Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
The Geological Society has resolved that the annual contribution to be paid by both resident and non-resident Fellows elected after the 1 st instant shall ie £ 2 2 s . per annum ; the composition for future annual contributions being £ 21 . An Industrial collection , on the plan of the South Kensington Museum , has been formed at Lausanne , in Switzerland . In
the list of donors are some English names , among others that of Mr . Layard , who has contributed a Babylonian brick with cuneiform inscription . A second part of the Liber Symnorum—the Book of Ancient Irish Hymns—edited by the Rev . Dr . Todd , will be published shortly by the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society .
Among the promised contributions to the Exhibition from Australia is an obelisk , which is intended to represent the total amount of gold exported from that country to England during the past ten years . The obelisk will be ten feet square at the base , and forty-two feet high . These dimensions in solid gold are equivalent to 800 tons , or one hundred and four millions of
pounds sterling , which is the amount reeceived from Australia since 1851 . About £ 500 has been collected in Paisley for the erection of a monument to Alexander Wilson , tbe ornithologist . Wilson was born in Paisley in 1766 , worked there as a weaver , then tramped round the countryside as a pedlar , and in 1794
emigrated to America , where he made his fame as a naturalist , and died in Philadelphia in 1 S 13 . The authorities of the South Kensington Museum are moving j with great energy to establish an additional attraction to their department during the extra coucourse in London for the International Exhibition . A large and recently-constructed court in their new building will be devoted to the display of various objects of art , to be lent for the occasion from some of the
richest and most celebrated private collections m this country . Efforts are being made to get up an Art-Exhibition of an interesting character at Bristol , the displays in that city having been of late hardly equal to the ancient fame , wealth and population of the place . We trust- ample success will accrue to the public-spirited attempt . An Account of the Sandwich Islands by Mr . Manley Hopkins ,
the British Consul-General therein , is in preparation entitled Hawaii , its Past , Present , and Future . This small and distant Archipelago of the North Pacific Ocean is interesting in many aspects . To the ethnologist , as the extreme north-western limit of the great Turanian division of mankind ; to the naturalist , as exhibiting the most active volcanic agencies in the world ; to
the historical student , as developing the entire biography of a people in a period of eighty years , in which it his emerged from complete savagery to civilization ; to the mercantile community , as being the centre and stepping-stone of the increasing commerce which crosses the waste of waters between the eastern nnd western worlds—the " pivot islands" of the Pacific , as the
Americans say ; to the young , as the scene of their hero Cook ' s final discoveries ancl of his death ; ancl to the Churchman , as being the scene of the latest mission undertaken to promulgate his faith . A volume of travels , by Mr . R . Clements Markham , among the Andes of Peru , in search of the cinchona bark , and among the
Neilgherrie Hills of Southern India , whilst superintending its planting there will he published shortly . The cinchona tree produces the Peruvian or Jesuit bark , from which quinine is distilled . A few years ago all cinchona was derived from Peru , hut the Dutch have introduced tbe tree to Java , and have more than 100 , 000 growing . It has rooted with great success in Neilgherrie Hills , and it is now proposed to form plantations in Ceylon .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
Messrs . AVertheim , Mackintosh , and Hunt , have in the press a People ' s Common Prayer-booTc , containing the Morning and Evening Services , Litany , Communion , Canticles pointed , & c , arranged as they are gone straight through in public worship . This prayer-book will be sold for 2 d ., and will be of great use to children and simple people who cannot find their way among the leaves of the complete hook .
We are sorry to hear that the quarterly Index to Current Literature , started some two years since for indexing newspapers and magazine articles , as well as titles of new books , has come to a standstill . It was a most useful publication , and like that remarkable index volume to Notes and Queries , containing some 50 , 000 references upon every conceivable subject , could
never be consulted without contributing at least some portion of knowledge upon the subject under inquiry . The new weekly journal , Public Opinion , we note , has just commenced an " Index to the London Press" giving the titles or subjects of all the leading articles in the London daily and weekly journals . Messrs . Tinsley Brothers will start , in April , a two -penny monthly , called The Library Circular of New and Second-hand Books . It will give a list of all books expected in the course of the new month , a summary of the contents of the leading books
published in the past month , and a list of new and second-hand books suited for circulating libraries of every description . Curiously enough , Mr . Mudie and Messrs . Tinsley each advertises new periodicals with the same purpose ancl the same title —The Library Circular . One or other must make a change Sir George Grey , Governor of the Cape Colony , has made a present of his valuable collection of books and manuscripts to
the South African Library , Cape Town . Every admirer of old carving will hear with regret that the beautiful works filling up the spandrels over the wall-arcade that runs round the east end and its transepts of AVorcester Cathedral have been re-touched with so ruthless a chisel that all their former beauty of execution had been destroyed . These
carvings were amongst the most admirable in the country , being remarkable for- fine and graceful treatment of drapery , which throughout had that peculiar flow and elegance which , distinguish the best ages of Gothic sculpture and mark the intense love of his work which the carver had . They displayed finish without toilsomeness , conventionality without stiffness , natural ease ancl mastery of beautiful form . Now their place is taken by the poor and forced feeling for form in which some mechanical carver has re-cut them .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . SCOTCH FREEMASONRY . TO TUB EDITOE OP THE rREESIASOlTS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBEOK . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Seeing that your excellent MAGAZINE is often referred to as an authority in Masonic
matters under dispute , it is right that every opportunity should be afforded you of amending any statements , editorial or contributed , which might , however far from the intention of the writer , be calculated in any measure to convey erroneous impressions or partial information in regard to the subjects treated in your pages . With the view , then of humbly aiding in the endeavour to
make the FREEMASNS' MAGAZINE what it ought to be , viz : —the instructor and pride of British Craftsmen , I beg to draw your attention to one or two items for correction , unimportant and trifling in themselves ,, no
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
The Geological Society has resolved that the annual contribution to be paid by both resident and non-resident Fellows elected after the 1 st instant shall ie £ 2 2 s . per annum ; the composition for future annual contributions being £ 21 . An Industrial collection , on the plan of the South Kensington Museum , has been formed at Lausanne , in Switzerland . In
the list of donors are some English names , among others that of Mr . Layard , who has contributed a Babylonian brick with cuneiform inscription . A second part of the Liber Symnorum—the Book of Ancient Irish Hymns—edited by the Rev . Dr . Todd , will be published shortly by the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society .
Among the promised contributions to the Exhibition from Australia is an obelisk , which is intended to represent the total amount of gold exported from that country to England during the past ten years . The obelisk will be ten feet square at the base , and forty-two feet high . These dimensions in solid gold are equivalent to 800 tons , or one hundred and four millions of
pounds sterling , which is the amount reeceived from Australia since 1851 . About £ 500 has been collected in Paisley for the erection of a monument to Alexander Wilson , tbe ornithologist . Wilson was born in Paisley in 1766 , worked there as a weaver , then tramped round the countryside as a pedlar , and in 1794
emigrated to America , where he made his fame as a naturalist , and died in Philadelphia in 1 S 13 . The authorities of the South Kensington Museum are moving j with great energy to establish an additional attraction to their department during the extra coucourse in London for the International Exhibition . A large and recently-constructed court in their new building will be devoted to the display of various objects of art , to be lent for the occasion from some of the
richest and most celebrated private collections m this country . Efforts are being made to get up an Art-Exhibition of an interesting character at Bristol , the displays in that city having been of late hardly equal to the ancient fame , wealth and population of the place . We trust- ample success will accrue to the public-spirited attempt . An Account of the Sandwich Islands by Mr . Manley Hopkins ,
the British Consul-General therein , is in preparation entitled Hawaii , its Past , Present , and Future . This small and distant Archipelago of the North Pacific Ocean is interesting in many aspects . To the ethnologist , as the extreme north-western limit of the great Turanian division of mankind ; to the naturalist , as exhibiting the most active volcanic agencies in the world ; to
the historical student , as developing the entire biography of a people in a period of eighty years , in which it his emerged from complete savagery to civilization ; to the mercantile community , as being the centre and stepping-stone of the increasing commerce which crosses the waste of waters between the eastern nnd western worlds—the " pivot islands" of the Pacific , as the
Americans say ; to the young , as the scene of their hero Cook ' s final discoveries ancl of his death ; ancl to the Churchman , as being the scene of the latest mission undertaken to promulgate his faith . A volume of travels , by Mr . R . Clements Markham , among the Andes of Peru , in search of the cinchona bark , and among the
Neilgherrie Hills of Southern India , whilst superintending its planting there will he published shortly . The cinchona tree produces the Peruvian or Jesuit bark , from which quinine is distilled . A few years ago all cinchona was derived from Peru , hut the Dutch have introduced tbe tree to Java , and have more than 100 , 000 growing . It has rooted with great success in Neilgherrie Hills , and it is now proposed to form plantations in Ceylon .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
Messrs . AVertheim , Mackintosh , and Hunt , have in the press a People ' s Common Prayer-booTc , containing the Morning and Evening Services , Litany , Communion , Canticles pointed , & c , arranged as they are gone straight through in public worship . This prayer-book will be sold for 2 d ., and will be of great use to children and simple people who cannot find their way among the leaves of the complete hook .
We are sorry to hear that the quarterly Index to Current Literature , started some two years since for indexing newspapers and magazine articles , as well as titles of new books , has come to a standstill . It was a most useful publication , and like that remarkable index volume to Notes and Queries , containing some 50 , 000 references upon every conceivable subject , could
never be consulted without contributing at least some portion of knowledge upon the subject under inquiry . The new weekly journal , Public Opinion , we note , has just commenced an " Index to the London Press" giving the titles or subjects of all the leading articles in the London daily and weekly journals . Messrs . Tinsley Brothers will start , in April , a two -penny monthly , called The Library Circular of New and Second-hand Books . It will give a list of all books expected in the course of the new month , a summary of the contents of the leading books
published in the past month , and a list of new and second-hand books suited for circulating libraries of every description . Curiously enough , Mr . Mudie and Messrs . Tinsley each advertises new periodicals with the same purpose ancl the same title —The Library Circular . One or other must make a change Sir George Grey , Governor of the Cape Colony , has made a present of his valuable collection of books and manuscripts to
the South African Library , Cape Town . Every admirer of old carving will hear with regret that the beautiful works filling up the spandrels over the wall-arcade that runs round the east end and its transepts of AVorcester Cathedral have been re-touched with so ruthless a chisel that all their former beauty of execution had been destroyed . These
carvings were amongst the most admirable in the country , being remarkable for- fine and graceful treatment of drapery , which throughout had that peculiar flow and elegance which , distinguish the best ages of Gothic sculpture and mark the intense love of his work which the carver had . They displayed finish without toilsomeness , conventionality without stiffness , natural ease ancl mastery of beautiful form . Now their place is taken by the poor and forced feeling for form in which some mechanical carver has re-cut them .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . SCOTCH FREEMASONRY . TO TUB EDITOE OP THE rREESIASOlTS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBEOK . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Seeing that your excellent MAGAZINE is often referred to as an authority in Masonic
matters under dispute , it is right that every opportunity should be afforded you of amending any statements , editorial or contributed , which might , however far from the intention of the writer , be calculated in any measure to convey erroneous impressions or partial information in regard to the subjects treated in your pages . With the view , then of humbly aiding in the endeavour to
make the FREEMASNS' MAGAZINE what it ought to be , viz : —the instructor and pride of British Craftsmen , I beg to draw your attention to one or two items for correction , unimportant and trifling in themselves ,, no