Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS KNIGHTS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
chapters to which he was attached , their "hearty good wishes . " Comp . Scribe E . acknowledged the kindness . A brother having been proposed for exaltation , and there being no further business , the chapter was closed with the usual solemnities , in perfect harmony , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
INDIA . MEERUT . —Lodge Holmesdale in the ' East ( No . 72 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting in the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 24 th May , Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , J . W ., and AV . M . of Lodge Sirius , in the chair . The first business of the lodge was to ballot for Bro . H . H . Avron , as a re-joining member . The ballot having proved clear , the brethren then proceeded to elect a W . M . for the remaining
portion of the year , vice Bro . II . Wickham , who has left the Presidency . The brethren then eligible for the chair were R . W . Bro . the Hon . Mr . Justice Gibbs , Prov . G . M . Bombay ; Bros , the Rev . J . J . Farnham , W . M . Lodge Sirius ; and H . H . Avron . A ballot was taken and Bro . II . H . Avron was unanimously elected W . M . We sincerely congratulate the brethren on their having placed so zealous and able a brother at their head .
Red Cross Knights.
ORIGINAL OU PREMIER CONCLAVE OF Eirex . v __ .-D . —A special assembly of this ancient conclave was held on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The conclave was opened in imperial form by Sir Knt . J . G . March , G . Architect , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . G . Powell , V . E . ; W . H . Hubbard , G . Treas ., R . W . Little , G . Recorder ; R . Gurney , I . General ; VV . Turner , J . Teery , H . J . W . Thompson , B . P . ToddT . WescombeW . Dodd & c . The following candidates
, , , were then duly admitted , received , constituted , and installed as knights of the Order , viz .: Bros . F . M . Williams , ilf . P . ; A . M . MacDougal , F . R . C . S . ; G . R . Green , architect . Sir Knt . Wescombe then proposed two brethren for installation at the next assembly , after which tho conclave was closed with solemn prayer . Sir Knt . Terry , in the unavoidable absence of Sir Knt . the Rev . J . M . Vaughan , acting as High Prelate . The Knight
Companions then adjourned to the refectory where a recherche banquet was provided , and a most agreeable evening was spent under the presidency of Sir Knt . Jlarsh , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being warmly received , and "The Healths of the Newly Installed Companions in Arms , " honoured in an equally flattering manner . Some interesting details relative to the working of the Red Cross degree in Lancashire and other parts of Englandabout the end of the last century wore
, communicated by Sir Knt . Little , and the companions present strongly expressed a desire to ascertain , if possible , whether any of the members of the old ' Red Cross Band , " formerly held at Manchester , wore now in a position to work tho degree , and assist the Grand Council in promoting the spread of this knightly fraternity .
Channel Islands.
MARK MASONRY . JERSEY . —Cesarean Lodge ( No . 74 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at the Masonic Temple , on Monday , July Oth . The lodge was opened at a quarter past seven p . m ., hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Smith , acting as S . W ., and Benham , J . W . Though there were six candidates for advancement , previously balloted for , not one of them made his appearance . The AV . M . gave the lecture on the degree to
Bros . Le Geyt and Pixley , which had been omitted when they were advanced . Bro . Benham , J . W ., was elected W . M . for the next year , and the Treasurer and Tyler were re-elected . The lodge was closed at half-past eight , and the brethren adjourned for the usual light refreshment .
BOJIBAY . MEETING OE DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . At a half-yearly communication holden at the house of Bro . II . B . Macculloch , Malabar-hill , Bombay , on Tuesday , the 1 st May , present : Bros . Taylor , D . G . JL ; the Hon . James Gibbs , D . D . G . JL ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , as D . S . G . W . ; Thomas Diver , D . J . G . W . ; C . E . Mitchell , as D . G . Treas . ; C . E . Mitchell , as
D . G . Reg . ; C . E . Mitchell , D . G . Sec ; A . C . Gumpert , as D . S . G . D . ; II . Avron , D . J . G . D . ; E . Parker , as D . G . Purst . ; II . H . Prescott , and P . D . Parker , D . G . Stewards ; W . G . King , D . G . Tyler ; and Bros . H . B . Jlacculloch , S . W . Ledge St . George , 549 ; F . R . Kendall , J . AA " . Lodge Truth , 944 ; E . Du Bois , J . W . Lodge Emulation , 1100 . Visitors : Bros . A . Swift , Lodge Star of India , 1062 ; C . E . Burden , Lodge Concord , 757 . The District Grand Lodge ivas opened in due form at
halfpast six o'clock , p . m . The summons convening the meeting was read . The minutes of proceedings of the last half-yearly communication were read and . confirmed . The Right Worshipful the District Grand Master said that ho had received a letter to this District Grand Lodge from the Most Worshipful Grand Master , thanking the District Grand Lodge for the expression of their sympathy under his late heavy
bereavement . Read a letter from the AVorshipful Mastei of Lodge Industry , Kotree , requesting permission to consecrate a new hall which had just been erected for the purpose of Jlasonry . The Secretary reported that permission was granted by the District Grand Master for the above on the 3 rd January last , and added , that intimation had been received by the District Grand JIaster that the consecration had taken place with all
ancient rites , and according to honourable custom . Read a letter from Bro . II . H . Avron , which accompanied a petition to the Most Worshipful Grand Master , praying for a Warrant of Constitution to establish a new lodge in Bombay , to be called Lodge Emulation . Read a letter from the Grand Lodge of England to this District Grand Lodge , dated 19 th March , 1866 , intimating that the Most Worshipful Grand JIaster had granted the prayer of
the petition for the establishment of a lodge in Bombay , to be called Lodge Emulation , No . 1100 . Read a letter from Bro . F . Laville , accompanied by a petition to the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , praying for a Warrant of Constitution to establish a new lodge at Nagpore , to be called Lodge Corinth . Read a letter from Bro . A . S . Lawson , resigning his appointment of District Grand Pursuivant in consequence of his
departure for Europe . The Secretary reported that permission had been granted to Bro . McCollum to give au entertainment under Blasonic patronage . The Secretary reported that the consecration of Lodge Emulation , No . 1100 , took place on the 27 th April last , when the W . Jlaster Bro . Avron was installed . Read a letter from the W . JI . Lodge UnionKurracheein
, , reply to one from the District Grand Secretary , on the subject of JIasonie Schools in Bombay , to the effect that the views of the brethren of the above-named lodge would be advised after they reassemble in the month of May . Read a letter from the W . M . of Lodge St . George , Bombay , dated 10 th April , in reference to the proposition to establish schools iu Bombay .
Read a letter from the W . JI . of Lodge Star of India , dated 21 st JIarch , 1866 , with reference to the same subject . The Worshipful Deputy District Grand Jlaster addressed the District Grand Lodge on the subject of the advisability of establishing JIasonie schools in Bombay ; the matter was thoroughly discussed by the brethren present , and it was eventually decided by the District Grand Lodge , that as the Diocesan
Board of Education have already taken steps to establish schools for European and Eurasian children in the Island of Bombay , and as tho Deputy District Grand Master , the District Grand Chaplain , and Bro . F . D . Kendall , wore members of that Board , it will be far more advisable to co-operate with it and assist it with funds , than to establish schools entirely under Masonic influence . The report of the Quarterly Communications of the United Grand Lodge of England was laid on the table . The Right
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
chapters to which he was attached , their "hearty good wishes . " Comp . Scribe E . acknowledged the kindness . A brother having been proposed for exaltation , and there being no further business , the chapter was closed with the usual solemnities , in perfect harmony , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
INDIA . MEERUT . —Lodge Holmesdale in the ' East ( No . 72 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting in the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 24 th May , Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , J . W ., and AV . M . of Lodge Sirius , in the chair . The first business of the lodge was to ballot for Bro . H . H . Avron , as a re-joining member . The ballot having proved clear , the brethren then proceeded to elect a W . M . for the remaining
portion of the year , vice Bro . II . Wickham , who has left the Presidency . The brethren then eligible for the chair were R . W . Bro . the Hon . Mr . Justice Gibbs , Prov . G . M . Bombay ; Bros , the Rev . J . J . Farnham , W . M . Lodge Sirius ; and H . H . Avron . A ballot was taken and Bro . II . H . Avron was unanimously elected W . M . We sincerely congratulate the brethren on their having placed so zealous and able a brother at their head .
Red Cross Knights.
ORIGINAL OU PREMIER CONCLAVE OF Eirex . v __ .-D . —A special assembly of this ancient conclave was held on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The conclave was opened in imperial form by Sir Knt . J . G . March , G . Architect , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . G . Powell , V . E . ; W . H . Hubbard , G . Treas ., R . W . Little , G . Recorder ; R . Gurney , I . General ; VV . Turner , J . Teery , H . J . W . Thompson , B . P . ToddT . WescombeW . Dodd & c . The following candidates
, , , were then duly admitted , received , constituted , and installed as knights of the Order , viz .: Bros . F . M . Williams , ilf . P . ; A . M . MacDougal , F . R . C . S . ; G . R . Green , architect . Sir Knt . Wescombe then proposed two brethren for installation at the next assembly , after which tho conclave was closed with solemn prayer . Sir Knt . Terry , in the unavoidable absence of Sir Knt . the Rev . J . M . Vaughan , acting as High Prelate . The Knight
Companions then adjourned to the refectory where a recherche banquet was provided , and a most agreeable evening was spent under the presidency of Sir Knt . Jlarsh , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being warmly received , and "The Healths of the Newly Installed Companions in Arms , " honoured in an equally flattering manner . Some interesting details relative to the working of the Red Cross degree in Lancashire and other parts of Englandabout the end of the last century wore
, communicated by Sir Knt . Little , and the companions present strongly expressed a desire to ascertain , if possible , whether any of the members of the old ' Red Cross Band , " formerly held at Manchester , wore now in a position to work tho degree , and assist the Grand Council in promoting the spread of this knightly fraternity .
Channel Islands.
MARK MASONRY . JERSEY . —Cesarean Lodge ( No . 74 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at the Masonic Temple , on Monday , July Oth . The lodge was opened at a quarter past seven p . m ., hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Smith , acting as S . W ., and Benham , J . W . Though there were six candidates for advancement , previously balloted for , not one of them made his appearance . The AV . M . gave the lecture on the degree to
Bros . Le Geyt and Pixley , which had been omitted when they were advanced . Bro . Benham , J . W ., was elected W . M . for the next year , and the Treasurer and Tyler were re-elected . The lodge was closed at half-past eight , and the brethren adjourned for the usual light refreshment .
BOJIBAY . MEETING OE DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . At a half-yearly communication holden at the house of Bro . II . B . Macculloch , Malabar-hill , Bombay , on Tuesday , the 1 st May , present : Bros . Taylor , D . G . JL ; the Hon . James Gibbs , D . D . G . JL ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , as D . S . G . W . ; Thomas Diver , D . J . G . W . ; C . E . Mitchell , as D . G . Treas . ; C . E . Mitchell , as
D . G . Reg . ; C . E . Mitchell , D . G . Sec ; A . C . Gumpert , as D . S . G . D . ; II . Avron , D . J . G . D . ; E . Parker , as D . G . Purst . ; II . H . Prescott , and P . D . Parker , D . G . Stewards ; W . G . King , D . G . Tyler ; and Bros . H . B . Jlacculloch , S . W . Ledge St . George , 549 ; F . R . Kendall , J . AA " . Lodge Truth , 944 ; E . Du Bois , J . W . Lodge Emulation , 1100 . Visitors : Bros . A . Swift , Lodge Star of India , 1062 ; C . E . Burden , Lodge Concord , 757 . The District Grand Lodge ivas opened in due form at
halfpast six o'clock , p . m . The summons convening the meeting was read . The minutes of proceedings of the last half-yearly communication were read and . confirmed . The Right Worshipful the District Grand Master said that ho had received a letter to this District Grand Lodge from the Most Worshipful Grand Master , thanking the District Grand Lodge for the expression of their sympathy under his late heavy
bereavement . Read a letter from the AVorshipful Mastei of Lodge Industry , Kotree , requesting permission to consecrate a new hall which had just been erected for the purpose of Jlasonry . The Secretary reported that permission was granted by the District Grand Master for the above on the 3 rd January last , and added , that intimation had been received by the District Grand JIaster that the consecration had taken place with all
ancient rites , and according to honourable custom . Read a letter from Bro . II . H . Avron , which accompanied a petition to the Most Worshipful Grand Master , praying for a Warrant of Constitution to establish a new lodge in Bombay , to be called Lodge Emulation . Read a letter from the Grand Lodge of England to this District Grand Lodge , dated 19 th March , 1866 , intimating that the Most Worshipful Grand JIaster had granted the prayer of
the petition for the establishment of a lodge in Bombay , to be called Lodge Emulation , No . 1100 . Read a letter from Bro . F . Laville , accompanied by a petition to the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , praying for a Warrant of Constitution to establish a new lodge at Nagpore , to be called Lodge Corinth . Read a letter from Bro . A . S . Lawson , resigning his appointment of District Grand Pursuivant in consequence of his
departure for Europe . The Secretary reported that permission had been granted to Bro . McCollum to give au entertainment under Blasonic patronage . The Secretary reported that the consecration of Lodge Emulation , No . 1100 , took place on the 27 th April last , when the W . Jlaster Bro . Avron was installed . Read a letter from the W . JI . Lodge UnionKurracheein
, , reply to one from the District Grand Secretary , on the subject of JIasonie Schools in Bombay , to the effect that the views of the brethren of the above-named lodge would be advised after they reassemble in the month of May . Read a letter from the W . M . of Lodge St . George , Bombay , dated 10 th April , in reference to the proposition to establish schools iu Bombay .
Read a letter from the W . JI . of Lodge Star of India , dated 21 st JIarch , 1866 , with reference to the same subject . The Worshipful Deputy District Grand Jlaster addressed the District Grand Lodge on the subject of the advisability of establishing JIasonie schools in Bombay ; the matter was thoroughly discussed by the brethren present , and it was eventually decided by the District Grand Lodge , that as the Diocesan
Board of Education have already taken steps to establish schools for European and Eurasian children in the Island of Bombay , and as tho Deputy District Grand Master , the District Grand Chaplain , and Bro . F . D . Kendall , wore members of that Board , it will be far more advisable to co-operate with it and assist it with funds , than to establish schools entirely under Masonic influence . The report of the Quarterly Communications of the United Grand Lodge of England was laid on the table . The Right