Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article POLYGRAPHIC HALL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 5 →
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Masonic Festivities.
was a well-selected one ; and the usual investiture of the ladies with the insignia of tho Order , was gouo through immediatelyjthe clock chimed low twelve . The refreshment rooms were under the superintendence of Bro . M'Killop , who had abundance of everything in the shape of wines , fruits , confections , & c , provided for the wants of the company . At cock crow the meeting separated , after a night's hearty enjoyment .
At Troon , on the 9 th , the Navigation Lodge , No . 86 , in the most spirited manner , held a ball in the Portland Arms Assembly Room , in honour of the Royal marriage . At a little after 7 o ' clock , about thirty couples were found to have assembled , and the . company formed themselves into order , and were conducted into tlie ball-room by the Master of Ceremonies , Bro . D . Hutcbesou , while the band played the
Grand Masonic . March . The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens , lustres , flags , & c , and , the brethren being in full Masonic regalia , and many of the ladies wearing the badge of the " Eastern Star , " the company had a very gay appearance . At low twelve the brethren clothed their fair partners , and adorned them with the lodge and other jewels ; and supper was also at this hour partaken of , Bro . Imrie giving as a
toast the " Health of the Prince and his Bride , " which was honoured by the brethren giving three times threeand "Macduff " such style as to startle those of tho fair sex who had never before witnessed that well-known Masonic fire . Dancing was carried on with great spirit till the morning of the bridal day was far advanced , to the inspiring strains of Chamber's quadrille band . There has not , it is said , been such an assembly . held iu Troon for twenty years .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
AVe understand that Mdlle . Carlotta Path ( sister of the famous Mdlle . Adelina Patti ) will make her first appearance in England in the course of the approaching season . Mdlle . Patti is performing the round of her characters in Alenna , where her success is described as equal to that which ¦ attended her in Paris and London . " MM . Mario and Graziani and Mdlle . Filippi are singing at Barcelona . It is stated that Mdlle . Piecolomini is about to return to the
¦ stage for a lew nights . We ( Galignani ) learn from Constantinople that a very great -sensation has been produced in that capital by a new opera , by -a native composer , with a success that promises to turn the theatre into a " mine of gold . " The title of the piece is Xadislao , and the composer has been permitted to dedicate it to the Sultan himself . AVe should remark that the author ' s name is Pisanowhich sounds strikingly Italian .
, Mdlle . Mouravieflj from the Imperial Theatre , St . Petersburg , will shortly make her debut , in Giselle , at the Grand Opera , Paris . Mdlle . Ferrasis , who is about to quit Paris , takes her farewell benefit this evening . In New York , notwithstanding the agitation naturally resulting from the war , tbe journals state that the Opera and other theatres were never more crowded within memory than
during the present season . It is now certain ( says the Illustrated JVeius ) , that Mr . Boucicault has made his arrangements for the erection of his proposed new theatre in the metropolis . The site selected for the purpose is in tbe Haymarket , on the ground long occupied by the Anglesey Tavern , with the adjoining livery yard and stables . Here it is Mr . Boucicault's intention to carry forward those improvements in regard to theatrical management which he has ¦ already explained in his public letters to the journals , and which he has further illustrated by his successful conduct of the AA estminster Theatre .
Mr . Ira Aldridge , the African Roscins ( says tho Sunday Times ) who has been honoured by patents of nobility in Russia as the Chevalier Ira Aldridge , is at present staying in England , after an absence of twelvemonths in Russia , where he has received the most flattering recognition in all the principal cities of the empire . Mr . Aldridge has for some time bean engaged in familiarising , and , to some extent acclimatising the masterpieces of Shakspeare among the Sclaves ; and it says no little for his enterprise and industry , as well as for his dramatic ability-, that he has not only mastered the Russian language , but has been
Notes On Music And The Drama.
able to gresent Shakspeare with such success as to fill the Imperial Theatre of Moscow , the largest theatre in Europe , not excepting La Scala , at advanced prices , to witness his interpretation of the leading Shaksperian characters . Mr . Frith at the marriage ceremony ( says the Queen ) , is the great artistic event of the week . The best place in the chapel ( after the Bridegroom's , of course , for surely no one will deny that his was the best place ) , was reserved for him—a place near
the altar , whence he could drink in with his eyes the whole of lovely scene , and carry away in his memory that which to an artist must have been a royal feast of colour . Mr . Frith , will , no doubt , produce a very taking picture , which will engrave very well , and be very popular ; but his admirers must pardon us for saying that we do not expect a very great picture . Let us hope , however , that be will preserve the likenesses of the individuals , and , if he cannot produce a great composition , at any rate , let us have a recognisable group . Mr . Flatouis stated to have purchased the copyright at a good round sum .
Polygraphic Hall.
Mr . Henri Drayton opened this Hall last' week , with an entertainment entitled , " Federals and Confederates . " There was a full and fashionable attendance , and Mr . Drayton met with a well merited cordial reception . He possesses a commanding and gentlemanly figure ; his voice is decidedly good ; as a singer he has entire command over it , and as an orator his language is
correct and well modulated . These advantages are rarely combined , and as the sketch is not only entertaining but instructive , there cannot be a doubt but the English public will discover and support true genius . AA e understand Mr . Drayton is an . American , and as his subject is upon the present state of affairs in America , his remarks upon this head are all the more interesting ,
particularly , as they are made with an impartiality and manliness that does credit to the man uttering them . Mr . Drayton accompanies himself upon the piano , in a masterly , feeling , manner , besides which , the whole ofthe entertainment is illustrated by a panorama , wrought in a most exquisite manner . Upon the whole we consider this the best entertainment of the kind ever produced .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Ihe Prmcc and Princess of AVales returned from Osborne to AVindsor Castle on Tuesday , and are now ou a visit to the Queen . The Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia with tho infant Prince AVilliam , have returned home . The Prince and Princess Christian of Denmark—the parents of the Princess ef AVales—with their elder children , and their august relatives , the Duke of Holstein-Glucksbnrg and Prince Frederick
of Hesse Cassel , have been nightly feted by our great families , and reviews have been held in their honour at AVoolwieh and Aldershot . They have also been shown over all the great sights of London , including the House of Commons , which they visited on Thursday night . The Princess , of course , peered down upon our renowned representative assembly from
the cage which is dignified with the name of the Ladies Gallery ; while tbe Prince , accompanied by the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke of Holstein-Glucksburg , and His Highness of Hesse Cassel , listened to the debate on the affairs of Greece with deep interest from the Peers' Gallery . On AA ednesday they visited the flower show , of the Horticultural Society . The Home
Secretary has , by Her Majesty ' s command , addressed a letter to the Lord Mayor expressing her sorrow for tho lamentable accidents at the late illuminations , and commanding that an inquiry be made into the circumstances of the survivors , with a view , if need be , of ministering to their wants . The Prince of AVales has also addressed a letter to the Lord Mayor on the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
was a well-selected one ; and the usual investiture of the ladies with the insignia of tho Order , was gouo through immediatelyjthe clock chimed low twelve . The refreshment rooms were under the superintendence of Bro . M'Killop , who had abundance of everything in the shape of wines , fruits , confections , & c , provided for the wants of the company . At cock crow the meeting separated , after a night's hearty enjoyment .
At Troon , on the 9 th , the Navigation Lodge , No . 86 , in the most spirited manner , held a ball in the Portland Arms Assembly Room , in honour of the Royal marriage . At a little after 7 o ' clock , about thirty couples were found to have assembled , and the . company formed themselves into order , and were conducted into tlie ball-room by the Master of Ceremonies , Bro . D . Hutcbesou , while the band played the
Grand Masonic . March . The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens , lustres , flags , & c , and , the brethren being in full Masonic regalia , and many of the ladies wearing the badge of the " Eastern Star , " the company had a very gay appearance . At low twelve the brethren clothed their fair partners , and adorned them with the lodge and other jewels ; and supper was also at this hour partaken of , Bro . Imrie giving as a
toast the " Health of the Prince and his Bride , " which was honoured by the brethren giving three times threeand "Macduff " such style as to startle those of tho fair sex who had never before witnessed that well-known Masonic fire . Dancing was carried on with great spirit till the morning of the bridal day was far advanced , to the inspiring strains of Chamber's quadrille band . There has not , it is said , been such an assembly . held iu Troon for twenty years .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
AVe understand that Mdlle . Carlotta Path ( sister of the famous Mdlle . Adelina Patti ) will make her first appearance in England in the course of the approaching season . Mdlle . Patti is performing the round of her characters in Alenna , where her success is described as equal to that which ¦ attended her in Paris and London . " MM . Mario and Graziani and Mdlle . Filippi are singing at Barcelona . It is stated that Mdlle . Piecolomini is about to return to the
¦ stage for a lew nights . We ( Galignani ) learn from Constantinople that a very great -sensation has been produced in that capital by a new opera , by -a native composer , with a success that promises to turn the theatre into a " mine of gold . " The title of the piece is Xadislao , and the composer has been permitted to dedicate it to the Sultan himself . AVe should remark that the author ' s name is Pisanowhich sounds strikingly Italian .
, Mdlle . Mouravieflj from the Imperial Theatre , St . Petersburg , will shortly make her debut , in Giselle , at the Grand Opera , Paris . Mdlle . Ferrasis , who is about to quit Paris , takes her farewell benefit this evening . In New York , notwithstanding the agitation naturally resulting from the war , tbe journals state that the Opera and other theatres were never more crowded within memory than
during the present season . It is now certain ( says the Illustrated JVeius ) , that Mr . Boucicault has made his arrangements for the erection of his proposed new theatre in the metropolis . The site selected for the purpose is in tbe Haymarket , on the ground long occupied by the Anglesey Tavern , with the adjoining livery yard and stables . Here it is Mr . Boucicault's intention to carry forward those improvements in regard to theatrical management which he has ¦ already explained in his public letters to the journals , and which he has further illustrated by his successful conduct of the AA estminster Theatre .
Mr . Ira Aldridge , the African Roscins ( says tho Sunday Times ) who has been honoured by patents of nobility in Russia as the Chevalier Ira Aldridge , is at present staying in England , after an absence of twelvemonths in Russia , where he has received the most flattering recognition in all the principal cities of the empire . Mr . Aldridge has for some time bean engaged in familiarising , and , to some extent acclimatising the masterpieces of Shakspeare among the Sclaves ; and it says no little for his enterprise and industry , as well as for his dramatic ability-, that he has not only mastered the Russian language , but has been
Notes On Music And The Drama.
able to gresent Shakspeare with such success as to fill the Imperial Theatre of Moscow , the largest theatre in Europe , not excepting La Scala , at advanced prices , to witness his interpretation of the leading Shaksperian characters . Mr . Frith at the marriage ceremony ( says the Queen ) , is the great artistic event of the week . The best place in the chapel ( after the Bridegroom's , of course , for surely no one will deny that his was the best place ) , was reserved for him—a place near
the altar , whence he could drink in with his eyes the whole of lovely scene , and carry away in his memory that which to an artist must have been a royal feast of colour . Mr . Frith , will , no doubt , produce a very taking picture , which will engrave very well , and be very popular ; but his admirers must pardon us for saying that we do not expect a very great picture . Let us hope , however , that be will preserve the likenesses of the individuals , and , if he cannot produce a great composition , at any rate , let us have a recognisable group . Mr . Flatouis stated to have purchased the copyright at a good round sum .
Polygraphic Hall.
Mr . Henri Drayton opened this Hall last' week , with an entertainment entitled , " Federals and Confederates . " There was a full and fashionable attendance , and Mr . Drayton met with a well merited cordial reception . He possesses a commanding and gentlemanly figure ; his voice is decidedly good ; as a singer he has entire command over it , and as an orator his language is
correct and well modulated . These advantages are rarely combined , and as the sketch is not only entertaining but instructive , there cannot be a doubt but the English public will discover and support true genius . AA e understand Mr . Drayton is an . American , and as his subject is upon the present state of affairs in America , his remarks upon this head are all the more interesting ,
particularly , as they are made with an impartiality and manliness that does credit to the man uttering them . Mr . Drayton accompanies himself upon the piano , in a masterly , feeling , manner , besides which , the whole ofthe entertainment is illustrated by a panorama , wrought in a most exquisite manner . Upon the whole we consider this the best entertainment of the kind ever produced .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Ihe Prmcc and Princess of AVales returned from Osborne to AVindsor Castle on Tuesday , and are now ou a visit to the Queen . The Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia with tho infant Prince AVilliam , have returned home . The Prince and Princess Christian of Denmark—the parents of the Princess ef AVales—with their elder children , and their august relatives , the Duke of Holstein-Glucksbnrg and Prince Frederick
of Hesse Cassel , have been nightly feted by our great families , and reviews have been held in their honour at AVoolwieh and Aldershot . They have also been shown over all the great sights of London , including the House of Commons , which they visited on Thursday night . The Princess , of course , peered down upon our renowned representative assembly from
the cage which is dignified with the name of the Ladies Gallery ; while tbe Prince , accompanied by the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke of Holstein-Glucksburg , and His Highness of Hesse Cassel , listened to the debate on the affairs of Greece with deep interest from the Peers' Gallery . On AA ednesday they visited the flower show , of the Horticultural Society . The Home
Secretary has , by Her Majesty ' s command , addressed a letter to the Lord Mayor expressing her sorrow for tho lamentable accidents at the late illuminations , and commanding that an inquiry be made into the circumstances of the survivors , with a view , if need be , of ministering to their wants . The Prince of AVales has also addressed a letter to the Lord Mayor on the