Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
humorous manner ) , Exall , Hicks , Gaball , AVurzfield and others-The lodge closed at 10-30 . The London brethren , who mustered strongly , chartered omnibuses to AVest Drayton to catch the Great AVestern train for London , there being no accomodation from Uxbridge after about 9 o ' clock . NORAA'ICH . NORWICH . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 258 ) . —This
flourishinglodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday last , under the excellent presidency of its lately elected AV . M ., Bro . R . Thorns , who has already initiated his eldest son Robert Thorns , Jun ., Mr . T . Christie , Mr . Henry Tillet and Mr . AA ' allcer Harcourt . There -were also several propositions on the books . The pleasure of the evening was greatly enhanced by the arrival of the magnificent portrait of the much respected and highly esteemed Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , which has lately been subscribed for by the Province , and admirably painted by O'Neil . t-y-ofiM--.-: '' . *» j .-ir 'lii'l yL PR ?^>!; K ! iq-f' ~ "J ¦
SUSSEX . ———™ " ; ..:- '" AA ' niTEHAVEN . —Zeiois Lodge ( No . 1174 . ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on March 16 th . In the absence of the AV . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . Davies , P . M ., as AV . M ., and opened the lodge , assisted by Bro . Fisher , S . AA . ; Bro . Slade , J . AV ., and the rest of the Officers of the lodge . Visitor , Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . AVest Lancashire , & c . The minutes were read over and confirmed . Bro .
Groon wishing to take the second degree , he was examinee and , it being satisfactory to the lodge , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the acting AV . M ., in his usual impressive manner , also explaining the working tools . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation into the mysteries of the Order . Masonry in this town is greatly on the increase , and is extending its influence to the neighbouring towns . Workington and Cockermouth are about to follow , and apply for warrants to the Grand Lodge . This is a step in the right direction , and must be gratifying to the new Provincial Grand Master and his worthy Deputv , Bro . Dr . Greaves , who is untiring in his zeal for the Order .
NORTH MUNSTER . PROVINCIAI GRAND LODGE . On Monday , March 9 , the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster assembled in Limerick to commemorate the election of their newly elected Prov . G . M ., Bro . Henry AA estroppe , Green Park , Limerick , to a congratulatory dinner on his elevation to his present high position amongst the " brethren of the mystic tie " in this province , in the room of the late AV . Prov . G . M .,
Bro . Michael Furnell , J . P ., D . L ., resigned . The dinner took place in the large room of the Athenaium , and was served up in that excellent style for which Bro . John Goggin is so justly celebrated . Bros . Gubbins , D . Prov . G . M ., 131 ; P . M . Sterling , 73 , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Godfrey Massy , 202 , Prov . G . J . AV . ; James Pain , 13 , Prov . G . S . D . ; P . M . Peacocke , 73 , Prov . G . J . D . ; Barrington , 13 , Prov . G . Sec , and . the following brethren : —Col . Dickson ,
M . P ., M . Furnell , Bennett , Eaton , Lloyd , Furnell , Hunt , Brownrigg , Dartnell , Enright , Mayne , Mason , 13 ; James Spaight , Harris , Manning , Turner , Fitzgerald , Gilbertson , Smith , AValker , M'Kenzie , Harrison , Moore , Horrell , Hampton , Peatie , Thomas Glover , Brunton , M'Quaid , Atmesbeck , AVilson , Boyd , Bigley , Deering , Smythe , O'Donoghue , Bourchier , William Glover , Bolton , Bourke , Bassett , John AVallace , 73 ; E . Evans , and Bernal , 202 . AVhen the cloth was drawn , Bros . Cree , Fitzgerald , Peacocke , and O'Donoghue , sang Hon Nobis Domine in splendid style . The GRAND MASTER—Gentlemen , I call for bumpers because
I am going to give you the health of Her most gracious Majesty , our good and noble Queen Victoria . ( Cheers . ) And I do not think that there is a single individual in her wide spread dominions , who values both honour and virtue , that does not appreciate her virtues as a Queen , as a wife , and as the best of mothers . ( Hear , hear . ) And I trust that the grief which she has suffered for the loss of her good and princely husband will soon be assuaged , and that she will once more resume that position in the presence of . her subjects , which she is so justly fitted to adorn . ( Hear , hear . ) J * The PROV . GRAND MASTER —Brethren , the next toast tvlnm
I have to propose to you is " The health of the Prince of AY ales and Royal Family . " ( Hear , hear . ) AVhen I received notice that this dinner would be held to-day , I confess that I was surprised that it would not be held ou to-morrow , because we would then have an indisputable right to toast the health of a lady in conjunctionfwith that of his royal highness . ( Hear . ) A lady who will fill the highest position in these kingdoms , next to our beloved Queen , hut as we can forsee from the progress
which events are making , what will happen within a very short time indeed , I will propose to you , in union with the Prince of AVales , " The Health of the Princess of AVales , " for that ladywill be the Princess of AA ales before 12 o ' clock to-morrow . ( Hear , hear . ) I therefore slightly alter my list of toasts and will add to it by giving the Prince and Princess of AA ales and the rest of the Royal Family . ( Hear , hear . ) This toast was received with all the honours .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER then gave " The Army and Navy , " and characterised them as the great defenders of the United Kingdom , and the upholders of the dignity , the power , and the prosperity of Britain in every quarter of the globe . ( Hear , hear . ) There was one grand quality also in the British army that had not been much spoken about , and it was that great quality—humanity- —for the British soldier always defended the foe whom he but a few moments before struck down in mortal
combat , and that was one of the great distinguishing characteristics of the British army . ( Applause . ) But this principle was also found in Masonry , which exercised in it its own way . ( Hear , hear . ) That cup which the brethren saw on the table before him was no small mark or illustration of what he urged on the score of humanity . That cup was awarded to the captain of a privateer who took an enemy ' s ship and released the prisoners and crew . The captain who performed this noble and generous and humane act was a Mason ; and that cup had been awarded him as a small token of gratitude from those whom he
set at liberty ; but be could not now be found , and so the cup remains as a mememto of his bravery and disinterested humanity . ( Hear , hear . ) The Grand Master then concluded by giving tbe " Army and Navy , " coupling with them then- gallant friend and brother Colonel Dickson . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Col . DICKSON , M . P ., said he had great pleasure in returning thanks on behalf of those two important branches of the public service , and also in bearing testimony to the truthfulness
of the sentiments expressed in their regard by the R . W . the G . M ., who had given an instance of the extent to which the spirit of Masonry carries out the grand principle of humanity •—(hear , hear . )—and he ( the gallant Colonel ) might be permitted to mention another point in which the army of Great Britain , which springs from the people , carry out that principle of humanity . The British army is not the creature of fiction , it springs from the peopleits interests are amongst the peopleand it
, , never draws the sword except in the cause of justice and of right . ( Hear , hear . ) This the army had always done , and he was sure that it would always continue to do so . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) The PROV . G . JIASTER then said—two of those toasts which I have given may be considered Royal ones , namely , the Queen , and , the Prince and Princess of AVales ; therefore the next toasts wliich I will propose to you will not be Royal , but noble
ones , and will be given by me in honour of men who have always upheld the dignity , the purity , and the honour of our body . ( Hear , hear . ) In respect to one of them , the G . M . of Scotland , I never met him ; with regard to the G . M . of England , I do not personally know him , but I know a brother who knows him , anil I am told by that brother , that a more courteous or a kinder man eould not be met with . ( Applause . ) And with respect to our own G . M ., I can only say that I am sure there is not a man in Ireland who is not aware of his kind hearted and truly genuine qualities . ( Hear , hear . ) He is a munificent patron of all that
is good amongst men , and above all he is kind to every brothe who makes application to him . ( Hear , hear . ) And I need say that in every Masonic meeting you will find his name mentioned with love and deep regard regard . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) I will now , brethren , give you the health of three Grand Masters , the Earl of Zetland , the Duke of Athol , and the Duke of Leinster . This toast was received with all the honoursloud applause
, , and three times three . The PROA 7 . G . MASTER again rose and said : Brethren , amongst the names which I placed before you in the toasts ^ jgrjjcisl proposed , and to wliich I am happy to say you have T 5 nd % alsj ustice by cordially responding to my call . I placed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
humorous manner ) , Exall , Hicks , Gaball , AVurzfield and others-The lodge closed at 10-30 . The London brethren , who mustered strongly , chartered omnibuses to AVest Drayton to catch the Great AVestern train for London , there being no accomodation from Uxbridge after about 9 o ' clock . NORAA'ICH . NORWICH . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 258 ) . —This
flourishinglodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday last , under the excellent presidency of its lately elected AV . M ., Bro . R . Thorns , who has already initiated his eldest son Robert Thorns , Jun ., Mr . T . Christie , Mr . Henry Tillet and Mr . AA ' allcer Harcourt . There -were also several propositions on the books . The pleasure of the evening was greatly enhanced by the arrival of the magnificent portrait of the much respected and highly esteemed Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , which has lately been subscribed for by the Province , and admirably painted by O'Neil . t-y-ofiM--.-: '' . *» j .-ir 'lii'l yL PR ?^>!; K ! iq-f' ~ "J ¦
SUSSEX . ———™ " ; ..:- '" AA ' niTEHAVEN . —Zeiois Lodge ( No . 1174 . ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on March 16 th . In the absence of the AV . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . Davies , P . M ., as AV . M ., and opened the lodge , assisted by Bro . Fisher , S . AA . ; Bro . Slade , J . AV ., and the rest of the Officers of the lodge . Visitor , Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . AVest Lancashire , & c . The minutes were read over and confirmed . Bro .
Groon wishing to take the second degree , he was examinee and , it being satisfactory to the lodge , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the acting AV . M ., in his usual impressive manner , also explaining the working tools . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation into the mysteries of the Order . Masonry in this town is greatly on the increase , and is extending its influence to the neighbouring towns . Workington and Cockermouth are about to follow , and apply for warrants to the Grand Lodge . This is a step in the right direction , and must be gratifying to the new Provincial Grand Master and his worthy Deputv , Bro . Dr . Greaves , who is untiring in his zeal for the Order .
NORTH MUNSTER . PROVINCIAI GRAND LODGE . On Monday , March 9 , the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster assembled in Limerick to commemorate the election of their newly elected Prov . G . M ., Bro . Henry AA estroppe , Green Park , Limerick , to a congratulatory dinner on his elevation to his present high position amongst the " brethren of the mystic tie " in this province , in the room of the late AV . Prov . G . M .,
Bro . Michael Furnell , J . P ., D . L ., resigned . The dinner took place in the large room of the Athenaium , and was served up in that excellent style for which Bro . John Goggin is so justly celebrated . Bros . Gubbins , D . Prov . G . M ., 131 ; P . M . Sterling , 73 , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Godfrey Massy , 202 , Prov . G . J . AV . ; James Pain , 13 , Prov . G . S . D . ; P . M . Peacocke , 73 , Prov . G . J . D . ; Barrington , 13 , Prov . G . Sec , and . the following brethren : —Col . Dickson ,
M . P ., M . Furnell , Bennett , Eaton , Lloyd , Furnell , Hunt , Brownrigg , Dartnell , Enright , Mayne , Mason , 13 ; James Spaight , Harris , Manning , Turner , Fitzgerald , Gilbertson , Smith , AValker , M'Kenzie , Harrison , Moore , Horrell , Hampton , Peatie , Thomas Glover , Brunton , M'Quaid , Atmesbeck , AVilson , Boyd , Bigley , Deering , Smythe , O'Donoghue , Bourchier , William Glover , Bolton , Bourke , Bassett , John AVallace , 73 ; E . Evans , and Bernal , 202 . AVhen the cloth was drawn , Bros . Cree , Fitzgerald , Peacocke , and O'Donoghue , sang Hon Nobis Domine in splendid style . The GRAND MASTER—Gentlemen , I call for bumpers because
I am going to give you the health of Her most gracious Majesty , our good and noble Queen Victoria . ( Cheers . ) And I do not think that there is a single individual in her wide spread dominions , who values both honour and virtue , that does not appreciate her virtues as a Queen , as a wife , and as the best of mothers . ( Hear , hear . ) And I trust that the grief which she has suffered for the loss of her good and princely husband will soon be assuaged , and that she will once more resume that position in the presence of . her subjects , which she is so justly fitted to adorn . ( Hear , hear . ) J * The PROV . GRAND MASTER —Brethren , the next toast tvlnm
I have to propose to you is " The health of the Prince of AY ales and Royal Family . " ( Hear , hear . ) AVhen I received notice that this dinner would be held to-day , I confess that I was surprised that it would not be held ou to-morrow , because we would then have an indisputable right to toast the health of a lady in conjunctionfwith that of his royal highness . ( Hear . ) A lady who will fill the highest position in these kingdoms , next to our beloved Queen , hut as we can forsee from the progress
which events are making , what will happen within a very short time indeed , I will propose to you , in union with the Prince of AVales , " The Health of the Princess of AVales , " for that ladywill be the Princess of AA ales before 12 o ' clock to-morrow . ( Hear , hear . ) I therefore slightly alter my list of toasts and will add to it by giving the Prince and Princess of AA ales and the rest of the Royal Family . ( Hear , hear . ) This toast was received with all the honours .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER then gave " The Army and Navy , " and characterised them as the great defenders of the United Kingdom , and the upholders of the dignity , the power , and the prosperity of Britain in every quarter of the globe . ( Hear , hear . ) There was one grand quality also in the British army that had not been much spoken about , and it was that great quality—humanity- —for the British soldier always defended the foe whom he but a few moments before struck down in mortal
combat , and that was one of the great distinguishing characteristics of the British army . ( Applause . ) But this principle was also found in Masonry , which exercised in it its own way . ( Hear , hear . ) That cup which the brethren saw on the table before him was no small mark or illustration of what he urged on the score of humanity . That cup was awarded to the captain of a privateer who took an enemy ' s ship and released the prisoners and crew . The captain who performed this noble and generous and humane act was a Mason ; and that cup had been awarded him as a small token of gratitude from those whom he
set at liberty ; but be could not now be found , and so the cup remains as a mememto of his bravery and disinterested humanity . ( Hear , hear . ) The Grand Master then concluded by giving tbe " Army and Navy , " coupling with them then- gallant friend and brother Colonel Dickson . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Col . DICKSON , M . P ., said he had great pleasure in returning thanks on behalf of those two important branches of the public service , and also in bearing testimony to the truthfulness
of the sentiments expressed in their regard by the R . W . the G . M ., who had given an instance of the extent to which the spirit of Masonry carries out the grand principle of humanity •—(hear , hear . )—and he ( the gallant Colonel ) might be permitted to mention another point in which the army of Great Britain , which springs from the people , carry out that principle of humanity . The British army is not the creature of fiction , it springs from the peopleits interests are amongst the peopleand it
, , never draws the sword except in the cause of justice and of right . ( Hear , hear . ) This the army had always done , and he was sure that it would always continue to do so . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) The PROV . G . JIASTER then said—two of those toasts which I have given may be considered Royal ones , namely , the Queen , and , the Prince and Princess of AVales ; therefore the next toasts wliich I will propose to you will not be Royal , but noble
ones , and will be given by me in honour of men who have always upheld the dignity , the purity , and the honour of our body . ( Hear , hear . ) In respect to one of them , the G . M . of Scotland , I never met him ; with regard to the G . M . of England , I do not personally know him , but I know a brother who knows him , anil I am told by that brother , that a more courteous or a kinder man eould not be met with . ( Applause . ) And with respect to our own G . M ., I can only say that I am sure there is not a man in Ireland who is not aware of his kind hearted and truly genuine qualities . ( Hear , hear . ) He is a munificent patron of all that
is good amongst men , and above all he is kind to every brothe who makes application to him . ( Hear , hear . ) And I need say that in every Masonic meeting you will find his name mentioned with love and deep regard regard . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) I will now , brethren , give you the health of three Grand Masters , the Earl of Zetland , the Duke of Athol , and the Duke of Leinster . This toast was received with all the honoursloud applause
, , and three times three . The PROA 7 . G . MASTER again rose and said : Brethren , amongst the names which I placed before you in the toasts ^ jgrjjcisl proposed , and to wliich I am happy to say you have T 5 nd % alsj ustice by cordially responding to my call . I placed