Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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the chair , and in a faultless and most impressive manner performed the ceremony of installing Bro . Davis into the chair of W . M , The officers for the ensuing year are as follows : —Bro . T . J . Nix , I . P . M . ; J . Weaver , S . W . ; S . S . Davis , J . W . 5 J . G . Thompson , P . M . ( for the eighth time ) , Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . M . ( for the third time ) , Sec : J . Salsbury , S . D . ; J . D . left open U . Brett , P . M ., W . S . ; Rev . J . W-Laughlin , Chap , and
Treas . of Benevolent Fund ; W . . 1 . H . Jones , I . G . A highly successful meeting was followed by a recherche banquet , and the utmost goodwill and harmony prevailed amongst the brethren until the evening ' s proceedings terminated by the Tyler's toast . Bro . J . Weaver with his usual urbanity agreeably diversified the enjoyment of the brethren by his masterly performance on the pianoforte .
VILLIEES LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 194 ) . —At the emergency meeting of this young and prosperous lodge which was held on Saturday , November 14 th inst ., at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth , Middlesex , Bro . Sidney Edward Clarke W . M . presided . Ballots for the four candidates were unanimous in favour of their admission . Messrs . E . H . Dalby , . 1 . A . Welch and R . J . Davies being in attendance , were in an able and proficient mannerseparately initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bro .
, Keane being a candidates for passing was interrogated , trusted and withdrew . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . B . Clark I . P . M ., then took the chair . Bro . Keane was introduced and passed to the fellow Grafts' degree , that ceremony being admirably rendered . Bro . S . E . Clarke , W . M ., resumed his chair . The lodge was closed in the second degree . An animated discussion took lace about the future arrangements
p for the banquets , & c , and it was agreed to leave the matter in the hands of a committee to be composed of the officers of the lodge . The lodge was duly closed . A good supper followed . The usual loyal toasts were givon and received . Brethren retired at an early hour .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Boyal Union Lodge , ( No . 536 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Uxbridge , on Monday the 16 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . Glaisher presided , supported by his officers and a large , muster of brethren and visitors . Lodge being opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Messrs . R . Smith , H- James , J . Woodward .
J . F . Glenie , being balloted for were duly elected , and were impressively initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The ceremony was perfectly performed by the W . M . Bros . Davis , French , Surville and Lucas were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge being lowered to the first degree , it was finally closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and after spending an hour or two in social intercourse , separated at an early hour .
CORNWALL . TEHEO . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —A preliminary meeting of the province of Cornwall was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at two p . m ., when a goodly number of the brethren assembled to transact the business of the province . The R . W . Bro . Augustns Smith , Prov . G . M ., presided , and we noticed Bros . Lord EliotD . Prov . G . M . ; Thomas SolomonP . Prov .
, , S . G . M . ; Frederick M . Williams , M . P ., Prov G . Sec , P . M ., 331 , & c , and other well known faces among those who -were present . It has been the custom of the Prov . G . M . to call these preliminary Prov . G . Lodgos for some time past , so as to lighten the labours of the regular annual gatherings in June , and the members of the province have duly appreciated the thoughtful consideration of their esteemed leader . There were
various matters arranged and decided on affecting the general good of the lodges in the province , and the sum of £ 5 each to two deserving objects of charity were readily voted , likewise a grant of twenty pounds towards the Zetland Commemoration Fund . It was also suggested by the Prov . G . M ., and approved of by the Prov . Q . Lodge , that while it is desirable to conform to the wishes of the noble earl , the G . M ., respecting the fund now being raised , as to its being devoted to the furtherance of the great Masonic charities , the members of this province still consider that some portion should be reserved for the purchase
of a suitable token of the appreciation by the Craft in England of the successful rule of the Earl of Zetland . The Prov . G . M . explained that he thought it might be a portrait or bust , which would then be a heir-loom in the family , and be preserved as a lasting memorial of the regard of the Craft universal for one who had done so much for Masonry . Although this was the first time such a subject was mooted in a Prov . G , Lodge , the brethren responded to the suggestion very eagerly . We understand that the next Prov . G . Lodge will be held at Penzance .
TETTEO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at 7-30 p . m . ; Bro . William James Hughan , W . M ., in the chair . The W , M . and members were honoured with several visitors and W . M . 's of other lodges , as the Fortitude Lodge is well known throughout Cornwall for its working capabilities , and few Masons are better liked than its W . M . The Prov . G . M . Bro- Augustus Smithwho is a memberattendedand was
, , , most enthusiastically received by the brethren . The distinguished brother stayed while the W . M . passed an E-A . to the degree of Fellow Craft , and then on retiring thanked the lodge for their kind wishes , and complimented the W . M . and officers on the excellence of their work , after which the lodge was closed down , and three gentlemen were duly initiated in a most imposing manner , with full musical accompaniments , according
to Bro . Dr . Hopldn ' s arrangements , which have been adopted by the organist . Three gentlemen were proposed as candidates for membership and initiation at next lodge , and a snra of two guineas was voted towards the Zetland Commemoration Fund . The W . M . and Treas . were respectively proposed for the ensuing year . We should not forget to mention that Bro . Hughan , the W . M ., presented each candidate with a copy of the " Book of Constitutions , " and intimated that while he was the Master , he had determined to present every newly-initiate with so useful a souvenir of his rule .
ESSEX . COLOHESTEE . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , on Wednesday , the 11 th inst . Present—Bros . Newman , W . M ., in the chair ; Rix , S . W . ; Bigley , J . W . ; Eustace , S . D . ; Donnelly , J . D . ; Calthorpe , I . G . ; G . H . Ray , Sec . ; Jenkinson , CrickMolyneuxCreagbReesBuckwellRichardson .
, , , , , Visitors—Bros . Smith , 51 ; Everett , 433 ; Becker , P . M ., 51 j Fletcher , 948 ; Bosworth , W . M ., 347 ; Goshawk , 297 ; J . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , Essex ; Black , 56 ; Smith , P . M . 325 , ; Clement , 199 . The lodge was opened in due form in the 1 st degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . A report from the the board of general purposes was read , stating
that Bros . A . A . Watts , 433 , Lodge of Hope , and I . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 , R . G . I ., were eligible to become joining members of the United Lodge , 697 ; a communication was read from the brethren of the lodge Cutbberga , No . 622 , requesting a small contribution iu aid of the purchase of freehold property to enable them to build a lodge of their own , the lodge now used by them being at an hotel . The brethren of the United Lodge felt sorry that they could not accede to the request of the
brethren of St . Cutbberga , as there had already been so many calls upon their funds , and also being similarly situated . A ballot was taken for Bros . Watts aud Smith , which proved unanimous in each case . Bros . Buckwell and Richards were examined by the W . M . in the questions appertaining to the 1 st degree , which were satisfactorily answered ; they then retired , preparatory to their passing to the Fellow Craft degree . The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bros . Buckwell
and Richardson were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The questions appertaining to the 2 nd degree were put round for the information of Bros . Buckwell and Richardson . Bro . Carr , Prov . G . Sec-, Essex , being present at the express invitation of the W . M ., briefly pointed out the necessity of having lodges of instruction , and expiessed himself highly satisfied with the working of the lodge , and complimented the W . M . for his proficiencyconsidering the short time he had been a member
, of the lodge . Bro . Newman , W . M ., briefly responded and thanked Bro . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , for the few hints so kindly given . Proposed by Bro . Ray , seconded by Bro . Rix , that Bro . H . Everett , 433 , Lodge of Hope , be permitted to become a joining member . Proposed by Bro . Calthorpe , seconded by Bro . Donnelly , that Bro . Black , Old Store Lodge , Antrim ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the chair , and in a faultless and most impressive manner performed the ceremony of installing Bro . Davis into the chair of W . M , The officers for the ensuing year are as follows : —Bro . T . J . Nix , I . P . M . ; J . Weaver , S . W . ; S . S . Davis , J . W . 5 J . G . Thompson , P . M . ( for the eighth time ) , Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . M . ( for the third time ) , Sec : J . Salsbury , S . D . ; J . D . left open U . Brett , P . M ., W . S . ; Rev . J . W-Laughlin , Chap , and
Treas . of Benevolent Fund ; W . . 1 . H . Jones , I . G . A highly successful meeting was followed by a recherche banquet , and the utmost goodwill and harmony prevailed amongst the brethren until the evening ' s proceedings terminated by the Tyler's toast . Bro . J . Weaver with his usual urbanity agreeably diversified the enjoyment of the brethren by his masterly performance on the pianoforte .
VILLIEES LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 194 ) . —At the emergency meeting of this young and prosperous lodge which was held on Saturday , November 14 th inst ., at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth , Middlesex , Bro . Sidney Edward Clarke W . M . presided . Ballots for the four candidates were unanimous in favour of their admission . Messrs . E . H . Dalby , . 1 . A . Welch and R . J . Davies being in attendance , were in an able and proficient mannerseparately initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bro .
, Keane being a candidates for passing was interrogated , trusted and withdrew . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . B . Clark I . P . M ., then took the chair . Bro . Keane was introduced and passed to the fellow Grafts' degree , that ceremony being admirably rendered . Bro . S . E . Clarke , W . M ., resumed his chair . The lodge was closed in the second degree . An animated discussion took lace about the future arrangements
p for the banquets , & c , and it was agreed to leave the matter in the hands of a committee to be composed of the officers of the lodge . The lodge was duly closed . A good supper followed . The usual loyal toasts were givon and received . Brethren retired at an early hour .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Boyal Union Lodge , ( No . 536 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Uxbridge , on Monday the 16 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . Glaisher presided , supported by his officers and a large , muster of brethren and visitors . Lodge being opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Messrs . R . Smith , H- James , J . Woodward .
J . F . Glenie , being balloted for were duly elected , and were impressively initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The ceremony was perfectly performed by the W . M . Bros . Davis , French , Surville and Lucas were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge being lowered to the first degree , it was finally closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and after spending an hour or two in social intercourse , separated at an early hour .
CORNWALL . TEHEO . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —A preliminary meeting of the province of Cornwall was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at two p . m ., when a goodly number of the brethren assembled to transact the business of the province . The R . W . Bro . Augustns Smith , Prov . G . M ., presided , and we noticed Bros . Lord EliotD . Prov . G . M . ; Thomas SolomonP . Prov .
, , S . G . M . ; Frederick M . Williams , M . P ., Prov G . Sec , P . M ., 331 , & c , and other well known faces among those who -were present . It has been the custom of the Prov . G . M . to call these preliminary Prov . G . Lodgos for some time past , so as to lighten the labours of the regular annual gatherings in June , and the members of the province have duly appreciated the thoughtful consideration of their esteemed leader . There were
various matters arranged and decided on affecting the general good of the lodges in the province , and the sum of £ 5 each to two deserving objects of charity were readily voted , likewise a grant of twenty pounds towards the Zetland Commemoration Fund . It was also suggested by the Prov . G . M ., and approved of by the Prov . Q . Lodge , that while it is desirable to conform to the wishes of the noble earl , the G . M ., respecting the fund now being raised , as to its being devoted to the furtherance of the great Masonic charities , the members of this province still consider that some portion should be reserved for the purchase
of a suitable token of the appreciation by the Craft in England of the successful rule of the Earl of Zetland . The Prov . G . M . explained that he thought it might be a portrait or bust , which would then be a heir-loom in the family , and be preserved as a lasting memorial of the regard of the Craft universal for one who had done so much for Masonry . Although this was the first time such a subject was mooted in a Prov . G , Lodge , the brethren responded to the suggestion very eagerly . We understand that the next Prov . G . Lodge will be held at Penzance .
TETTEO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at 7-30 p . m . ; Bro . William James Hughan , W . M ., in the chair . The W , M . and members were honoured with several visitors and W . M . 's of other lodges , as the Fortitude Lodge is well known throughout Cornwall for its working capabilities , and few Masons are better liked than its W . M . The Prov . G . M . Bro- Augustus Smithwho is a memberattendedand was
, , , most enthusiastically received by the brethren . The distinguished brother stayed while the W . M . passed an E-A . to the degree of Fellow Craft , and then on retiring thanked the lodge for their kind wishes , and complimented the W . M . and officers on the excellence of their work , after which the lodge was closed down , and three gentlemen were duly initiated in a most imposing manner , with full musical accompaniments , according
to Bro . Dr . Hopldn ' s arrangements , which have been adopted by the organist . Three gentlemen were proposed as candidates for membership and initiation at next lodge , and a snra of two guineas was voted towards the Zetland Commemoration Fund . The W . M . and Treas . were respectively proposed for the ensuing year . We should not forget to mention that Bro . Hughan , the W . M ., presented each candidate with a copy of the " Book of Constitutions , " and intimated that while he was the Master , he had determined to present every newly-initiate with so useful a souvenir of his rule .
ESSEX . COLOHESTEE . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , on Wednesday , the 11 th inst . Present—Bros . Newman , W . M ., in the chair ; Rix , S . W . ; Bigley , J . W . ; Eustace , S . D . ; Donnelly , J . D . ; Calthorpe , I . G . ; G . H . Ray , Sec . ; Jenkinson , CrickMolyneuxCreagbReesBuckwellRichardson .
, , , , , Visitors—Bros . Smith , 51 ; Everett , 433 ; Becker , P . M ., 51 j Fletcher , 948 ; Bosworth , W . M ., 347 ; Goshawk , 297 ; J . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , Essex ; Black , 56 ; Smith , P . M . 325 , ; Clement , 199 . The lodge was opened in due form in the 1 st degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . A report from the the board of general purposes was read , stating
that Bros . A . A . Watts , 433 , Lodge of Hope , and I . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 , R . G . I ., were eligible to become joining members of the United Lodge , 697 ; a communication was read from the brethren of the lodge Cutbberga , No . 622 , requesting a small contribution iu aid of the purchase of freehold property to enable them to build a lodge of their own , the lodge now used by them being at an hotel . The brethren of the United Lodge felt sorry that they could not accede to the request of the
brethren of St . Cutbberga , as there had already been so many calls upon their funds , and also being similarly situated . A ballot was taken for Bros . Watts aud Smith , which proved unanimous in each case . Bros . Buckwell and Richards were examined by the W . M . in the questions appertaining to the 1 st degree , which were satisfactorily answered ; they then retired , preparatory to their passing to the Fellow Craft degree . The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bros . Buckwell
and Richardson were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The questions appertaining to the 2 nd degree were put round for the information of Bros . Buckwell and Richardson . Bro . Carr , Prov . G . Sec-, Essex , being present at the express invitation of the W . M ., briefly pointed out the necessity of having lodges of instruction , and expiessed himself highly satisfied with the working of the lodge , and complimented the W . M . for his proficiencyconsidering the short time he had been a member
, of the lodge . Bro . Newman , W . M ., briefly responded and thanked Bro . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , for the few hints so kindly given . Proposed by Bro . Ray , seconded by Bro . Rix , that Bro . H . Everett , 433 , Lodge of Hope , be permitted to become a joining member . Proposed by Bro . Calthorpe , seconded by Bro . Donnelly , that Bro . Black , Old Store Lodge , Antrim ,