Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
efficacy of our emblems and honorary rewards in fostering emulation , and in making precept practice ; and he ( Bro . Parkinson ) , was prepared to defend them as logically justifiable , wise , and sound , should they ever be assailed . It was fair to ask however if our symbolism had quite kept pace with our prosperity , and if in particular it had been adapted to our enlarged capacity for charity . The order devised and granted by the late Duke of Sussex , and having for its object the increase
of Stewards and Life Governors of our Boy's and Girls' Schools had fulfilled its purpose admirably ; but he wished to know if its scope might not be extended with advantage , and if the kind of stimulus which had been so effective iu creating Life Governors might not be used to increase the number of Vice Presidents . Either symbolism was useful and should be adopted consistently , or it was USGIGSB and should he altogether set aside . In the outer world we don't give a corporal a good service stripe and tell him
he is to wear that and nothing else , after he has won his commission . We don ' t tell a divine that having acquired the right of wearing a Master ' s hood that he shall not have lawn when he comes to be a Bishop . We don't say to the barrister when we give him a silk gown that he shall not have ermine when he sits upon the bench . But in charitable Freemasonry we say Spend a comparatively small sum of
money , and devote a small degree ot time and labour , and you shall achieve honorary distinction , but spend five times that money , and devote ( as in the case of our brother-committeemen ) time and labour , which are practically unlimited , and you shall achieve—nothing ! Our repertory of distinction is exhausted , and though you may , under certain circumstances , add another stripe or two to your arm , the corporal's uniform is the one you shall still wear . In this matter of symbolism Bro .
Parkinson would content himself with having raised the question , and with the hope that the advisers of the Grand Master might think it worthy of consideration -whether some modest insignia should not be devised for committeemeu of a certain standing , and for Vice-Presidents . With respect to the proposal to give every donor of fifty guineas , two votes instead of one for every five guineas he subscribed in addition , he believed it to be sound in principle and in accord with common sense . Its aim
was to induce those who have already given to give more , and to acknowledge their past services in what he humbly conceived was a graceful and appropriate way . He called upon the brethren to give it their support , and by creating this further inducement to benevolence to bring sunshine into many a shad y place by enabling the Craft to still further relieve those that are desolate and oppressed .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITANUNITED MAKINEKS LODGE ( No 30 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Guildhall Coffee-House , Gresham Street , on the lSth inst . Bros . Robert Shackell , W . M . ; 3 . I . C . Smith , S . W . ; W . F . Osborne , J . W . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M ., Sec ; W . Ansell , S . D . ; H . Bethell , J . D . ; E . Brown , I . G . ; Lc Feaux , Organist , presided at the harmonium ; W . Casely , D . C . ; J . Driscoll , P . M ., and T . Smith , Stewards ; J . Hailing , P . M . ; J . Driscoll , P . M . ; II . T . Lowe , P . M . ; W . MacDonald , P . M . ; R .
Taylor , P . M . ; and Bros . Iuglis , C . Bethel ) , Fagg , Thompson , Gladwell , Deeley , Crowther , Doble , Captain Nutsford , and others . The visitors present were Bros . Ough , P . G . Purst ; Henderson , P . M . 15 , P . Z . ; and Lindsay of the Nelson Lodge . The lodge was opened in antient form and with solemn prayer in the first degree . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Alleu , a candidate for initiationand declared unanimous . The ballot was also
, taken for Bro . Captain Nutsford , ot the Tuscan Lodge , China , as a joining member , which was unanimous . The lodge was then upened in the in the second and third degrees , and Bros . Thompson , Doble , and Crowther were raised to the degree of Master Masons . After some other formal business the lodge vizis closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet ,
Craft Masonry.
served under the personal superintendence of Mr . Crawford , the manager , in his usual excellent style . A very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by vocal and instrumental music . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( No . 73 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , on Tuesdaj-, April 18 th inst . Present -. —Bros . Meyer A . Loewenstark , W . M . ; George TreeSWGJGraceJWS . HarmanJ . D . ; E .
, .. ; . . , .. ; , Harris , P . M ., and Treas . ; J . S . Gomme , I . G . ; Wilkins , D . C ; F . Walters , P . M . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; Ginbaui , Sutton , Frankenberg , Hager , Mercer , Ireton , Baguley , Gregory , Adams , Huntley , and many others . Visitors : — Bres . Goldsbro , P . Prov . G . S . W ., North Wales and Shropshire ; J . T . Moss ; Prov . G . Steward , Middlesex ; F . Hull , W . M ., Bedford ; S . Verry , S . W ., Temperance ; J . Bartlett , P . M . ; and many others . Bro .
Dr . Lloyd , was raised by tbe W . M ., iu an efficient manner . £ 10 10 s . was voted to ' the Girl ' s School for the W . M . ' s list . A banquet followed . A very pleasant evening was spent . EASTERN STAB LODGE ( NO . 95 ) . —The regular meeting o * this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenbal Street , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . Present : —Bros . R , T . Hill , W . M . LucasS . W . WicksJ . W . ; BarrittS . D . ; Bateman
; , ; , , , J . D . ; Hall , I . G . ; E . W . Davies , P . M . ; Inman Sharp , P . M . ; Ayres , P . M . ; Bateman , P . M . ; Marriott , P . M . ; Pond , Roberts , Flowers . M . Wallace . Bros . Drew , Hood , and Westwood , were present as visitors , and Adam A . Silberberg was initiated . A banquet followed the business .
MANCHESTER LODGE ( NO . 179 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C ., on Thursday , the 20 th inst . Present Bros . James Kew , W . M . ; Letellir , S . W . ; Hayward , J . W . ; Morton , S . D . ; Munro , J . D . ; Sulivan , I . G . ; Stuart , P . M . ; Hughes , P . M . ; Bevin , P . M . ; Ash , I . P . M . ; Pope , P . M . ; Leighton , P . M . ; and Bros . R . and J . Webb , Dickeson , Higgs , Baldry , Price , aud several others . Visitors : Bros . PayneNo . 27 OwensNo . 861 ; LouettNo
, ; , , , 1 , 314 ; Levy , 18 S ; Beresford , 1 , 150 ; Frost , Nos . 228 , 704 , 865 ; Coutts , A . G . P ., No . 27 ; Grimsdale , No . 3 . Bro . Brewer was passed to the second degree , and Bro . Hawes was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The whole business was performed in the most able manner .
LODGE OP 'TRANQUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —The last meeting of th season , of this lodge was held on Monday , the " 17 th inst ., at Rad - ley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street , when the W . Bro . Louis Barnett » the highly esteemed Master , supported by Bros . Bloomfield , S . W . ; Abrahams , J . W . ; Peartree , Treas . ; P . Levy , Hon . Sec . ; Moss , S . D . ; Dr . Schnitzler , J . D . ; ICnappe , Org . ; Harfield , P . M . ; P . Moss , P . M . ; Holbrook , P . M . ; and others , very impressively
initiated Mr . Albert Holts into our mysteries ; after which , in consequence of the W . M . being compelled to leave , tbe W . Bro . Harfield , P . M . passed Bro . Win , Noble to the second degree ; aud the W . Bro . S . Moss raised Bro . Daniel M ' arks , Wittersberg , and Martinez to the third degree , who all expressed their delight at the beautiful manner in which the ceremonies of the evening had been rendered ,- the lodge was then closed in form , and with solemn prayer , and adjourned to the third Monday in October .
MERCHANT NAW LODGE ( NO . 781 ) . —The brethren of this lodge mustered in strong force on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., at the Silver Tavern , Burdett Road , Liuiehouse . Present : —Bros . Helps , W . M . ; Bradbury , S . W . ; Armstrong , J . W . ; Reeves , S . D . ; Myerseough , J . D .: Neville , I . G . ; Wright Treas . ; Medlnnd , Sec ; Read , P . M . ; Daniell , P . M . ; Killick , P . M ., and many other brethren and visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Brody , P . M . and Treas . Stability , Bury , Yarborough , Edingir ,
Marfleet , Haggetr , Jones , Mills , Foulger , Wainwright , Heckell , Harrison , Seaborn , "Willson , Weatherall , Bellamy , Di-ummond , and others . The lodge having beeu opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last meeting and Lodge of Emergency confirmed , Bro . Barnes then assumed the chair , and Bro . Bradbury , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented and duly installed in the chair of K . S . He then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . HelpsI . P . M . ; ArmstrongS . W . ; ReevesJ . W . j
, , , Rugg , S . D . ; Neville , J . D . ; Glinister , I . G . ; Hoare , Tyler ; Gibbs , W . S . ; Wright , Treas . ; and E . T . Read , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; the ceremony of installation and addresses were rendered by Bro . Barnes in a very impressive manner which elicited from the brethren present tlieir warmest approval . Bro . Read , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Killick , P . M ., seconded , that a Past Master ' s
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
efficacy of our emblems and honorary rewards in fostering emulation , and in making precept practice ; and he ( Bro . Parkinson ) , was prepared to defend them as logically justifiable , wise , and sound , should they ever be assailed . It was fair to ask however if our symbolism had quite kept pace with our prosperity , and if in particular it had been adapted to our enlarged capacity for charity . The order devised and granted by the late Duke of Sussex , and having for its object the increase
of Stewards and Life Governors of our Boy's and Girls' Schools had fulfilled its purpose admirably ; but he wished to know if its scope might not be extended with advantage , and if the kind of stimulus which had been so effective iu creating Life Governors might not be used to increase the number of Vice Presidents . Either symbolism was useful and should be adopted consistently , or it was USGIGSB and should he altogether set aside . In the outer world we don't give a corporal a good service stripe and tell him
he is to wear that and nothing else , after he has won his commission . We don ' t tell a divine that having acquired the right of wearing a Master ' s hood that he shall not have lawn when he comes to be a Bishop . We don't say to the barrister when we give him a silk gown that he shall not have ermine when he sits upon the bench . But in charitable Freemasonry we say Spend a comparatively small sum of
money , and devote a small degree ot time and labour , and you shall achieve honorary distinction , but spend five times that money , and devote ( as in the case of our brother-committeemen ) time and labour , which are practically unlimited , and you shall achieve—nothing ! Our repertory of distinction is exhausted , and though you may , under certain circumstances , add another stripe or two to your arm , the corporal's uniform is the one you shall still wear . In this matter of symbolism Bro .
Parkinson would content himself with having raised the question , and with the hope that the advisers of the Grand Master might think it worthy of consideration -whether some modest insignia should not be devised for committeemeu of a certain standing , and for Vice-Presidents . With respect to the proposal to give every donor of fifty guineas , two votes instead of one for every five guineas he subscribed in addition , he believed it to be sound in principle and in accord with common sense . Its aim
was to induce those who have already given to give more , and to acknowledge their past services in what he humbly conceived was a graceful and appropriate way . He called upon the brethren to give it their support , and by creating this further inducement to benevolence to bring sunshine into many a shad y place by enabling the Craft to still further relieve those that are desolate and oppressed .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITANUNITED MAKINEKS LODGE ( No 30 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Guildhall Coffee-House , Gresham Street , on the lSth inst . Bros . Robert Shackell , W . M . ; 3 . I . C . Smith , S . W . ; W . F . Osborne , J . W . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M ., Sec ; W . Ansell , S . D . ; H . Bethell , J . D . ; E . Brown , I . G . ; Lc Feaux , Organist , presided at the harmonium ; W . Casely , D . C . ; J . Driscoll , P . M ., and T . Smith , Stewards ; J . Hailing , P . M . ; J . Driscoll , P . M . ; II . T . Lowe , P . M . ; W . MacDonald , P . M . ; R .
Taylor , P . M . ; and Bros . Iuglis , C . Bethel ) , Fagg , Thompson , Gladwell , Deeley , Crowther , Doble , Captain Nutsford , and others . The visitors present were Bros . Ough , P . G . Purst ; Henderson , P . M . 15 , P . Z . ; and Lindsay of the Nelson Lodge . The lodge was opened in antient form and with solemn prayer in the first degree . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Alleu , a candidate for initiationand declared unanimous . The ballot was also
, taken for Bro . Captain Nutsford , ot the Tuscan Lodge , China , as a joining member , which was unanimous . The lodge was then upened in the in the second and third degrees , and Bros . Thompson , Doble , and Crowther were raised to the degree of Master Masons . After some other formal business the lodge vizis closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet ,
Craft Masonry.
served under the personal superintendence of Mr . Crawford , the manager , in his usual excellent style . A very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by vocal and instrumental music . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( No . 73 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , on Tuesdaj-, April 18 th inst . Present -. —Bros . Meyer A . Loewenstark , W . M . ; George TreeSWGJGraceJWS . HarmanJ . D . ; E .
, .. ; . . , .. ; , Harris , P . M ., and Treas . ; J . S . Gomme , I . G . ; Wilkins , D . C ; F . Walters , P . M . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; Ginbaui , Sutton , Frankenberg , Hager , Mercer , Ireton , Baguley , Gregory , Adams , Huntley , and many others . Visitors : — Bres . Goldsbro , P . Prov . G . S . W ., North Wales and Shropshire ; J . T . Moss ; Prov . G . Steward , Middlesex ; F . Hull , W . M ., Bedford ; S . Verry , S . W ., Temperance ; J . Bartlett , P . M . ; and many others . Bro .
Dr . Lloyd , was raised by tbe W . M ., iu an efficient manner . £ 10 10 s . was voted to ' the Girl ' s School for the W . M . ' s list . A banquet followed . A very pleasant evening was spent . EASTERN STAB LODGE ( NO . 95 ) . —The regular meeting o * this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenbal Street , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . Present : —Bros . R , T . Hill , W . M . LucasS . W . WicksJ . W . ; BarrittS . D . ; Bateman
; , ; , , , J . D . ; Hall , I . G . ; E . W . Davies , P . M . ; Inman Sharp , P . M . ; Ayres , P . M . ; Bateman , P . M . ; Marriott , P . M . ; Pond , Roberts , Flowers . M . Wallace . Bros . Drew , Hood , and Westwood , were present as visitors , and Adam A . Silberberg was initiated . A banquet followed the business .
MANCHESTER LODGE ( NO . 179 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C ., on Thursday , the 20 th inst . Present Bros . James Kew , W . M . ; Letellir , S . W . ; Hayward , J . W . ; Morton , S . D . ; Munro , J . D . ; Sulivan , I . G . ; Stuart , P . M . ; Hughes , P . M . ; Bevin , P . M . ; Ash , I . P . M . ; Pope , P . M . ; Leighton , P . M . ; and Bros . R . and J . Webb , Dickeson , Higgs , Baldry , Price , aud several others . Visitors : Bros . PayneNo . 27 OwensNo . 861 ; LouettNo
, ; , , , 1 , 314 ; Levy , 18 S ; Beresford , 1 , 150 ; Frost , Nos . 228 , 704 , 865 ; Coutts , A . G . P ., No . 27 ; Grimsdale , No . 3 . Bro . Brewer was passed to the second degree , and Bro . Hawes was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The whole business was performed in the most able manner .
LODGE OP 'TRANQUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —The last meeting of th season , of this lodge was held on Monday , the " 17 th inst ., at Rad - ley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street , when the W . Bro . Louis Barnett » the highly esteemed Master , supported by Bros . Bloomfield , S . W . ; Abrahams , J . W . ; Peartree , Treas . ; P . Levy , Hon . Sec . ; Moss , S . D . ; Dr . Schnitzler , J . D . ; ICnappe , Org . ; Harfield , P . M . ; P . Moss , P . M . ; Holbrook , P . M . ; and others , very impressively
initiated Mr . Albert Holts into our mysteries ; after which , in consequence of the W . M . being compelled to leave , tbe W . Bro . Harfield , P . M . passed Bro . Win , Noble to the second degree ; aud the W . Bro . S . Moss raised Bro . Daniel M ' arks , Wittersberg , and Martinez to the third degree , who all expressed their delight at the beautiful manner in which the ceremonies of the evening had been rendered ,- the lodge was then closed in form , and with solemn prayer , and adjourned to the third Monday in October .
MERCHANT NAW LODGE ( NO . 781 ) . —The brethren of this lodge mustered in strong force on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., at the Silver Tavern , Burdett Road , Liuiehouse . Present : —Bros . Helps , W . M . ; Bradbury , S . W . ; Armstrong , J . W . ; Reeves , S . D . ; Myerseough , J . D .: Neville , I . G . ; Wright Treas . ; Medlnnd , Sec ; Read , P . M . ; Daniell , P . M . ; Killick , P . M ., and many other brethren and visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Brody , P . M . and Treas . Stability , Bury , Yarborough , Edingir ,
Marfleet , Haggetr , Jones , Mills , Foulger , Wainwright , Heckell , Harrison , Seaborn , "Willson , Weatherall , Bellamy , Di-ummond , and others . The lodge having beeu opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last meeting and Lodge of Emergency confirmed , Bro . Barnes then assumed the chair , and Bro . Bradbury , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented and duly installed in the chair of K . S . He then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . HelpsI . P . M . ; ArmstrongS . W . ; ReevesJ . W . j
, , , Rugg , S . D . ; Neville , J . D . ; Glinister , I . G . ; Hoare , Tyler ; Gibbs , W . S . ; Wright , Treas . ; and E . T . Read , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; the ceremony of installation and addresses were rendered by Bro . Barnes in a very impressive manner which elicited from the brethren present tlieir warmest approval . Bro . Read , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Killick , P . M ., seconded , that a Past Master ' s