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friends . This was seconded by Bro . J . F . Hallett , and received the unanimous assent of the brethren . It was then arranged that an audit committee meeting should be held the third Monday in March , which any member of the lodge could attend . The lodge liaving been closed in due form the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was served in a manner giving great satisfaction to all . The banquet-table was , as is usual with the Royal Albertgraced with the of several
, presence visitors , among whom were Bros . J . Lovell Jones , 165 ; J . G . Marsh , W . M ., 192 ; W . Bourne , G . Pymm , T . Strip , S . Homeward , all of 749 ; H . Gabb , 72 ; J . AUinson , 256 ; and Baker , 555 . The usual Masonic toasts were given and received with great eclat , and the brethren also drank , amid much enthusiasm , " Success to the Masonic Charities , " on behalf of whom , Bro . Terry , of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , returned thanks .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on the 12 th inst ., at seven o ' clock . Present : —Bros . Sutherland , P . M ., W . M . pro tern . ; C Carnegie , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works Essex , I . P . M , ; Wolverson , S . W . ; Newman , J . W . ; Ray , S . D . ; Eustace , J . D . ; Calthorpe , I . G . ; Rix , Jenkinson , Webb , Donnolly , and Middleton .
Visitors : —Bros . Cole ; Quilter , J . W . ; and Bagg , Angel Lodge ( No . 51 , E . C . ) _ ; and Bro . Black . 56 , 1 . C . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Carnegie , Sec , read the quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge , also receipts from the Royal Benevolent Institution . The Royal Masonic Institution for
Boys and the Royal Masonic Female School for £ 2 , 2 s ., being the annual subscription of the United Lodge to each of those Charities ; and letters from the Secretary of the Masonic Female School , asking the lodge to appoint a Steward for their annual festival on the 13 th May ; from the Lodge of Antiquity , Wigau , asking for the votes of the lodge in favour of Bro . H . Miller ; and a circular asking the lodge to support J . Addison , a
candidate for the Boys' School . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Webb , who had been passed to the F . C . degree at the last meeting , was examined as to his proficiency in that degree by Bro . Carnegie , I . P . M . He was then entrusted by the W . M . and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Webb was raised to the sublime degree . The lodge was then closed down to the second and first degrees , and after the transaction of some other business , the lodge was closed in time and form , and with solemn
prayer . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge ( So . 279 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge for the year was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at which the W . M ., Bro . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M ., presided . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . PettiforPMPProvSGWas
, .., . . . .., S . W . ; Stanley , J . W . ; Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; Sculthorpe , 523 , as Sec ; Burton , I . G . ; Ride , and Rev . I . G . Packer . Visitors : —Bros . S . P . Ekin , Prov . G . Lodge of Cambridgeshire ; J . Bain , 60 , Glasgow ; Duff , P . M . and Prov . G . D . of Cambridgeshive ; Brewin , \ VM . and P . Prov . S . G . W . Hunt ; G . Tollar , J . W . aud Prov . G . Steward ; J . C . Clarke , Partridge , Harris , Lewin , and Knight , 523 . The lodge liaving been in the first
opened degree , and the minutes of the festival having been read and confirmed , letters of apology for absence were read from Bros . Gosling , S . W . and Thorpe , S . D ., who were confined to their houses by illness , and Bro . Stretton , Sec , who was in North Wales . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . the Rev . I . G . Packer was called to the pedestal , and examined as a F . Cwhenhaving retiredthe lodwas opened
, , , ge in the third degree , and Bro . Packer was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was afterwards closed in th . third and second degrees , and , finally ( after the W . M " . had invested Bro . Packer as Chaplain , and a gentleman had been proposed as a candidate for initiation ) in the first degree , and in harmony . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , and spent an hour or two very pleasantly .
NORFOLK . KINGS' LYNN . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 107 ) . —The meeting - for installation of W . M . of this lodge was held at the lodge room , Globe Hotel , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . The lodge assembled at four o'clock , and after transacting the usual business , a board of Installed Masters was duly formed , and Bro . G . G . Sabler was installed into the chair of K . S . Bro . James Dunsford , of Norwich , performed the ceremony in a very able
aud impressive manner . The new W . M . having been saluted by the brethren , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers , namely , Bros . J . T . Banks , S . W . ; W . J . Pole , J . W . ; the Rev . W . Lake Onslow , Chap . ; T . R . Mills , S . D . ; J . Bray , J . D . ; G . S . Woodwark , I . G . ; E . Cruso , Treas . ; J . Green , Sec . ; E . Wells and C . Miller , Stewards ; and W . Woolsey , Tyler . After business the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a magnificent repast was served bhost Bro . S . N . Marshall .
y The W . Master presided , supported by Bros . C . Ives , I . P . M . ; R . Household , Dunsford , the Rev . W . L . Onslow , Kennedy , and Ladbrooke , P . M . ' s ; M . Bircham , W . M . Athelstan , 19 , and Joppa , 1 , 114 ; Owen J . Carter , Antiquity , 20 ; T . Drinkwater , P . M . ; E . Hills , Scientific , 88 ; T . G . Hessey , 838 ; H . Peak , W . M . 466 ; Jones , 82 , numbering , with the officers and members of the lodge , about thirty-five . The cloth having been drawn ,
the W . M . proposed the following toasts , "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " "The Right Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of England , the Earl de Grey and Ripon ,
and the rest of the Grand Officers of England . The toast of " The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell ; the Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Honourable F . Walpole , and the rest of the officers , past and present , of Norfolk , " was proposed by Bro . Household , and responded to by Bro . C . Ives , Prov . G . Steward . " The Worshipful Master , " by Bro . Ives , was enthusiastically receivedaud duly responded to . The
, W . M . proposed the toast of " Immediate Past Master and Past Masters present , and also the Installing Master , " which were respectively acknowledged in appropriate terms . Bro . T . M . Kendall , P . M ., gave " The Health of the Chaplain , " and congratulated the lodge on having so important an office filled by so worthy and distinguished a brother as the Rev . W . L . Onslow . Bro . Onslow replied in a very impressive manner . Bro . Kenned
y proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " and Bro . Flessey returned thanks in an effective and truly Masonic speech . The W . M . proposed " The Officers of the lodge , " and Bro . Banks lesponded . "The Masonic Charities , " by the Chaplain , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the programme . Between the toasts several glees and songs were excellently sung by Bros . R . R . Reed , Crusoand Greenassisted bMaster Hillhamwhich very
, , y , materially tended to enhance the pleasure of the evening . The brethren separated shortly after ten o'clock , highly pleased and testifying to the cordiality and union existing in the Order , of which the proceedings gave another example , long to be remembered by those present .
WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMINGHAM . —Bedford Lodge ( No . 925 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Monday , the 17 th inst . Amongst the visitors present were : —Bros . B " . Puree !! , W . M . 1 , 031 ; T . Partridge , P . M . 1 , 031 ; C . H . Needham , 175 ; E . Kent , S . D . 1 , 031 ; J . V . Blunt , W . M . 1 , 180 ; J . Bragg , W . M . 739 . After the usual preliminaries had been gone throughMr . George Keel was admittedproperl
, , y prepared , and initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry , according to ancient custom . Au application for relief was received from Bro . G . Webb , formerly a lieutenant in the army . The sum of two guineas was voted for him from the charity fund . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , when Bro . the Rev . W . B . Smith delivered a lecture in the third degree in his usual clear , distinct , and impressive manner . The lodge was afterwards resumed in the
first degree , aud the W . M . made the enquiries , when nothing further offering the lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmony . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , and separated at an early hour . Great credit is due to Bro . B . Whitehead , the W . M ., for the proficiency he has attained in his working on this the first occasion of his discharging the important duties of " vV . M . BIRMTNGKAM . —Fletcher Lodge ( No . 1 , 031 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
friends . This was seconded by Bro . J . F . Hallett , and received the unanimous assent of the brethren . It was then arranged that an audit committee meeting should be held the third Monday in March , which any member of the lodge could attend . The lodge liaving been closed in due form the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was served in a manner giving great satisfaction to all . The banquet-table was , as is usual with the Royal Albertgraced with the of several
, presence visitors , among whom were Bros . J . Lovell Jones , 165 ; J . G . Marsh , W . M ., 192 ; W . Bourne , G . Pymm , T . Strip , S . Homeward , all of 749 ; H . Gabb , 72 ; J . AUinson , 256 ; and Baker , 555 . The usual Masonic toasts were given and received with great eclat , and the brethren also drank , amid much enthusiasm , " Success to the Masonic Charities , " on behalf of whom , Bro . Terry , of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , returned thanks .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on the 12 th inst ., at seven o ' clock . Present : —Bros . Sutherland , P . M ., W . M . pro tern . ; C Carnegie , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works Essex , I . P . M , ; Wolverson , S . W . ; Newman , J . W . ; Ray , S . D . ; Eustace , J . D . ; Calthorpe , I . G . ; Rix , Jenkinson , Webb , Donnolly , and Middleton .
Visitors : —Bros . Cole ; Quilter , J . W . ; and Bagg , Angel Lodge ( No . 51 , E . C . ) _ ; and Bro . Black . 56 , 1 . C . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Carnegie , Sec , read the quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge , also receipts from the Royal Benevolent Institution . The Royal Masonic Institution for
Boys and the Royal Masonic Female School for £ 2 , 2 s ., being the annual subscription of the United Lodge to each of those Charities ; and letters from the Secretary of the Masonic Female School , asking the lodge to appoint a Steward for their annual festival on the 13 th May ; from the Lodge of Antiquity , Wigau , asking for the votes of the lodge in favour of Bro . H . Miller ; and a circular asking the lodge to support J . Addison , a
candidate for the Boys' School . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Webb , who had been passed to the F . C . degree at the last meeting , was examined as to his proficiency in that degree by Bro . Carnegie , I . P . M . He was then entrusted by the W . M . and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Webb was raised to the sublime degree . The lodge was then closed down to the second and first degrees , and after the transaction of some other business , the lodge was closed in time and form , and with solemn
prayer . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge ( So . 279 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge for the year was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at which the W . M ., Bro . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M ., presided . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . PettiforPMPProvSGWas
, .., . . . .., S . W . ; Stanley , J . W . ; Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; Sculthorpe , 523 , as Sec ; Burton , I . G . ; Ride , and Rev . I . G . Packer . Visitors : —Bros . S . P . Ekin , Prov . G . Lodge of Cambridgeshire ; J . Bain , 60 , Glasgow ; Duff , P . M . and Prov . G . D . of Cambridgeshive ; Brewin , \ VM . and P . Prov . S . G . W . Hunt ; G . Tollar , J . W . aud Prov . G . Steward ; J . C . Clarke , Partridge , Harris , Lewin , and Knight , 523 . The lodge liaving been in the first
opened degree , and the minutes of the festival having been read and confirmed , letters of apology for absence were read from Bros . Gosling , S . W . and Thorpe , S . D ., who were confined to their houses by illness , and Bro . Stretton , Sec , who was in North Wales . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . the Rev . I . G . Packer was called to the pedestal , and examined as a F . Cwhenhaving retiredthe lodwas opened
, , , ge in the third degree , and Bro . Packer was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was afterwards closed in th . third and second degrees , and , finally ( after the W . M " . had invested Bro . Packer as Chaplain , and a gentleman had been proposed as a candidate for initiation ) in the first degree , and in harmony . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , and spent an hour or two very pleasantly .
NORFOLK . KINGS' LYNN . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 107 ) . —The meeting - for installation of W . M . of this lodge was held at the lodge room , Globe Hotel , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . The lodge assembled at four o'clock , and after transacting the usual business , a board of Installed Masters was duly formed , and Bro . G . G . Sabler was installed into the chair of K . S . Bro . James Dunsford , of Norwich , performed the ceremony in a very able
aud impressive manner . The new W . M . having been saluted by the brethren , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers , namely , Bros . J . T . Banks , S . W . ; W . J . Pole , J . W . ; the Rev . W . Lake Onslow , Chap . ; T . R . Mills , S . D . ; J . Bray , J . D . ; G . S . Woodwark , I . G . ; E . Cruso , Treas . ; J . Green , Sec . ; E . Wells and C . Miller , Stewards ; and W . Woolsey , Tyler . After business the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where a magnificent repast was served bhost Bro . S . N . Marshall .
y The W . Master presided , supported by Bros . C . Ives , I . P . M . ; R . Household , Dunsford , the Rev . W . L . Onslow , Kennedy , and Ladbrooke , P . M . ' s ; M . Bircham , W . M . Athelstan , 19 , and Joppa , 1 , 114 ; Owen J . Carter , Antiquity , 20 ; T . Drinkwater , P . M . ; E . Hills , Scientific , 88 ; T . G . Hessey , 838 ; H . Peak , W . M . 466 ; Jones , 82 , numbering , with the officers and members of the lodge , about thirty-five . The cloth having been drawn ,
the W . M . proposed the following toasts , "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Most Worshipful the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " "The Right Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of England , the Earl de Grey and Ripon ,
and the rest of the Grand Officers of England . The toast of " The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell ; the Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Honourable F . Walpole , and the rest of the officers , past and present , of Norfolk , " was proposed by Bro . Household , and responded to by Bro . C . Ives , Prov . G . Steward . " The Worshipful Master , " by Bro . Ives , was enthusiastically receivedaud duly responded to . The
, W . M . proposed the toast of " Immediate Past Master and Past Masters present , and also the Installing Master , " which were respectively acknowledged in appropriate terms . Bro . T . M . Kendall , P . M ., gave " The Health of the Chaplain , " and congratulated the lodge on having so important an office filled by so worthy and distinguished a brother as the Rev . W . L . Onslow . Bro . Onslow replied in a very impressive manner . Bro . Kenned
y proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " and Bro . Flessey returned thanks in an effective and truly Masonic speech . The W . M . proposed " The Officers of the lodge , " and Bro . Banks lesponded . "The Masonic Charities , " by the Chaplain , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the programme . Between the toasts several glees and songs were excellently sung by Bros . R . R . Reed , Crusoand Greenassisted bMaster Hillhamwhich very
, , y , materially tended to enhance the pleasure of the evening . The brethren separated shortly after ten o'clock , highly pleased and testifying to the cordiality and union existing in the Order , of which the proceedings gave another example , long to be remembered by those present .
WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMINGHAM . —Bedford Lodge ( No . 925 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Monday , the 17 th inst . Amongst the visitors present were : —Bros . B " . Puree !! , W . M . 1 , 031 ; T . Partridge , P . M . 1 , 031 ; C . H . Needham , 175 ; E . Kent , S . D . 1 , 031 ; J . V . Blunt , W . M . 1 , 180 ; J . Bragg , W . M . 739 . After the usual preliminaries had been gone throughMr . George Keel was admittedproperl
, , y prepared , and initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry , according to ancient custom . Au application for relief was received from Bro . G . Webb , formerly a lieutenant in the army . The sum of two guineas was voted for him from the charity fund . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , when Bro . the Rev . W . B . Smith delivered a lecture in the third degree in his usual clear , distinct , and impressive manner . The lodge was afterwards resumed in the
first degree , aud the W . M . made the enquiries , when nothing further offering the lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmony . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , and separated at an early hour . Great credit is due to Bro . B . Whitehead , the W . M ., for the proficiency he has attained in his working on this the first occasion of his discharging the important duties of " vV . M . BIRMTNGKAM . —Fletcher Lodge ( No . 1 , 031 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms ,