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Classical Theology.—Lxxv.
who was no mean church authority , would show that a form so anciently pure could scarcely be expected to remain long uncontaminated among an unsettled , warfaring , and barbaric people , and that the Asiatic tribes soon departed from the genuineness of their primordial faith , and became wanton , superstitious , and confirmed idolaters .
The Masonic Properties Of Numbers.
( Concluded from page 382 ) . LECTITHE SECOXD . In resuming the subject of " Tho Masonic Properties of Numbers , " with a view to concluding our brief survey of their symbolical meanings , I would remind you that in my last lecture I showed that the number 2 was contrasted with the number 1 specially in its being the
, symbol of all that is false , double-faced , or spurious . Of the number 8 also we perceived the remarkable analogies which render it interesting in its character as a Masonic symbol . It will be accessary to bear these well in mind in order to the full comprehension of what I am now going to say . I proceed to thc consideration of thc number 5 which
, will be found to possess many mystical and symbolical references to the Masonic Cabala . 1 st . —The number 5 was principally , in the ancient schools of philosophy , considered as mysterious , because it was compounded of the number 2 and the number 3 , by a simple addition . Thus viewed , it particularly represents the state of imperfectionof order and disorderof
, , . happiness and misfortune , of life and death , which we see here on earth . To the secret societies it offered the fearful image of the bad principle , bringing in trouble to the inferior orders—in a word , the binary ( or No . 2 ) acting in the ternary ( or No . 3 ) . ' 2 nd . —Looked at from a different stand-point , the number 5 was the emblem of marriage . And this idea seems
to have sprung from the habit of regarding the male -gender ( or man ) as a perfect ( i . e ., even ) number , and the female gender ( or woman ) as an imperfect ( or uneven ) number . Thus considered , thc number 2 , being the first even number , denotes the perfections and powers of the male gender , and the number 3 denotes the female sex ; the combination of which , or 3 + 2 , not inaptly represents
or symbolizes marriage . In accordance with these views , we find that amongst the Roman Cabalists , Juno , the goddess of marriage , had for her hieroglyphic the number 5 .
3 rd . —llie number 5 is a symbol of those material changes ; or transitions of material objects from one shape of existence into another ; ivhich we so constantly behold taking place around us in every diversity of form . It should be always remembered that these changes are merely the alterations of tho outward form and visible appearance of objects . Their actual elements are
indestructible . Nothing in nature can bo annihilated , or ultimately destroyed . The burning coal yonder merely resolves itself , by tbe action of fire , into ethereal gases and floating clouds of carbon . The young seed sown dies but in appearance , for in reality it finds , in that very semblance of death , the seedtime of a new and move developed existence ; under the influence of the sunbeam
and the dewdrop it shoots up to a fresh glow and heyday of life . Therefore in all the changes we see in nature around us—tbe change of tho glowing ember into gas ; the change of the acorn into theoaktree ; the change of the chrysallis into the butterfly ; the change of the egg into the embryo ; and , in short , in all material transformations—nature loses nothing , but in an endless circle reproduces herself . It was in recognition of this idea
that the ancient philosophers selected the number 5 to represent these changes of matter from one form to another . And that because one of the most remarkable properties of the number 5 is ics reproduction of itself when multiplied by itself or any of its multip les . Thus 5 times 5 = 25 ; and 5 times 25 = 125 ; and 5 times 125 = 625 ; and so forth ; there being always a 5 on the right
hand side of the product . 4 th . —The number 5 amongst the ancient mystic schools represented the world . Perhaps the best explanation of this is given by Diodorus , who states that the cipher 5 symbolized the earth , because it was at that time supposed to consist of five primary elements ; viz ., earth , air , fire , water , and ether or spirit . It was on this the universe the to
account that the Greeks termed " pan , " in reference to the word " pen fe , " which means five . 5 th . —The number 5 has , amongst the most ancient Cabalists , the virtue of designating what they term the " universal quintessence , " or that vital essence or animating spirit which throbs through all nature . For this curious cipher , 5 , is shown by them to be the union of laced those initial
the two Greek accents ( ' ) and ( ' ) p over vowels or words which ought or ought not to be aspirated . The first sign ( ' ) points to the potent spirit , and signifies the superior essence ( or spirit divine ) respired by Man . The second sign ( ' ) is styled " mild spirit , " and refers to the secondarv or purely human spirit . 6 th . —The number 5 reminds us of the triple triangle , in five and which
a figure of five lines uniting points ; _ when referred to the sound preservation and cultivation of the five senses , was used amongst the Pythagoreans as an emblem of health . This remarkable figure was the " Pentalpha" of Pythagoras , and the " Pentangle" of Solomon ; it has five lines and five angles , and is amongst Masons the outline , or origin , of the five-pointed star , used in our third degree . It may be thus practically
constructed—With centre A and radius AB describe the circle BCDEF . In thc circumference take any point B . Join AB . At the centrepoint A lay off the five angles BAC , CAD , DAE , EAF , FAB , consecutively , as in the figure , making each of these angles equal to 72 ° ; then join the points BD , DF , FC , EC , EB . The figure BGCHDKEMFN is the five-pointed star required ; and , as before
described , consists of the five angles at the points B , C , D , E , F , and the five straight lines BD , DF , FC , CE , EB . 7 th . —The number 5 reminds us , in tho most especial manner , of those five notable points of fellowship , on which the highest sympathies and duties of our Order stand firmly based . That wo may never lose sight of them , but daily exercise them both in deed and in thought is the best prayer we can , as Masons , offer to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Classical Theology.—Lxxv.
who was no mean church authority , would show that a form so anciently pure could scarcely be expected to remain long uncontaminated among an unsettled , warfaring , and barbaric people , and that the Asiatic tribes soon departed from the genuineness of their primordial faith , and became wanton , superstitious , and confirmed idolaters .
The Masonic Properties Of Numbers.
( Concluded from page 382 ) . LECTITHE SECOXD . In resuming the subject of " Tho Masonic Properties of Numbers , " with a view to concluding our brief survey of their symbolical meanings , I would remind you that in my last lecture I showed that the number 2 was contrasted with the number 1 specially in its being the
, symbol of all that is false , double-faced , or spurious . Of the number 8 also we perceived the remarkable analogies which render it interesting in its character as a Masonic symbol . It will be accessary to bear these well in mind in order to the full comprehension of what I am now going to say . I proceed to thc consideration of thc number 5 which
, will be found to possess many mystical and symbolical references to the Masonic Cabala . 1 st . —The number 5 was principally , in the ancient schools of philosophy , considered as mysterious , because it was compounded of the number 2 and the number 3 , by a simple addition . Thus viewed , it particularly represents the state of imperfectionof order and disorderof
, , . happiness and misfortune , of life and death , which we see here on earth . To the secret societies it offered the fearful image of the bad principle , bringing in trouble to the inferior orders—in a word , the binary ( or No . 2 ) acting in the ternary ( or No . 3 ) . ' 2 nd . —Looked at from a different stand-point , the number 5 was the emblem of marriage . And this idea seems
to have sprung from the habit of regarding the male -gender ( or man ) as a perfect ( i . e ., even ) number , and the female gender ( or woman ) as an imperfect ( or uneven ) number . Thus considered , thc number 2 , being the first even number , denotes the perfections and powers of the male gender , and the number 3 denotes the female sex ; the combination of which , or 3 + 2 , not inaptly represents
or symbolizes marriage . In accordance with these views , we find that amongst the Roman Cabalists , Juno , the goddess of marriage , had for her hieroglyphic the number 5 .
3 rd . —llie number 5 is a symbol of those material changes ; or transitions of material objects from one shape of existence into another ; ivhich we so constantly behold taking place around us in every diversity of form . It should be always remembered that these changes are merely the alterations of tho outward form and visible appearance of objects . Their actual elements are
indestructible . Nothing in nature can bo annihilated , or ultimately destroyed . The burning coal yonder merely resolves itself , by tbe action of fire , into ethereal gases and floating clouds of carbon . The young seed sown dies but in appearance , for in reality it finds , in that very semblance of death , the seedtime of a new and move developed existence ; under the influence of the sunbeam
and the dewdrop it shoots up to a fresh glow and heyday of life . Therefore in all the changes we see in nature around us—tbe change of tho glowing ember into gas ; the change of the acorn into theoaktree ; the change of the chrysallis into the butterfly ; the change of the egg into the embryo ; and , in short , in all material transformations—nature loses nothing , but in an endless circle reproduces herself . It was in recognition of this idea
that the ancient philosophers selected the number 5 to represent these changes of matter from one form to another . And that because one of the most remarkable properties of the number 5 is ics reproduction of itself when multiplied by itself or any of its multip les . Thus 5 times 5 = 25 ; and 5 times 25 = 125 ; and 5 times 125 = 625 ; and so forth ; there being always a 5 on the right
hand side of the product . 4 th . —The number 5 amongst the ancient mystic schools represented the world . Perhaps the best explanation of this is given by Diodorus , who states that the cipher 5 symbolized the earth , because it was at that time supposed to consist of five primary elements ; viz ., earth , air , fire , water , and ether or spirit . It was on this the universe the to
account that the Greeks termed " pan , " in reference to the word " pen fe , " which means five . 5 th . —The number 5 has , amongst the most ancient Cabalists , the virtue of designating what they term the " universal quintessence , " or that vital essence or animating spirit which throbs through all nature . For this curious cipher , 5 , is shown by them to be the union of laced those initial
the two Greek accents ( ' ) and ( ' ) p over vowels or words which ought or ought not to be aspirated . The first sign ( ' ) points to the potent spirit , and signifies the superior essence ( or spirit divine ) respired by Man . The second sign ( ' ) is styled " mild spirit , " and refers to the secondarv or purely human spirit . 6 th . —The number 5 reminds us of the triple triangle , in five and which
a figure of five lines uniting points ; _ when referred to the sound preservation and cultivation of the five senses , was used amongst the Pythagoreans as an emblem of health . This remarkable figure was the " Pentalpha" of Pythagoras , and the " Pentangle" of Solomon ; it has five lines and five angles , and is amongst Masons the outline , or origin , of the five-pointed star , used in our third degree . It may be thus practically
constructed—With centre A and radius AB describe the circle BCDEF . In thc circumference take any point B . Join AB . At the centrepoint A lay off the five angles BAC , CAD , DAE , EAF , FAB , consecutively , as in the figure , making each of these angles equal to 72 ° ; then join the points BD , DF , FC , EC , EB . The figure BGCHDKEMFN is the five-pointed star required ; and , as before
described , consists of the five angles at the points B , C , D , E , F , and the five straight lines BD , DF , FC , CE , EB . 7 th . —The number 5 reminds us , in tho most especial manner , of those five notable points of fellowship , on which the highest sympathies and duties of our Order stand firmly based . That wo may never lose sight of them , but daily exercise them both in deed and in thought is the best prayer we can , as Masons , offer to