Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES FOR THE WEEK ENDING APRIL 28TH, 1866. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
of his office . After business tho co-r . par . ious adjourned to bancruefc . DEVONSHIRE . MOHICE Tows , DEVONPOST . — St . Aubyn , Chapter . — A quarterly convocation of this chapter assembled afc the chapter rooms on Monday the 16 th inst . The duties of the evening were
of an unusually light nature , the M . M . ' s whose names hael been balloted for not- being present to receive the honour of exaltation . The minutes of tho previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the officers for the ensuing year nominated . Some minor matters of business having been disposed of , tlie chapter was closed in usual form at a quarter pasfc nine .
DTOHN . —Lodge 620 .- The brethren of this lodge assembled and dined together in the Commercial Buildings on AA ' ednesday evening , the 29 th ult . Several new members were proposed during the transaction of business . The dinner served by Bro . Jude was everything that could be desired . There was a large gathering of the brethren , the visitors were numerous , and the evening passeel in peace , love , anel harmony .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . PEOVINCIAL GEAKD LODGE . Summonses were issued for a meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge , to be held at the Masonic Temple , on Wednesday , April 11 th , the first since July , 1864 , forthe sole purpose of installing Bro . Dr . Le Cronier as D . P . G . M ., without any of the usual arrangements for holding a preparatory committee to
receive propositions or fix on the Agenda , thus effectually excluding all consideration of several topics of importance . At a quarter to four , p . m ., the Officers , Musters and Past Masters entered in procession , and were received by the assembled brethren . The Prov . G . M . occupied the chair , and having opened Prov . Grand Lodge , with the assistance of his AVardens , Bros . J . T . Du Jardin , P . M ., and E . C . Malet de
Carteret , W . M ., formally announced the resignation of Bro . Crosse , and his appointment of Bro . Dr . Le Cronier , W . AI ., in his place . He then called upon Bro . Adams , P . M ., acting as Secretary , to read the patent , which was couched in the usual terms . A deputation of six brethren was then sent out to inform Bro . Dr . Le Cronier of the honour conferred upon him . After a few minutes the deputation returned , escorting the AV . Brother , who was duly presented . T 4 ie obligation having been administered , Bro . Le Cronier ivas formally installed in the chair of D . P . G . M ., after which the usual procession took
place , and ( he honours were paid . Too new D . P . G . M . addressed a few words to the brethren present , expressive of his sense of the responsibilities he had undertaken , his desire to discharge tbe duties faithfully and impartially , and his hope to deserve and receive tho support of the members of Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and Past Prov . S . G . AV . for Warwickshire , rose , and having obtained permission to make a few remarksrepresented that this was a proper time to pass
reso-, lutions complimentary to the late and present D . P . 6 .. AI . As was expected , tbe P . G . M . observed that as no proposition of the kind was on the Agenda , it was impossible to entertain it . Bro . Dr . Hopkins urgeel that no opportunity had been afforded by holding a preparatory committee , that the grace and force of such an act would be destroyed by delay , and that such compliments were cmite in accordance with tbe . spirit of the
proceedings of the day . He was supported by Bros . Le Sueur , AV . M ., and Durell , P . M ., who observed that in the Prov . Grand Lodge of Jersey there were numerous precedents for such a course , when , as in the present case , meetings had been held for an especial purpose other than the ordinary routine of provincial business . Bros . Du Jardin , P . M ., Bonham , P . M ., and others took the view of thc Prov . G . M ., and it was finally ruled that no other matter than the installation could bo entered upon . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in duo form . The Prov . Grand Master , it is said , intended to have a
Channel Islands.
banquet on the occasion , and by his orders tickets had been prepared , of which , as far as your correspondent could learn , only two or three had been disposed of , even by the efforts of the Prov . Grand Tyler , who had been sent out to endeavour to distribute them . Tbe project was , therefore , abandoned .
MARK MASONRY . JERSET . — Cesarean Lodge ( No . 74 ) . —The quarterly meeting was helel on Monday , April 9 th , at the Masonic Temple . The lodge was opened at twenty minutes pasfc seven by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , AA . M ., assisted by Bro . Dr . Smith , acting as S . AV ., and Bro . Benham , J . AV . A note of apology for absence ou account ; of illness was read from Bro . Dr . SmallS . AV . The
, minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Edward Pixley , a candidate for advancement , which was unanimous in his favour . The AV . M . presented 1 , 000 envelopes , with an appropriate stamp , which was acknowledged by a vote of thanks . Bro . Pixley was introduced , properly prepared , and advanced to the degree of Mark Master by the W . M . There were seven other candidates on the listpreviouslballoted for
, y , none of whom were present , for which the very bad weather might in some measure account . A note of resignation of membership from Bro . E . C . Malet de Carteret was read , which was accepted with regrefc . Several matters of business having been , arranged , the lodge was closed afc a quarter fco nine , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The usual loyal and . Masonic toasts were dulhonouredand a longdesultory
cony , , versation took place on the unsatisfactory state of Craft Masonry in Jersey in one respect , with regard to which several notices , have lately appeared in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . This is at present the engrossing topic whenever two or three Masons meet together . On the banqueting table were copies of an article extracted from the MAGAZINE of April 7 th , pp . 269 and ' 270 , which had been printed separately for extensive circulation
in Jersey . It is to be hoped that this will have the effect of exonerating the brethren generally from a charge of participation iu or support of proceedings which have been a source of public scandal . , and are calculated to bring the Craft into disrepute , unless fully explained . It will be a happy day for theprovince when these affairs attract the attention of the Masonic authorities in Loudon , with a view to the only manner in which they can be brought to a satisfactory close , namely , a searching inquiry .
Masonic Festivities.
IRELAND . BriFAsr . —On Friday evening , the 6 th inst ., tlie brethren of Lodges SS anel 111 held a ball in the Music Hall . The members wore the insignia of the Craft . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , aucl was kept up with spirit till eleven o'clock , when supper was served , after which dancing was resumed , and continued till an advanced hour . Bro . Charles Thompson supplied the supper and refreshments . Dornyn ' s quadrille band was in . attendance .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending April 28th, 1866.
Monday , April 23 rd . —ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at half-past 8 . Tuesday , April 17 th . —INSTITUTION OP CIVIL ENGINEERS ,, afcS . AVednesday , April 25 th . —SOCIETY OP ARTS , at 8 .
The Week.
Tin ; COTJIIT . —Tbe Queen vfidked out on thc morning of the 11 th inst ., accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Helena , and drove in the afternoon , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise . The Queen walked in tbe grounds on the morning of the 12 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice , anel drove in the afternoon , accompanied by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
of his office . After business tho co-r . par . ious adjourned to bancruefc . DEVONSHIRE . MOHICE Tows , DEVONPOST . — St . Aubyn , Chapter . — A quarterly convocation of this chapter assembled afc the chapter rooms on Monday the 16 th inst . The duties of the evening were
of an unusually light nature , the M . M . ' s whose names hael been balloted for not- being present to receive the honour of exaltation . The minutes of tho previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the officers for the ensuing year nominated . Some minor matters of business having been disposed of , tlie chapter was closed in usual form at a quarter pasfc nine .
DTOHN . —Lodge 620 .- The brethren of this lodge assembled and dined together in the Commercial Buildings on AA ' ednesday evening , the 29 th ult . Several new members were proposed during the transaction of business . The dinner served by Bro . Jude was everything that could be desired . There was a large gathering of the brethren , the visitors were numerous , and the evening passeel in peace , love , anel harmony .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . PEOVINCIAL GEAKD LODGE . Summonses were issued for a meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge , to be held at the Masonic Temple , on Wednesday , April 11 th , the first since July , 1864 , forthe sole purpose of installing Bro . Dr . Le Cronier as D . P . G . M ., without any of the usual arrangements for holding a preparatory committee to
receive propositions or fix on the Agenda , thus effectually excluding all consideration of several topics of importance . At a quarter to four , p . m ., the Officers , Musters and Past Masters entered in procession , and were received by the assembled brethren . The Prov . G . M . occupied the chair , and having opened Prov . Grand Lodge , with the assistance of his AVardens , Bros . J . T . Du Jardin , P . M ., and E . C . Malet de
Carteret , W . M ., formally announced the resignation of Bro . Crosse , and his appointment of Bro . Dr . Le Cronier , W . AI ., in his place . He then called upon Bro . Adams , P . M ., acting as Secretary , to read the patent , which was couched in the usual terms . A deputation of six brethren was then sent out to inform Bro . Dr . Le Cronier of the honour conferred upon him . After a few minutes the deputation returned , escorting the AV . Brother , who was duly presented . T 4 ie obligation having been administered , Bro . Le Cronier ivas formally installed in the chair of D . P . G . M ., after which the usual procession took
place , and ( he honours were paid . Too new D . P . G . M . addressed a few words to the brethren present , expressive of his sense of the responsibilities he had undertaken , his desire to discharge tbe duties faithfully and impartially , and his hope to deserve and receive tho support of the members of Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and Past Prov . S . G . AV . for Warwickshire , rose , and having obtained permission to make a few remarksrepresented that this was a proper time to pass
reso-, lutions complimentary to the late and present D . P . 6 .. AI . As was expected , tbe P . G . M . observed that as no proposition of the kind was on the Agenda , it was impossible to entertain it . Bro . Dr . Hopkins urgeel that no opportunity had been afforded by holding a preparatory committee , that the grace and force of such an act would be destroyed by delay , and that such compliments were cmite in accordance with tbe . spirit of the
proceedings of the day . He was supported by Bros . Le Sueur , AV . M ., and Durell , P . M ., who observed that in the Prov . Grand Lodge of Jersey there were numerous precedents for such a course , when , as in the present case , meetings had been held for an especial purpose other than the ordinary routine of provincial business . Bros . Du Jardin , P . M ., Bonham , P . M ., and others took the view of thc Prov . G . M ., and it was finally ruled that no other matter than the installation could bo entered upon . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in duo form . The Prov . Grand Master , it is said , intended to have a
Channel Islands.
banquet on the occasion , and by his orders tickets had been prepared , of which , as far as your correspondent could learn , only two or three had been disposed of , even by the efforts of the Prov . Grand Tyler , who had been sent out to endeavour to distribute them . Tbe project was , therefore , abandoned .
MARK MASONRY . JERSET . — Cesarean Lodge ( No . 74 ) . —The quarterly meeting was helel on Monday , April 9 th , at the Masonic Temple . The lodge was opened at twenty minutes pasfc seven by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , AA . M ., assisted by Bro . Dr . Smith , acting as S . AV ., and Bro . Benham , J . AV . A note of apology for absence ou account ; of illness was read from Bro . Dr . SmallS . AV . The
, minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Edward Pixley , a candidate for advancement , which was unanimous in his favour . The AV . M . presented 1 , 000 envelopes , with an appropriate stamp , which was acknowledged by a vote of thanks . Bro . Pixley was introduced , properly prepared , and advanced to the degree of Mark Master by the W . M . There were seven other candidates on the listpreviouslballoted for
, y , none of whom were present , for which the very bad weather might in some measure account . A note of resignation of membership from Bro . E . C . Malet de Carteret was read , which was accepted with regrefc . Several matters of business having been , arranged , the lodge was closed afc a quarter fco nine , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The usual loyal and . Masonic toasts were dulhonouredand a longdesultory
cony , , versation took place on the unsatisfactory state of Craft Masonry in Jersey in one respect , with regard to which several notices , have lately appeared in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . This is at present the engrossing topic whenever two or three Masons meet together . On the banqueting table were copies of an article extracted from the MAGAZINE of April 7 th , pp . 269 and ' 270 , which had been printed separately for extensive circulation
in Jersey . It is to be hoped that this will have the effect of exonerating the brethren generally from a charge of participation iu or support of proceedings which have been a source of public scandal . , and are calculated to bring the Craft into disrepute , unless fully explained . It will be a happy day for theprovince when these affairs attract the attention of the Masonic authorities in Loudon , with a view to the only manner in which they can be brought to a satisfactory close , namely , a searching inquiry .
Masonic Festivities.
IRELAND . BriFAsr . —On Friday evening , the 6 th inst ., tlie brethren of Lodges SS anel 111 held a ball in the Music Hall . The members wore the insignia of the Craft . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , aucl was kept up with spirit till eleven o'clock , when supper was served , after which dancing was resumed , and continued till an advanced hour . Bro . Charles Thompson supplied the supper and refreshments . Dornyn ' s quadrille band was in . attendance .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending April 28th, 1866.
Monday , April 23 rd . —ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at half-past 8 . Tuesday , April 17 th . —INSTITUTION OP CIVIL ENGINEERS ,, afcS . AVednesday , April 25 th . —SOCIETY OP ARTS , at 8 .
The Week.
Tin ; COTJIIT . —Tbe Queen vfidked out on thc morning of the 11 th inst ., accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Helena , and drove in the afternoon , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise . The Queen walked in tbe grounds on the morning of the 12 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice , anel drove in the afternoon , accompanied by