Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article A HINT ABOUT RITUALS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC PICTURE GALLERY. Page 1 of 1 Article HIEROGLYPH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
marks are untrue , and only show the entire ignorance of the writer with the subject . Mr . P . Smith says , — " With the maturity of thought acquired by such a mode of life ( iu Midian ) , Moses received also the revelations which he recorded in the Book of G-enesis . " Which makes the writing of Genesis to date about B . C . 1500 .
Some would try to discredit the Hebrew history of their coming to Egypt during Joseph ' s elevation ( B . C 1706 ); but , as Mr . P . Smith truly observes , — " The attempt is refuted by internal evidence . Oriental history is familiar with the elevation of foreign slaves to the post of prime minister , aud even to the
throne itself- , and all the attendant cii'cumstances are thoroughly Egyptian ; the names , offices , land tenure , clothing , & c , are all Egyptian . " Altogether , from these scattered remarks it may easily be seen ( and , if followed up , more so ) , that " An American Freemason ' s " statements at page 351
are full of "numerous blunders , " and if something " reliable " is wanted , a better pilot than " An American Freemason" will be required . *—A SCOTTISH FEEEMASON .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS FOR WARWICKSHIRE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother—In the number of the
, Freemasons' Maga'dne for July 4 th of the present year you give a report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of England , when the illegal appointments of Prov . Grand Officers were discussed , especial reference being made to the Province of Warwickshire . At the last meeting of the Grand Lodge of
that Province held at Birmingham on 20 th October , it appears that appointments have been made of the following assistant officers : —Prov . G . Assist . Supt . of Works , Prov . G . Assist . Sec , Prov . G . Assist . Organist . With every respect to the experience aud high
position in the Craft held by Lord Leigh , I cannot but think that such appointments are not in accordance with the Book of Constitutions . I have carefully examined that book , and cannot find any authority for such Assistant Officers being appointed , and should be glad to know the opinion of Masons of experience on the subject . Tours fraternally , J . D . M .
BRO . J . L . W ., 30 ° , & e . TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —In answer to Bro . J . L . W ., I beg to thank him for his kind letter , and most cordially reciprocate his fraternal offer , and assure him of my desire to exchange . letters with one so evidently
imbued with Masonic feeling . Yours fraternally , W . J . HUGHO - . Edward-street , Truro , Cornwall , M < th Nov . 1 S 6 S .
A Hint About Rituals.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC MEilROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —There is a little ferment about uniformity of rituals , and some day something will be done . When that day comes , it is to be hoped the alterations which will then be made will be judicious . Our rituals have been made to conform to
the g host of Enfield's Speaker , defunct Johnsonianism ; but there is now abroad another literary mission . In this day the study of English as a language is spreading , with a better appreciation of the old and proper language . In Masonry this may give us more mediawalismand do us no harm . . Who will be the
, luminaries chosen for this task ? Will they be Past Grand Deacons ? Yours fraternally , R . T .
Masonic Picture Gallery.
To TIIE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —A long while ago a hint was thrown out in the Freemasons' Magazine for a Masonic picture gallery in our hall . This is now the twenty-fifth anniversary of our M . W . G . M . ' s election , and the celebration need not be confined to one mode ,
that already suggested . One memorial for the Craft and to be enjoyed by the whole Craft would be a Zetland Gallery . As a preliminary step to this , an exhibition might be held in the Hall , of pictures on loan of our G . M . ' s , P . G . M . ' s , and eminent Masons . When we consider the princely and noble individuals
who have taken part in the government of our Order , such an exhibition becomes , not only practicable , but assured of the contributions of many collections . This would lay the foundation and set the example of donations for a permanent gallery . Now , it is not an uncommon event for a lodge to
celebrate some benefactor or worthy member by having his portrait painted by subscription , but when done there is no suitable place for it , and it may be left to be kicked about in the London Tavern or some other tavern . To place a suitable work of art iu the Zetland Gallery would be a permanent memorial . Yours fraternally , P . D . G . M .
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —The following hieroglyph is contained in an address to the Grand Master , Masters , Wardens , and brethren of the Ancient and Most Honourable Fraternity of the Freemasons of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
marks are untrue , and only show the entire ignorance of the writer with the subject . Mr . P . Smith says , — " With the maturity of thought acquired by such a mode of life ( iu Midian ) , Moses received also the revelations which he recorded in the Book of G-enesis . " Which makes the writing of Genesis to date about B . C . 1500 .
Some would try to discredit the Hebrew history of their coming to Egypt during Joseph ' s elevation ( B . C 1706 ); but , as Mr . P . Smith truly observes , — " The attempt is refuted by internal evidence . Oriental history is familiar with the elevation of foreign slaves to the post of prime minister , aud even to the
throne itself- , and all the attendant cii'cumstances are thoroughly Egyptian ; the names , offices , land tenure , clothing , & c , are all Egyptian . " Altogether , from these scattered remarks it may easily be seen ( and , if followed up , more so ) , that " An American Freemason ' s " statements at page 351
are full of "numerous blunders , " and if something " reliable " is wanted , a better pilot than " An American Freemason" will be required . *—A SCOTTISH FEEEMASON .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS FOR WARWICKSHIRE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother—In the number of the
, Freemasons' Maga'dne for July 4 th of the present year you give a report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of England , when the illegal appointments of Prov . Grand Officers were discussed , especial reference being made to the Province of Warwickshire . At the last meeting of the Grand Lodge of
that Province held at Birmingham on 20 th October , it appears that appointments have been made of the following assistant officers : —Prov . G . Assist . Supt . of Works , Prov . G . Assist . Sec , Prov . G . Assist . Organist . With every respect to the experience aud high
position in the Craft held by Lord Leigh , I cannot but think that such appointments are not in accordance with the Book of Constitutions . I have carefully examined that book , and cannot find any authority for such Assistant Officers being appointed , and should be glad to know the opinion of Masons of experience on the subject . Tours fraternally , J . D . M .
BRO . J . L . W ., 30 ° , & e . TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —In answer to Bro . J . L . W ., I beg to thank him for his kind letter , and most cordially reciprocate his fraternal offer , and assure him of my desire to exchange . letters with one so evidently
imbued with Masonic feeling . Yours fraternally , W . J . HUGHO - . Edward-street , Truro , Cornwall , M < th Nov . 1 S 6 S .
A Hint About Rituals.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC MEilROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —There is a little ferment about uniformity of rituals , and some day something will be done . When that day comes , it is to be hoped the alterations which will then be made will be judicious . Our rituals have been made to conform to
the g host of Enfield's Speaker , defunct Johnsonianism ; but there is now abroad another literary mission . In this day the study of English as a language is spreading , with a better appreciation of the old and proper language . In Masonry this may give us more mediawalismand do us no harm . . Who will be the
, luminaries chosen for this task ? Will they be Past Grand Deacons ? Yours fraternally , R . T .
Masonic Picture Gallery.
To TIIE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —A long while ago a hint was thrown out in the Freemasons' Magazine for a Masonic picture gallery in our hall . This is now the twenty-fifth anniversary of our M . W . G . M . ' s election , and the celebration need not be confined to one mode ,
that already suggested . One memorial for the Craft and to be enjoyed by the whole Craft would be a Zetland Gallery . As a preliminary step to this , an exhibition might be held in the Hall , of pictures on loan of our G . M . ' s , P . G . M . ' s , and eminent Masons . When we consider the princely and noble individuals
who have taken part in the government of our Order , such an exhibition becomes , not only practicable , but assured of the contributions of many collections . This would lay the foundation and set the example of donations for a permanent gallery . Now , it is not an uncommon event for a lodge to
celebrate some benefactor or worthy member by having his portrait painted by subscription , but when done there is no suitable place for it , and it may be left to be kicked about in the London Tavern or some other tavern . To place a suitable work of art iu the Zetland Gallery would be a permanent memorial . Yours fraternally , P . D . G . M .
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —The following hieroglyph is contained in an address to the Grand Master , Masters , Wardens , and brethren of the Ancient and Most Honourable Fraternity of the Freemasons of