Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE CHARITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROV . G.M. FOR BERKS AND BUCKS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
who condemned the address ol a Bro . to the AA . M ., the same not being considered by the Prov . G . M . as couched in respectful terms , because the truth was clearly proved of the AV . M . ' s incapacity . Further the suspended members were considered by him and his party unworthy of any notice , as proof of ivhich they , the clay after the suspension , were treated as four-footed creatures , and even the common
salute of the day not accorded them ; the AV . M . and party regarding them in the light of criminals , and consequently unworthy of that politeness , which no one refuses to the most common individual , much less to men and brothers on the same equality as - themselves . HOAV could they venture to attempt at the time to make any protest or appeal under the authority of a AV . M . whom they viewed in
the light of an enemy , and not being aware that it ivas abligatory to -forward copies to the R . AV . Prov . G . M . ' , not being then under his jurisdiction ; hoAvever , by this steamer have conformed in every respect , and again appeal to the Colonial Board and Grand Lodge . It is feared that the breach has been so widened as to leave little hope of the Lodge being able to work in harmony . I can assure you , that , since we have been freed from the membership of those , as well as the W . M ., who were the aggressors and instigators of the differences which existed
in the Lodge , by resignation , the Harmonic Lodge , far from being broken up , are most closely united and cemented , and determined to carry through , as for as possible , the principls of unity , harmony , brotherly love , concord , and peace , but hope at the same time that proper steps will be taken by the Colonial Board and Grand Lodge to render them that justice which every true Mason and Brother have a ri ght to
expect from them ; otherwise , instead of the Lodge being broken up , they may think proper to throw off that allegiance , which , since the year 1818 , they have ever prided themselves upon observing . Their demand has been the annulling of the appointment of Bro . Hart as their Prov . G . M . ; having been satisfied for the last 42 years , and still being so , to remain under the direct jurisdiction of Grand Lodge .
I feel tempted to add , as a little good advice to all those who may be entrusted with superior authority , to follow this brief but telling motto , " in cert is unitas , in dvMis libertas , in , omnibus charitas . " I feel , Sir and Brother , that I have already transgressed by the length of my present communication on your valuable time and space . My task is not completed , aud the . question
not exhausted , with your permission I will return to the charge at no very distant period . AVith the best of sentiments , I have the honour to remain , Yours most fraternally , " JUSTITIA . " '
The Charities.
TO THE EDITOR 0 ? THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBHOH . DEAR SIR AND BBOTHEB , —Having read your report of the Quarterly General Court of the Girl ' s School , in which you state " That the late Grand Steivards have given from their balance , after paying the festival expenses , £ 9 to the Girl ' s School , and a like amount to the Boy ' s . " Permit me to ininform you , that in addition to tho above , I handed over
£ 5 . 14 s . to the Benevolent Institution . Yours fraternally , CHARLES BBAUMOXT , Treasurer of the late Board of Grand Stewards efc , 16 , Clifford's Inn , Julg 16 ft , 1860 .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Masters.
TO THE EDITOI 1 OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIIIIIOR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTIIKR , In 1855-1856 , after considerable discussion before the Board of General Purposes in Grand Lodge , and in Grand Cliapter , two several Committees were appointed to enquire , search for , and make known , by their several reports , what at the then present day could be ascertained respecting the degree of Mark Master , and how fur
such degree , was , or was not , a part of pure and ancient Preemasonry . The Committees met several times , each hearing evidence of the antiquity and legality of such very beautiful degree , ancl though the Grand Chapter merely reported that such degree was not a portion of tjiat of the H . R . A ., the Committee appointed by the Board of General Purposes , or Grand Lodge , very strongly urged Grand Lodge t 6 acknowledge and pass a resolution , that it might be considered a graceful addition to the degree of P . C , which , in March , 1856 , ivas accordingly done . And if "
Antibpiinous Mark , " were to make a courteous application through any member of the Board of General Purposes , he might ascertain ail the information on the subject that was obtained up to thafc time . That such resolution was rescinded after , is a fact which can only be attributed to the exertions of a certain number of Brethren , who oppose everything moved by an independent Brother , and support every thing moved by one of themselves ; anil as the subject must shortly be brought again before Grand Lod I shall be lad to
ge , g have the attendance of "Anti-Spurious Mark , " that he may , after the forcible arguments ancl explanations which . will then be brought forivard , support the application ancl resolution which ivill then be moved for its recognition and restoration ancl until then , the English Grand Lodge of Mark Masters will , be hailed as the only authority that can grant AVarrants for holding Mark Master ' s Lodges in England and Wales , and the British Colonies , and
possesssions . I must admire the zeal which seems to actuate " Anti-Spurious Mark , " ancl I have to assure him that I should be in the foremost rank in suppressing this degree , if I coulcl , on mature consideration , think it savoured of the last portion of his pseudonyme . It may , however , be information for him , that there are Lodges still in working , ivhose Officers have conferred this degree from "Time Immemorial , " and whose Minute Book bear evidence of great antiquity . AVith reference to the continent of America , he seems not to know that the degree of Mark Master is there conferred between that of
M . M . ancl P . M ., and m some of our lodges in the Colonies it is and has been conferred , Avithout intermission , for an immense time . The words , " The Grand Craft Lodge , of wliich Lord- Zetland is the M . W . Master , " were used in contra-distinction to "The Grand Mark Loclge of which Lord Carnarvon is the M . W . Master—nothing wanting in respect to either noblemen , towards both of ivhom I entertain the utmost respect in their several capacities , and have no objection to the amendment suggested in the PSof "Anti-spurious
.. Mark's" reply afc p . 31 , of the MAGAZINE , that it should be understood as " The United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , of which the Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland is the Most Worshipful Master . " It is not the mere bandying of words that ought to occupy the time of either " Anti-spurious Mark" or myself ; the spirit of all should be that of emulation in fairly engaging in the strife , how
much Masonic energy we can instil into the minds and hearts of our Brethren—not omitting , but preserving each and every degree as ancient landmarks that heretofore have become known to , or which at any future time may be communicated unto us . If "Anti-Spurious Mark " would visit the Bon Accord Loclge , the A'ery worthy Secretary ivould , I doubt not , allow him to peruse the registry that he may see for himself such evidence of authority being given to this degree , as would convince the greatest sceptic —he woidd be converted , and alter his pseudonymic into " Zealous Mark " at once .
It is not desirable that the Mark Degree should bo part of Esoteric Freemasonry ; " Anti-Spurious" must , when he read the Report of the Mark Grand Lodge proceedings , have been aware that there was a Grand Mark Loclge , and that thafc Mosfc Excellent Freemason , the Earl of Carnaervon , was its M . AV . Grand Master , I presume the fact is , that "Anti-Spurious Mark" is a member of one ol the Thistles before alluded to , ancl which are doomed , ere long , to be sent " back again . " I write this in the most friendly spirit to him , and shall be happy at no distant clay to make his acquaintance . 16 July , 18 G 0 . u . \'
Prov . G.M. For Berks And Bucks.
TO Till ! IDITOII OF Till ! KIEEltASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKHOK . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The R . AV . Bro . C . Purton Cooper , late P . G . M . for Kent , cannot have read your back numbers , or he ivould liave _ known thafc the _ M . N . the Marquis of Devonshire had resigned his position as the R . W . G . M . for this province . This resignation , after every provision had been made ( his lordship appointing the clay ) for holding his Prov . G . Lodat Alesbury
ge y on the 20 th May last , the Prov . ii . Officers and Brethren ivho intended being then present , altering their private arrangements to enable them to do so , produced unqualified disappointment to all , and upset everything that had so well been arranged in Lodge JSTO . 861 ; ancl now we are , as your correspondent " K . E . X . " calls it , "floating on a glorious sea" in the Koyal Province , without a Grand Master to foster ancl encourage us in our goodly-intentioned
works . AVe are , ifc is true , by such an untimely end placed under the surveillance of the V . AV . G . Keg . ( Bro . Roxburgh , Q , C ); bufc he unfortunately has been too ill to attend to us . He nevertheless has appeared in another place , and we may fairly look for an immediate attention to our wants , for disappointed hopes maketh the heart sick , and we are sickening fast . Reading , 16 th July , 1860 . P . P .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
who condemned the address ol a Bro . to the AA . M ., the same not being considered by the Prov . G . M . as couched in respectful terms , because the truth was clearly proved of the AV . M . ' s incapacity . Further the suspended members were considered by him and his party unworthy of any notice , as proof of ivhich they , the clay after the suspension , were treated as four-footed creatures , and even the common
salute of the day not accorded them ; the AV . M . and party regarding them in the light of criminals , and consequently unworthy of that politeness , which no one refuses to the most common individual , much less to men and brothers on the same equality as - themselves . HOAV could they venture to attempt at the time to make any protest or appeal under the authority of a AV . M . whom they viewed in
the light of an enemy , and not being aware that it ivas abligatory to -forward copies to the R . AV . Prov . G . M . ' , not being then under his jurisdiction ; hoAvever , by this steamer have conformed in every respect , and again appeal to the Colonial Board and Grand Lodge . It is feared that the breach has been so widened as to leave little hope of the Lodge being able to work in harmony . I can assure you , that , since we have been freed from the membership of those , as well as the W . M ., who were the aggressors and instigators of the differences which existed
in the Lodge , by resignation , the Harmonic Lodge , far from being broken up , are most closely united and cemented , and determined to carry through , as for as possible , the principls of unity , harmony , brotherly love , concord , and peace , but hope at the same time that proper steps will be taken by the Colonial Board and Grand Lodge to render them that justice which every true Mason and Brother have a ri ght to
expect from them ; otherwise , instead of the Lodge being broken up , they may think proper to throw off that allegiance , which , since the year 1818 , they have ever prided themselves upon observing . Their demand has been the annulling of the appointment of Bro . Hart as their Prov . G . M . ; having been satisfied for the last 42 years , and still being so , to remain under the direct jurisdiction of Grand Lodge .
I feel tempted to add , as a little good advice to all those who may be entrusted with superior authority , to follow this brief but telling motto , " in cert is unitas , in dvMis libertas , in , omnibus charitas . " I feel , Sir and Brother , that I have already transgressed by the length of my present communication on your valuable time and space . My task is not completed , aud the . question
not exhausted , with your permission I will return to the charge at no very distant period . AVith the best of sentiments , I have the honour to remain , Yours most fraternally , " JUSTITIA . " '
The Charities.
TO THE EDITOR 0 ? THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBHOH . DEAR SIR AND BBOTHEB , —Having read your report of the Quarterly General Court of the Girl ' s School , in which you state " That the late Grand Steivards have given from their balance , after paying the festival expenses , £ 9 to the Girl ' s School , and a like amount to the Boy ' s . " Permit me to ininform you , that in addition to tho above , I handed over
£ 5 . 14 s . to the Benevolent Institution . Yours fraternally , CHARLES BBAUMOXT , Treasurer of the late Board of Grand Stewards efc , 16 , Clifford's Inn , Julg 16 ft , 1860 .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Masters.
TO THE EDITOI 1 OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIIIIIOR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTIIKR , In 1855-1856 , after considerable discussion before the Board of General Purposes in Grand Lodge , and in Grand Cliapter , two several Committees were appointed to enquire , search for , and make known , by their several reports , what at the then present day could be ascertained respecting the degree of Mark Master , and how fur
such degree , was , or was not , a part of pure and ancient Preemasonry . The Committees met several times , each hearing evidence of the antiquity and legality of such very beautiful degree , ancl though the Grand Chapter merely reported that such degree was not a portion of tjiat of the H . R . A ., the Committee appointed by the Board of General Purposes , or Grand Lodge , very strongly urged Grand Lodge t 6 acknowledge and pass a resolution , that it might be considered a graceful addition to the degree of P . C , which , in March , 1856 , ivas accordingly done . And if "
Antibpiinous Mark , " were to make a courteous application through any member of the Board of General Purposes , he might ascertain ail the information on the subject that was obtained up to thafc time . That such resolution was rescinded after , is a fact which can only be attributed to the exertions of a certain number of Brethren , who oppose everything moved by an independent Brother , and support every thing moved by one of themselves ; anil as the subject must shortly be brought again before Grand Lod I shall be lad to
ge , g have the attendance of "Anti-Spurious Mark , " that he may , after the forcible arguments ancl explanations which . will then be brought forivard , support the application ancl resolution which ivill then be moved for its recognition and restoration ancl until then , the English Grand Lodge of Mark Masters will , be hailed as the only authority that can grant AVarrants for holding Mark Master ' s Lodges in England and Wales , and the British Colonies , and
possesssions . I must admire the zeal which seems to actuate " Anti-Spurious Mark , " ancl I have to assure him that I should be in the foremost rank in suppressing this degree , if I coulcl , on mature consideration , think it savoured of the last portion of his pseudonyme . It may , however , be information for him , that there are Lodges still in working , ivhose Officers have conferred this degree from "Time Immemorial , " and whose Minute Book bear evidence of great antiquity . AVith reference to the continent of America , he seems not to know that the degree of Mark Master is there conferred between that of
M . M . ancl P . M ., and m some of our lodges in the Colonies it is and has been conferred , Avithout intermission , for an immense time . The words , " The Grand Craft Lodge , of wliich Lord- Zetland is the M . W . Master , " were used in contra-distinction to "The Grand Mark Loclge of which Lord Carnarvon is the M . W . Master—nothing wanting in respect to either noblemen , towards both of ivhom I entertain the utmost respect in their several capacities , and have no objection to the amendment suggested in the PSof "Anti-spurious
.. Mark's" reply afc p . 31 , of the MAGAZINE , that it should be understood as " The United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , of which the Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland is the Most Worshipful Master . " It is not the mere bandying of words that ought to occupy the time of either " Anti-spurious Mark" or myself ; the spirit of all should be that of emulation in fairly engaging in the strife , how
much Masonic energy we can instil into the minds and hearts of our Brethren—not omitting , but preserving each and every degree as ancient landmarks that heretofore have become known to , or which at any future time may be communicated unto us . If "Anti-Spurious Mark " would visit the Bon Accord Loclge , the A'ery worthy Secretary ivould , I doubt not , allow him to peruse the registry that he may see for himself such evidence of authority being given to this degree , as would convince the greatest sceptic —he woidd be converted , and alter his pseudonymic into " Zealous Mark " at once .
It is not desirable that the Mark Degree should bo part of Esoteric Freemasonry ; " Anti-Spurious" must , when he read the Report of the Mark Grand Lodge proceedings , have been aware that there was a Grand Mark Loclge , and that thafc Mosfc Excellent Freemason , the Earl of Carnaervon , was its M . AV . Grand Master , I presume the fact is , that "Anti-Spurious Mark" is a member of one ol the Thistles before alluded to , ancl which are doomed , ere long , to be sent " back again . " I write this in the most friendly spirit to him , and shall be happy at no distant clay to make his acquaintance . 16 July , 18 G 0 . u . \'
Prov . G.M. For Berks And Bucks.
TO Till ! IDITOII OF Till ! KIEEltASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKHOK . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The R . AV . Bro . C . Purton Cooper , late P . G . M . for Kent , cannot have read your back numbers , or he ivould liave _ known thafc the _ M . N . the Marquis of Devonshire had resigned his position as the R . W . G . M . for this province . This resignation , after every provision had been made ( his lordship appointing the clay ) for holding his Prov . G . Lodat Alesbury
ge y on the 20 th May last , the Prov . ii . Officers and Brethren ivho intended being then present , altering their private arrangements to enable them to do so , produced unqualified disappointment to all , and upset everything that had so well been arranged in Lodge JSTO . 861 ; ancl now we are , as your correspondent " K . E . X . " calls it , "floating on a glorious sea" in the Koyal Province , without a Grand Master to foster ancl encourage us in our goodly-intentioned
works . AVe are , ifc is true , by such an untimely end placed under the surveillance of the V . AV . G . Keg . ( Bro . Roxburgh , Q , C ); bufc he unfortunately has been too ill to attend to us . He nevertheless has appeared in another place , and we may fairly look for an immediate attention to our wants , for disappointed hopes maketh the heart sick , and we are sickening fast . Reading , 16 th July , 1860 . P . P .