Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LADIES AT OUR MASONIC BANQUETS. Page 1 of 1
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Lodge La Chaine d'Union , of the Orient of Beyr out , held its installation meeting , to which had been invited the brethren of lodges Le Liban , Beyrout ; L'TJnion des Peuples , Latakia ; and Lodge Palestine , of the Scottish Rite , at Beyrout . About SO visiting brethren from these lodges graced by their presence
the inauguration of this new lodge . The ceremony of consecration was performed by Bros . Monasterchi Kulp , and Lenir , as representatives of the Grand Orient of France . The TV . M ., after his installation , complimented and thanked for their attendance the visiting brethren , which was acknowledged in their
name by Bro . Studa , of Lodge Fede Italica , Orient of Naples . Several addresses were given , the brethren advocating the necessity of Masonry in Syria , and dilating upon its mission , the means by whichitcouldbedisseminated , and upon the duties of Masons . Bro . Houry
delivered , in Arabic , a trul y Masonic address , which was repeatedly applauded . The proceedings terminated with a banquet .
Our spirited ancl otherwise generally correct contemporary , Fomeroy ' s Democrat , of New York , often boasts , and we believe justly , of giving news days in advance of the other papers of that city ; but now he beats time altogether . He says that " The Most "Worshipful Bro . the Earl de Grey aud Ripen , Grand
Master elect of the Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of England , was installed with great pomp and splendour on St . George ' s Day , April 23 rd last , at Freemasons' Hall , London , " [ Now the wires have done some astonishing things lately but we were hardly prepared for this , Bro . Editor . ]
A difficulty has existed for some time past between the Grand Lodge of TVashington territory and the Grand Lodge of Oregon , which may prove of a serious nature . The former charges the latter with invading its jurisdiction , and that the course of the former has allowed them no opportunity for compromise or
adjustment . The Grand Master of Washington territory in his address , says that " the premises being true leaves this Grand Lodge no other course , consistent with its self-respect , than a refusal to have intercourse with the said Grand Lodge . " —Landmark
Ladies At Our Masonic Banquets.
( From Ihe Keystone . ) TVe were glad to note , from the reports of several of our recent lodge suppers , the presence of ladies at those annual re-unions . Masonry does so much for the widows of deceased ^ brethren , that there is peculiar propriety in our honouring them as wives as well as widows . The same feeling that prompts to beneficence to the relict should suggest the respectful recognition of her claims
upon our hospitality when she may share her husband ' s as well as our joys , if not our bounty . Wife is a sacred name , and whatever regulation tends to associate husband and wife more closely together strengthens the tie that was ordained of heaven to be the great means of promoting the weal of the human family . There is no reason why this practice should not have been
inaugurated before . There are grave , insuperable reasons why ladies should not be present in our lodges when we are at work , but when we are called off from labour to refreshment ; when we meet for social rather than Masonic purposes ; then it is not only fitting but just that the wife should accompany the husband , and share the enjoyment of banquet , eloquence , and song . "Who are the
profane who usually share our confidences and joys on these occasion , so far as seeing and heai'ing will enable them to do it ? The waiters ! If it is allowable for them to be present ; if they may drink in our utterances , and enjoy the responses to the Masonic toasts , which contribute so much to the spirit of these occasions , then the wives of the Masons who sit at table not only may , but should be present . Whom God hath joined together let not man put asunder—even for one evening , unless there be high and insurmountable reasons therefor .
There is no landmark that forbids the presence of ladies at Masonic banquets , and we hope the time is at hand when they shall grace every such table in the land-There are no associations at our annual suppers that forbid this custom . Masonic banquets are distinguished for their orderly decorum—not that on rare occasions there are not infringements of this decorum , for such
ma }' , and do occur at times , at all festal boards—bub Masons have so well learned the duty of obedience to their TV . M ., that his word is practically law at the banquet as well as at the lodge . The great object of Masonry is to inculcate the practice out ofthe loclge of those principles of religion and morality that we are taught within it . Hencebreaches of order are almost unknown
, from brethren ; when they do occur , it is generally au irresponsible unmasonic mala guest , who has not duly learned tho principles of sobriety , decorum , and submission to authority , who brings into disrepute our order . Unworthy guests of this kind will sometimes manage to procure invitations , with the result to us just indicated—not that such is the rule among our male
guests , by any means ; but the exceptions , as a class , como from them . Now , if there is any presence that will secure the best order , it is that of ladies ; they are insurers of decoium . So that when ivo consider the
justice of their claims , as the wives of our brethren , or the pleasure that flows from their smiling faces , or the possible aspect of their being the guardians of our decorum , they are entitled to be with us at our lodge suppers . There is another aspect of this subject worth looking at . Notwithstanding the fact that Masonry ia instinct with a chivalrous regard for women that leads
it to bend all its potent energies to ameliorate her condition and assuage her griefs , it is too often the case that she is strongly prejudiced against it . How many wives of their own accord would have their husbands to be Masons ? Now , if they were not only allowed , but cordially invited to participate in our Masonic banquets , much of this prejudice would melt away . They would
see us as wo are—a devoted band of brothers , sharing each others' joys , notniggardly and selfishly , but soberly and sensibly , with woman in our midst to chasten and elevate the hours of social enjoyment . Brethren , if wa have lodge suppers , let our wives grace the tables with their presence ; and , if we would have their hearts go with us when we statedlto the lod let us request
go y ge , them to participate in our annual re-unions . Like the grain of mustard seed , it is a small thing in itself , but by its power to develop happy results , it may be as the tree that sprang from the seed mentioned in the Scriptures , a stately growth , remarkable alike for its utility and its beauty .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge La Chaine d'Union , of the Orient of Beyr out , held its installation meeting , to which had been invited the brethren of lodges Le Liban , Beyrout ; L'TJnion des Peuples , Latakia ; and Lodge Palestine , of the Scottish Rite , at Beyrout . About SO visiting brethren from these lodges graced by their presence
the inauguration of this new lodge . The ceremony of consecration was performed by Bros . Monasterchi Kulp , and Lenir , as representatives of the Grand Orient of France . The TV . M ., after his installation , complimented and thanked for their attendance the visiting brethren , which was acknowledged in their
name by Bro . Studa , of Lodge Fede Italica , Orient of Naples . Several addresses were given , the brethren advocating the necessity of Masonry in Syria , and dilating upon its mission , the means by whichitcouldbedisseminated , and upon the duties of Masons . Bro . Houry
delivered , in Arabic , a trul y Masonic address , which was repeatedly applauded . The proceedings terminated with a banquet .
Our spirited ancl otherwise generally correct contemporary , Fomeroy ' s Democrat , of New York , often boasts , and we believe justly , of giving news days in advance of the other papers of that city ; but now he beats time altogether . He says that " The Most "Worshipful Bro . the Earl de Grey aud Ripen , Grand
Master elect of the Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of England , was installed with great pomp and splendour on St . George ' s Day , April 23 rd last , at Freemasons' Hall , London , " [ Now the wires have done some astonishing things lately but we were hardly prepared for this , Bro . Editor . ]
A difficulty has existed for some time past between the Grand Lodge of TVashington territory and the Grand Lodge of Oregon , which may prove of a serious nature . The former charges the latter with invading its jurisdiction , and that the course of the former has allowed them no opportunity for compromise or
adjustment . The Grand Master of Washington territory in his address , says that " the premises being true leaves this Grand Lodge no other course , consistent with its self-respect , than a refusal to have intercourse with the said Grand Lodge . " —Landmark
Ladies At Our Masonic Banquets.
( From Ihe Keystone . ) TVe were glad to note , from the reports of several of our recent lodge suppers , the presence of ladies at those annual re-unions . Masonry does so much for the widows of deceased ^ brethren , that there is peculiar propriety in our honouring them as wives as well as widows . The same feeling that prompts to beneficence to the relict should suggest the respectful recognition of her claims
upon our hospitality when she may share her husband ' s as well as our joys , if not our bounty . Wife is a sacred name , and whatever regulation tends to associate husband and wife more closely together strengthens the tie that was ordained of heaven to be the great means of promoting the weal of the human family . There is no reason why this practice should not have been
inaugurated before . There are grave , insuperable reasons why ladies should not be present in our lodges when we are at work , but when we are called off from labour to refreshment ; when we meet for social rather than Masonic purposes ; then it is not only fitting but just that the wife should accompany the husband , and share the enjoyment of banquet , eloquence , and song . "Who are the
profane who usually share our confidences and joys on these occasion , so far as seeing and heai'ing will enable them to do it ? The waiters ! If it is allowable for them to be present ; if they may drink in our utterances , and enjoy the responses to the Masonic toasts , which contribute so much to the spirit of these occasions , then the wives of the Masons who sit at table not only may , but should be present . Whom God hath joined together let not man put asunder—even for one evening , unless there be high and insurmountable reasons therefor .
There is no landmark that forbids the presence of ladies at Masonic banquets , and we hope the time is at hand when they shall grace every such table in the land-There are no associations at our annual suppers that forbid this custom . Masonic banquets are distinguished for their orderly decorum—not that on rare occasions there are not infringements of this decorum , for such
ma }' , and do occur at times , at all festal boards—bub Masons have so well learned the duty of obedience to their TV . M ., that his word is practically law at the banquet as well as at the lodge . The great object of Masonry is to inculcate the practice out ofthe loclge of those principles of religion and morality that we are taught within it . Hencebreaches of order are almost unknown
, from brethren ; when they do occur , it is generally au irresponsible unmasonic mala guest , who has not duly learned tho principles of sobriety , decorum , and submission to authority , who brings into disrepute our order . Unworthy guests of this kind will sometimes manage to procure invitations , with the result to us just indicated—not that such is the rule among our male
guests , by any means ; but the exceptions , as a class , como from them . Now , if there is any presence that will secure the best order , it is that of ladies ; they are insurers of decoium . So that when ivo consider the
justice of their claims , as the wives of our brethren , or the pleasure that flows from their smiling faces , or the possible aspect of their being the guardians of our decorum , they are entitled to be with us at our lodge suppers . There is another aspect of this subject worth looking at . Notwithstanding the fact that Masonry ia instinct with a chivalrous regard for women that leads
it to bend all its potent energies to ameliorate her condition and assuage her griefs , it is too often the case that she is strongly prejudiced against it . How many wives of their own accord would have their husbands to be Masons ? Now , if they were not only allowed , but cordially invited to participate in our Masonic banquets , much of this prejudice would melt away . They would
see us as wo are—a devoted band of brothers , sharing each others' joys , notniggardly and selfishly , but soberly and sensibly , with woman in our midst to chasten and elevate the hours of social enjoyment . Brethren , if wa have lodge suppers , let our wives grace the tables with their presence ; and , if we would have their hearts go with us when we statedlto the lod let us request
go y ge , them to participate in our annual re-unions . Like the grain of mustard seed , it is a small thing in itself , but by its power to develop happy results , it may be as the tree that sprang from the seed mentioned in the Scriptures , a stately growth , remarkable alike for its utility and its beauty .