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Worshipful the District Grand Master reported for the information of the District Grand Lodge that the Grand Lodge had thought it desirable to increase the powers of Provincial Grand Lodges in the Colonies and foreign parts , and to provide for their continuance , notwithstanding the death , resignation , removal , or suspension of the Provincial Grand Master , also that Provincial Grand Masters in the Colonies and foreign parts are in future to be designated District Grand Masters , to
distinguish such officers from the Provincial Grand Masters . The question of establishing a Board of Benevolence , and rendering the distribution of grants in charity more regular and satisfactory , was then brought forward , and the following proposition was put to the District Grand Lodge by Bro . JQiver , seconded by Bro . Farnham , and carried unanimously . " That for reasons , it is desirable that the Benevolent funds of all lodges in Bombay be merged into one common fund , and
towards that end this District Grand Lodge invites the cooperation of the various lodges in Bombay , and requests each lodge to send two representatives on a given day to meet and consult with a committee of this District Grand Lodge on the subject , and that the committee of this District Grand Lodge consist of the R . W . the District Grand Master , the Deputy District Grand Jlaster , the District Grand Senior and Junior Wardensand Bro . Farnhamwith the District Grand Secretary
, , ex-officio . " The following proposition was then put to the District Grand Lodge and carried unanimously : — " That a committee be appointed , to consist of the Deputy District Graud Master , Bros . Diver and Farnham , with the District Grand Secretary , ex-officio , for the purpose of taking
into consideration and choosing a suitable device for a ' banner ' for this District Grand Lodge . " The Treasurer's accounts were produced and approved . It was resolved , " That Bros . Gumpert and Avron be appointed members of the Finance Committee for the ensuing year . " The District Grand Lodge then proceeded to elect a District Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year , when on the proposal of
Bro . the District Grand Secretary , seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , Bro . Henry Gamble was unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . The District Grand Master then appointed Bros . T . Diver , J . G . W ., to be D . S . G . W . ; and A . C . Gumpert , to be D . J . G . W ,, far the ensuing year , and installed them in their chairs . The District Grand Master then appointed the following officers for the ensuing and invested those present with
year , the insignia of office : — Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham D . G . Chaplain . „ H . Avron D . G . Registrar . „ C . E . Mitchell D . G . Secretary . j , C . Penson D . G . Senior Deacon . „ F . R . Kendall D . G . Junior Deacon . H . B . Macculloch D . G . Supt . of
AVorks-„ „ H . Preseott D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ R . Roberts Assist . D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ C . Clifton D . G . Organist . „ E . Parker D . G . Sword Bearer . „ A . Swift- D . G . Purst . ., F . D . Parker ^ „ S . Trenn
;; afe ::::::::::::::::: 1- »•<*• ™^ - „ R . Newton | „ E . W . Keilev J „ VV . G . King D . G . Tyler . And the business being concluded , the District Grand Lodge was closed in due form with ' solemn prayer at twenty-minutes
past eight o'clock , and adjourned . LODAE COKCOED ( No . 757 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th May , present : Bros . Rev . J . J . Farnham , as W . M- ; A . King , P . M . ; E . Parker , S . W ., in charge ; S . Trenn , as J . W . ; J . Thomas , Treas . ; H . Preseott , Sec . ; II . Freeman , S . D . ; H . E . Gabler , as J . D . ; J . Powell , I . G . ; VV . G . SeagerTlerH . H . AvronT . FordJ . SmaleABaillieA
, y ; , , , . , . Moorehouse , VV . T , Lewis , R . Dryhurst , J . Fallas , J . Hughes , J . Weddle , G- W . Jackson , II . B . Salisbury , J . Harker , J . Greave , tR . VV . Burton , W . C . Barnes , J . Rotchell , W . Whitaker , F . Heselton , G . Marley , J . Fleming , J . Jones . J . Lockley , W . H . Goode , E . W . Flower , C . White , J . Forbes , H . Whitrowe , and others . Visitors : Bros . Campbell , Bailev , Lake , Colliver .
The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular meeting ivere read and confirmed . The notice convening the meeting was read . The ballot was taken for Bro . J . Miller as a joining member , aud the result was announced clear . Jlessrs . Cox and Axford being in attendance , were introduced properly prepared and duly initiated into the secrets of our
order in due and ancient form . The charge ' to the newly initiated brethren was given by Bro . E . Parker , the Senior Warden in charge . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham said as he had a deal of work on the following day ( Sunday ) he would ask Bro . A . King , P . M ., to work the lodge . Bro . King then took the Hiram , and said : Brethren , before I commence with the work , permit me to thank you one and all for the great kindness yon have shown towards
me . I cannot say what I have done to merit such kindness from you ; at your last meeting you were pleased to elect me an Honorary Member of this lodge , I can only say that all I can do in my poiver for the good of Lodge Concord , I shall do so with the greatest pleasure ; I shall always remember with thankfulness the kindness von have one and all shown me .
Bro . Moorehouse was then examined as to his proficiency as an E . A ., and having passed the required examination , was passed out for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Moorehouse was re-introduced and passed to the second or F . C . Degree . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree . Bro . H . Preseott then rose and said : Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —Before I read any official letters , permit to make a
proposition . It is a proposition regarding a worthy and distinguished brother of our lodge , one who has worked with ardour and zeal from the date of his joining the lodge ; he has not only worked here , but his works are patent to one and all in and out of lodge ; he has worked for the good of Masonry , and this no one can or will deny ; I allude to Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham . He has worked hard for Lodge Concord . When he was the Senior Wardenhe had to rule and govern the lodgethe W . M .
, , ( Bro . Sandford ) having left India ; the lodge was then in great difficulties , but through the exertions of the brother I have named , I am glad to say a good many obstacles were removed ; the following year the brethren elected Bro . Farnham as the W . M . of the lodge . He was never absent from his post . I therefore propose that Bro . Farnham be elected as Honorary Member of Lodge Coucord . This is but a slight token of our
esteem . The proposition having been seconded by Bro . E . Parker , was unanimously carried . Bro . A . King said that the proposition which was just carried , he intended making , but he saw he was forestalled by the Secretary of the lodge ; however , he fully endorsed all what he heard , and he personally knew Bro . Farnham and can say he has indeed worked well for this and other lodges . Bro . Farnham then rose and said : I am really thankful for
the proposition which I have just heard ; I have endeavoured to do my duty and shall still do all I can for the Craft , more especially for this lodge , to the brethren of which I owe much for the honour they once did me in electing me their Worshipful JIaster , and now they wish to confer a second honour on me . I again beg to tender you all my sincere thanks . The Secretary then read a letter he had received from Bro . Hoff ; in reply to the letter of condolence sent from this lodge
on the death of that distinguished brother's father , which was recorded . The Secretary then read a communication from the District Grand Lodge , inviting two brethren from this lodge to establish a Benevolent Fund for this district . Bro . Farnham proposed and Bro . Preseott seconded , that . Bros . A . King and E . Parker should represent this lodge . The proposition was carried .
Bro . Farnham then stated that as the District Grand Lodge was of opinion that Masons should co-operate with the Diocesan Board of Education , and as that Board was about to start a school at Byculla , he would propose that the Secretary of this lodge should write to the Secretary of the Diocesan Board , stating that the members of Lodge Concord are willing to let him have the lower rooms for a day school ( on certain stipulations ) so long as the lodge was in possession of the rooms . The
proposition having been duly seconded was carried . Bro . Preseott then asked for the sympathy of the lodge for two widows who were already receiving allowances from the Charity Funds , but as the fixed time for the allowance had expired , Bro . Preseott proposed and Bro . Thomas seconded , that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Worshipful the District Grand Master reported for the information of the District Grand Lodge that the Grand Lodge had thought it desirable to increase the powers of Provincial Grand Lodges in the Colonies and foreign parts , and to provide for their continuance , notwithstanding the death , resignation , removal , or suspension of the Provincial Grand Master , also that Provincial Grand Masters in the Colonies and foreign parts are in future to be designated District Grand Masters , to
distinguish such officers from the Provincial Grand Masters . The question of establishing a Board of Benevolence , and rendering the distribution of grants in charity more regular and satisfactory , was then brought forward , and the following proposition was put to the District Grand Lodge by Bro . JQiver , seconded by Bro . Farnham , and carried unanimously . " That for reasons , it is desirable that the Benevolent funds of all lodges in Bombay be merged into one common fund , and
towards that end this District Grand Lodge invites the cooperation of the various lodges in Bombay , and requests each lodge to send two representatives on a given day to meet and consult with a committee of this District Grand Lodge on the subject , and that the committee of this District Grand Lodge consist of the R . W . the District Grand Master , the Deputy District Grand Jlaster , the District Grand Senior and Junior Wardensand Bro . Farnhamwith the District Grand Secretary
, , ex-officio . " The following proposition was then put to the District Grand Lodge and carried unanimously : — " That a committee be appointed , to consist of the Deputy District Graud Master , Bros . Diver and Farnham , with the District Grand Secretary , ex-officio , for the purpose of taking
into consideration and choosing a suitable device for a ' banner ' for this District Grand Lodge . " The Treasurer's accounts were produced and approved . It was resolved , " That Bros . Gumpert and Avron be appointed members of the Finance Committee for the ensuing year . " The District Grand Lodge then proceeded to elect a District Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year , when on the proposal of
Bro . the District Grand Secretary , seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , Bro . Henry Gamble was unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . The District Grand Master then appointed Bros . T . Diver , J . G . W ., to be D . S . G . W . ; and A . C . Gumpert , to be D . J . G . W ,, far the ensuing year , and installed them in their chairs . The District Grand Master then appointed the following officers for the ensuing and invested those present with
year , the insignia of office : — Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham D . G . Chaplain . „ H . Avron D . G . Registrar . „ C . E . Mitchell D . G . Secretary . j , C . Penson D . G . Senior Deacon . „ F . R . Kendall D . G . Junior Deacon . H . B . Macculloch D . G . Supt . of
AVorks-„ „ H . Preseott D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ R . Roberts Assist . D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ C . Clifton D . G . Organist . „ E . Parker D . G . Sword Bearer . „ A . Swift- D . G . Purst . ., F . D . Parker ^ „ S . Trenn
;; afe ::::::::::::::::: 1- »•<*• ™^ - „ R . Newton | „ E . W . Keilev J „ VV . G . King D . G . Tyler . And the business being concluded , the District Grand Lodge was closed in due form with ' solemn prayer at twenty-minutes
past eight o'clock , and adjourned . LODAE COKCOED ( No . 757 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th May , present : Bros . Rev . J . J . Farnham , as W . M- ; A . King , P . M . ; E . Parker , S . W ., in charge ; S . Trenn , as J . W . ; J . Thomas , Treas . ; H . Preseott , Sec . ; II . Freeman , S . D . ; H . E . Gabler , as J . D . ; J . Powell , I . G . ; VV . G . SeagerTlerH . H . AvronT . FordJ . SmaleABaillieA
, y ; , , , . , . Moorehouse , VV . T , Lewis , R . Dryhurst , J . Fallas , J . Hughes , J . Weddle , G- W . Jackson , II . B . Salisbury , J . Harker , J . Greave , tR . VV . Burton , W . C . Barnes , J . Rotchell , W . Whitaker , F . Heselton , G . Marley , J . Fleming , J . Jones . J . Lockley , W . H . Goode , E . W . Flower , C . White , J . Forbes , H . Whitrowe , and others . Visitors : Bros . Campbell , Bailev , Lake , Colliver .
The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular meeting ivere read and confirmed . The notice convening the meeting was read . The ballot was taken for Bro . J . Miller as a joining member , aud the result was announced clear . Jlessrs . Cox and Axford being in attendance , were introduced properly prepared and duly initiated into the secrets of our
order in due and ancient form . The charge ' to the newly initiated brethren was given by Bro . E . Parker , the Senior Warden in charge . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham said as he had a deal of work on the following day ( Sunday ) he would ask Bro . A . King , P . M ., to work the lodge . Bro . King then took the Hiram , and said : Brethren , before I commence with the work , permit me to thank you one and all for the great kindness yon have shown towards
me . I cannot say what I have done to merit such kindness from you ; at your last meeting you were pleased to elect me an Honorary Member of this lodge , I can only say that all I can do in my poiver for the good of Lodge Concord , I shall do so with the greatest pleasure ; I shall always remember with thankfulness the kindness von have one and all shown me .
Bro . Moorehouse was then examined as to his proficiency as an E . A ., and having passed the required examination , was passed out for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Moorehouse was re-introduced and passed to the second or F . C . Degree . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree . Bro . H . Preseott then rose and said : Worshipful Sir and Brethren , —Before I read any official letters , permit to make a
proposition . It is a proposition regarding a worthy and distinguished brother of our lodge , one who has worked with ardour and zeal from the date of his joining the lodge ; he has not only worked here , but his works are patent to one and all in and out of lodge ; he has worked for the good of Masonry , and this no one can or will deny ; I allude to Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham . He has worked hard for Lodge Concord . When he was the Senior Wardenhe had to rule and govern the lodgethe W . M .
, , ( Bro . Sandford ) having left India ; the lodge was then in great difficulties , but through the exertions of the brother I have named , I am glad to say a good many obstacles were removed ; the following year the brethren elected Bro . Farnham as the W . M . of the lodge . He was never absent from his post . I therefore propose that Bro . Farnham be elected as Honorary Member of Lodge Coucord . This is but a slight token of our
esteem . The proposition having been seconded by Bro . E . Parker , was unanimously carried . Bro . A . King said that the proposition which was just carried , he intended making , but he saw he was forestalled by the Secretary of the lodge ; however , he fully endorsed all what he heard , and he personally knew Bro . Farnham and can say he has indeed worked well for this and other lodges . Bro . Farnham then rose and said : I am really thankful for
the proposition which I have just heard ; I have endeavoured to do my duty and shall still do all I can for the Craft , more especially for this lodge , to the brethren of which I owe much for the honour they once did me in electing me their Worshipful JIaster , and now they wish to confer a second honour on me . I again beg to tender you all my sincere thanks . The Secretary then read a letter he had received from Bro . Hoff ; in reply to the letter of condolence sent from this lodge
on the death of that distinguished brother's father , which was recorded . The Secretary then read a communication from the District Grand Lodge , inviting two brethren from this lodge to establish a Benevolent Fund for this district . Bro . Farnham proposed and Bro . Preseott seconded , that . Bros . A . King and E . Parker should represent this lodge . The proposition was carried .
Bro . Farnham then stated that as the District Grand Lodge was of opinion that Masons should co-operate with the Diocesan Board of Education , and as that Board was about to start a school at Byculla , he would propose that the Secretary of this lodge should write to the Secretary of the Diocesan Board , stating that the members of Lodge Concord are willing to let him have the lower rooms for a day school ( on certain stipulations ) so long as the lodge was in possession of the rooms . The
proposition having been duly seconded was carried . Bro . Preseott then asked for the sympathy of the lodge for two widows who were already receiving allowances from the Charity Funds , but as the fixed time for the allowance had expired , Bro . Preseott proposed and Bro . Thomas seconded , that