Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . M . Nee , D . M ., in a few choice sentences , presented a silver square and a pair of silver compasses , ancl , in conclusion , expressed a hope that the moral significance of these instruments would never be lost sight of in the working of the lodge . Bro . Henderson , S . M ., presented a beautiful banneret—the gift of Bro . Paton , E . W . M ., and designed by Bro . Leggatt ; and in doing so made a few appropriate remarks on its beauty , its uses , and the necessity of the brethren on all occasions rallying
round it , with the steady purpose of doing the best they could for the lodge . Bro . Smith , in the name of Bro . Grieve , presented two handsome pillars , representing strength and beauty , and three water bottles , profusely adorned with Masonic emblems . Bro . Potts , P . G . S ., presented a handsome silver bell , the tones of which he hoped would never fail to remind the brethren of their dutyaud especially when the hour of " high twelve !"
, sounded in their ears . Bro . Cowan , P . M ., returned thanks for the lodge for the presentations above enumerated ; and said it was with very great pleasure he did so , inasmuch as the proceedings of the evening proved that the members of the Thistle Lodge were influenced by true Masonic principles . . The brethren who have added to the property of the lodge to-night have shown great taste in the
choice of their gifts . Before us lie the square and compasses , a gift worthy of our acceptance , and one which I hope will be the means of guiding many ; brethren in the path of moral rectitude . The bell , he had no doubt , would be duly appreciated , when in the hands and under the command of the J . W . It hung iu the centre of a triangle , and could scarcely ever fail to remind a Master Mason of the leading virtues of Masonry—Faith , Hope , and Charity . They could not forget Bro . Grieve ' s present , or
the lessons which the pillars were designed to teach . The symbols on the water bottles would be a constant source of instruction , representing as they did some of the finest moral truths which it was the purpose of Freemasonry to teach and enforce . He referred to the banneret presented by Bro . Paton as a great acquisition , as on all festive occasions , when carried in procession , it would bear evidence to the antiquity of the lodge . It was something to . say that their charter bore the
date of 1762 , but he was proud to add that notwithstanding her great age , the lodge was flourishing , and waxing stronger every year—that she was in a better position now than at any former time—and that at present she stood as high on the roll of fame as any lodge holding of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Bro . Cowan concluded with the hope that the proceedings of the evening would lead the brethren to still greater exertions in the good causeand renewed his thanks to the donors of the
, several gifts . During the evening Bro . Albion , of the Shamrock aud Thistle Lodge , 275 , presided at the harmonium , aud the proceedings were agreeably varied by a number of toasts and comic songs , excellently rendered by members of the lodge . Deputations were received from various daughter lodges , and duly honoured .
Bro . McTaggart and Bro . Albion were elected honorary affiliated members of the lodge , and received tiie right hand of fellowship . Thereafter the brethren , having expressed themselves satisfied , the lodge was closed in clue and ancient form . It is worthy of remark that the articles presented to Bro . Leith , the square and compasses , and the bell , were manufactured by Bro . Potter , member of the Thistle lodge .
CONSTANTINOPLE . LEINSTER LODGE ( No . 166 , I . C)—This flourishing lodge celebrated the Si . John ' s Festival on the 27 th Dec , at Buyukdere , when Bro . James Harris was again placed in the chair as W . M . The following elected officers were duly invested : —Bro . G . Mears , S . W . ; W . George , J . W . ; Calujerovich , Treas . ; J . MachraySec ; BearenS . D . ; Dr . DemarchiJ . D . A . Cleland
, , , ; , I . G . ; Michael , Tyler . Bro . P . W . Smorfitt , iu his usual able manner , directed the ceremonies . After the business of the lodge had been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet at the Hotel Croessant , served in M . Francesco's best style . The W . M . presided . After the toasts of " The Queen , " " The Sultan , " the Masonic toast of the ' M . W . G . M .,
the Duke of Leiuster , G . M . of Ireland , " was drunk with all the honours , followed by the " District Grand Master , " and the " Grand Officers . " Bro . Smorfitt , in appropriate terms , proposed the health of the " Worshipful Master , " congratulating him on him on his re-election , and auguring continued success to the now most prosperous Leinster Lodge . The W . M . returned thanks , and proposed the " P . M . 's , " responded to by Bro . Smorfitt . After the " Officers . " acknowledged by Bro .
Mears , S . W ., "The Visitors , " "The other Lodges of the Empire , " the Tyler's toast toast was given , and the brethren separated , after passing a very ageeeable evening . It may be stated that this lodge , although located a few miles on the Bosphorus distant from the city of Constantinople , now numbers more members than any of the lodges of any nationality of that famed capital , thanks to the great zeal ancl efficiency with which it is conducted .
Royal Arch.
DUEHAM . DURHAM . —Chapter of Concord ( No . 124 ) . —Ou Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., a regular convocation of this chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet . The chapter was opened at seven o ' clock by E . Comps . J . Fawcett , G . Supt . of the province , as Z . ; W . R . Fitz-Gerald , H . ; and Brignall , P . Z ., as J . ; after which the companions were admitted . The minutes
of the last convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken with a satisfactory result in each case , for the following brethren , who were candidates for exaltation , viz .: — Bros , the Eev . G . Pearson Wilkinson , M . A ., of Nos . 375 and 1 , 121 ; H . J . Baker , 124 and 375 ; W . Pawson , 1 , 121 ; and John James Leigh , 1 , 121 . The four candidates , who were in attendaucewere severallintroduced and exalted in due
, y form , the ceremony being performed by the Superintendent of the province in a faultless manner . The lectures were then given by the respective chairs , after which the M . E . Z . proceeded to the election of the officers for the ensuing year , with the following result , viz .: —Comps . Fitz Gerald , Z . ; Jones , H . ; W . A . Malcolm , J . ; T . W . Hearon , S . E . ; Ebdy , S . N . ; W . Brignall , jun . P . S . No Treasurer or Janitor were appointed . Two
, candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , and the chapter was then closed according to ancient form . GATESHEAD . —Chapter de Burgh ( So . 424 ) . —On Thursday evening , the 23 rd ult ., the companions of this chapter held their usual meeting at their chapter room , the principals' chairs being occupied by Comps . R . J . Banning , Z . ; Ludwig , P . Z ., as H . ; and Alexander , P . Z ., as J ., when there was a fair attendance
of officers and companions , including Comps . Hugill , E . ; Clapham , P . Z ., asN . ; Stokoe , P . S . ; Cooke , A . S . ; Lotinga Smaile , P . Z . Bro . J . H . Kendall was in attendance and admitted and exalted as a companion of the Order by the M . E . C Banning , Z . ; the mystical lecture being ably given by M . E . C E . Smaile , P . Z . There was no further business of importance during the evening , and after closing the chapter the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . GAESTON—Chapter of Sarmomj ( No . 220 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter was held at the Wellington Hotel , on the 2 nd ult . Present : —Comps . C Leedham , Z . ; R . Pearson , H . ; G . Ladmore , J . ; Bunting , E . ; Burrows , N . ; Sarsen , Prin . Soj . ; Pepper , P . Z . and Treas ., and a full assembly of the companions . The minutes of the previous meeting were read aud confirmed , after which the following candidates were
exalted , Bros . W . Bird , 823 ; Littlefield , 667 ; Garrett and J . Jones , 594 ; Nuttall , 667 ; and W . Bird , 823 . We notice that this chapter although some miles distant from Liverpool , receives a large accession to its members from that district , though many other chapters are more conveniently situated . This we presume arises from the fact that the working of this chapter has always held a high repute in the province . After the refreshments which , considering the period of the year , were hardly of the quality which usually characterises Comp . Wood ' s table , the companions separated at an early hour .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —Humber Chapter ( No . 57 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held in the Humber Lodge , on the 30 th ult ., when
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . M . Nee , D . M ., in a few choice sentences , presented a silver square and a pair of silver compasses , ancl , in conclusion , expressed a hope that the moral significance of these instruments would never be lost sight of in the working of the lodge . Bro . Henderson , S . M ., presented a beautiful banneret—the gift of Bro . Paton , E . W . M ., and designed by Bro . Leggatt ; and in doing so made a few appropriate remarks on its beauty , its uses , and the necessity of the brethren on all occasions rallying
round it , with the steady purpose of doing the best they could for the lodge . Bro . Smith , in the name of Bro . Grieve , presented two handsome pillars , representing strength and beauty , and three water bottles , profusely adorned with Masonic emblems . Bro . Potts , P . G . S ., presented a handsome silver bell , the tones of which he hoped would never fail to remind the brethren of their dutyaud especially when the hour of " high twelve !"
, sounded in their ears . Bro . Cowan , P . M ., returned thanks for the lodge for the presentations above enumerated ; and said it was with very great pleasure he did so , inasmuch as the proceedings of the evening proved that the members of the Thistle Lodge were influenced by true Masonic principles . . The brethren who have added to the property of the lodge to-night have shown great taste in the
choice of their gifts . Before us lie the square and compasses , a gift worthy of our acceptance , and one which I hope will be the means of guiding many ; brethren in the path of moral rectitude . The bell , he had no doubt , would be duly appreciated , when in the hands and under the command of the J . W . It hung iu the centre of a triangle , and could scarcely ever fail to remind a Master Mason of the leading virtues of Masonry—Faith , Hope , and Charity . They could not forget Bro . Grieve ' s present , or
the lessons which the pillars were designed to teach . The symbols on the water bottles would be a constant source of instruction , representing as they did some of the finest moral truths which it was the purpose of Freemasonry to teach and enforce . He referred to the banneret presented by Bro . Paton as a great acquisition , as on all festive occasions , when carried in procession , it would bear evidence to the antiquity of the lodge . It was something to . say that their charter bore the
date of 1762 , but he was proud to add that notwithstanding her great age , the lodge was flourishing , and waxing stronger every year—that she was in a better position now than at any former time—and that at present she stood as high on the roll of fame as any lodge holding of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Bro . Cowan concluded with the hope that the proceedings of the evening would lead the brethren to still greater exertions in the good causeand renewed his thanks to the donors of the
, several gifts . During the evening Bro . Albion , of the Shamrock aud Thistle Lodge , 275 , presided at the harmonium , aud the proceedings were agreeably varied by a number of toasts and comic songs , excellently rendered by members of the lodge . Deputations were received from various daughter lodges , and duly honoured .
Bro . McTaggart and Bro . Albion were elected honorary affiliated members of the lodge , and received tiie right hand of fellowship . Thereafter the brethren , having expressed themselves satisfied , the lodge was closed in clue and ancient form . It is worthy of remark that the articles presented to Bro . Leith , the square and compasses , and the bell , were manufactured by Bro . Potter , member of the Thistle lodge .
CONSTANTINOPLE . LEINSTER LODGE ( No . 166 , I . C)—This flourishing lodge celebrated the Si . John ' s Festival on the 27 th Dec , at Buyukdere , when Bro . James Harris was again placed in the chair as W . M . The following elected officers were duly invested : —Bro . G . Mears , S . W . ; W . George , J . W . ; Calujerovich , Treas . ; J . MachraySec ; BearenS . D . ; Dr . DemarchiJ . D . A . Cleland
, , , ; , I . G . ; Michael , Tyler . Bro . P . W . Smorfitt , iu his usual able manner , directed the ceremonies . After the business of the lodge had been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet at the Hotel Croessant , served in M . Francesco's best style . The W . M . presided . After the toasts of " The Queen , " " The Sultan , " the Masonic toast of the ' M . W . G . M .,
the Duke of Leiuster , G . M . of Ireland , " was drunk with all the honours , followed by the " District Grand Master , " and the " Grand Officers . " Bro . Smorfitt , in appropriate terms , proposed the health of the " Worshipful Master , " congratulating him on him on his re-election , and auguring continued success to the now most prosperous Leinster Lodge . The W . M . returned thanks , and proposed the " P . M . 's , " responded to by Bro . Smorfitt . After the " Officers . " acknowledged by Bro .
Mears , S . W ., "The Visitors , " "The other Lodges of the Empire , " the Tyler's toast toast was given , and the brethren separated , after passing a very ageeeable evening . It may be stated that this lodge , although located a few miles on the Bosphorus distant from the city of Constantinople , now numbers more members than any of the lodges of any nationality of that famed capital , thanks to the great zeal ancl efficiency with which it is conducted .
Royal Arch.
DUEHAM . DURHAM . —Chapter of Concord ( No . 124 ) . —Ou Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., a regular convocation of this chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet . The chapter was opened at seven o ' clock by E . Comps . J . Fawcett , G . Supt . of the province , as Z . ; W . R . Fitz-Gerald , H . ; and Brignall , P . Z ., as J . ; after which the companions were admitted . The minutes
of the last convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken with a satisfactory result in each case , for the following brethren , who were candidates for exaltation , viz .: — Bros , the Eev . G . Pearson Wilkinson , M . A ., of Nos . 375 and 1 , 121 ; H . J . Baker , 124 and 375 ; W . Pawson , 1 , 121 ; and John James Leigh , 1 , 121 . The four candidates , who were in attendaucewere severallintroduced and exalted in due
, y form , the ceremony being performed by the Superintendent of the province in a faultless manner . The lectures were then given by the respective chairs , after which the M . E . Z . proceeded to the election of the officers for the ensuing year , with the following result , viz .: —Comps . Fitz Gerald , Z . ; Jones , H . ; W . A . Malcolm , J . ; T . W . Hearon , S . E . ; Ebdy , S . N . ; W . Brignall , jun . P . S . No Treasurer or Janitor were appointed . Two
, candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , and the chapter was then closed according to ancient form . GATESHEAD . —Chapter de Burgh ( So . 424 ) . —On Thursday evening , the 23 rd ult ., the companions of this chapter held their usual meeting at their chapter room , the principals' chairs being occupied by Comps . R . J . Banning , Z . ; Ludwig , P . Z ., as H . ; and Alexander , P . Z ., as J ., when there was a fair attendance
of officers and companions , including Comps . Hugill , E . ; Clapham , P . Z ., asN . ; Stokoe , P . S . ; Cooke , A . S . ; Lotinga Smaile , P . Z . Bro . J . H . Kendall was in attendance and admitted and exalted as a companion of the Order by the M . E . C Banning , Z . ; the mystical lecture being ably given by M . E . C E . Smaile , P . Z . There was no further business of importance during the evening , and after closing the chapter the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . GAESTON—Chapter of Sarmomj ( No . 220 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter was held at the Wellington Hotel , on the 2 nd ult . Present : —Comps . C Leedham , Z . ; R . Pearson , H . ; G . Ladmore , J . ; Bunting , E . ; Burrows , N . ; Sarsen , Prin . Soj . ; Pepper , P . Z . and Treas ., and a full assembly of the companions . The minutes of the previous meeting were read aud confirmed , after which the following candidates were
exalted , Bros . W . Bird , 823 ; Littlefield , 667 ; Garrett and J . Jones , 594 ; Nuttall , 667 ; and W . Bird , 823 . We notice that this chapter although some miles distant from Liverpool , receives a large accession to its members from that district , though many other chapters are more conveniently situated . This we presume arises from the fact that the working of this chapter has always held a high repute in the province . After the refreshments which , considering the period of the year , were hardly of the quality which usually characterises Comp . Wood ' s table , the companions separated at an early hour .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —Humber Chapter ( No . 57 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held in the Humber Lodge , on the 30 th ult ., when