Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., Bro . tlie Rev . A . F . A . Wood , G . Chai ) ., in the chair , thirteen petitioners were relieved to the extent of £ 140 10 s ., and three were recommended to Grand Lodge for grants of £ 30 , £ . 35 , and £ 50 .
Mousi LEB -I SOK LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This prosperous lodge held its last meeting or the season on Tuesday , May 17 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooloy-street , Southwark ( Bro . C . A . Cathie ' s ) . Bro . E . N . Lew , W . M ., assisted hy Bros . F . Walters , I . P . M . ; 0 . K . Dean . P . M . ; H . Moore , S . W . ; J . C . Gooddy , J . W . ; R . Huirell , J . D . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Hop torn , I . G . ; G . Morris , Wiue Steward ; Fenn , Croxford , C . A . Cathie , Watkins , Loewenstark , Ebsworth , Steadman , J .
Delany , and many others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed R , Wclsford , P . M . 543 ; C . Haddock , W . M . 507 . Lees , 507 ; Oliver , 507 ; & e . The first ceremony was raising Bro . Ebsworth to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Afterwards Messrs . Hall and Meyer were initiated into Freemasonry . All the ceremonies were well rendered and impressively given . Bro . G . Morris , W . S ., with the approbation of the brethrenconsented to undertake the duties of Steward
, for the forthcoming festival of the Aged Freemasons and their Widows . The lodge being closed , the brethren partook of one of those excellent banquets for which Bro . C . A . Cathie is now so famous . Everything passed off well , and the brethren separated well pleased with this social reunion .
LODOE or JUSTICE ( No . 14 v ) . —At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on Wednesday , May 11 th , at the White Swan , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . > T . Porter ' s ) , Bro . Bolton , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Hollins , W . M . ( caused by his illness ) , took the chair . Four brethren were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . F . Walters , P . M . 73 ; H . Moore , S . W . 73 ; and Wingficld , J . W . 169 , were unanimously elected joining members . After business the brethren adjourned to banquet . Visitors : G . Brown , W . M . 160 ; Simmons , P . M . 548 ; J . W . Weir , P . M . ( I . C . ) 871 ; J . H . Pembroke , J . W . S 71 . J . S . Blomelev , J . D . 871 ; & c .
PAJSTJIUEE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , May 16 th , at tlie Loughborough Hotel , Loughborough-voad , Brixton . Bro . Stevens , P . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Read , S . W ., and W . M . elect ; John Thomas , J . W . ; and the rest of the officers . There wore many visitors present , amongst whom were Bros . H . Bradley . P . M . 933 ; Batlev , P . M . 507 ; Henry Thompson , W . M . 177 ' ; Denton , P . M . 837 ; Nunn , P . M . 507 ; & c . The lodge
having been opened , Mr . Henry Jones , a candidate , was introduced and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . A letter was received from Bro . J . R . Warren resigning his office of Secretary of the lodge on account of his pressing private engagements . Bro . Stevens having vacated the chair , it was . taken by Bro . " Farmer , P . M . and Treas ., when Bro . Read , the W . M . elect , was presented to receive from him the benefit of installation , and he was in due form inducted into the chair
of K . S . The new W . M . having received the salutes and congratulations of the brethren , appointed his officers , as follows : — Bros . John Thomas , S . W . ; Avery , J . W . ; Farmer , Treas . ; Dangerfield , S . D . ; Cranswick , J . D . ; Phelps , I . G . ; Oswin , Wine Steward ; and Wells , Dir . of Cers . Bro . Farmer then completed the installation , and delivered the usual addresses in a most impressive manner . Tho lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshmentwhich was supplied by Bro .
, Banks in a very satisfactory manner . On the cloth being drawn , the usual formal toasts were given and responded to . The W . M . next gave the health of their newly-initiated Bro . Jones , who expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him by being received into Freemasonry , and said it should bo his study to prove himself a worthy member of the lodge and a good Mason . Bro . Gardner , I . P . M ,, said without a good head
to the lodge it was impossible that they could get on well , and the toast he was about to propose was the health of their W . M . He had not been very long amongst them , but since he had , he had shown great anxiety to attain the summit of his profession , and to qualify himself for the performance of those duties by frequent attendance at lodges of instruction , and he must say that he made wonderful progress . He then asked them to with him in drinking the health of the
join W . M ., and the ' toast was very cordially received . The W . M . said lie thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him , and hoped , during Lis year of office , that the brethren would never repent of having placed him in the proud position which ho had then tho honour to hold . He trusted he should be able 'to perform Lis duties to their satisfaction , with the assistance of the PM ' s and members of the Craft . The
.. W . M ., in very complimentary terms , alluded to the services of the P . M . 's , and said he had great pleasure in presenting to Bro . Gardner , the I . P . M ., the jewel which the lodge had awarded to him for the manner in which he had performed his duties during the past year . In affixing the jewel to his breast , be said lie had great pleasure in doing so , as . he knew that he deserved it , and he trusted he might live many years to wear
it . The jewel is a very handsome one , and bears the following inscription : — "Presented by the Panmure Lodge ( No . . 20 ) to Bro . R . R . Gardner , P . M ., in recognition of the satisfactory manlier in which he discharged the duties of W . M . during the year ending 1864 . " Bro . Gardner , P . M ., said at that moment he could not find words to express his gratitude . From the time that he initiated in the lod lie was anxious to pass
was ge the chair , and , having done so , he trusted that he had met with their approbation . " The Visitors" was next given , for which several brethren returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and the business was brought to a close , having given entire satisfaction to every member present , and it augurs well for the prosperity of the Panmure Lodge .
INSTRUCTION . LODGE or STABILITY ( No . 217 ) . —The anniversary meeting was held at Radlev ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , on Friday , the 6 th of May , 1864 , Bro . Henry Muggerklge , P . M . 192 , presiding , when the lecture of the second degree was worked in sections by the following brethren , viz . : —1 st section , Bro . Joseph Ashwell , W . M . 715 ; 2 nd section , Bro . George H . Wright 223 rd sectionBro . Joseph H . CoxP . M . 43 ; 4 th and 5 th
; , , sections , Bro . Alfred Pratt , P . M . ( Lodge Board ) 22 ; in the presence of Bros . John Havers , P . G . W . ; Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; John L . Evans , P . G . D ., Pres . of Board of Gen . Purposes ; Plucknett , W . Young , G . S . B . ; S . Barton Wilson , P . G . D . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Hopwood , P . G . D . ; J . Symonds , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Nutt , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Bannister , P . G . Standard Bearer ; F . BinckesSec . of the Masonic Boys' Schooland about 120
, , brethren . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Henry Muggerklge , the Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction ; a vote of thanks was also given to the working brethren . £ 31 lOs . was voted to the Masonic Charities , and the lodge closed in due form , when tho brethren adjourned to the ball-room and partook of a very excellent cold supper , presided over by the R . W ., Bro . J . Havers . P . G . W .
DEVONSHIRE . MOBICE Towx , DEVOXPOBT . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 054 . )—Tho regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Morice Town . Iu the absence of tho W . M ., the chair was occupied by the W . Bro . Edward Murch , W . M . of Lodge No . 202 , P . G . O ., who very efficiently raised three brethren to the sublime degree of M . M . Just prior to the completion of the degree the W . M . of
the lodge was announced , and after thanking Bro . Murch for his kindness , took his position and initiated Mr . J . H . Miller and Mr . F . J . Jones into the E . A . degree . This portion of the labour having been concluded , the W . M . called the brethren to the next item of business on the summons , viz ., to nominate a W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler . He , having now completed some fifteen or sixteen months' service as their W . M ., thought they were in duty bound to release him ; it had been no easy task to work such a lodge as theirs . He ivould not , however , engage
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., Bro . tlie Rev . A . F . A . Wood , G . Chai ) ., in the chair , thirteen petitioners were relieved to the extent of £ 140 10 s ., and three were recommended to Grand Lodge for grants of £ 30 , £ . 35 , and £ 50 .
Mousi LEB -I SOK LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This prosperous lodge held its last meeting or the season on Tuesday , May 17 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooloy-street , Southwark ( Bro . C . A . Cathie ' s ) . Bro . E . N . Lew , W . M ., assisted hy Bros . F . Walters , I . P . M . ; 0 . K . Dean . P . M . ; H . Moore , S . W . ; J . C . Gooddy , J . W . ; R . Huirell , J . D . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Hop torn , I . G . ; G . Morris , Wiue Steward ; Fenn , Croxford , C . A . Cathie , Watkins , Loewenstark , Ebsworth , Steadman , J .
Delany , and many others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed R , Wclsford , P . M . 543 ; C . Haddock , W . M . 507 . Lees , 507 ; Oliver , 507 ; & e . The first ceremony was raising Bro . Ebsworth to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Afterwards Messrs . Hall and Meyer were initiated into Freemasonry . All the ceremonies were well rendered and impressively given . Bro . G . Morris , W . S ., with the approbation of the brethrenconsented to undertake the duties of Steward
, for the forthcoming festival of the Aged Freemasons and their Widows . The lodge being closed , the brethren partook of one of those excellent banquets for which Bro . C . A . Cathie is now so famous . Everything passed off well , and the brethren separated well pleased with this social reunion .
LODOE or JUSTICE ( No . 14 v ) . —At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on Wednesday , May 11 th , at the White Swan , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . > T . Porter ' s ) , Bro . Bolton , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Hollins , W . M . ( caused by his illness ) , took the chair . Four brethren were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . F . Walters , P . M . 73 ; H . Moore , S . W . 73 ; and Wingficld , J . W . 169 , were unanimously elected joining members . After business the brethren adjourned to banquet . Visitors : G . Brown , W . M . 160 ; Simmons , P . M . 548 ; J . W . Weir , P . M . ( I . C . ) 871 ; J . H . Pembroke , J . W . S 71 . J . S . Blomelev , J . D . 871 ; & c .
PAJSTJIUEE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , May 16 th , at tlie Loughborough Hotel , Loughborough-voad , Brixton . Bro . Stevens , P . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Read , S . W ., and W . M . elect ; John Thomas , J . W . ; and the rest of the officers . There wore many visitors present , amongst whom were Bros . H . Bradley . P . M . 933 ; Batlev , P . M . 507 ; Henry Thompson , W . M . 177 ' ; Denton , P . M . 837 ; Nunn , P . M . 507 ; & c . The lodge
having been opened , Mr . Henry Jones , a candidate , was introduced and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . A letter was received from Bro . J . R . Warren resigning his office of Secretary of the lodge on account of his pressing private engagements . Bro . Stevens having vacated the chair , it was . taken by Bro . " Farmer , P . M . and Treas ., when Bro . Read , the W . M . elect , was presented to receive from him the benefit of installation , and he was in due form inducted into the chair
of K . S . The new W . M . having received the salutes and congratulations of the brethren , appointed his officers , as follows : — Bros . John Thomas , S . W . ; Avery , J . W . ; Farmer , Treas . ; Dangerfield , S . D . ; Cranswick , J . D . ; Phelps , I . G . ; Oswin , Wine Steward ; and Wells , Dir . of Cers . Bro . Farmer then completed the installation , and delivered the usual addresses in a most impressive manner . Tho lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshmentwhich was supplied by Bro .
, Banks in a very satisfactory manner . On the cloth being drawn , the usual formal toasts were given and responded to . The W . M . next gave the health of their newly-initiated Bro . Jones , who expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him by being received into Freemasonry , and said it should bo his study to prove himself a worthy member of the lodge and a good Mason . Bro . Gardner , I . P . M ,, said without a good head
to the lodge it was impossible that they could get on well , and the toast he was about to propose was the health of their W . M . He had not been very long amongst them , but since he had , he had shown great anxiety to attain the summit of his profession , and to qualify himself for the performance of those duties by frequent attendance at lodges of instruction , and he must say that he made wonderful progress . He then asked them to with him in drinking the health of the
join W . M ., and the ' toast was very cordially received . The W . M . said lie thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him , and hoped , during Lis year of office , that the brethren would never repent of having placed him in the proud position which ho had then tho honour to hold . He trusted he should be able 'to perform Lis duties to their satisfaction , with the assistance of the PM ' s and members of the Craft . The
.. W . M ., in very complimentary terms , alluded to the services of the P . M . 's , and said he had great pleasure in presenting to Bro . Gardner , the I . P . M ., the jewel which the lodge had awarded to him for the manner in which he had performed his duties during the past year . In affixing the jewel to his breast , be said lie had great pleasure in doing so , as . he knew that he deserved it , and he trusted he might live many years to wear
it . The jewel is a very handsome one , and bears the following inscription : — "Presented by the Panmure Lodge ( No . . 20 ) to Bro . R . R . Gardner , P . M ., in recognition of the satisfactory manlier in which he discharged the duties of W . M . during the year ending 1864 . " Bro . Gardner , P . M ., said at that moment he could not find words to express his gratitude . From the time that he initiated in the lod lie was anxious to pass
was ge the chair , and , having done so , he trusted that he had met with their approbation . " The Visitors" was next given , for which several brethren returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and the business was brought to a close , having given entire satisfaction to every member present , and it augurs well for the prosperity of the Panmure Lodge .
INSTRUCTION . LODGE or STABILITY ( No . 217 ) . —The anniversary meeting was held at Radlev ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , on Friday , the 6 th of May , 1864 , Bro . Henry Muggerklge , P . M . 192 , presiding , when the lecture of the second degree was worked in sections by the following brethren , viz . : —1 st section , Bro . Joseph Ashwell , W . M . 715 ; 2 nd section , Bro . George H . Wright 223 rd sectionBro . Joseph H . CoxP . M . 43 ; 4 th and 5 th
; , , sections , Bro . Alfred Pratt , P . M . ( Lodge Board ) 22 ; in the presence of Bros . John Havers , P . G . W . ; Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; John L . Evans , P . G . D ., Pres . of Board of Gen . Purposes ; Plucknett , W . Young , G . S . B . ; S . Barton Wilson , P . G . D . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Hopwood , P . G . D . ; J . Symonds , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Nutt , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Bannister , P . G . Standard Bearer ; F . BinckesSec . of the Masonic Boys' Schooland about 120
, , brethren . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Henry Muggerklge , the Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction ; a vote of thanks was also given to the working brethren . £ 31 lOs . was voted to the Masonic Charities , and the lodge closed in due form , when tho brethren adjourned to the ball-room and partook of a very excellent cold supper , presided over by the R . W ., Bro . J . Havers . P . G . W .
DEVONSHIRE . MOBICE Towx , DEVOXPOBT . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 054 . )—Tho regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Morice Town . Iu the absence of tho W . M ., the chair was occupied by the W . Bro . Edward Murch , W . M . of Lodge No . 202 , P . G . O ., who very efficiently raised three brethren to the sublime degree of M . M . Just prior to the completion of the degree the W . M . of
the lodge was announced , and after thanking Bro . Murch for his kindness , took his position and initiated Mr . J . H . Miller and Mr . F . J . Jones into the E . A . degree . This portion of the labour having been concluded , the W . M . called the brethren to the next item of business on the summons , viz ., to nominate a W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler . He , having now completed some fifteen or sixteen months' service as their W . M ., thought they were in duty bound to release him ; it had been no easy task to work such a lodge as theirs . He ivould not , however , engage