Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Bro . Findel congratulates Bro . Hughan on Ins possession , and presents his readers with tho titlepage ( supplied by the latter ) , iu the hope _ that a fuller account of the work may follow . AVe have much pleasure in doing so likewise , and also in stating that , in our new volume , our esteemed correspondent ,
Bro . AV . J . Hughaii will refer to this scarce book at length in his articles entitled "An Analysis of Ancient and Modern Freemasonry , " translations of the first part of which , we hear , have already graced the pages of more than one of the foreign Masonic periodicals . The title-page is as follows : —
"A serious and impartial inquiry into the cause of the present decay of Freemasonry in the Kingdom of Ireland . Humbly addressed to all the brethren accepted of before and since the Constitutions . To which are added such instructive remarks as may be found useful to revive the honour of that ancient
Craft , & c . By Fiiield D'Assigny , M . D ., author oi 'The Impartial Answer to the Enemies of Freemasons . ' Dublin . Printed by Edward . Bate , iu George ' s-lane , near Dame-street . 1744 . It is Svo ., and numbers some SO pages altogether . "
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correfpon-. l ^ nh . LOOSEXE 3 S IX MASOXKY . TO TIIE EDIXOI : or- Tin : r : n : i : 3 iAS 0 xs' AIAGAZIXI : A > -D :.:.:= OX : C :, nnnoi 7 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER ,- —Sometime since , in reply to a letter which appeared in your MAGAZINE , complaining of a man being initiated in one of the
Jersey lodges , by tlie name of " Box Brown , " your correspondent " 11 . II . " took up the gauntlet on behalf of some of the lodges in that island , and repudiated their having clone so , promising to furnish the details of some others that lie was not so well conversant with . I have been waiting very patiently
for some time for his repl y before talcing further action in the matter , and , after his gratuitous services voluntarily offered , I now ask him to furnish me with the number of the lodge , together with tho proposer , seconder , and date of initiation of the individual referred to . Yours fraternal ! v , 2 .
FEEEMAiGXEY IX SAY'EDEX . 10 TIIE EDITOR or THE ::::::::: ASO : ; -J' MAeiA ^ ixE A :,-D :.: A ^ . YIC : r . ' ::: ; o . ^ . Dear Sir and Brother , —Seeing the great interest excited in your numerous readers by the statements made , or recording of incidents connected with the history of [ Masonry at home and abroadI have
, thought you would like to see a very curious medal which has been in my possession for many years . It is of large size , considerable thickness , in solid silver , well executed , and , beiug connected with au interesting period in the history of Freemasonry , and relating to a country in which our ancient and
honourable Order is held in the lii yhest admirationindeed , veneration , I send you the medal that you may , if you please , publish engravings of the obverse aud reverse thereof .
There are so many of your talented correspondents , such as Bros . Hughan , Oneal Haye , Murray Lyon , Bairusfather , and a host of others , who have dealt in your paper with such subjects , that it would be much more interesting to your readers , and tend to elicit all that is likely to he interesting in connection with the subject , if I just shortly state the fact that
it came into my possession many years ago , it having belonged to a near relative of mine who had been much in Sweden , aud who was a zealous and worthy Mason . The interesting facts mentioned on the medal itself , together with the admirable artistic skill and the splendid execution of the medalist ' s art , speak for themselves .
Does it not suggest that the Masonic history oi Sweden ancl Xorway , during so long a reign as fortyfive years , during which Charles XIII . was protector and Grand Master , must offer a splendid field for investigation . Yours fraternally ,
Dundee , JNOV . 30 th , 1 SG 7 . J . C , PM . [ AA e have great pleasure in complying with the suggestion of our greatly-esteemed and much-respected correspondent " J . C , " and have had engravings made of the very-beautifully executed medal ; and we take this opportunity of inviting our readers generally to contribute similar objects and matters of like interest ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Bro . Findel congratulates Bro . Hughan on Ins possession , and presents his readers with tho titlepage ( supplied by the latter ) , iu the hope _ that a fuller account of the work may follow . AVe have much pleasure in doing so likewise , and also in stating that , in our new volume , our esteemed correspondent ,
Bro . AV . J . Hughaii will refer to this scarce book at length in his articles entitled "An Analysis of Ancient and Modern Freemasonry , " translations of the first part of which , we hear , have already graced the pages of more than one of the foreign Masonic periodicals . The title-page is as follows : —
"A serious and impartial inquiry into the cause of the present decay of Freemasonry in the Kingdom of Ireland . Humbly addressed to all the brethren accepted of before and since the Constitutions . To which are added such instructive remarks as may be found useful to revive the honour of that ancient
Craft , & c . By Fiiield D'Assigny , M . D ., author oi 'The Impartial Answer to the Enemies of Freemasons . ' Dublin . Printed by Edward . Bate , iu George ' s-lane , near Dame-street . 1744 . It is Svo ., and numbers some SO pages altogether . "
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correfpon-. l ^ nh . LOOSEXE 3 S IX MASOXKY . TO TIIE EDIXOI : or- Tin : r : n : i : 3 iAS 0 xs' AIAGAZIXI : A > -D :.:.:= OX : C :, nnnoi 7 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER ,- —Sometime since , in reply to a letter which appeared in your MAGAZINE , complaining of a man being initiated in one of the
Jersey lodges , by tlie name of " Box Brown , " your correspondent " 11 . II . " took up the gauntlet on behalf of some of the lodges in that island , and repudiated their having clone so , promising to furnish the details of some others that lie was not so well conversant with . I have been waiting very patiently
for some time for his repl y before talcing further action in the matter , and , after his gratuitous services voluntarily offered , I now ask him to furnish me with the number of the lodge , together with tho proposer , seconder , and date of initiation of the individual referred to . Yours fraternal ! v , 2 .
FEEEMAiGXEY IX SAY'EDEX . 10 TIIE EDITOR or THE ::::::::: ASO : ; -J' MAeiA ^ ixE A :,-D :.: A ^ . YIC : r . ' ::: ; o . ^ . Dear Sir and Brother , —Seeing the great interest excited in your numerous readers by the statements made , or recording of incidents connected with the history of [ Masonry at home and abroadI have
, thought you would like to see a very curious medal which has been in my possession for many years . It is of large size , considerable thickness , in solid silver , well executed , and , beiug connected with au interesting period in the history of Freemasonry , and relating to a country in which our ancient and
honourable Order is held in the lii yhest admirationindeed , veneration , I send you the medal that you may , if you please , publish engravings of the obverse aud reverse thereof .
There are so many of your talented correspondents , such as Bros . Hughan , Oneal Haye , Murray Lyon , Bairusfather , and a host of others , who have dealt in your paper with such subjects , that it would be much more interesting to your readers , and tend to elicit all that is likely to he interesting in connection with the subject , if I just shortly state the fact that
it came into my possession many years ago , it having belonged to a near relative of mine who had been much in Sweden , aud who was a zealous and worthy Mason . The interesting facts mentioned on the medal itself , together with the admirable artistic skill and the splendid execution of the medalist ' s art , speak for themselves .
Does it not suggest that the Masonic history oi Sweden ancl Xorway , during so long a reign as fortyfive years , during which Charles XIII . was protector and Grand Master , must offer a splendid field for investigation . Yours fraternally ,
Dundee , JNOV . 30 th , 1 SG 7 . J . C , PM . [ AA e have great pleasure in complying with the suggestion of our greatly-esteemed and much-respected correspondent " J . C , " and have had engravings made of the very-beautifully executed medal ; and we take this opportunity of inviting our readers generally to contribute similar objects and matters of like interest ,