Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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be permitted to become a joining members . Proposed b y Bro . Molyneux , seconded by Bro . Bigley , that Troop-Sergeant Major Coast might be initiated into the mysteries and privileges of our Ancient Freemasonry . Tho lodge was closed down to 1 st degree , and nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry in general it was closed in harmony , peace , and brotherly love . The brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial supper provided by Bro . Guiver , George Hotel , and -there being a good attendance the brethren spent a convivial evening and retired at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . LIVEEPOOD . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . —The usual monthly -meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple on the 11 th insfc ., at six o ' clock . There were present , Bros . J . K ¦ Smith , W . M . ; J . Mercer Johnson , I . P . M . ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; W . Crane , P . M . ; Hamer , Prov . G . T . ; WoodTreasSheldonSWCraneacting JWTMarsh
, . ; , .. ; , as .. ; . , -Sec , P . G . P . ; Wiustanley , J . D . ; R . Williams , S . D . ; Denison , -I . G . ; R . R . Martin , S . ; Gilbert , S . ; H . Newman , S . Visitors , Bros . Roper , P . M . ; Hill , 241 ; Johnson , P . M . 410 ; Schall , 78 ; G . Turner , P . M . 86 , 823 , & c . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Frank E . Jones which proved unanimous in his favour , Mr . Jones being in attendance
was duly initiated into Freemasonry in a very impressive manner by the W . M ., the working tools being given ¦ b y Bro . Crane , P . M ., in his usual style . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and then the third degree . Bros . Roper and Rayner were duly raised to the degree of M . M . by Bro . Smith , W . M ., which did him great credit in the way he gave the same . The working tools , & c , were given by Bro . 11 . Johnson
H . D . , P . M . The lodge was then closed down . After refreshments the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Johnson , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " which was duly responded to by the W . M . The W . M ., in very feeling terms , then proposed "The Health of the Officers , " and said one of the officers , the S . W . had not been -able to be > vith them for some time on account of his domestic affliction . He was glad to see him again with them , and ho was sure every member of tho lodge was . He had great nleasure in nrnnnsinn . "Tho T-TnnlH , r , F t . i , o nffin „„„ » „ ., r , i : «~
the name of Bro . Sheldon , S . W . Bro . Sheldon rose to respond , and in feeling terms , said . ¦ Every heart knoweth its own bitterness , and with its grief , as well as with its joy , a stranger intermeddleth not . There is in the breast of every man some secret grief—some concealed sorrow which , though comparatively unknown and unnoticed by the world around , is bitter to him who feels it . Such , brethren , has been my painful experience during the past few months from circumstances too well known
to you for me now to particularisp . And I had rashly concluded -in the spirit of misanlhrophy ( feeling my utter loneliness ) that I could no more mix in the social throng , or enjoy the sweet communion of fraternal intercourse in meetings akin to these . But the very kind and pressing solicitations of our present -worthy W . M . constrained me to yield , and accounts for my presence amongst this evening . And ifbrethrenone
you , , circumstance more than another could help to impart a silver lining to the dark cloud that lias lately overshadowed my domestic circle , it is such sincere expressions of regard anil such show of fraternal sympathy evinced towards me on the the present occasion . And , indeed , I may say with truth that some of my happiest moments have been spent in this room , both in the promotion of Masonic principles and the partici
pating in the various festive gatherings connected with our oraft . And the sight of this harmonious assemblage urges me again to pursue as heretofore my Masonic career amongst you . Brethren , I thank you . The toast of " The Visitors , " was then proposed , aud duly responded to by Bro . Geo . Turner , P . M ., who said he undertook to respond to this toast , and was much pleased with the working and kindness he had received from the members of Temple Lodge and to have the pleasure of again meeting them .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No- 139 ) . —Thisladmirably worked lodge which completed its centenary in 1865 , met on business on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., a large number of the brethren present , including Bros . Pratt , W . M . ; Frederick Simpson , S . W . ; Matthews , J . W . ; Collinson , S , D . ; Lucas , J . D . ;
Shaw , I . G . ; Ward , Steward ; Barras , Sec . There were also > nreseut P . M . ' s Bros . Longden , Treas . ; Webster , Short , Alex . Hay , and H . J . Garrett , I . P . M . Visitors—Bros . G- F . Taylor , No . 25 , and Hamilton , 153 . Lodge being opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission into the order of Mr . James Wyld , who had been well and worthily recommended ; the result was unanimous in favour of the candidate . He was
accordingly presented to the lodge in due form and initiated into the early mysteries of Freemasonry , the ceremony being beautifully rendered by the W . M . The election for the W . M . then took place , and the choice fell upon the S . W ., Bro . F . Simpson , who was complimented upon his attention to tlio duties of his present office—hence his reward . Bro . Simpson in acknowledging the honour conferred on him , assured the brethren of his intention- to merit the confidence reposed in him by
devoting as much time to the welfare of the lodge as consistent with his other avocations . Bro . Longden who had so long and satisfactorily held the office of Treasurer , was unanimously reelected . Bro . Garnett , I . P . M ., was solicited to retain the office of Almoner , which he complied with . The next aud last business of the lodge was the election of Tyler . Bro . Wilkinsonthe regular Tler of the lod wasit was mentionedin a
, y ge , , , state of health which precluded the usual attendance , his son , Bro . James Wilkinson , acting as his locum tenens ; however , Bro . Wilkinson was re-elected , the son being appointed Assistant Tyler . All business ended , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshmentwhtali was lnVhlv satisfactorymuch Draise
being due to Bro . Ward , the Steward . The W . AI . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , making some pertinent allnsions to the excellence of the Deputy Grand Master of England , Bro . Lord de Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . M . of the West Riding of Yorkshire . Several excellent speeches followed the various toasts which want of space prevents our giving at length . Bro . Longden , the Treasurer , in a speech replete with Masonic feeling , made some allusions to the foundation of Freemasonry , saying
that the Bible was their guide ; but instead of being rendered in common-place language , they used symbols which were more impressive . They were types of signs of moral and religious duties , or of events in the patriarchal history , which wero thus recorded aud perpetuated by oval communication . Bro . Taylor , in responding to the toast of the visitors , but who , from ill health , said but a few words , thanked the lodge for their kindly reception . We cannot conclude this notice without adverting
to the toast of the W . M . It was urged that Bro . Pratt hadat personal sacrifice—been a most constant supporter of the interest of the lodge , and by his urbanity , talent , and kindnes , endeared himself to every member of the Britannia , which was prominently shewn at last year's election , upon which occasion the present Master was re-elected to preside for a second time over No . 139 . The Master eloquently replied , promising to support his successor all that lay in his power . Some good
singing and music assisted to render the evening a most delightful one . The next meeting will be on the second Thursday in December , when the installation of tho newly-elected Master will take place .
GLASGOW . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The usual quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the middle ward of Lanarkshire , was held on the 13 th ult ., when after the business before the lodge was attended to the following office bearers , were nominated for the ensuing year , BrosJames MerryMP-ProvGMMajor BarbourD . P . M . ;
. , ., . .. ; , John Dick , S . W . ; W . Mc Murdo , J . W . ; A . King , Treas . ; W . Smith , S . D . ; John Mimce , J . D . ; W . Forrest , B . B . ; Capt . Colt , Dir . of Cers . ; John Christian , Marshal ; Colin Spalding , Steward ; John Bain , S . B . ; James Muir , Tyler . Bro . Mc Murdo was nominated as secretary , which office has been vacant for some time through the death of Bro . Bruce of Hamilton .
To smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another ' s breast , is to become a principle in the mischief . — Sheridan
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
be permitted to become a joining members . Proposed b y Bro . Molyneux , seconded by Bro . Bigley , that Troop-Sergeant Major Coast might be initiated into the mysteries and privileges of our Ancient Freemasonry . Tho lodge was closed down to 1 st degree , and nothing further having been offered for the good of Freemasonry in general it was closed in harmony , peace , and brotherly love . The brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial supper provided by Bro . Guiver , George Hotel , and -there being a good attendance the brethren spent a convivial evening and retired at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . LIVEEPOOD . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . —The usual monthly -meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple on the 11 th insfc ., at six o ' clock . There were present , Bros . J . K ¦ Smith , W . M . ; J . Mercer Johnson , I . P . M . ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; W . Crane , P . M . ; Hamer , Prov . G . T . ; WoodTreasSheldonSWCraneacting JWTMarsh
, . ; , .. ; , as .. ; . , -Sec , P . G . P . ; Wiustanley , J . D . ; R . Williams , S . D . ; Denison , -I . G . ; R . R . Martin , S . ; Gilbert , S . ; H . Newman , S . Visitors , Bros . Roper , P . M . ; Hill , 241 ; Johnson , P . M . 410 ; Schall , 78 ; G . Turner , P . M . 86 , 823 , & c . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . Frank E . Jones which proved unanimous in his favour , Mr . Jones being in attendance
was duly initiated into Freemasonry in a very impressive manner by the W . M ., the working tools being given ¦ b y Bro . Crane , P . M ., in his usual style . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and then the third degree . Bros . Roper and Rayner were duly raised to the degree of M . M . by Bro . Smith , W . M ., which did him great credit in the way he gave the same . The working tools , & c , were given by Bro . 11 . Johnson
H . D . , P . M . The lodge was then closed down . After refreshments the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Johnson , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " which was duly responded to by the W . M . The W . M ., in very feeling terms , then proposed "The Health of the Officers , " and said one of the officers , the S . W . had not been -able to be > vith them for some time on account of his domestic affliction . He was glad to see him again with them , and ho was sure every member of tho lodge was . He had great nleasure in nrnnnsinn . "Tho T-TnnlH , r , F t . i , o nffin „„„ » „ ., r , i : «~
the name of Bro . Sheldon , S . W . Bro . Sheldon rose to respond , and in feeling terms , said . ¦ Every heart knoweth its own bitterness , and with its grief , as well as with its joy , a stranger intermeddleth not . There is in the breast of every man some secret grief—some concealed sorrow which , though comparatively unknown and unnoticed by the world around , is bitter to him who feels it . Such , brethren , has been my painful experience during the past few months from circumstances too well known
to you for me now to particularisp . And I had rashly concluded -in the spirit of misanlhrophy ( feeling my utter loneliness ) that I could no more mix in the social throng , or enjoy the sweet communion of fraternal intercourse in meetings akin to these . But the very kind and pressing solicitations of our present -worthy W . M . constrained me to yield , and accounts for my presence amongst this evening . And ifbrethrenone
you , , circumstance more than another could help to impart a silver lining to the dark cloud that lias lately overshadowed my domestic circle , it is such sincere expressions of regard anil such show of fraternal sympathy evinced towards me on the the present occasion . And , indeed , I may say with truth that some of my happiest moments have been spent in this room , both in the promotion of Masonic principles and the partici
pating in the various festive gatherings connected with our oraft . And the sight of this harmonious assemblage urges me again to pursue as heretofore my Masonic career amongst you . Brethren , I thank you . The toast of " The Visitors , " was then proposed , aud duly responded to by Bro . Geo . Turner , P . M ., who said he undertook to respond to this toast , and was much pleased with the working and kindness he had received from the members of Temple Lodge and to have the pleasure of again meeting them .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No- 139 ) . —Thisladmirably worked lodge which completed its centenary in 1865 , met on business on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., a large number of the brethren present , including Bros . Pratt , W . M . ; Frederick Simpson , S . W . ; Matthews , J . W . ; Collinson , S , D . ; Lucas , J . D . ;
Shaw , I . G . ; Ward , Steward ; Barras , Sec . There were also > nreseut P . M . ' s Bros . Longden , Treas . ; Webster , Short , Alex . Hay , and H . J . Garrett , I . P . M . Visitors—Bros . G- F . Taylor , No . 25 , and Hamilton , 153 . Lodge being opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission into the order of Mr . James Wyld , who had been well and worthily recommended ; the result was unanimous in favour of the candidate . He was
accordingly presented to the lodge in due form and initiated into the early mysteries of Freemasonry , the ceremony being beautifully rendered by the W . M . The election for the W . M . then took place , and the choice fell upon the S . W ., Bro . F . Simpson , who was complimented upon his attention to tlio duties of his present office—hence his reward . Bro . Simpson in acknowledging the honour conferred on him , assured the brethren of his intention- to merit the confidence reposed in him by
devoting as much time to the welfare of the lodge as consistent with his other avocations . Bro . Longden who had so long and satisfactorily held the office of Treasurer , was unanimously reelected . Bro . Garnett , I . P . M ., was solicited to retain the office of Almoner , which he complied with . The next aud last business of the lodge was the election of Tyler . Bro . Wilkinsonthe regular Tler of the lod wasit was mentionedin a
, y ge , , , state of health which precluded the usual attendance , his son , Bro . James Wilkinson , acting as his locum tenens ; however , Bro . Wilkinson was re-elected , the son being appointed Assistant Tyler . All business ended , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshmentwhtali was lnVhlv satisfactorymuch Draise
being due to Bro . Ward , the Steward . The W . AI . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , making some pertinent allnsions to the excellence of the Deputy Grand Master of England , Bro . Lord de Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . M . of the West Riding of Yorkshire . Several excellent speeches followed the various toasts which want of space prevents our giving at length . Bro . Longden , the Treasurer , in a speech replete with Masonic feeling , made some allusions to the foundation of Freemasonry , saying
that the Bible was their guide ; but instead of being rendered in common-place language , they used symbols which were more impressive . They were types of signs of moral and religious duties , or of events in the patriarchal history , which wero thus recorded aud perpetuated by oval communication . Bro . Taylor , in responding to the toast of the visitors , but who , from ill health , said but a few words , thanked the lodge for their kindly reception . We cannot conclude this notice without adverting
to the toast of the W . M . It was urged that Bro . Pratt hadat personal sacrifice—been a most constant supporter of the interest of the lodge , and by his urbanity , talent , and kindnes , endeared himself to every member of the Britannia , which was prominently shewn at last year's election , upon which occasion the present Master was re-elected to preside for a second time over No . 139 . The Master eloquently replied , promising to support his successor all that lay in his power . Some good
singing and music assisted to render the evening a most delightful one . The next meeting will be on the second Thursday in December , when the installation of tho newly-elected Master will take place .
GLASGOW . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The usual quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the middle ward of Lanarkshire , was held on the 13 th ult ., when after the business before the lodge was attended to the following office bearers , were nominated for the ensuing year , BrosJames MerryMP-ProvGMMajor BarbourD . P . M . ;
. , ., . .. ; , John Dick , S . W . ; W . Mc Murdo , J . W . ; A . King , Treas . ; W . Smith , S . D . ; John Mimce , J . D . ; W . Forrest , B . B . ; Capt . Colt , Dir . of Cers . ; John Christian , Marshal ; Colin Spalding , Steward ; John Bain , S . B . ; James Muir , Tyler . Bro . Mc Murdo was nominated as secretary , which office has been vacant for some time through the death of Bro . Bruce of Hamilton .
To smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another ' s breast , is to become a principle in the mischief . — Sheridan