Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Committee ofthe Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their AVidows have resolved that at the Annual Meeting in May , 10 male annuitants shall be elected out of 39 ¦ candidates , and 4 female annuitants out of 18 candidates . AYe beg to remind the brethren that Mrs . Piper , aged 76 , makes her
eighth application , and as we hope they will determine it must be the last , we appeal to them to send 1000 votes to Bro . H . G . AA ' arren at our office . At the Lodge of Benevolence on AVednesday , 14 petitioners were relieved with various sums amounting to £ 117 10 s . and 2 petitioners recommended to Grand Lodge for grants of £ 40 and
JE 30 , making a total of £ 187 10 s . The Lodge of Temperance in the East ( No . 1200 ) is to be consecrated at the Assembly Booms , Poplar , on the 26 th inst .
CAXONBUBYLODGE ( NO . Ooo ) . —This lodge net on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., at the Canonbury Tavern , St . Mary ' s Road , Islington , the AV . M ., Bro . J . C . AVorman , supported by his newly appointed officers , presiding on the occasion . The business of the evening was limited in its character , consisting merely of the unanimous acceptance and passing of a motion by Bro . Hill , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Filer , P . M ., ancl Treas ., that the Canonbury Lodge , Past Master's jewel be presented to
Bro . AVilliam Cox , P . M ., late of this lodge , and a vote of thanks to Bro . Winn , for his liberality and exertions on the occasion of representing the lodge as Steward at the Boys ' School Festival , resulting in a list of donations amounting to £ 158 . The lodge having been closed in due form the brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by the host , Bro . Todd , in a style of excellence characteristic ofthe worthy brother , and the ancient hostelry . On removal ofthe cloth the toasts "The
Queen , " " The M . W . the Grand Master , " and « The D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , " were proposed by the AV . M ., and heartily responded to . " The Health of the Visitors , " was given from the chair , and responded to by Bros . Edinger , Buss , and Houther in very flattering terms . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the immediate P . M ., Edward Cox , in a manner highly eulogistic of the AV . M ., grounded on an intimate acpuaintance extending over a period -of twenty five years . —Bro . WORHAX in replying to the toast expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him as a
brother , and Master of the lodge , the pleasure of believing that he was esteemed by the brethren , being enhanced by-the warmheartedness of those who had so kindly replied to it ; he had accepted the office with the full intention of doing his best to maintain the prestige of his mother lodge , and to promote , the happiness of his fellow members . —The toast of "The Past Masters , " from the chair , was responded to by Bro . E . Cox , Bro . Filerancl Bro . Bohn . The W . M . next offered the toast of
, " The AVorthy Host , " to the notice of the brethren , and which was promptly replied to , Bro . TODD feeling himself much complimented by the kind notice taken of his exertions to provide suitably for the comforts of the brethren . He had lately added a new lodge room to his establishment , and he trusted that the members of the Canonbury Lodge would accept it from him as an earnest of his desire at all times to study their happiness ,
boasting as he could and did of the good wishes and personal regard of every member . It was always pleasant to receive a compliment , and he at all times desired to merit it , more especially from a new Master , believing as he did that unitedly they could materially increase the gratification experienced by those partaking of the banquets . —The toast of " The Officers , " from the chair , and " The Masonic Charities , ' - ' proposed by Bro . Bohn , replied to respectively by Bros . AVinn , King , and Berry followed in succession ; Bro . BonK in his remarks acknowledged his pride at being a member of the Canonbury Lodge , which had been placed , by the munificence of the Steward at the Boys '
School Festival , in a very high position as contributing to the Charities . —Bro . AVlSN in reply expressed himself as having been guided by three reasons in the course he pursued . Ho was jealous of the honour of his lodge , he was anxious to promote the charitable object of the Festival , and he was desirous of aiding the worldly prospects of a young friend now fatherless . He had succeeded in gaining their approbation , hut it had been by the assistance of several brethren of the lodge , to each and
all of whom he tendered his thanks , feeling that the donations were given from the purest motives , which made to him each guinea more acceptable than would a large donation if offered in ostentation . The " Tyler's toast , " concluded the business of the evening , a few hours having been spent most pleasantly , to the gratification of each member and visitor . CAMDEN LODGE ( NO . 1006 ) . —On Tuesday the ISth instant the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the York and
Albany Tavern , Gloster Gate , Regent's Park—when Bro . Nicholson , being examined gave satisfactory proofs of his efficiency in the former degree , and was raised a Master Mason ; and Mr . C Napoleon Crace , was duly initiated into Freemasonry . During the ceremonies , the effective music adapted for these occasions was sung , with the harmonium accompaniment , by three brethren of the Etonian Lodge ( No . 252 ) . A banquet followed , at which the usual loyal and Mosonic toasts were given and responded to
with the greatest cordiality . The 'WM . pro ton proposed "The Health ofthe newly initiated Brother , " and in a few suitable remarks , congratulated him on being admitted a member ofthe Order . Bro . Crace expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him and his desire to render himself an efficient and useful member . The AV . M . pro tern next gave " The Health of the Visitors " and stated , that it was with pTond satisfaction he saw so many ( twelve being present ) who had honoured the lodge
with their company . Amongst these visitors were several officers and distinguished brethren ' of Lodges Nos . 5 , 202 , 252 , 276 , and 752 . This toast was ahly responded to by the representatives of the respective lodges . After which Bro . Tyrrell , P . M . proposed "The Health ofthe AV . M . pro tern" whose conduct in the performance of the arduous duties of the chair , he characterized as deserving of every commendation . The brethren separated at 11 o'clock .
ST . MARK ' S LODOE ( NO . 1159 ) . —The first anniversary meeting of this lodge took place on AVednesday evening , March 12 , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Bro . Thomas , AV . M ., P . M . 123 , presided . After passing and raising two of the brethren , he proceeded to instal in due form Bro . Dr . Lillie the AV . M , elect , to the chair of K . S . as AV . M . for the ensuing year ; that ceremony being performed in a manner worthy of one of the best instructors in Craft Masonry . The W . M . having been saluted by the
brethren , appointed his officers as follows : — -Bros . Ball , S . AV . ; Hommoud , J . W . ; C . H . Rogers Harrison , S . D . ; Count de la More , J . D . ; Anderson , I . G . ; and Smith , Secretary . Amongst the visitors were , Bros . Offord , Prov . G . S . B . for Kent ; A . J . Avery and Bell , 902 ; Moore , 376 , & c . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , which having been disposed of and the cloth drawn , the W . M . gave the usual formal toasts which were all duly honoured and with true masonic
feeling . —Bro . THOMAS , P . M ., said he had for a short time again been entrusted by the W . M . with the use of the gavel , and during the time he had possession of it he would make the best use of it . It would be the first time that he or any one else had had the opportunity of proposing the health of the AV . M ., than whom a more worthy hrother did not exist . He felt assured that he would do his best to promote the well being of that lodge in particular and the Craft in general and he was indeed
the right man in the right place . He hoped that the brethren who had that day accepted office would attend regularly at the appointed time , so that the AV . M . might be enabled to carry on the business in a proper manner , remembering that the time of the AV . M . was money and ought not to be uselessly thrown away . The W . M ., in responding , said these were times when a man could not express what he felt ; but he was deeply grateful to the brethren ancl sensible of their kindness in electing him
AV . M . ofthe lodge . He also felt deeply indebted to Bro . Thomas , P . M ., for the manner in which he had proposed his health , and would endeavour to fulfil the duties of W . M . to the best of his ability . —The AV . M . then called upon the brethren to do the highest honour to the next toast , which he was about to propose . It was to express the deep sense of the lodge to Bro . Thomas for his courtesy in taking the position of AV . M . _ of the lodge during the first year of its existence , and in giving others that information he had so well acquired himself .
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Committee ofthe Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their AVidows have resolved that at the Annual Meeting in May , 10 male annuitants shall be elected out of 39 ¦ candidates , and 4 female annuitants out of 18 candidates . AYe beg to remind the brethren that Mrs . Piper , aged 76 , makes her
eighth application , and as we hope they will determine it must be the last , we appeal to them to send 1000 votes to Bro . H . G . AA ' arren at our office . At the Lodge of Benevolence on AVednesday , 14 petitioners were relieved with various sums amounting to £ 117 10 s . and 2 petitioners recommended to Grand Lodge for grants of £ 40 and
JE 30 , making a total of £ 187 10 s . The Lodge of Temperance in the East ( No . 1200 ) is to be consecrated at the Assembly Booms , Poplar , on the 26 th inst .
CAXONBUBYLODGE ( NO . Ooo ) . —This lodge net on Thursday , the 13 th inst ., at the Canonbury Tavern , St . Mary ' s Road , Islington , the AV . M ., Bro . J . C . AVorman , supported by his newly appointed officers , presiding on the occasion . The business of the evening was limited in its character , consisting merely of the unanimous acceptance and passing of a motion by Bro . Hill , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Filer , P . M ., ancl Treas ., that the Canonbury Lodge , Past Master's jewel be presented to
Bro . AVilliam Cox , P . M ., late of this lodge , and a vote of thanks to Bro . Winn , for his liberality and exertions on the occasion of representing the lodge as Steward at the Boys ' School Festival , resulting in a list of donations amounting to £ 158 . The lodge having been closed in due form the brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by the host , Bro . Todd , in a style of excellence characteristic ofthe worthy brother , and the ancient hostelry . On removal ofthe cloth the toasts "The
Queen , " " The M . W . the Grand Master , " and « The D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , " were proposed by the AV . M ., and heartily responded to . " The Health of the Visitors , " was given from the chair , and responded to by Bros . Edinger , Buss , and Houther in very flattering terms . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the immediate P . M ., Edward Cox , in a manner highly eulogistic of the AV . M ., grounded on an intimate acpuaintance extending over a period -of twenty five years . —Bro . WORHAX in replying to the toast expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him as a
brother , and Master of the lodge , the pleasure of believing that he was esteemed by the brethren , being enhanced by-the warmheartedness of those who had so kindly replied to it ; he had accepted the office with the full intention of doing his best to maintain the prestige of his mother lodge , and to promote , the happiness of his fellow members . —The toast of "The Past Masters , " from the chair , was responded to by Bro . E . Cox , Bro . Filerancl Bro . Bohn . The W . M . next offered the toast of
, " The AVorthy Host , " to the notice of the brethren , and which was promptly replied to , Bro . TODD feeling himself much complimented by the kind notice taken of his exertions to provide suitably for the comforts of the brethren . He had lately added a new lodge room to his establishment , and he trusted that the members of the Canonbury Lodge would accept it from him as an earnest of his desire at all times to study their happiness ,
boasting as he could and did of the good wishes and personal regard of every member . It was always pleasant to receive a compliment , and he at all times desired to merit it , more especially from a new Master , believing as he did that unitedly they could materially increase the gratification experienced by those partaking of the banquets . —The toast of " The Officers , " from the chair , and " The Masonic Charities , ' - ' proposed by Bro . Bohn , replied to respectively by Bros . AVinn , King , and Berry followed in succession ; Bro . BonK in his remarks acknowledged his pride at being a member of the Canonbury Lodge , which had been placed , by the munificence of the Steward at the Boys '
School Festival , in a very high position as contributing to the Charities . —Bro . AVlSN in reply expressed himself as having been guided by three reasons in the course he pursued . Ho was jealous of the honour of his lodge , he was anxious to promote the charitable object of the Festival , and he was desirous of aiding the worldly prospects of a young friend now fatherless . He had succeeded in gaining their approbation , hut it had been by the assistance of several brethren of the lodge , to each and
all of whom he tendered his thanks , feeling that the donations were given from the purest motives , which made to him each guinea more acceptable than would a large donation if offered in ostentation . The " Tyler's toast , " concluded the business of the evening , a few hours having been spent most pleasantly , to the gratification of each member and visitor . CAMDEN LODGE ( NO . 1006 ) . —On Tuesday the ISth instant the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the York and
Albany Tavern , Gloster Gate , Regent's Park—when Bro . Nicholson , being examined gave satisfactory proofs of his efficiency in the former degree , and was raised a Master Mason ; and Mr . C Napoleon Crace , was duly initiated into Freemasonry . During the ceremonies , the effective music adapted for these occasions was sung , with the harmonium accompaniment , by three brethren of the Etonian Lodge ( No . 252 ) . A banquet followed , at which the usual loyal and Mosonic toasts were given and responded to
with the greatest cordiality . The 'WM . pro ton proposed "The Health ofthe newly initiated Brother , " and in a few suitable remarks , congratulated him on being admitted a member ofthe Order . Bro . Crace expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him and his desire to render himself an efficient and useful member . The AV . M . pro tern next gave " The Health of the Visitors " and stated , that it was with pTond satisfaction he saw so many ( twelve being present ) who had honoured the lodge
with their company . Amongst these visitors were several officers and distinguished brethren ' of Lodges Nos . 5 , 202 , 252 , 276 , and 752 . This toast was ahly responded to by the representatives of the respective lodges . After which Bro . Tyrrell , P . M . proposed "The Health ofthe AV . M . pro tern" whose conduct in the performance of the arduous duties of the chair , he characterized as deserving of every commendation . The brethren separated at 11 o'clock .
ST . MARK ' S LODOE ( NO . 1159 ) . —The first anniversary meeting of this lodge took place on AVednesday evening , March 12 , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Bro . Thomas , AV . M ., P . M . 123 , presided . After passing and raising two of the brethren , he proceeded to instal in due form Bro . Dr . Lillie the AV . M , elect , to the chair of K . S . as AV . M . for the ensuing year ; that ceremony being performed in a manner worthy of one of the best instructors in Craft Masonry . The W . M . having been saluted by the
brethren , appointed his officers as follows : — -Bros . Ball , S . AV . ; Hommoud , J . W . ; C . H . Rogers Harrison , S . D . ; Count de la More , J . D . ; Anderson , I . G . ; and Smith , Secretary . Amongst the visitors were , Bros . Offord , Prov . G . S . B . for Kent ; A . J . Avery and Bell , 902 ; Moore , 376 , & c . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , which having been disposed of and the cloth drawn , the W . M . gave the usual formal toasts which were all duly honoured and with true masonic
feeling . —Bro . THOMAS , P . M ., said he had for a short time again been entrusted by the W . M . with the use of the gavel , and during the time he had possession of it he would make the best use of it . It would be the first time that he or any one else had had the opportunity of proposing the health of the AV . M ., than whom a more worthy hrother did not exist . He felt assured that he would do his best to promote the well being of that lodge in particular and the Craft in general and he was indeed
the right man in the right place . He hoped that the brethren who had that day accepted office would attend regularly at the appointed time , so that the AV . M . might be enabled to carry on the business in a proper manner , remembering that the time of the AV . M . was money and ought not to be uselessly thrown away . The W . M ., in responding , said these were times when a man could not express what he felt ; but he was deeply grateful to the brethren ancl sensible of their kindness in electing him
AV . M . ofthe lodge . He also felt deeply indebted to Bro . Thomas , P . M ., for the manner in which he had proposed his health , and would endeavour to fulfil the duties of W . M . to the best of his ability . —The AV . M . then called upon the brethren to do the highest honour to the next toast , which he was about to propose . It was to express the deep sense of the lodge to Bro . Thomas for his courtesy in taking the position of AV . M . _ of the lodge during the first year of its existence , and in giving others that information he had so well acquired himself .