremony was performed hy Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., in a highly efficient manner . Thirty-two brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . AA m . Davis . Amongst the the visitors were Bros . Batley , P . M . 745 ; J . Messent , P . M . 281 ; Clarke , P . M . 1136 ; Nunn , P . M . 85 ; AVebb , P . M . 745 ; and Herring , J . AV . 536 . Cloth being removed , grace was sung . The usual Masonic toasts were given . The health of the initiates was iven .
g Bro . Doulton replied that he had long wished to become a Mason , not out of curiosity , but from observing the kind feeling exhibited by Masons to each other , not seen in the popular world . It would he impossible to remember all that he had heard , but one golden iule seemed to be taught , "Do unto others as you would they should do unto you . " He should endeavour to meet the brethren as often as he possibly could . Bros . AA atson and
Roberts also replied . The health of the W . M ., Bro . Lilly , was Riven and responded to , followed hy that or tho rest of the officers . The following are the officers lie the present year : — -Bros . J . Smith , S . AV . ; Harrison . J . W .: Count Delamore , S . D . ; Anderson , J . D . ; Dadgeon , I . G . Some excellent singing by Bros . Johnson , Messent , AVatson , and Herring , added to the pleasures of the evening .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . GABSTOX . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at the AA ^ ellington Hotel , on March 12 , for the purpose of initiating Mr . John Dodd ,. who was proceeding to sea . He was proposed at the last regular meeting . The ballot being unanimous , he was initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the AV . M ., Bro . James Hamer . Bro . Marsh explained the working tools . Bro . Leedbam delivered the charge . The lod ge was closed in due form .
MIDDLESEX . L ' XBRIDGE . —Eoyal Union Lodge . ( No . 536 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place at the Chequers Inn , on Monday , 16 th inst . Lodge was opened at 3 p . m . Present , Bros . Carter , W . M . ; Cobham , J . AV . ; Levinsou , Treas . ?; Coombes , S . D . ; Herring , J . D . ; AVatson , Steward ; Newall and AVeedon , P . M . ' s ; Codner , Gahall , Line , Hicks , AVillianis , Elliott , ChegwiddenHeadlButlerMillsCrawleyClaisenExalland
, y , , , , , , others . Visitors , Bros . Rackshaw , P . M . 9 ; Bunting , P . M ., 1051 ; Carter , P . M ., 165 ; Caulfield , J . W ., 165 ; Stuart , AV . M ., 209 ; Blackburn , P . M ., 169 . The minutes of the previous lodge having been eonflrmed , Mr . Felseuthal was initiated into the mysteries of the order , Bro . Newall , P . M ., performing the ceremony in his usual able style . Bro . AA atson then , in an impressive manner , proceeded to the installation of Bro . Cobham into the chair of
K . S ., ably assisted by a Board of Installed Masters , numbering about a dozen . This ceremony completed , the brethren below the chair were re-admitted , and saluted the W . M . in the several degrees . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers in the following order , at the same time dilating upon the duties of each : —Bro . Carter , I . P . M . ; Coombes , S . AV . ; Herring , J . AV . ; LevinsonTreas . ( reinvested ); GawthropSec . ; Chegwidden
, , , S . D . ; AVilliams , J . D . ; Gaball , I , G . ; Hicks , Collecting Steward ; Elliott , Dir . of Cers . ; AVatson , AVine Steward ; Newall , Organist ; and AVeedon , Tyler . The newly invested W . M ., assisted by his officers , then initiated Messrs . Coombes , Jordan , and AA ui-7 . feld , in a manner which augurs well for the prosperity of the lodge during his year of office . Several brethren having been balloted for , and the election proving
unanimous in their favour , the lodge was called offto refreshment . Grace was beautifully sung by Bros . Carter , Newall , Herring , and Crawley . The cloth having been cleared the AV . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " observing that among her Majesty ' s subjects none were more loyal than the Masons , and he considered it unnecessary to dilate upon her many virtues . This having been heartily responded to , the AV . M . said the next
toast was always received with enthusiasm at any meeting of Masons . In eulogistic terms he then gave "The M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " followed by that of "The Dep . Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest ofthe
Grand Officers . "—Bro . NEWALL then rose , and remarked that as the AV . M . had entrusted him with his gavel , the brethren could easily conceive what use he intended to make of the privilege , which would be to give what might be termed the toast of the evening , viz ., " The Health of the AV . M . " ; Of Bro . Cobham he could say with safety that he was the " right man in the right place . " The manner in which he had already commenced his duties gave the brethren an earnest of what they might expect
, and he trusted that the AV . M . would , at the termination of his year of office , feel the satisfaction of having performed his duties in a manner reflecting credit upon himself , as well as upon the lodge . Bro . Newall concluded with hearty good wishes to the W . M ., hoping that the Royal Union Lodge would prosper under his guidance , considering it unnecessary to dilate upon the merits of their W . M ., which were so well known and
appreciated by the brethren . —The AV . M . thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in which they had drunk his health . He rose intending to make a very sentimental speech , but , as humour seemed to be the order of the evening , sentiment would be rather out of place . He had endeavoured , as a subordinate officer , to perform his duties to the best of his ability—to give in factthirty-six inches to tho yard—but since the brethren
, had done him the honour to place him in his present exalted position , be felt determined that nothing should be wanting on his part , —that he would try to give them thirty-seven inches to the yard . —Tho AA . M . had to propose a toast which was always well received in the Eoyal Union Lodge , that of " The Initiates . " He had that evening the pleasure of seeing four brethren at his right , and hoped that what those brethren had seen and heard
would impress them with a favourable opinion of the Order into which they had just been admitted . —Bros . Coombs , AVurziield , Jordan and Felseuthal , severally responded , each thanking the brethren , for having admitted them , into their society , and for the hearty manner in which their healths had been drunk , andhoped to prove useful members ofthe Order . —The W . M . said if there was one toast which the brethrenwere proud to respond to mora
, than another , it was that of "the Visitors " . The Royal Union Lodge , was generaly favoured with a goodly number of visitors , but seldom did they have the honour to entertain such an array of distinguished brethren , consisting as they did of the AV . M's ., P . M ' s .. and Officers of some of the best London Lodges . He
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tee Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on AVednesday last , Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., in the chair , thirteen petitioners were relieved with various sums , amounting to £ 150 10 ? ., and one recommended to Grand Lodge for £ 30 . AVednesday next is a public night of the Grand Steward *'
Lodge , when the first degree will be worked . The new Canonbury Chapter is to be opened in a few days , the paraphernalia and furniture , prepared by Comp . AVm . Piatt , being most , chaste and elegant .
Piiffixix LODOE ( NO . 202 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Saturday last , the chair being occupied by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . C , in the unavoidable absence , through severe indisposition , of the AV . M ., Bro . Morris , and the P . M . 's present being engaged in other duties . Bros . Dennison and Lowe were raised to the third degree , Bros . Lovejoy and Cowland passed to the second degree , and Mr . AA'alkerof St . Paul's Cathedralduly initiated into
, , the Order , the ceremonies being most admirably performed . The brethren , after the close of business , adjourned to a very elegant dinner , Bro . A \ arren , the Senior P . M ., presiding , when the toasts were given and responded to sharp and brief . The enjoyment of tbe evening was much enhanced by the musical exertions of Bros . Distin , Slater , Weeks , and AValker . The visitors present were Bros . YatesNo . 23 ; ClarkeNo . 745 •and Home
, , , , of No . 81 , Bristol . Sr . MARK ' S LODGE ( No . 1159 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met for the dispatch of business on Tuesday , March 17 th , at the Horns Tavern , Kcnnington , Bro . P . J . Lilley , AV . M ., presiding . There were four initiations , namely , Mr . Frederick Doulton , M . P . for Lambeth , Dr . Roberts , Mr . AVatson , and Mr . Pond . The ceremony of installation then took place , Bro . F . J . Lilley ,
the AV . M ., having been elected a second time to fill the chair . The ceremony was performed hy Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., in a highly efficient manner . Thirty-two brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . AA m . Davis . Amongst the the visitors were Bros . Batley , P . M . 745 ; J . Messent , P . M . 281 ; Clarke , P . M . 1136 ; Nunn , P . M . 85 ; AVebb , P . M . 745 ; and Herring , J . AV . 536 . Cloth being removed , grace was sung . The usual Masonic toasts were given . The health of the initiates was iven .
g Bro . Doulton replied that he had long wished to become a Mason , not out of curiosity , but from observing the kind feeling exhibited by Masons to each other , not seen in the popular world . It would he impossible to remember all that he had heard , but one golden iule seemed to be taught , "Do unto others as you would they should do unto you . " He should endeavour to meet the brethren as often as he possibly could . Bros . AA atson and
Roberts also replied . The health of the W . M ., Bro . Lilly , was Riven and responded to , followed hy that or tho rest of the officers . The following are the officers lie the present year : — -Bros . J . Smith , S . AV . ; Harrison . J . W .: Count Delamore , S . D . ; Anderson , J . D . ; Dadgeon , I . G . Some excellent singing by Bros . Johnson , Messent , AVatson , and Herring , added to the pleasures of the evening .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . GABSTOX . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at the AA ^ ellington Hotel , on March 12 , for the purpose of initiating Mr . John Dodd ,. who was proceeding to sea . He was proposed at the last regular meeting . The ballot being unanimous , he was initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the AV . M ., Bro . James Hamer . Bro . Marsh explained the working tools . Bro . Leedbam delivered the charge . The lod ge was closed in due form .
MIDDLESEX . L ' XBRIDGE . —Eoyal Union Lodge . ( No . 536 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place at the Chequers Inn , on Monday , 16 th inst . Lodge was opened at 3 p . m . Present , Bros . Carter , W . M . ; Cobham , J . AV . ; Levinsou , Treas . ?; Coombes , S . D . ; Herring , J . D . ; AVatson , Steward ; Newall and AVeedon , P . M . ' s ; Codner , Gahall , Line , Hicks , AVillianis , Elliott , ChegwiddenHeadlButlerMillsCrawleyClaisenExalland
, y , , , , , , others . Visitors , Bros . Rackshaw , P . M . 9 ; Bunting , P . M ., 1051 ; Carter , P . M ., 165 ; Caulfield , J . W ., 165 ; Stuart , AV . M ., 209 ; Blackburn , P . M ., 169 . The minutes of the previous lodge having been eonflrmed , Mr . Felseuthal was initiated into the mysteries of the order , Bro . Newall , P . M ., performing the ceremony in his usual able style . Bro . AA atson then , in an impressive manner , proceeded to the installation of Bro . Cobham into the chair of
K . S ., ably assisted by a Board of Installed Masters , numbering about a dozen . This ceremony completed , the brethren below the chair were re-admitted , and saluted the W . M . in the several degrees . The W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers in the following order , at the same time dilating upon the duties of each : —Bro . Carter , I . P . M . ; Coombes , S . AV . ; Herring , J . AV . ; LevinsonTreas . ( reinvested ); GawthropSec . ; Chegwidden
, , , S . D . ; AVilliams , J . D . ; Gaball , I , G . ; Hicks , Collecting Steward ; Elliott , Dir . of Cers . ; AVatson , AVine Steward ; Newall , Organist ; and AVeedon , Tyler . The newly invested W . M ., assisted by his officers , then initiated Messrs . Coombes , Jordan , and AA ui-7 . feld , in a manner which augurs well for the prosperity of the lodge during his year of office . Several brethren having been balloted for , and the election proving
unanimous in their favour , the lodge was called offto refreshment . Grace was beautifully sung by Bros . Carter , Newall , Herring , and Crawley . The cloth having been cleared the AV . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " observing that among her Majesty ' s subjects none were more loyal than the Masons , and he considered it unnecessary to dilate upon her many virtues . This having been heartily responded to , the AV . M . said the next
toast was always received with enthusiasm at any meeting of Masons . In eulogistic terms he then gave "The M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " followed by that of "The Dep . Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest ofthe
Grand Officers . "—Bro . NEWALL then rose , and remarked that as the AV . M . had entrusted him with his gavel , the brethren could easily conceive what use he intended to make of the privilege , which would be to give what might be termed the toast of the evening , viz ., " The Health of the AV . M . " ; Of Bro . Cobham he could say with safety that he was the " right man in the right place . " The manner in which he had already commenced his duties gave the brethren an earnest of what they might expect
, and he trusted that the AV . M . would , at the termination of his year of office , feel the satisfaction of having performed his duties in a manner reflecting credit upon himself , as well as upon the lodge . Bro . Newall concluded with hearty good wishes to the W . M ., hoping that the Royal Union Lodge would prosper under his guidance , considering it unnecessary to dilate upon the merits of their W . M ., which were so well known and
appreciated by the brethren . —The AV . M . thanked the brethren for the cordial manner in which they had drunk his health . He rose intending to make a very sentimental speech , but , as humour seemed to be the order of the evening , sentiment would be rather out of place . He had endeavoured , as a subordinate officer , to perform his duties to the best of his ability—to give in factthirty-six inches to tho yard—but since the brethren
, had done him the honour to place him in his present exalted position , be felt determined that nothing should be wanting on his part , —that he would try to give them thirty-seven inches to the yard . —Tho AA . M . had to propose a toast which was always well received in the Eoyal Union Lodge , that of " The Initiates . " He had that evening the pleasure of seeing four brethren at his right , and hoped that what those brethren had seen and heard
would impress them with a favourable opinion of the Order into which they had just been admitted . —Bros . Coombs , AVurziield , Jordan and Felseuthal , severally responded , each thanking the brethren , for having admitted them , into their society , and for the hearty manner in which their healths had been drunk , andhoped to prove useful members ofthe Order . —The W . M . said if there was one toast which the brethrenwere proud to respond to mora
, than another , it was that of "the Visitors " . The Royal Union Lodge , was generaly favoured with a goodly number of visitors , but seldom did they have the honour to entertain such an array of distinguished brethren , consisting as they did of the AV . M's ., P . M ' s .. and Officers of some of the best London Lodges . He