Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Knights Templar.
joined with strict economy , enable the revenue to cover the expenditure ; an object which is at present effect with difficulty , and will soon become impracticable . " The Balance in the Grand Treasurer ' s hands , at the end of the financial year ending with March , amounts to £ 177 9 5 Benevolent Fund £ 183 15 2 £ 361 4 7
By Order of the Committee of Grand Conclave , % P . MAG C . BE COLQUHOTJU , Grand Chancellor . The Grand Treasurer , Sir Knt . J . Tepper , pursuant to notice , then moved a formal resolution for the increase of the fees in accordance with the last paragraph but one of the report , and in doing so observed that notwithstanding tbe strict economy ancl supervision ofthe committee , of himself , and of the G . A . G ,
the funds had been aud were still found to bo insufficient , that the present annual contribution by the members to the funds of Grand Conclave amounted to only Is . per head , while in the United States , he believed , about four dollars ov sixteen times that amount was paid willing !} -, and that he felt confident no one would think of opposing this small increase requisite to place the funds of Grand Conclave on a proper footing . The Dep . G . M . Sir Knt . the Rev . J . Huyshe in seconding
the motion , said he was almost ashamed to detain Grand Conclave by addressing any further arguments in favour of so self evident a proposition , the additions proposed were so trifling that he could not doubt but that the proposal of the Grand Treasurer would be willingly assented to by those present , and by the encampments generally . Sir Knt ., the Earl of Limerick , explained that it must not be misunderstood that 2 s . 6 d . extra was asked for by the Grand
Treasurer , in fact it was only Is . 6 d . which with the increase proposed on certificates , & c , which had no retrospective eft ' ect , would it was hoped , suffice to place tho funds on a same basis . The motion was then put and carried nem . con , A formal motion to confirm the report was then made by Sir Knt . Meymott , P . G . C , and seconded by Sir Knt . Col . Godclard , 'P . 1 st G . Capt ., ancl carried unanimously . On the motion ofthe Dep . G . M ., the Grand Master was
proclaimed and saluted , it being considered unnecessary to repeat tho form of installation . The Grand Master then appointed the following Grand Officers , who were duly invested with the collar and jewel of office : — Sir Knts . Lord Skelmersdale , G . Seneschal ; Earl of Limerick , G . Prior ; Col . Elliot , G . Sub . Prior ; Rev . E . Moore , G . Prelate ; Major Hebbert , 1 st G . Capt . ; C . Chandos Pole , 2 nd G . Capt . ;
Sir Patrick Colquboun , G . Chancellor ; AV . Tinkler , G . Vice-Chancellor ; J . Launder , G . Reg . ; E . J . Morris , G . Chamberlain ; L . P . Metharo , Grand Hospitaller ; J . Lambert Sim , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Starkey , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; F . AVilliams , G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . H . Yomighusbaud , Grand Constable ; J . G . Chancellor , G . Provost ; Captain Phayro , G . Almoner "; George Lambert , G . \ A arden of Regalia ; C . F . Ardcn , 1 st G . Expert ; Colonel Ratclill ' e 2 nd G . Expert ; S . Jones 1 st G .
, , Standard Beaver ; B . Davies , 2 nd G . Standard Bearer ; T . W . Harrison , 3 rd G . Standard Bearer ; J . AV . Boord , 1-th G . Standard Bearer ; G . R . Crickmay , 1 st G . Aidc-de-Camp ; E . A . N . Royds , 2 nd G . Aide-de-Camp ; M . 0 . Sim , 1 st G . Capt . of Lines ; Lord Lindsay , 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines ; W . Maley , 1 st G . Herald ; J . Poulter , 2 nd G . Herald ; W . Ganz , G . Organist ; E . D . Anderton , G . Sword Beaver ; T . Wilson , G . Master's Banner
Bearer ; J . Woodstock and J . G . Frond , G . Equerries . His Royal Highnoss then entered Grand Conclave , preceded by the Grand Director of Ceremonies , Sir Knt . J . L . Sim , bearing the banner of his Royal Highness , the Grand Chancellor , Sir P . Colquboun , the Grand Seneschal , Lord Skelmersdale , the Grand Prior , the Earl of Limerick , and attended by his two Aides-de-Camp Extraordinary , Sir Knts . Major-General Dohert y aud Lord Lindsay , and took his sent on the right of tlie Grand Master .
The Grand Chancellor then presented to the Prince the Provincial Grand Commanders , C . J . A 1 gne , XV . XV . B . Beach , M . P ., Dr . Bryant , G . Francis , Captain Philips , Major A . C . Crookshank , A . Macdouald Ritchie , W . J . Meymott , and Captain S . H . Clarke ; R . J . Spiers , D . PG . C . ; the Grand Prelate , the G . V . C ., the Grand Registrar , and Grand Treasurer . After which his Royal Highness was saluted by the knights present under tbe direction of the 1 st and 2 nd Grand Captains , Major Hebbert and C . Chandos Pole .
Sir Knt . J . Tepper was then unanimously re-elected Grand Treasurer , on the nomination of Sir Knt . G . Francis , P . G . C . for Herts , seconded by Sir Knt . R . AA oof , Past Grand Chamberlain . The G . Master then nominated as members of the committee for the ensuing year , Sir Knts . the Earl of Limerick , G . Prior ; the Rev . E . Moore , G . Prelate ; R . J . Spiers , D . P . G . C . Oxford ;
and J . Lambert Sim , G . Dir . of Cers . The following Knights wore proposed , seconded , and elected by Grand Conclave members of the committee : —C . Fendelow , proposed by Major Hebbert , D . P . G . C , seconded by S . Lloyd Foster , P . G . Chancellor ; J . Taylor , proposed by Capt . Philips , P . G . C , seconded by Dr . Hodge ; The Houhle . Capt . Hoods , JAP ., proposed by the Earl Limerick , seconded by Dr . Ramsay ; S . Rawson , P . P . G . C ., proposed bC . J . Vigne . P . G . Cseconded bL . P . Metbam
y , y , D . P . G . C ; and AV . Birch , P . G . Reg ., proposed by E . A . N . Royds , seconded by J . H . Young-husband . The P . G . C . for Ceylon , Major A . C . Crookshank , was presented by the Grand Chancellor , and performed his homage . The Grand Conclave was then closed in ample form . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales then retired into his private room to clothe for the Priory of Malta , and on his return a Priory wa & held by the G . Priorthe Rev . J . Huysheunder the banner of the
, , Observance Encampment , when the following Knights were admitted : —C . F . Arden , G . R . Crickmay , the Honble . J . Douglas , D . C . M . Gordon , C . J . Hampden , C . Harconrt , L . P , Metbam , J . Stevenson , J . Taylor , R . H . Thrupp , T . AVilson . aud J . Wordsworth . His Royal Highness then retired from the Hall , attended as on entrance , and left tho building accompanied by Lord Skelsmersdale .
AGrand Priory of the Order of Malta was opened by the Grand Master . The minutes of the Grand Priory of December 10 th , 1869 , were then read and confirmed as duly recorded . The following report of the committee was read : — " Most Eminent and Supreme Sir , —Tho inoroaso of this Order having rendered it advisable that a Grand Priory should be holdon in tho present month for tho admission of members under tho banner of somo private encampment , you havo boon pleased to assign this honour to tho Observance
Encampment . " Your Committee hogs to recommend that tho Register of this Order should bo kept separate , that proper books bo provided for that purpose , and that tho fees for tho registration and certificates of members bo raised from 2 s . Gd . to 10 s . Gd ., with tho object of covering tho oxtra oxponso occasioned thereby . " By ordor of tho Committee of Grand Priory ,
" % P . MAC C . DE COLQUIIOUN , Grand Chancellor . " Tho G . Treasurer , Sir Kt . J . Topper , as a matter of form moved tho resolution for tho increase of tho fees , so far as applied to this Order , and after being duly seconded , it was carried nem . con . Tho report o £ tho Committee was roeoived and adopted on tho motion of Sir Kt . AV . AV . B . Beach , P . G . C , seconded by tho Past D . G . M . Col . Vernon .
Tho Grand Priory was then closed in ample form , and a considerable number of Knights adjourned to a banquet at the Freemason ' s Tavern , at which tho G . Master presided , supported bv tho D . G . M . tho Rev . J . Huyshe , tho Past D . G . M . Col . A ernon tho Earl of Limoriek , and . other Knights .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME CHAPTER OF GRAND ELECTED KNIGHTS , K . II . A mooting of tho Supremo Grand Chapter of tho 30 ° was hold in tho rooms of tho S . G . C , on tho 12 th inst ., at which thoro woro present : —111 . Bros . 0 . J . A iguo , M . P . S ., 33 ° . ; Capt . Philips , W ; Rev . AV . Bowyor , 33 = ; Sir M . Costa , 33 : II . C . Vernor , 33 ° ; Col . Clerk , 33 ° ; Major Adair , 33 ° ; J . M . P . Montague ,
33 ° , members of tho Supremo Council ; Hyde Pillion , 33 ° . Bros . R . Costa , 32 ° ; Sir P . Colquboun , 82 ° ; C . Banister , 32 ; T . Talbot , 32 ° ; J . Glaishor , 32 ° ; C . Fondolow , 81 ° ; T . Middleton , 31 ° : Chandos Polo , 31 ° ; Rev . C Davy , 81 ° ; Blonkin , 31 ° , Gen . Dohortv , 31 ; Lord Lindsay , 31 ° ; Col . Birchall , 30 ' ; E . Ashworth , 30 ; Boord , 30 ° ; Dubosc , SO" ; F . King , 30 ° ; A . B . Cook , 30 ° ; R . do M . Lawson , 30 ' ; J . J . Forrester , 30 ° ; AV . Brignall , jun ., 30 ° ; S . H . Clerk , 30 ° ; Dr . E . B . Bogg , 30 ° ; J . Taylor , 30 ° ; AV . H . Brittain , 30 ' ; C . Hutton Grogorv , 30 ° ; C . A . Nownham , 30 ° ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
joined with strict economy , enable the revenue to cover the expenditure ; an object which is at present effect with difficulty , and will soon become impracticable . " The Balance in the Grand Treasurer ' s hands , at the end of the financial year ending with March , amounts to £ 177 9 5 Benevolent Fund £ 183 15 2 £ 361 4 7
By Order of the Committee of Grand Conclave , % P . MAG C . BE COLQUHOTJU , Grand Chancellor . The Grand Treasurer , Sir Knt . J . Tepper , pursuant to notice , then moved a formal resolution for the increase of the fees in accordance with the last paragraph but one of the report , and in doing so observed that notwithstanding tbe strict economy ancl supervision ofthe committee , of himself , and of the G . A . G ,
the funds had been aud were still found to bo insufficient , that the present annual contribution by the members to the funds of Grand Conclave amounted to only Is . per head , while in the United States , he believed , about four dollars ov sixteen times that amount was paid willing !} -, and that he felt confident no one would think of opposing this small increase requisite to place the funds of Grand Conclave on a proper footing . The Dep . G . M . Sir Knt . the Rev . J . Huyshe in seconding
the motion , said he was almost ashamed to detain Grand Conclave by addressing any further arguments in favour of so self evident a proposition , the additions proposed were so trifling that he could not doubt but that the proposal of the Grand Treasurer would be willingly assented to by those present , and by the encampments generally . Sir Knt ., the Earl of Limerick , explained that it must not be misunderstood that 2 s . 6 d . extra was asked for by the Grand
Treasurer , in fact it was only Is . 6 d . which with the increase proposed on certificates , & c , which had no retrospective eft ' ect , would it was hoped , suffice to place tho funds on a same basis . The motion was then put and carried nem . con , A formal motion to confirm the report was then made by Sir Knt . Meymott , P . G . C , and seconded by Sir Knt . Col . Godclard , 'P . 1 st G . Capt ., ancl carried unanimously . On the motion ofthe Dep . G . M ., the Grand Master was
proclaimed and saluted , it being considered unnecessary to repeat tho form of installation . The Grand Master then appointed the following Grand Officers , who were duly invested with the collar and jewel of office : — Sir Knts . Lord Skelmersdale , G . Seneschal ; Earl of Limerick , G . Prior ; Col . Elliot , G . Sub . Prior ; Rev . E . Moore , G . Prelate ; Major Hebbert , 1 st G . Capt . ; C . Chandos Pole , 2 nd G . Capt . ;
Sir Patrick Colquboun , G . Chancellor ; AV . Tinkler , G . Vice-Chancellor ; J . Launder , G . Reg . ; E . J . Morris , G . Chamberlain ; L . P . Metharo , Grand Hospitaller ; J . Lambert Sim , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Starkey , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; F . AVilliams , G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . H . Yomighusbaud , Grand Constable ; J . G . Chancellor , G . Provost ; Captain Phayro , G . Almoner "; George Lambert , G . \ A arden of Regalia ; C . F . Ardcn , 1 st G . Expert ; Colonel Ratclill ' e 2 nd G . Expert ; S . Jones 1 st G .
, , Standard Beaver ; B . Davies , 2 nd G . Standard Bearer ; T . W . Harrison , 3 rd G . Standard Bearer ; J . AV . Boord , 1-th G . Standard Bearer ; G . R . Crickmay , 1 st G . Aidc-de-Camp ; E . A . N . Royds , 2 nd G . Aide-de-Camp ; M . 0 . Sim , 1 st G . Capt . of Lines ; Lord Lindsay , 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines ; W . Maley , 1 st G . Herald ; J . Poulter , 2 nd G . Herald ; W . Ganz , G . Organist ; E . D . Anderton , G . Sword Beaver ; T . Wilson , G . Master's Banner
Bearer ; J . Woodstock and J . G . Frond , G . Equerries . His Royal Highnoss then entered Grand Conclave , preceded by the Grand Director of Ceremonies , Sir Knt . J . L . Sim , bearing the banner of his Royal Highness , the Grand Chancellor , Sir P . Colquboun , the Grand Seneschal , Lord Skelmersdale , the Grand Prior , the Earl of Limerick , and attended by his two Aides-de-Camp Extraordinary , Sir Knts . Major-General Dohert y aud Lord Lindsay , and took his sent on the right of tlie Grand Master .
The Grand Chancellor then presented to the Prince the Provincial Grand Commanders , C . J . A 1 gne , XV . XV . B . Beach , M . P ., Dr . Bryant , G . Francis , Captain Philips , Major A . C . Crookshank , A . Macdouald Ritchie , W . J . Meymott , and Captain S . H . Clarke ; R . J . Spiers , D . PG . C . ; the Grand Prelate , the G . V . C ., the Grand Registrar , and Grand Treasurer . After which his Royal Highness was saluted by the knights present under tbe direction of the 1 st and 2 nd Grand Captains , Major Hebbert and C . Chandos Pole .
Sir Knt . J . Tepper was then unanimously re-elected Grand Treasurer , on the nomination of Sir Knt . G . Francis , P . G . C . for Herts , seconded by Sir Knt . R . AA oof , Past Grand Chamberlain . The G . Master then nominated as members of the committee for the ensuing year , Sir Knts . the Earl of Limerick , G . Prior ; the Rev . E . Moore , G . Prelate ; R . J . Spiers , D . P . G . C . Oxford ;
and J . Lambert Sim , G . Dir . of Cers . The following Knights wore proposed , seconded , and elected by Grand Conclave members of the committee : —C . Fendelow , proposed by Major Hebbert , D . P . G . C , seconded by S . Lloyd Foster , P . G . Chancellor ; J . Taylor , proposed by Capt . Philips , P . G . C , seconded by Dr . Hodge ; The Houhle . Capt . Hoods , JAP ., proposed by the Earl Limerick , seconded by Dr . Ramsay ; S . Rawson , P . P . G . C ., proposed bC . J . Vigne . P . G . Cseconded bL . P . Metbam
y , y , D . P . G . C ; and AV . Birch , P . G . Reg ., proposed by E . A . N . Royds , seconded by J . H . Young-husband . The P . G . C . for Ceylon , Major A . C . Crookshank , was presented by the Grand Chancellor , and performed his homage . The Grand Conclave was then closed in ample form . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales then retired into his private room to clothe for the Priory of Malta , and on his return a Priory wa & held by the G . Priorthe Rev . J . Huysheunder the banner of the
, , Observance Encampment , when the following Knights were admitted : —C . F . Arden , G . R . Crickmay , the Honble . J . Douglas , D . C . M . Gordon , C . J . Hampden , C . Harconrt , L . P , Metbam , J . Stevenson , J . Taylor , R . H . Thrupp , T . AVilson . aud J . Wordsworth . His Royal Highness then retired from the Hall , attended as on entrance , and left tho building accompanied by Lord Skelsmersdale .
AGrand Priory of the Order of Malta was opened by the Grand Master . The minutes of the Grand Priory of December 10 th , 1869 , were then read and confirmed as duly recorded . The following report of the committee was read : — " Most Eminent and Supreme Sir , —Tho inoroaso of this Order having rendered it advisable that a Grand Priory should be holdon in tho present month for tho admission of members under tho banner of somo private encampment , you havo boon pleased to assign this honour to tho Observance
Encampment . " Your Committee hogs to recommend that tho Register of this Order should bo kept separate , that proper books bo provided for that purpose , and that tho fees for tho registration and certificates of members bo raised from 2 s . Gd . to 10 s . Gd ., with tho object of covering tho oxtra oxponso occasioned thereby . " By ordor of tho Committee of Grand Priory ,
" % P . MAC C . DE COLQUIIOUN , Grand Chancellor . " Tho G . Treasurer , Sir Kt . J . Topper , as a matter of form moved tho resolution for tho increase of tho fees , so far as applied to this Order , and after being duly seconded , it was carried nem . con . Tho report o £ tho Committee was roeoived and adopted on tho motion of Sir Kt . AV . AV . B . Beach , P . G . C , seconded by tho Past D . G . M . Col . Vernon .
Tho Grand Priory was then closed in ample form , and a considerable number of Knights adjourned to a banquet at the Freemason ' s Tavern , at which tho G . Master presided , supported bv tho D . G . M . tho Rev . J . Huyshe , tho Past D . G . M . Col . A ernon tho Earl of Limoriek , and . other Knights .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
SUPREME CHAPTER OF GRAND ELECTED KNIGHTS , K . II . A mooting of tho Supremo Grand Chapter of tho 30 ° was hold in tho rooms of tho S . G . C , on tho 12 th inst ., at which thoro woro present : —111 . Bros . 0 . J . A iguo , M . P . S ., 33 ° . ; Capt . Philips , W ; Rev . AV . Bowyor , 33 = ; Sir M . Costa , 33 : II . C . Vernor , 33 ° ; Col . Clerk , 33 ° ; Major Adair , 33 ° ; J . M . P . Montague ,
33 ° , members of tho Supremo Council ; Hyde Pillion , 33 ° . Bros . R . Costa , 32 ° ; Sir P . Colquboun , 82 ° ; C . Banister , 32 ; T . Talbot , 32 ° ; J . Glaishor , 32 ° ; C . Fondolow , 81 ° ; T . Middleton , 31 ° : Chandos Polo , 31 ° ; Rev . C Davy , 81 ° ; Blonkin , 31 ° , Gen . Dohortv , 31 ; Lord Lindsay , 31 ° ; Col . Birchall , 30 ' ; E . Ashworth , 30 ; Boord , 30 ° ; Dubosc , SO" ; F . King , 30 ° ; A . B . Cook , 30 ° ; R . do M . Lawson , 30 ' ; J . J . Forrester , 30 ° ; AV . Brignall , jun ., 30 ° ; S . H . Clerk , 30 ° ; Dr . E . B . Bogg , 30 ° ; J . Taylor , 30 ° ; AV . H . Brittain , 30 ' ; C . Hutton Grogorv , 30 ° ; C . A . Nownham , 30 ° ;