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one to whom the widow and daughter of our late Bro . Atkinson , and the brethren of the Margate and Ramsgate Lodges , stand so deeply indebted . "And believe me , my dear Sir , truly and fraternally yours , "T . H . GEOVE SNOWDEN , "P . M . Royal Navy Loclge ( No . 429 , late 621 ) , P . Prov . G . Reg . Kent . "Edward H . Patten , Esq ., 16 A , Great Queen-street . "
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTEE . —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —The above chapter met at the Masonic Lodge Rooms , Cross-street , on AA ednesday , the 18 th inst . Present—Comps . R . H . Edge , M . E . Z . ; Charles Affleck , H . ; G . C . Thorpe , J . ; and about twenty other companions and visitors . The ballot was taken for Bros . Ignaz SchlesingerYarboronghNo . 633 Peter Pattersonand [ Daniel
, , ; , Percival , Clieethara and Crumpsall , No . 615 ; and Thomas Rawson , Caledonia , No . 204 , candidates for exaltation ; also Joseph L . Hine ( Prov . G . Treas . East Lancashire ) as a joining member , and was unanimous in their favour . Bros . John Hart , W . M ., Imperial George ( No . 78 ) , and Daniel Percival , Cheetham and Crumpsall , No . 645 ; were exalted . Comp . Charles Affleck was elected M . E . Z ; George Carter Thorpe , H . ; ancl J . H . M . Good ,
J . ; for the ensuing year . Bros . AA . H . AVilliams , No . 204 ; Austin Sheiland , S . W . No . 317 ; and Edwin Heaps , No . 204 , were proposed for exaltation . The chapter closed in peace ancl harmony at nine o ' clock .
LIMERICK . A few evenings since a very pleasing meeting of the members of the Eden Lodge , No . 73 , Limerick , was held at their rooms , Cecil-street . The Limerick Southern Chronicle furnishes the subjoined particulars : — Bros . Thomas Glover , AV . M . ; John Biggs , S . AV . ; Arthur Langley , J . AV . ; J . W . Pcattie , P . M ., S . D . ; AV . H . M'Quaide , P . M ., J . D . ; William Peacock , P . M ., Treas . ; John Deering ,
P . M ., Sec . ; Henry Stirling , P . M ., I . G ., were present . Other brethren present—Bros . Pragnell , Bassett , and Tronsdell , P . M . ' s ; also Bros . Vaneesbeek , Fitzgerald , Bennett , Harris , Smith , Bouehier , Adams , Moore , M'Dowel , and Giles . Visitors — Boyse , No . 50 , Dublin ; Petty , No . 60 , Ennis ; Hill , No . 321 , Parsonstown ; Brabazon , No . 311 , Scotland . The following brethren were then elected to fill the offices for the next six months : —Bros . BiggsAV . M . ; LangleyS . AA . ;
, , Horrell , J . AV . ; Moore , S . D . ; Manning , J . D . j Deering , P . M ., re-elected Sec . ; Peacock , P . M ., Treas . ; T . Glover , I . G . The following address , exquisitely designed and executed in the most elaborate and tasteful manner ( by Bro . M'Quaide , P . M ., of Guy and Co ., George-street ) , was then read by the secretary , which was agreed to in full lodge , to be framed and presented
to the Right AAorshipful and illustrious recipient by the next brother going to Dublin : — "To the Right Worshipful Michael Furncll , P . Prov . G . M ., North Munster , aud Sovereign Grand Inspector-General , 33 ° - — AVe , the brethren of Lodge 73 , cannot allow the occasion of your retirement from office to pass without giving expression to those feelings of regret which we individually experience on your resignation of the distinguished position which yon held for
twenty years as Prov . G . M . of North Minister . Most cordially and fraternally do we sympathise with you that your declining years and bodily infirmity should be the sad cause which deprives us of your paternal guidance . Zealous ancl efficient in the discharge of those arduous labours that devolved upon you , and uniting therein the affability and deportment of a gentleman with the wisdom of experience and the fraternal affection of the brotherhoodyou have become veteran in the hallowed
associa-, tions of Masonry , and won from the lodges of North Munster a feeling of personal esteem which no vicissitudes of life can sever . We can fondly revert to the memory of the past , where your benign influence shed a halo of delight over our social enjoyments ; ancl we trust that the light of the Grand Architect of the universe , which you were wont to unfold , may be your solace
down to the declining vale of years . Accept our most cordial expressions of esteem ; and although officially separated , we trust you will still cherish those sentiments of devoted attachment which you displayed when presiding over our councils , and continue to join in spirit with those lodges to which you were so long and affectionately united . " After the lodge was duly closed , the brethren retired for refreshment , when the healths of the excellent Prov . G . M ., Bro . Henry AVestropp , ancl of the illustrious ex-Frov . G . M ., Bro . Michael Furnell , were proposed , and received with all clue honours .
CEYLON . ( From the Overland Times . ) SPHINX LODGE ( NO . 107 ) . —PBESENTATION or ADDRESS . On AA ednesday evening , September 23 rd , the brethren of the Sphinx Lodge held r . Special Meeting for the purpose of presenting their parent lodge —( No . 58 ) the Queen's Own , —whose members had been invited to attend , —with an address on their
departure for New Zealand . The success which attended the hail , the banquet , and the cricket match , was also visible on this occasion . Over sixty members , with those of the Queen's Own , attended , the latter including Bros . Colonels AA addy and Hainley , Dr . Fraser , King , Leach , Eden , Goldsmith , and AA orthington , besides a few visiting brethren . After two ceremonies of initiation and other general business had been disposed of
, Bro . Colonel MAYDWELL rose to ask the brethren of Lodge 58 , to accept the address which had been voted them by their brethren of Lodge 107 , whose sentiments of fraternal regard and best wishes for their prosperity were expressed on the parchment inclosed in the silver mounted ebony casket he then presented to Bro . Colonel AA addy .
" The Sphinx Lodge ( No . 107 ) , Colombo , Ceylon . "At a meeting of this lodge , held on tbe 29 th August , 1863 , it was resolved , on the motion of Bro . Henry Law Maydwell , P . M ., AVorshipful Master , seconded by Bro . Barton Grindrod , Senior AA arden : —• " * That this lodge cannot allow the Queen's Own Loclge ( No . 58 ) to leave the island without a pledge of their regard and esteem . The brethren of the Sphinx Loclge ( No . 107 ) therefore
desire to record their deep sense of gratitude for the valuable assistance afforded by Bro . AA addy , P . M ., on the occasion of the constitution of this lodge , and their appreciation of the fraternal feeling which has invariably been exhibited by Bro . Davis , AA orshipful Master , and the brethren generally of Loclge No . 58 . In wishing their brethren farewell , the members of the Sphinx Lodge humbly pray for their prosperity , ancl that the Queen's Own Lodge may ever enjoy the special blessing of tho G . A . O . T . U . ( Signed ) "' il . L . MAYDWELL , Worshipful Master . "' J . MAITLAND , Secretary . '"
They were about ( added the AA . M . ) to quit these quiet , peaceful shores , where they had dwelt for six years , for a land where all was conflict and confusion . It was possible , nay probable , that some of their number might not escape from an attendant calamity of war ; but he ( the AA . M . ) trusted that whatever , under Providence , might befall them , they would have the blessing of the Almighty ( the G . A . O . T . U . ) , and he was only communicating the individual feeling of every one of the brethren of his lod
ge in heartily wishing that every prosperity and good luck might attend their future , whatever it might he . Bro . Colonel AA ADDY , while regretting the absence of the AV . M . of their Lodge No . 58 from some cause or another , said he accepted with great pleasure the addresses which conveyed such kind-hearted wishes . It was more pleasing to merit the compliment of theirs being the parent lodge of No .
107 from the splendid position which that lodge had achieved . She was indeed a worthy daughter , and they had good cause to be proud of her , and they would carry with them to that country , to which it was the pleasure of their Queen to order them ,-those fraternal feelings with appreciation and gratitude . The lodge being closed , tbe brethren adjourned to the supper room , where there was a cold collation forbetween 60 and 70 . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " the Brethren of 58 Lodge " were pledged and " The 50 th Regiment "—which toast Colonel AVaddy acknowledged with happy effect .
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one to whom the widow and daughter of our late Bro . Atkinson , and the brethren of the Margate and Ramsgate Lodges , stand so deeply indebted . "And believe me , my dear Sir , truly and fraternally yours , "T . H . GEOVE SNOWDEN , "P . M . Royal Navy Loclge ( No . 429 , late 621 ) , P . Prov . G . Reg . Kent . "Edward H . Patten , Esq ., 16 A , Great Queen-street . "
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTEE . —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —The above chapter met at the Masonic Lodge Rooms , Cross-street , on AA ednesday , the 18 th inst . Present—Comps . R . H . Edge , M . E . Z . ; Charles Affleck , H . ; G . C . Thorpe , J . ; and about twenty other companions and visitors . The ballot was taken for Bros . Ignaz SchlesingerYarboronghNo . 633 Peter Pattersonand [ Daniel
, , ; , Percival , Clieethara and Crumpsall , No . 615 ; and Thomas Rawson , Caledonia , No . 204 , candidates for exaltation ; also Joseph L . Hine ( Prov . G . Treas . East Lancashire ) as a joining member , and was unanimous in their favour . Bros . John Hart , W . M ., Imperial George ( No . 78 ) , and Daniel Percival , Cheetham and Crumpsall , No . 645 ; were exalted . Comp . Charles Affleck was elected M . E . Z ; George Carter Thorpe , H . ; ancl J . H . M . Good ,
J . ; for the ensuing year . Bros . AA . H . AVilliams , No . 204 ; Austin Sheiland , S . W . No . 317 ; and Edwin Heaps , No . 204 , were proposed for exaltation . The chapter closed in peace ancl harmony at nine o ' clock .
LIMERICK . A few evenings since a very pleasing meeting of the members of the Eden Lodge , No . 73 , Limerick , was held at their rooms , Cecil-street . The Limerick Southern Chronicle furnishes the subjoined particulars : — Bros . Thomas Glover , AV . M . ; John Biggs , S . AV . ; Arthur Langley , J . AV . ; J . W . Pcattie , P . M ., S . D . ; AV . H . M'Quaide , P . M ., J . D . ; William Peacock , P . M ., Treas . ; John Deering ,
P . M ., Sec . ; Henry Stirling , P . M ., I . G ., were present . Other brethren present—Bros . Pragnell , Bassett , and Tronsdell , P . M . ' s ; also Bros . Vaneesbeek , Fitzgerald , Bennett , Harris , Smith , Bouehier , Adams , Moore , M'Dowel , and Giles . Visitors — Boyse , No . 50 , Dublin ; Petty , No . 60 , Ennis ; Hill , No . 321 , Parsonstown ; Brabazon , No . 311 , Scotland . The following brethren were then elected to fill the offices for the next six months : —Bros . BiggsAV . M . ; LangleyS . AA . ;
, , Horrell , J . AV . ; Moore , S . D . ; Manning , J . D . j Deering , P . M ., re-elected Sec . ; Peacock , P . M ., Treas . ; T . Glover , I . G . The following address , exquisitely designed and executed in the most elaborate and tasteful manner ( by Bro . M'Quaide , P . M ., of Guy and Co ., George-street ) , was then read by the secretary , which was agreed to in full lodge , to be framed and presented
to the Right AAorshipful and illustrious recipient by the next brother going to Dublin : — "To the Right Worshipful Michael Furncll , P . Prov . G . M ., North Munster , aud Sovereign Grand Inspector-General , 33 ° - — AVe , the brethren of Lodge 73 , cannot allow the occasion of your retirement from office to pass without giving expression to those feelings of regret which we individually experience on your resignation of the distinguished position which yon held for
twenty years as Prov . G . M . of North Minister . Most cordially and fraternally do we sympathise with you that your declining years and bodily infirmity should be the sad cause which deprives us of your paternal guidance . Zealous ancl efficient in the discharge of those arduous labours that devolved upon you , and uniting therein the affability and deportment of a gentleman with the wisdom of experience and the fraternal affection of the brotherhoodyou have become veteran in the hallowed
associa-, tions of Masonry , and won from the lodges of North Munster a feeling of personal esteem which no vicissitudes of life can sever . We can fondly revert to the memory of the past , where your benign influence shed a halo of delight over our social enjoyments ; ancl we trust that the light of the Grand Architect of the universe , which you were wont to unfold , may be your solace
down to the declining vale of years . Accept our most cordial expressions of esteem ; and although officially separated , we trust you will still cherish those sentiments of devoted attachment which you displayed when presiding over our councils , and continue to join in spirit with those lodges to which you were so long and affectionately united . " After the lodge was duly closed , the brethren retired for refreshment , when the healths of the excellent Prov . G . M ., Bro . Henry AVestropp , ancl of the illustrious ex-Frov . G . M ., Bro . Michael Furnell , were proposed , and received with all clue honours .
CEYLON . ( From the Overland Times . ) SPHINX LODGE ( NO . 107 ) . —PBESENTATION or ADDRESS . On AA ednesday evening , September 23 rd , the brethren of the Sphinx Lodge held r . Special Meeting for the purpose of presenting their parent lodge —( No . 58 ) the Queen's Own , —whose members had been invited to attend , —with an address on their
departure for New Zealand . The success which attended the hail , the banquet , and the cricket match , was also visible on this occasion . Over sixty members , with those of the Queen's Own , attended , the latter including Bros . Colonels AA addy and Hainley , Dr . Fraser , King , Leach , Eden , Goldsmith , and AA orthington , besides a few visiting brethren . After two ceremonies of initiation and other general business had been disposed of
, Bro . Colonel MAYDWELL rose to ask the brethren of Lodge 58 , to accept the address which had been voted them by their brethren of Lodge 107 , whose sentiments of fraternal regard and best wishes for their prosperity were expressed on the parchment inclosed in the silver mounted ebony casket he then presented to Bro . Colonel AA addy .
" The Sphinx Lodge ( No . 107 ) , Colombo , Ceylon . "At a meeting of this lodge , held on tbe 29 th August , 1863 , it was resolved , on the motion of Bro . Henry Law Maydwell , P . M ., AVorshipful Master , seconded by Bro . Barton Grindrod , Senior AA arden : —• " * That this lodge cannot allow the Queen's Own Loclge ( No . 58 ) to leave the island without a pledge of their regard and esteem . The brethren of the Sphinx Loclge ( No . 107 ) therefore
desire to record their deep sense of gratitude for the valuable assistance afforded by Bro . AA addy , P . M ., on the occasion of the constitution of this lodge , and their appreciation of the fraternal feeling which has invariably been exhibited by Bro . Davis , AA orshipful Master , and the brethren generally of Loclge No . 58 . In wishing their brethren farewell , the members of the Sphinx Lodge humbly pray for their prosperity , ancl that the Queen's Own Lodge may ever enjoy the special blessing of tho G . A . O . T . U . ( Signed ) "' il . L . MAYDWELL , Worshipful Master . "' J . MAITLAND , Secretary . '"
They were about ( added the AA . M . ) to quit these quiet , peaceful shores , where they had dwelt for six years , for a land where all was conflict and confusion . It was possible , nay probable , that some of their number might not escape from an attendant calamity of war ; but he ( the AA . M . ) trusted that whatever , under Providence , might befall them , they would have the blessing of the Almighty ( the G . A . O . T . U . ) , and he was only communicating the individual feeling of every one of the brethren of his lod
ge in heartily wishing that every prosperity and good luck might attend their future , whatever it might he . Bro . Colonel AA ADDY , while regretting the absence of the AV . M . of their Lodge No . 58 from some cause or another , said he accepted with great pleasure the addresses which conveyed such kind-hearted wishes . It was more pleasing to merit the compliment of theirs being the parent lodge of No .
107 from the splendid position which that lodge had achieved . She was indeed a worthy daughter , and they had good cause to be proud of her , and they would carry with them to that country , to which it was the pleasure of their Queen to order them ,-those fraternal feelings with appreciation and gratitude . The lodge being closed , tbe brethren adjourned to the supper room , where there was a cold collation forbetween 60 and 70 . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " the Brethren of 58 Lodge " were pledged and " The 50 th Regiment "—which toast Colonel AVaddy acknowledged with happy effect .