Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
; THE MASONIC MIllROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOK , at NO 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has named Monday the Sth May next , for the Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , on which occasion His Royal Highnesss has consented to preside . The Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement , No . 145 , meets at preemasons' Hall , every Thursday at 7 , from October to May inclusive .
The Hervey Lodge of Instruction has been removed from the Britannia to the Swan , Walbam Green . The lodge will also shortly remove to the same Hotel in consequence of the Iron School Room , ( in which the lodge lias hitherto been held ) being removed . UNITED STRENGTH LODGE OS INSTRUCTION ( NO . 228 ) . —
This , one of the oldest Lodges of Instruction in existence , meets every Wednesday , at the Bull and Gate , Kentish Town Road under the guidance of Bro . J . W . Frost , one of the ablest preceptors of the present day . The fifteen Sections will be worked on Wednesday next , the 2 Gth inst ., when , no doubt , a large number of brethren will be present , as from the many wellknown P . M ' s . who have promised to assist , a great treat may be expected . Bro . Frost will take the chair at 7 o ' clock .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The visual monthly meeting of tbe Lodge of Benevolence was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , April 19 fch . Bro . J . M . Clabon , President , occupied the chair of W . M ., supported by Bros . J . Nunn , Sen . Vice-President , as S . W ., and Jas . Brett , Jun . Vice-President , as J . W . There were also present Bros . John Savage , P . G . D . ; Hervey ,
Grand Sec . ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst . ; J . C . Empson , P . G . S . B . ; J . Boyd ; Philbrick ; Coutts , Assist . G . Purst . ; W . Smith , C . F ., P . G . S . ; S . May , G . Steward ; J . Gale ; Emsworth , P . G . S . ; J . J . Wilson ; Cottebrune ; Hart ; M . A . Loewenstark : W . Mann , P . M . 186 ; Halsey , P . G . S . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Browse ; 11 . Garrod , P . M . 719 ; W . M . By water ; and several other brethren .
The rules were read by the Grand Secretary as required by the Book of Constitutions . J i Thirteen cases , mentioned in our last report , requiring confirmation , including one recommendation to Grand Lodge for £ 50 , three recommendations to the Grand Master for £ 40 , £ 20 and £ 15 respectively , were confirmed .
Twenty-three new applications for reliof were considered , resulting in grants or recommendations , as follows : — £ s . d . A Brother of Lodge Stability , London , No . 217 10 0 0 „ Zetland in the East , Calcutta , No . 508 10 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of Lodge St . John's , Gibraltar , No . 115 , ( drowned at Sen ) 10 0 0 A Brother of Lodge Aire and Calder , Goole , No . 458 10 0 0 „ a French Lodge 10 0 0 Lodge St . Matthew , Walsall , No . 539 50 0 0 To the Widow of a Brother of Salisbury Lodge , No . 435 10 0 0
Lodge Of Benevolence.
To the Widow of a Brother of Pythagorus Lodge , Corfu , No . 41-7 15 0 0 A Brother of Shakespeare Lodge , Warwick , No . 284 5 0 0 ' „ St . Luke ' s Lodge , London , No . 144 ... 30 0 0 „ Lodge True aud Faithful , Helston , Cornwall , No . 318 10 0 0 >
The Widow of a Brother of Down 3 hire Lodge , Liverpool , No . 594 15 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of Lodge La Cesaree , Jersey , No . 590 30 0 0 A Brother of Lodge of Peace , Stockport , No . 322 30 0 0 „ Foresters' Lodge , Uttoxeter , No . 456 10 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of Lodge Elias de Dei-ham , Salisbury , No . 586 15 0 0 In all amounting to £ 270 . Petitions from brethren of Lodge Benevolence , Marple ,. Cheshire , No . 336 ; the Widow of a Brother of United Chatham Lodge , Old Bi-orapton , Kent , No . 8-4 ; a Brother of
Lodge-Industry , Gateshead , Durham , No . 48 ; the Widow of a Brother of Loyalty Lodge , Prescott , Lancashire , No . 86 ; the Widow of a Brother of St . Peter ' s Lodge , Peterborough , No . 442 ; the-Widow of a Brother of Union Lodge of Berrima , New South . Wales , No . 981 ; and a Brother of Lodge — were deferred .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
At the Quarterly Court of Governors and Subscribers of this Institution , -was held on Monday , the l 7 th inst ., the motion of Bro ,. J . C . Parkinson , V . P ., P . M . 181 , " That Vice-Presidents , being individual Donors of Fifty Guineas each , shall have two votes for life instead one , for every ^ additional five guineas contributed by them in one payment , " was brought forward by the proposer ,,
and seconded by Bro . Fenn , supported by Bro . Hervey , G . Sec , and carried unanimously . We give tbe following abstract of tbe very interesting remarks by the proposer : — Bro . J . C . Parkinson , V . P ., P . M ., 181 , after thanking the Committee of the Institution on behalf of subscriberswho were like himselfsupremely satisfied with the
, , management of the Masonic Charities , proceeded to support the resolution of which he had given notice . He hoped , he said , to show that larger subscriptions , and more of them were not too much to hope under the circumstances in which the Craft found itself to day . Speaking in round numbers ,, forty thousand pounds were spent every year in Freemasonry in London alone , and , with the exception of another and independent sum of seven thousand pounds , which London
contributed to the three Charities , what was there to show for this vast amount . "Leather and prunella . " Masonic millinery absorbed more money thanMasonic charity . Ribbons , and white kid ; medals and laces ; jewels , collars , aprons , silvering , gilding and show represent a larger expenditure than we devote to the succour , of the orphan or the relief of the distressed . During the past twelvemonths more than six thousand certificates have been issued by the Grand Lodge of England , involving as a necessary
consequence the purchase of more than six thousand aprons , or an outlay of more than seven thousand pounds upon this one item of Masonic adornment , and this by the new blood brought into the Craft in a single year . He ( Bro . Parkinson ) , would not weary the meeting with statistics . All present knew that the two hundred Masons' lodges which flourished in London represented a heavy outhiy , and all knew the direction in which that outlay went . He did not wish to see the expenditure in Masonic
insignia diminished . In all ages , and among all civilised peoples , the value of symbolism , and the importance of emblemshad been insisted on and felt . The adornments of Freemasonry were the outward and visible signs of the solemn mysteries and great principles which we unite together to uphold , aud to hand down unsullied to our successors . Experience proves tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
; THE MASONIC MIllROR . * # * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOK , at NO 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has named Monday the Sth May next , for the Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , on which occasion His Royal Highnesss has consented to preside . The Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement , No . 145 , meets at preemasons' Hall , every Thursday at 7 , from October to May inclusive .
The Hervey Lodge of Instruction has been removed from the Britannia to the Swan , Walbam Green . The lodge will also shortly remove to the same Hotel in consequence of the Iron School Room , ( in which the lodge lias hitherto been held ) being removed . UNITED STRENGTH LODGE OS INSTRUCTION ( NO . 228 ) . —
This , one of the oldest Lodges of Instruction in existence , meets every Wednesday , at the Bull and Gate , Kentish Town Road under the guidance of Bro . J . W . Frost , one of the ablest preceptors of the present day . The fifteen Sections will be worked on Wednesday next , the 2 Gth inst ., when , no doubt , a large number of brethren will be present , as from the many wellknown P . M ' s . who have promised to assist , a great treat may be expected . Bro . Frost will take the chair at 7 o ' clock .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The visual monthly meeting of tbe Lodge of Benevolence was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , April 19 fch . Bro . J . M . Clabon , President , occupied the chair of W . M ., supported by Bros . J . Nunn , Sen . Vice-President , as S . W ., and Jas . Brett , Jun . Vice-President , as J . W . There were also present Bros . John Savage , P . G . D . ; Hervey ,
Grand Sec . ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst . ; J . C . Empson , P . G . S . B . ; J . Boyd ; Philbrick ; Coutts , Assist . G . Purst . ; W . Smith , C . F ., P . G . S . ; S . May , G . Steward ; J . Gale ; Emsworth , P . G . S . ; J . J . Wilson ; Cottebrune ; Hart ; M . A . Loewenstark : W . Mann , P . M . 186 ; Halsey , P . G . S . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Browse ; 11 . Garrod , P . M . 719 ; W . M . By water ; and several other brethren .
The rules were read by the Grand Secretary as required by the Book of Constitutions . J i Thirteen cases , mentioned in our last report , requiring confirmation , including one recommendation to Grand Lodge for £ 50 , three recommendations to the Grand Master for £ 40 , £ 20 and £ 15 respectively , were confirmed .
Twenty-three new applications for reliof were considered , resulting in grants or recommendations , as follows : — £ s . d . A Brother of Lodge Stability , London , No . 217 10 0 0 „ Zetland in the East , Calcutta , No . 508 10 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of Lodge St . John's , Gibraltar , No . 115 , ( drowned at Sen ) 10 0 0 A Brother of Lodge Aire and Calder , Goole , No . 458 10 0 0 „ a French Lodge 10 0 0 Lodge St . Matthew , Walsall , No . 539 50 0 0 To the Widow of a Brother of Salisbury Lodge , No . 435 10 0 0
Lodge Of Benevolence.
To the Widow of a Brother of Pythagorus Lodge , Corfu , No . 41-7 15 0 0 A Brother of Shakespeare Lodge , Warwick , No . 284 5 0 0 ' „ St . Luke ' s Lodge , London , No . 144 ... 30 0 0 „ Lodge True aud Faithful , Helston , Cornwall , No . 318 10 0 0 >
The Widow of a Brother of Down 3 hire Lodge , Liverpool , No . 594 15 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of Lodge La Cesaree , Jersey , No . 590 30 0 0 A Brother of Lodge of Peace , Stockport , No . 322 30 0 0 „ Foresters' Lodge , Uttoxeter , No . 456 10 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of Lodge Elias de Dei-ham , Salisbury , No . 586 15 0 0 In all amounting to £ 270 . Petitions from brethren of Lodge Benevolence , Marple ,. Cheshire , No . 336 ; the Widow of a Brother of United Chatham Lodge , Old Bi-orapton , Kent , No . 8-4 ; a Brother of
Lodge-Industry , Gateshead , Durham , No . 48 ; the Widow of a Brother of Loyalty Lodge , Prescott , Lancashire , No . 86 ; the Widow of a Brother of St . Peter ' s Lodge , Peterborough , No . 442 ; the-Widow of a Brother of Union Lodge of Berrima , New South . Wales , No . 981 ; and a Brother of Lodge — were deferred .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
At the Quarterly Court of Governors and Subscribers of this Institution , -was held on Monday , the l 7 th inst ., the motion of Bro ,. J . C . Parkinson , V . P ., P . M . 181 , " That Vice-Presidents , being individual Donors of Fifty Guineas each , shall have two votes for life instead one , for every ^ additional five guineas contributed by them in one payment , " was brought forward by the proposer ,,
and seconded by Bro . Fenn , supported by Bro . Hervey , G . Sec , and carried unanimously . We give tbe following abstract of tbe very interesting remarks by the proposer : — Bro . J . C . Parkinson , V . P ., P . M ., 181 , after thanking the Committee of the Institution on behalf of subscriberswho were like himselfsupremely satisfied with the
, , management of the Masonic Charities , proceeded to support the resolution of which he had given notice . He hoped , he said , to show that larger subscriptions , and more of them were not too much to hope under the circumstances in which the Craft found itself to day . Speaking in round numbers ,, forty thousand pounds were spent every year in Freemasonry in London alone , and , with the exception of another and independent sum of seven thousand pounds , which London
contributed to the three Charities , what was there to show for this vast amount . "Leather and prunella . " Masonic millinery absorbed more money thanMasonic charity . Ribbons , and white kid ; medals and laces ; jewels , collars , aprons , silvering , gilding and show represent a larger expenditure than we devote to the succour , of the orphan or the relief of the distressed . During the past twelvemonths more than six thousand certificates have been issued by the Grand Lodge of England , involving as a necessary
consequence the purchase of more than six thousand aprons , or an outlay of more than seven thousand pounds upon this one item of Masonic adornment , and this by the new blood brought into the Craft in a single year . He ( Bro . Parkinson ) , would not weary the meeting with statistics . All present knew that the two hundred Masons' lodges which flourished in London represented a heavy outhiy , and all knew the direction in which that outlay went . He did not wish to see the expenditure in Masonic
insignia diminished . In all ages , and among all civilised peoples , the value of symbolism , and the importance of emblemshad been insisted on and felt . The adornments of Freemasonry were the outward and visible signs of the solemn mysteries and great principles which we unite together to uphold , aud to hand down unsullied to our successors . Experience proves tho