Article INDIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 3 →
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Deputy Provincial Grand Aiaster by the late Provincial Grand Master , Colonel AVilliam Pitt Macdonald . Ou the 10 th April , 1865 , he opened Grand Lodge as Deputy Provincial Grand Master , tbe Provincial Grand Master being then absent from , the Presidency . On the 9 th July , 1866 , he was appointed to take charge of the district by the District Grand Master , iu consequence of the batter's failing health . AA ' e all know that on the 6 th February 1867 Bro . Macdonald-Eitchie had the
, , distinguished honour of assisting Lord Napier to lay tho foundation stone of the Presidency College . On the 28 th February , 18 G 7 , he opened District Grand Lodge as Deputy-District Grand Aiaster . And ou the 25 th March , 1867 , he held special service in District Grand Lodge in memory of the late District Grand Master . Of his social qualifications for the exalted office to which he
has been so worthily appointed , we have had abundant opportunities of judging . In him we have found that sternness of rule has always been tempered with tbe courteousness of the polished gentleman ; thus realising tho true secret rule of Masonry viz ., an unflinching adherence to the Constitutions , minglecl with the affable hearing of a kind-hearted and well-bred gentleman . There is no doubt , brethren , that we shall have
the fullest reason to congratulate ourselves that Bro . Macdonald-Ritehie has been appointed our District Grand Blaster . A scholar , a gentleman , ancl a Mason of rich and ripe experience , he is certain to administer the district successfully . He is never likely to be found asleep on his post ; but , watchful and wary , he will infuse life and vigour into every transaction . And his talents , zeal , and activity , will maintain Masonry on such a footing in this district , that the Order cannot but flourish and
prosper under his genial ancl benign sway , while the echo of its popularity and usefulness will be heard and felt throughout the presidency , and even beyond the limits of Southern India . Long , then , may Bro . Alacdonald-Ritchie live and reign over us . The District Grand Registrar was then requested to read aloud the subjoined Patent of Appointment from the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , nominating Bro . A . Alacdonald-Ritchie to the oflice of District Grand Master of the Presidency -of Madras : — ( Signed ) ZETLAND , Grand Master .
To all and every our Right Worshipful , Worshipful , and loving Brethren-AA'e , Thomas Dundas , Earl of Zetland , Baron Dundas , of Aske , in the county of York , etc ., Grand Master of the most ancient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England , send greeting . Know yethat we of the great trust and confidence reposed
, in our right trusty and well-beloved brother , Arthur Alacdonald-Ritchie , barrister-at-law , and registrar of the High Court of Madras , Esquire , do hereby constitute and appoint him District Grand Master of tlie Presidency of Madras , with full power and authority to make Alasous , and constitute ancl regulate lodges , as occasions may require , subject nevertheless to our approval ; ancl also to do and execute all ancl every such other acts and
things appertaining to the said oflice , as usually have been or ought to be clone and executed by other District Grand Masters , he , the said Arthur Macdonald-Ritcbie taking special care that all ancl every the members of every lodge be shall constitute have been regularly made Masons , and that they and the members of all other lodges within bis district do observe , perform , and keep , all and every the rules , orders , and regulations contained
in the Book of Constitutions , except such as have been repealed or may be repealed at any quarterly communication or other grand meeting ; together , also , with all such rules , orders , regulations , and instructions as shall from time to time bo transmitted by us or by the Right Hon . George Frederick Samuel Earl cle Grey and Earl of Eipon , of Studley Royal , our Deputy Grand Aiasteror b of our successors Grand Masters
, y any or their Deputies for the time being ; and we clo will and require you , the saicl District Grand Aiaster , to cause at least one general meeting or communication to be held in every year , and that you promote on these and on all other occasions whatever may be for the honour and advantage of Alasonry and the benefit of the Grand Charity . Anel that you yearly send to us or our successors Grand Masters an account in writing of the
proceedings therein , and also do forthwith transmit to us a particular statement of what lodges you constitute , and when and where holden , with a list of the several members of the said lodges , and copies of all such rules , orders , and regulations as shall be made for the gotd government of the same , with whatever else
yon shall do by virtue of these presents . And that at the same time you remit to the Treasurer for the time being five guineas sterling for every lodge you shall constitute for the use of the Grand Lodge and other necessary purposes . Given at Loudon under our bond aud seal of Alasonry , this , 31 st clay of May , A . L . 5 SG 7 , A . D . 1 SGV . By command of the SLAV . Grand Aiaster . ( Signed ) DE GREY AND EIPON , D . G . M . A \' . G . CLARKE , G . Sec . ( To le continued . )
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTUCTION . —There was a large muster of companions at the weekly meeting of this chapter on . Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , amongst whom we noticed Comps . Pendlebury , as Z . , Hosgood , H . ; Dr . AVoodmaii , J . ; Little , P . Z ., E . ; Brett , P . Z ., N . ; Foulger , P . S . ; T . A . Adams , P . Z . ; S . Foxall , T . Foxall ,
Hamilton , Barnes , Loewenstark , Powell , Turner , Newton , Cayley , etc . The ceremony of exaltation was well worked by the officers , Comp . Powell being the candidate . Comp . Brett , assisted by the members present , then worked the three clauses of the first section , aud we were pleased to observe that the companions generally evinced a degree of proficiency in answering the questions in the lecture rarely shown in Royal Arch Masonry ; Comp . Cayley , of the Old Globe Chapter ( No . 200 ) , Scarbro ' ,
was elected a member , and the chapter was then closed . SCOTLAND . ALEXANDRIA . —St . Andrew's Boyal Arch Lodge ( No . 321 ) . —The following is the result of the election of office-bearers for the lodge—viz ., Bros . AA' . alter Brown , R . AV . M . ; Peter Jardine , S . AA ' .,- Daniel Bruce , J . AA' . ; James Shearer , Treasurer ; AVilliam Graham , Secretary ; James Katers , Chaplain ; AA'iHiam Carlile , S . D . ; D . M'Gregor , J . D . ; G . S . Robb , S . S . ; J . Stewart , J . S . ; J . Forsyth , I . G . ; D . Jardine , Tyler .
Knights Templar.
GRAND CONCLAA'E . The half-yearly meeting of Grand Conclave was held on Friday , the 13 th inst ., at their own magnificent hall , No . 14 , Bedford-i-ow , Swben an unusually large attendance of Knights filled the hall , and produced an effect such as has never been witnessed in connection with the Order in this country . AA'e cannot , from pressure of general Alasonic matters during
the past two weeks , find room for a complete report of the proceedings of Grand Conclave , nor can we promise for the present to do more than give the following particulars of the business from the agenda paper , which was prepared for the meeting , ancl presented to each knight on entering the hall ; and to add that the programme was adhered to : — AGENDA PAPER .
L ' pon the Alost Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . AA ' m . Stuart , taking the throne , Tho Grand Conclave will be opened in ample form . The Grand Registrar will call tbe muster roll . The Provincial Grand Commander for Suffolk will attend , and do homage on his appointment . The Provincial Grand Commander for Cornwall will attend ,
and do homage on his appointment . The Provincial Grand Commander for Cheshire will attend , and do homage ou his appointment . The minutes of tbe last Grand Conclave will then be read . The report of the Committee will be read , as follows : — Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , —Your Committee , in accordance with the recognised usage , has the honour
to report that , since the Grand Conclave assembled in Alay last , two new warrants have been signed by the Grand Master for the holding of encampments in England and AA ' ales , viz ., the I Hyde , at Bridport , in Dorsetshire , and the Palestine , in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Deputy Provincial Grand Aiaster by the late Provincial Grand Master , Colonel AVilliam Pitt Macdonald . Ou the 10 th April , 1865 , he opened Grand Lodge as Deputy Provincial Grand Master , tbe Provincial Grand Master being then absent from , the Presidency . On the 9 th July , 1866 , he was appointed to take charge of the district by the District Grand Master , iu consequence of the batter's failing health . AA ' e all know that on the 6 th February 1867 Bro . Macdonald-Eitchie had the
, , distinguished honour of assisting Lord Napier to lay tho foundation stone of the Presidency College . On the 28 th February , 18 G 7 , he opened District Grand Lodge as Deputy-District Grand Aiaster . And ou the 25 th March , 1867 , he held special service in District Grand Lodge in memory of the late District Grand Master . Of his social qualifications for the exalted office to which he
has been so worthily appointed , we have had abundant opportunities of judging . In him we have found that sternness of rule has always been tempered with tbe courteousness of the polished gentleman ; thus realising tho true secret rule of Masonry viz ., an unflinching adherence to the Constitutions , minglecl with the affable hearing of a kind-hearted and well-bred gentleman . There is no doubt , brethren , that we shall have
the fullest reason to congratulate ourselves that Bro . Macdonald-Ritehie has been appointed our District Grand Blaster . A scholar , a gentleman , ancl a Mason of rich and ripe experience , he is certain to administer the district successfully . He is never likely to be found asleep on his post ; but , watchful and wary , he will infuse life and vigour into every transaction . And his talents , zeal , and activity , will maintain Masonry on such a footing in this district , that the Order cannot but flourish and
prosper under his genial ancl benign sway , while the echo of its popularity and usefulness will be heard and felt throughout the presidency , and even beyond the limits of Southern India . Long , then , may Bro . Alacdonald-Ritchie live and reign over us . The District Grand Registrar was then requested to read aloud the subjoined Patent of Appointment from the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , nominating Bro . A . Alacdonald-Ritchie to the oflice of District Grand Master of the Presidency -of Madras : — ( Signed ) ZETLAND , Grand Master .
To all and every our Right Worshipful , Worshipful , and loving Brethren-AA'e , Thomas Dundas , Earl of Zetland , Baron Dundas , of Aske , in the county of York , etc ., Grand Master of the most ancient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England , send greeting . Know yethat we of the great trust and confidence reposed
, in our right trusty and well-beloved brother , Arthur Alacdonald-Ritchie , barrister-at-law , and registrar of the High Court of Madras , Esquire , do hereby constitute and appoint him District Grand Master of tlie Presidency of Madras , with full power and authority to make Alasous , and constitute ancl regulate lodges , as occasions may require , subject nevertheless to our approval ; ancl also to do and execute all ancl every such other acts and
things appertaining to the said oflice , as usually have been or ought to be clone and executed by other District Grand Masters , he , the said Arthur Macdonald-Ritcbie taking special care that all ancl every the members of every lodge be shall constitute have been regularly made Masons , and that they and the members of all other lodges within bis district do observe , perform , and keep , all and every the rules , orders , and regulations contained
in the Book of Constitutions , except such as have been repealed or may be repealed at any quarterly communication or other grand meeting ; together , also , with all such rules , orders , regulations , and instructions as shall from time to time bo transmitted by us or by the Right Hon . George Frederick Samuel Earl cle Grey and Earl of Eipon , of Studley Royal , our Deputy Grand Aiasteror b of our successors Grand Masters
, y any or their Deputies for the time being ; and we clo will and require you , the saicl District Grand Aiaster , to cause at least one general meeting or communication to be held in every year , and that you promote on these and on all other occasions whatever may be for the honour and advantage of Alasonry and the benefit of the Grand Charity . Anel that you yearly send to us or our successors Grand Masters an account in writing of the
proceedings therein , and also do forthwith transmit to us a particular statement of what lodges you constitute , and when and where holden , with a list of the several members of the said lodges , and copies of all such rules , orders , and regulations as shall be made for the gotd government of the same , with whatever else
yon shall do by virtue of these presents . And that at the same time you remit to the Treasurer for the time being five guineas sterling for every lodge you shall constitute for the use of the Grand Lodge and other necessary purposes . Given at Loudon under our bond aud seal of Alasonry , this , 31 st clay of May , A . L . 5 SG 7 , A . D . 1 SGV . By command of the SLAV . Grand Aiaster . ( Signed ) DE GREY AND EIPON , D . G . M . A \' . G . CLARKE , G . Sec . ( To le continued . )
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTUCTION . —There was a large muster of companions at the weekly meeting of this chapter on . Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , amongst whom we noticed Comps . Pendlebury , as Z . , Hosgood , H . ; Dr . AVoodmaii , J . ; Little , P . Z ., E . ; Brett , P . Z ., N . ; Foulger , P . S . ; T . A . Adams , P . Z . ; S . Foxall , T . Foxall ,
Hamilton , Barnes , Loewenstark , Powell , Turner , Newton , Cayley , etc . The ceremony of exaltation was well worked by the officers , Comp . Powell being the candidate . Comp . Brett , assisted by the members present , then worked the three clauses of the first section , aud we were pleased to observe that the companions generally evinced a degree of proficiency in answering the questions in the lecture rarely shown in Royal Arch Masonry ; Comp . Cayley , of the Old Globe Chapter ( No . 200 ) , Scarbro ' ,
was elected a member , and the chapter was then closed . SCOTLAND . ALEXANDRIA . —St . Andrew's Boyal Arch Lodge ( No . 321 ) . —The following is the result of the election of office-bearers for the lodge—viz ., Bros . AA' . alter Brown , R . AV . M . ; Peter Jardine , S . AA ' .,- Daniel Bruce , J . AA' . ; James Shearer , Treasurer ; AVilliam Graham , Secretary ; James Katers , Chaplain ; AA'iHiam Carlile , S . D . ; D . M'Gregor , J . D . ; G . S . Robb , S . S . ; J . Stewart , J . S . ; J . Forsyth , I . G . ; D . Jardine , Tyler .
Knights Templar.
GRAND CONCLAA'E . The half-yearly meeting of Grand Conclave was held on Friday , the 13 th inst ., at their own magnificent hall , No . 14 , Bedford-i-ow , Swben an unusually large attendance of Knights filled the hall , and produced an effect such as has never been witnessed in connection with the Order in this country . AA'e cannot , from pressure of general Alasonic matters during
the past two weeks , find room for a complete report of the proceedings of Grand Conclave , nor can we promise for the present to do more than give the following particulars of the business from the agenda paper , which was prepared for the meeting , ancl presented to each knight on entering the hall ; and to add that the programme was adhered to : — AGENDA PAPER .
L ' pon the Alost Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . AA ' m . Stuart , taking the throne , Tho Grand Conclave will be opened in ample form . The Grand Registrar will call tbe muster roll . The Provincial Grand Commander for Suffolk will attend , and do homage on his appointment . The Provincial Grand Commander for Cornwall will attend ,
and do homage on his appointment . The Provincial Grand Commander for Cheshire will attend , and do homage ou his appointment . The minutes of tbe last Grand Conclave will then be read . The report of the Committee will be read , as follows : — Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , —Your Committee , in accordance with the recognised usage , has the honour
to report that , since the Grand Conclave assembled in Alay last , two new warrants have been signed by the Grand Master for the holding of encampments in England and AA ' ales , viz ., the I Hyde , at Bridport , in Dorsetshire , and the Palestine , in