Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
SUSSES :. —It is pleasing to record that Freemasonry in this southern county progresses—flourishes . Bro . Lord Pelham , M . P ., the successor to Bro . Colonel D'AVbrac , as Grand Master of the province , is making himself acquainted with the lodges generally ; has paid many visits and purposes visiting all . We believe that the selection of the noble lord and brother has
given the greatest satisfaction , and that much , good will naturally arise from the same . Bro . Turner , as the D . Prov . G . Master , is esteemed by all the brotherhood , and no G . M . could wish for a more able assistant . In Brighton the members of the various lodges have of late bestirred themselves to have a home of their own , and the result is , the engagement of commodious
apartments at the Boyal Pavilion , with retiring rooms ancl required accommodation . Such will be rented of the Town Council , and we are inclined to believe that the step is one in the right direction .
BRIGHTON . —A MASONIC GATHERING . —The late ball at the Pavilion will enable the promoters thereof to give another life governorship—this time to the Boys' School . BEIGHIOJ * . —Hoyal York Lodge ( JTo . 315 ) . —The installation banquet of Bro . W . Hudson , W . M . elect , will take place on Tuesday , March 3 rd , when , as usual , the largest assembly of
brethren in Brighton , will honour him to whom honour is due , by reason of his general attention to the duties of his office , and preparation for the important office he is about to occupy . HOESHAJI . —Mid-Sussex Lodge ( So . 1 , 141 ) . —This lodge has sustained a great loss in the removal , somewhat suddenly , in the prime of life , of its first W . M ,, Bro . Frederick Slight . At
its last monthly meeting on the 1 st inst ., an address of condolence was voted to Mrs . Slight , couched in that fraternal language in which Preemasonry delights and abounds . The Mid-Sussex Lodge , established twelve months only , has nearly forty members ; all liabilities have been discharged , and the lodge boasts of a balance in hand . A word of praise is clue to the S . W . and J . W . of the lodge , who have been the mainstay thereof .
Psou Constantinople , by telegram , dated Feb . 13 th , the Levant Herald states that the Egyptian Prince Mustapba Fazil has just been made a Freemason .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( JSTO . 73 ) . —This old lodge met on Tuesday , the ISth inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellingtonstreet , Southwark . Bro . T . J . Sabine , W . M ., opened the lodge and officiated all the evening . Ballots were taken for five candidates for initiation , aud for one joining member , and declared to be in each instance unanimous in favour of admission . Two brethren , Bros . McXair and Ledson , were raised ; Bros . Tustin , Crump , Timothy , Broadbridge , and Edwards were
passed ; and Messrs . Judge , Progatzky , and Silversides were initiated . The work was well and creditably done . Twenty guineas from the lodge funds were unanimously voted to the Boys' School , and ordered to be placed on the list of the W . M ., who was the Steward for that Charity at the naxt festival representing the lodge . Five pounds were voted unanimously from the charity fund for the Masonic lifeboat fund . Bro . H . J . Turney was unanimousl y elected as the Steward to represent
this lodge at the forthcoming festival for the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held in January , 1869 . There were present during the evening , Bros . F . H . Ebsworth , S . W . ; D . Bose , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . D . ; G . Free , J . D . ; A . P . Stedman , as I . G . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; E . N . Levy , P . M . ; J . Trickett , H . G . Turney , A . L . Dussek , and many others . The lodge was closed . The visitors wereBros . J . J . HayhoS 61 ; H . MasseyS . W . 619 ; .
, , , and Fudge , 1 , 178 . LODGE OP JUSTICE ( So . 147 ) . —This old lodge was held on-Wednesday , the 12 th inst-., at the White Swan Tavern , Highstreet , Deptford . Bro . J . Patte , W . M ., presided , and therewere present , Bros . Batt , S : W . ; Percival , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M . ancl Treas . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Andrews , as S . D . ; Sadler , J . D . ; Dilley , as I . G . ; G . Bolton , J . Cavell , F . Walters ,
H . Moore , and N " . Wingfield , P . M . ' s ; and others . The work done was passing one brother to the second degree , and initiating a gentleman into the Order . The lodge was draped in deepmourning in memory of Bro , J . Porter , who had died a few daysbefore the lodge had met . He was the landlord of the house , ancl was well and deservedly respected . The lodge was closed ,, and the brethren immediately separated . Visitors : —Bros . GaleP . M . 548 ; Smith 548 & c . The work was well ancl abl
, , , y done by the presiding officers . UNITED STRENGTH LODGE ( SO . 228 ) . —The members of this lodge met at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's-gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday , the 11 th inst . The brethren present were Bros . E . Davies , W . M . ; H . F . Wearing , J . W . ; A . Colston ,. I . P . M . ; J . Crump , P . M ., See . ; J . A . Winsland , P . M ., Treas . ; T . H . Bromley , P . M . ; J . Terry , P . M ., W . S . ; J . Hall , C . E .
Humphrey ; J . Kemp , I . G . ; A . B . Vivian , S . D . ; F . J . Hunt , Dir . of Cers . ; H . Morton , J . D . ; C . Braid , Org . ; G . King , J . Calver , C . E . Debney , J . Thaine , H . J . Sutton , W . Browne , and other members . Visitors : —Bros . J . E . Carpenter , W . M . 1196 ; W . Sawyer , J . W . 1196 ; TBuss , P . M . 27 ; Hunt , 186 ; Littlewood , 780 ; Codner , P . M . 45 ; Eowell , 339 ; Butler , 704 ; and Denyer , P . M . 902 . The W . M . initiated Messrs . J . Lowenthal ,. J . Hill , and J . A . Goodwin ; passed Bro . While ; and raised Bro . Greene . Bro . Edward Davies . W . M ., having been re-elected Greene . Bro . Edward Davies . W . M ., having been re-elected
W . M . for the present year , then appointed the following brethren . W . M . for the present year , then appointed the following brethren , as his officers , Bros . A . Colston , I . P . M . ; A . B . Vivian , S . W . ; H . Morton , J . W . ; J . A . Winsland , P . M . Treas . ; J . Crump , P . M . Sec . ; . F . J . Hunt , S . D . ; G . King , J . D . ; C . E . Debney , I . G . ; Charles Braid , Org . ; J . Thaine , Dir . of Cers . ; H . J . Sutton , Assist . Dir .. of Cers . ; J . Terry , P . M ., W . S . ; and J . Beckett , Tyler . After the business was concluded , the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet served iu first-rate styleand which reflects
, great credit on Bro . Wickens , the host . After the cloth was removed the W . M . gave the usual toasts , which were duly responded to . Several songs were given during the evening ,, which added greatly to the enjoyment of the brethren , ancl all separated at an early hour in peace ancl harmony . ROYAL AXBEET LODGE ( No . 907 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual meeting on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at
the Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . W . H . Farnfield , W . M ., was in his place , supported by Bros . C . Chard , S . W ., and H . J . Lewis ,. J . W . ; aud Bros . J . Smith , J . A . Farnfield , and T . Peters , P . M ., s , were also present . The first business was the raising of " Bro . J . Leary , which having been satisfactorily gone through , Bro . S . H . P . Moore was advanced to the degree of a F . C ., and Mr . T . H . Fowler , whose name was unanimously approved on the ballot , then received the benefits of initiation . A report
was presented from the committee appointed at the last meeting ; to consider as to the desirability of removing the lodge . This recommended the brethren to remain in their present quarters for the present , which was unanimously adopted on the motion of Bro . J . Smith , PM .., seconded by Bro . T . Peters , P . M . A ballot then took place for the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . C . Chard , S . W ., was unanimously elected , amid the warm congratulations of the brethren , by all of whom he is held
in the highest estimation . The lodge also as unanimously elected their respected Bro . J . Smith , P . M ., as their Treasurer , and Bro . J . Daly was elected Tyler . Bro . J . Smith referring to the past services Bro . W . H . Farnfield had rendered their lodge as the W . M . during the past year , proposed that he be presented with a P . M . ' s jewel . This was seconded by Bro . Peters , P . M . . and carried nem dis . Bro . H . J . Lewis , J . W ., spoke in feeling terms of the loss the lodge had sustained by the death of Bro . Horatio Bavaison since the last meeting , and moved that a letter of condolence be sent by the Secretary to tke widow and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
SUSSES :. —It is pleasing to record that Freemasonry in this southern county progresses—flourishes . Bro . Lord Pelham , M . P ., the successor to Bro . Colonel D'AVbrac , as Grand Master of the province , is making himself acquainted with the lodges generally ; has paid many visits and purposes visiting all . We believe that the selection of the noble lord and brother has
given the greatest satisfaction , and that much , good will naturally arise from the same . Bro . Turner , as the D . Prov . G . Master , is esteemed by all the brotherhood , and no G . M . could wish for a more able assistant . In Brighton the members of the various lodges have of late bestirred themselves to have a home of their own , and the result is , the engagement of commodious
apartments at the Boyal Pavilion , with retiring rooms ancl required accommodation . Such will be rented of the Town Council , and we are inclined to believe that the step is one in the right direction .
BRIGHTON . —A MASONIC GATHERING . —The late ball at the Pavilion will enable the promoters thereof to give another life governorship—this time to the Boys' School . BEIGHIOJ * . —Hoyal York Lodge ( JTo . 315 ) . —The installation banquet of Bro . W . Hudson , W . M . elect , will take place on Tuesday , March 3 rd , when , as usual , the largest assembly of
brethren in Brighton , will honour him to whom honour is due , by reason of his general attention to the duties of his office , and preparation for the important office he is about to occupy . HOESHAJI . —Mid-Sussex Lodge ( So . 1 , 141 ) . —This lodge has sustained a great loss in the removal , somewhat suddenly , in the prime of life , of its first W . M ,, Bro . Frederick Slight . At
its last monthly meeting on the 1 st inst ., an address of condolence was voted to Mrs . Slight , couched in that fraternal language in which Preemasonry delights and abounds . The Mid-Sussex Lodge , established twelve months only , has nearly forty members ; all liabilities have been discharged , and the lodge boasts of a balance in hand . A word of praise is clue to the S . W . and J . W . of the lodge , who have been the mainstay thereof .
Psou Constantinople , by telegram , dated Feb . 13 th , the Levant Herald states that the Egyptian Prince Mustapba Fazil has just been made a Freemason .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( JSTO . 73 ) . —This old lodge met on Tuesday , the ISth inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellingtonstreet , Southwark . Bro . T . J . Sabine , W . M ., opened the lodge and officiated all the evening . Ballots were taken for five candidates for initiation , aud for one joining member , and declared to be in each instance unanimous in favour of admission . Two brethren , Bros . McXair and Ledson , were raised ; Bros . Tustin , Crump , Timothy , Broadbridge , and Edwards were
passed ; and Messrs . Judge , Progatzky , and Silversides were initiated . The work was well and creditably done . Twenty guineas from the lodge funds were unanimously voted to the Boys' School , and ordered to be placed on the list of the W . M ., who was the Steward for that Charity at the naxt festival representing the lodge . Five pounds were voted unanimously from the charity fund for the Masonic lifeboat fund . Bro . H . J . Turney was unanimousl y elected as the Steward to represent
this lodge at the forthcoming festival for the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held in January , 1869 . There were present during the evening , Bros . F . H . Ebsworth , S . W . ; D . Bose , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . D . ; G . Free , J . D . ; A . P . Stedman , as I . G . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; E . N . Levy , P . M . ; J . Trickett , H . G . Turney , A . L . Dussek , and many others . The lodge was closed . The visitors wereBros . J . J . HayhoS 61 ; H . MasseyS . W . 619 ; .
, , , and Fudge , 1 , 178 . LODGE OP JUSTICE ( So . 147 ) . —This old lodge was held on-Wednesday , the 12 th inst-., at the White Swan Tavern , Highstreet , Deptford . Bro . J . Patte , W . M ., presided , and therewere present , Bros . Batt , S : W . ; Percival , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M . ancl Treas . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Andrews , as S . D . ; Sadler , J . D . ; Dilley , as I . G . ; G . Bolton , J . Cavell , F . Walters ,
H . Moore , and N " . Wingfield , P . M . ' s ; and others . The work done was passing one brother to the second degree , and initiating a gentleman into the Order . The lodge was draped in deepmourning in memory of Bro , J . Porter , who had died a few daysbefore the lodge had met . He was the landlord of the house , ancl was well and deservedly respected . The lodge was closed ,, and the brethren immediately separated . Visitors : —Bros . GaleP . M . 548 ; Smith 548 & c . The work was well ancl abl
, , , y done by the presiding officers . UNITED STRENGTH LODGE ( SO . 228 ) . —The members of this lodge met at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's-gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday , the 11 th inst . The brethren present were Bros . E . Davies , W . M . ; H . F . Wearing , J . W . ; A . Colston ,. I . P . M . ; J . Crump , P . M ., See . ; J . A . Winsland , P . M ., Treas . ; T . H . Bromley , P . M . ; J . Terry , P . M ., W . S . ; J . Hall , C . E .
Humphrey ; J . Kemp , I . G . ; A . B . Vivian , S . D . ; F . J . Hunt , Dir . of Cers . ; H . Morton , J . D . ; C . Braid , Org . ; G . King , J . Calver , C . E . Debney , J . Thaine , H . J . Sutton , W . Browne , and other members . Visitors : —Bros . J . E . Carpenter , W . M . 1196 ; W . Sawyer , J . W . 1196 ; TBuss , P . M . 27 ; Hunt , 186 ; Littlewood , 780 ; Codner , P . M . 45 ; Eowell , 339 ; Butler , 704 ; and Denyer , P . M . 902 . The W . M . initiated Messrs . J . Lowenthal ,. J . Hill , and J . A . Goodwin ; passed Bro . While ; and raised Bro . Greene . Bro . Edward Davies . W . M ., having been re-elected Greene . Bro . Edward Davies . W . M ., having been re-elected
W . M . for the present year , then appointed the following brethren . W . M . for the present year , then appointed the following brethren , as his officers , Bros . A . Colston , I . P . M . ; A . B . Vivian , S . W . ; H . Morton , J . W . ; J . A . Winsland , P . M . Treas . ; J . Crump , P . M . Sec . ; . F . J . Hunt , S . D . ; G . King , J . D . ; C . E . Debney , I . G . ; Charles Braid , Org . ; J . Thaine , Dir . of Cers . ; H . J . Sutton , Assist . Dir .. of Cers . ; J . Terry , P . M ., W . S . ; and J . Beckett , Tyler . After the business was concluded , the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet served iu first-rate styleand which reflects
, great credit on Bro . Wickens , the host . After the cloth was removed the W . M . gave the usual toasts , which were duly responded to . Several songs were given during the evening ,, which added greatly to the enjoyment of the brethren , ancl all separated at an early hour in peace ancl harmony . ROYAL AXBEET LODGE ( No . 907 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual meeting on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at
the Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . W . H . Farnfield , W . M ., was in his place , supported by Bros . C . Chard , S . W ., and H . J . Lewis ,. J . W . ; aud Bros . J . Smith , J . A . Farnfield , and T . Peters , P . M ., s , were also present . The first business was the raising of " Bro . J . Leary , which having been satisfactorily gone through , Bro . S . H . P . Moore was advanced to the degree of a F . C ., and Mr . T . H . Fowler , whose name was unanimously approved on the ballot , then received the benefits of initiation . A report
was presented from the committee appointed at the last meeting ; to consider as to the desirability of removing the lodge . This recommended the brethren to remain in their present quarters for the present , which was unanimously adopted on the motion of Bro . J . Smith , PM .., seconded by Bro . T . Peters , P . M . A ballot then took place for the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . C . Chard , S . W ., was unanimously elected , amid the warm congratulations of the brethren , by all of whom he is held
in the highest estimation . The lodge also as unanimously elected their respected Bro . J . Smith , P . M ., as their Treasurer , and Bro . J . Daly was elected Tyler . Bro . J . Smith referring to the past services Bro . W . H . Farnfield had rendered their lodge as the W . M . during the past year , proposed that he be presented with a P . M . ' s jewel . This was seconded by Bro . Peters , P . M . . and carried nem dis . Bro . H . J . Lewis , J . W ., spoke in feeling terms of the loss the lodge had sustained by the death of Bro . Horatio Bavaison since the last meeting , and moved that a letter of condolence be sent by the Secretary to tke widow and