Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
jewel , of the value of five guineas be presented to Bro . Helps , I . P . M ., to Mark the sense of the lodge for his services as W . M . for the past yeiir . It was also proposed that a Secretary's jewel be presented to Bro . Medland as an acknowledgment lor his pastservices as secretary to the lodge . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Barnes for the efficient manner in which he ' . had discharged the duties of Installing Master . Tho lodge was then closed with solemn prayerand the brethrento the number of sixty
, , , adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and duly responded to , the newly-installed W . M . acquitting himself most creditably . DAEFiotrsiE LODGE ( NO . S 60 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Thursday , April 13 th ult . Present : —Bros . J . W . Williams , W . M . ; Hardy , S . W . ; Thomson , J . W . ; Bristo , P . M . and Treas ; Myram ,
Sec ; Seneca ] , S . D . ; Dtdwoud , J . D . ; Smith , Organist ; Thomas , P . M . ; Littell , P . M . ; Page , P . M . ; Underwood , P . M . ; Allen , Gronett , Taylor , Wellington , Rook , Knox , King , Bristo , Hart , Herman , Guest , Perry , and Skinner . Visitors present : —Bros . Worthington , P . M . 507 ; Sullivan , 1216 ; Waller , P . M . 820 ; Wright , P . M . 504 ; Levy , P . M . 188 ; Rean , 933 ; Rustuck , P . M . 342 ; Barnes , 15 ; Stuart . P . M . 141 ; Hyde , 192 ; E . Wright 76 Goddard 1115 . The installation bBro . Thomas
, ; , y , of Bro . J . Hardy , as W . M ., and investment of Officers by Bro . Hardy as follows : — Bros . Thomson , S . W . ; Senecal , J . W . ; Page , P . M . Treas . ; Myram , Sec , and J . D . ; Dalwood , S . D . ; Wallington , I . G . ; Herman , W . S . ; King , D . C ; Smith , Org . Prior to this Bro . Gronett was passed to the second degree . At the banquet a Past Master's Jewel was presented to Bro . Williams . The whole affair was very successful .
MACDONAED LODGE ( NO , 1219 ) . —This lodge met at the Lodge Rooms , Head Quarters | of the First Surrey Rifles , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst . Present : —Bros . James Stevens , P . M ., W . M . ; Thomas Meggy , P . M . ; John Thomas , P . M ., as S . W . ; S . H . Wagstaff . J . W . ; Dr . E . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , Sec ; G . H . N . Bridges , J . D . ; James H . Hastie , D . C ; W . Messenger , I . G ; Alfred Williams ; T . W . Carnell ; M . S , Larlham ; A . Walton ; H . Hammond ; and A . Ketln-o . Bro . Windybauk ,
Burgoyne Lodge , was present as a visitor . Owing to business connected with the Corps to which this lodge is attached , several members were necessarily absent , and the candidates not being i n attendance , the work of the lodge was confined to the sections of the second degree , and to the elections for the ensuing year . Bro . Dubois , P . M ., t . ie S . W ., having intimated his desire to retire from active duty , Bro . Wagstalfe , the J . W ., was unanimously elected as W . M . Bro , Dr . Cronin was also unanimously
reelected Treasurer . Bro . Grant was re-elected Tyler of the lodge , An Audit Committee was then appointed . A P . M . Jewel of the value of ten guineas , was voted for presentation to the present W . M ., Bro . James Stevens , on his leaving the chair of K . S ., the cordiality of the vote being highly complimentary to that brother . A sum of five guineas was also voted to the Masonic Girls ' School , to be placed with other individual donations made in the name of the lodge upon the list of Bvo . T . MaggyP . M . who will
, , represent the Macdonald at the ensuing festival . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , the Tyler ' s toast being given at the reasonable hour of eleven o ' clock , when the brethren separated . We are requested to state for the information of many members of the Craft that the ensuing Installation Meeting will be hold at the Lodge rooms on Wednesday , 10 th May .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Monday , April 10 th , tho Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Whitehaven , by direction of the Ri ght Honourable the Earl of Bective , M . P ., Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Cumberland and Westmoreland .
The brethren assembled in the New Hall , Duke-street , at , half-past ten o ' clock in the forenoon , when Bro . James Robertson the retiring Worshipful Master of Lewis Lodge , ( No . S 72 ) , assisted by his officers , opened that lodge in the craft degree ; after which the Provincial Grand Lodge was formally opened by his Lordship , assisted by the Very Worshipful Provincial Deputy
Grand Master , Bro . Whitwell , M . P ., and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . ^ The ceremony of inaugurating and opening the New Hall for Lewis Lodge , and the installation of Bro . the E . ev . T . R . Holme , elect , was the first business transacted , that duty being ably performed by the Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Whitwell , M . P .
Bro . Robertson ' s term of office as Worshipful Master expired in December last , at which time Bro . the Rev . T . R . Holme was elected W . M . in his stead ; but owing , we regret to say , to severe indisposition , Bro . Hulme was prevented from being installed until the present occasion , and in the meantime Bro . Robertson , by request of the lodge , kindly continued to officiate as its Master . The brethren generally of Lewis Lodge , from the first mention of a new lodgo-room , took great interest
in everything appertaining thereto , and the preaonfe olegrarifc and comfortable building , while it may be said to owe its existence in a special degree to tbe unwearying exertions of the present and past Masters and Officers of Lodge 872 , at the same time owes much to the unanimity and cordial co-operation of themembers generally . At the close of the ceremonial , the general business of the-Provincial Grand Lodge was regularldisposed ofwhich
iny , cluded the reading of a new code of bye-laws for the government of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and voting of sums of money for charitable purposes . Amongst other office-bearers and brethren present at the lodge , or at the banquet held afterwards , were the following , viz . -. —Earl Bective , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., Kendal ; Whitwell , M . P ., D . Prov . G . M ., Kendal ,- Edward Busher , Prov . G . S . B ., Prov . G . S ., Kendal ; John Holme , Prov . G . D . C ., I . P . M ., 129 , Kendal ;
Henry Rauthmell , Prov . G . A . D . C ., S . W ., 129 , Kendal ; William Dodd , Prov . G . S . B ., I . P . M ., 1 , 074 , Kirkby Lonsdale ; Crowther Morton , W . M ., 1 , 267 , P . M . 1 , 002 and W . M . 872 ( Egremont ) , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; John M'Kelvie , P . Prov . G . S . D ., P . M . 119 , Whitehaven ; John Spittall , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 872 , Whitehaven ; George W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , Prov . G . J . W ., Cumberland and Westmoreland ; Edward Gerrard Hughes , P . Prov . G . T ., P . Prov . G . D . C , and P . M . 872 , Whitehaven ; John Slack , P . Prov . G . J . D ., and W . M . 310 , Carlisle ; Edward Fearon , Prov .
G . S ., W . M . 119 , Whitehaven ; Richard Robinson , Prov . S . D ., P . M . 1 , 002 , Cockermouth ; John Pearson , P . Prov . S . D ., Prov . S . W . 1 , 002 , Cockermouth ; James Robertson , Prov . G . T ., W . M . 872 , Whitehaven ; J . W . Wallace , Prov . G . S ., W . M . 1 , 073 ; Henry Fleming , P . Prov . G . A . D . C , P . M . 412 ; William Johnson , Prov . G . S . W . 310 , Carlisle ; John Lemon , Prov . G . T ., Wigton ; George Ryrie , Prov . A . D . O ., Whitehaven ; Joseph Pearson , Prov . G . S ., P . M . 327 , Wigton ; Garrett Braithwaite , P . Prov . S . G . W .,
Cambridge , P . M . S 59 ; William White , P . Prov . G . T ., P . M . 119 ; Patrick Qninn , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 119 ; H . Cook , P . Prov . G . Supt of Wks . ; E . W . Watts , Cliap . 872 ; T . Atkinson , J . D . 872 ; G . H . Hughes , Ora \ , 872 ; T . Brown , I . G ., 872 ; J . M . Salisbury , 872 ; John M'Culloeh , 872 ; Ernest C . Biggs , 872 ; W . Johnston , 872 ; Robert Twentyman . 872 ; George Harker , 872 ; Hugh L . Ellis , P . G . W , S 72 ; William Curtis , 872 ; Rev . F . W . Wicks , S 72 ; J . DansonS 72 ; T . Guard 872 ; J . MortonS 72 ; H .
Cross-, , , ley , 872 ; John Mills , 872 ; Pingnoy Bowley , 872 ; John Huddleston , 872 ; John Jackson , 872 ; John Reay , 872 ; Edward Chapman , J . W ., 1 , 267 ; John Eilbeck , 1 , 267 ; E . Clarke , 1 , 267 ; Joseph Pearson , P . W ., 327 ; Jaincs M'Cormick , 119 ; Jamos Rothery , 119 ; John Huggins , 119 ; William Cowie , 119 ; Robert Brown , I . G ., Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; James Gooding , 119 ; Jamos S . Wilson , 119 ; George Brooker , Sun and Sector , 962 ; David Gatier , 119 ; Henry Hampton , Jun ., 119 ; James Swan ,
119 : Thomas C . Windvoss , S . W ., 119 ; William Chi-ruthers , 119 ; Thomas Richardson , 119 ; W . F . Lamonby , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; Isaac Evening , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; William Alsop , 119 ; II . S . Oppenheim , Loyalty , Prescot , S 6 ; William Potts , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; W . H . Lethwaite , S . D . ; Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; Joseph Graham , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; Isaac Pattinson , jun ., 327 ; James Hudson , Lodge of Furness , 995 ; James WhinfieldKenlis 1267 James WilliamsHartington
, , , ; , Lodge , 1 , 021 ; Francis Tremble , 119 ; Matthew Kendall , 138 ; John Sandwith , 1 , 2 G 7 ; Francis M'Lean , 1 , 267 ; Alexander Irving , 1 , 2 G 7 ; 3 ohn E . Johnson , S . W ., Hartington Lodge , 1 , 021 ; Adam Brown , P . S . W ., Workington , 962 ; William Hopkins , Workington , 962 ; II . R . Daud , W . M ., St . John's Lodge , 327 ; J . G . Forster , Solway Lodge , 1 , 220 ; Robert Bell , Sun Square and Compass Lodge , 119 ; John Rothery , Sun Square and Compass Lodge , 119 ; Leopold Michclson , Union Lodge , Carlisle-,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
jewel , of the value of five guineas be presented to Bro . Helps , I . P . M ., to Mark the sense of the lodge for his services as W . M . for the past yeiir . It was also proposed that a Secretary's jewel be presented to Bro . Medland as an acknowledgment lor his pastservices as secretary to the lodge . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Barnes for the efficient manner in which he ' . had discharged the duties of Installing Master . Tho lodge was then closed with solemn prayerand the brethrento the number of sixty
, , , adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and duly responded to , the newly-installed W . M . acquitting himself most creditably . DAEFiotrsiE LODGE ( NO . S 60 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Thursday , April 13 th ult . Present : —Bros . J . W . Williams , W . M . ; Hardy , S . W . ; Thomson , J . W . ; Bristo , P . M . and Treas ; Myram ,
Sec ; Seneca ] , S . D . ; Dtdwoud , J . D . ; Smith , Organist ; Thomas , P . M . ; Littell , P . M . ; Page , P . M . ; Underwood , P . M . ; Allen , Gronett , Taylor , Wellington , Rook , Knox , King , Bristo , Hart , Herman , Guest , Perry , and Skinner . Visitors present : —Bros . Worthington , P . M . 507 ; Sullivan , 1216 ; Waller , P . M . 820 ; Wright , P . M . 504 ; Levy , P . M . 188 ; Rean , 933 ; Rustuck , P . M . 342 ; Barnes , 15 ; Stuart . P . M . 141 ; Hyde , 192 ; E . Wright 76 Goddard 1115 . The installation bBro . Thomas
, ; , y , of Bro . J . Hardy , as W . M ., and investment of Officers by Bro . Hardy as follows : — Bros . Thomson , S . W . ; Senecal , J . W . ; Page , P . M . Treas . ; Myram , Sec , and J . D . ; Dalwood , S . D . ; Wallington , I . G . ; Herman , W . S . ; King , D . C ; Smith , Org . Prior to this Bro . Gronett was passed to the second degree . At the banquet a Past Master's Jewel was presented to Bro . Williams . The whole affair was very successful .
MACDONAED LODGE ( NO , 1219 ) . —This lodge met at the Lodge Rooms , Head Quarters | of the First Surrey Rifles , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst . Present : —Bros . James Stevens , P . M ., W . M . ; Thomas Meggy , P . M . ; John Thomas , P . M ., as S . W . ; S . H . Wagstaff . J . W . ; Dr . E . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , Sec ; G . H . N . Bridges , J . D . ; James H . Hastie , D . C ; W . Messenger , I . G ; Alfred Williams ; T . W . Carnell ; M . S , Larlham ; A . Walton ; H . Hammond ; and A . Ketln-o . Bro . Windybauk ,
Burgoyne Lodge , was present as a visitor . Owing to business connected with the Corps to which this lodge is attached , several members were necessarily absent , and the candidates not being i n attendance , the work of the lodge was confined to the sections of the second degree , and to the elections for the ensuing year . Bro . Dubois , P . M ., t . ie S . W ., having intimated his desire to retire from active duty , Bro . Wagstalfe , the J . W ., was unanimously elected as W . M . Bro , Dr . Cronin was also unanimously
reelected Treasurer . Bro . Grant was re-elected Tyler of the lodge , An Audit Committee was then appointed . A P . M . Jewel of the value of ten guineas , was voted for presentation to the present W . M ., Bro . James Stevens , on his leaving the chair of K . S ., the cordiality of the vote being highly complimentary to that brother . A sum of five guineas was also voted to the Masonic Girls ' School , to be placed with other individual donations made in the name of the lodge upon the list of Bvo . T . MaggyP . M . who will
, , represent the Macdonald at the ensuing festival . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , the Tyler ' s toast being given at the reasonable hour of eleven o ' clock , when the brethren separated . We are requested to state for the information of many members of the Craft that the ensuing Installation Meeting will be hold at the Lodge rooms on Wednesday , 10 th May .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Monday , April 10 th , tho Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Whitehaven , by direction of the Ri ght Honourable the Earl of Bective , M . P ., Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Cumberland and Westmoreland .
The brethren assembled in the New Hall , Duke-street , at , half-past ten o ' clock in the forenoon , when Bro . James Robertson the retiring Worshipful Master of Lewis Lodge , ( No . S 72 ) , assisted by his officers , opened that lodge in the craft degree ; after which the Provincial Grand Lodge was formally opened by his Lordship , assisted by the Very Worshipful Provincial Deputy
Grand Master , Bro . Whitwell , M . P ., and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . ^ The ceremony of inaugurating and opening the New Hall for Lewis Lodge , and the installation of Bro . the E . ev . T . R . Holme , elect , was the first business transacted , that duty being ably performed by the Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Whitwell , M . P .
Bro . Robertson ' s term of office as Worshipful Master expired in December last , at which time Bro . the Rev . T . R . Holme was elected W . M . in his stead ; but owing , we regret to say , to severe indisposition , Bro . Hulme was prevented from being installed until the present occasion , and in the meantime Bro . Robertson , by request of the lodge , kindly continued to officiate as its Master . The brethren generally of Lewis Lodge , from the first mention of a new lodgo-room , took great interest
in everything appertaining thereto , and the preaonfe olegrarifc and comfortable building , while it may be said to owe its existence in a special degree to tbe unwearying exertions of the present and past Masters and Officers of Lodge 872 , at the same time owes much to the unanimity and cordial co-operation of themembers generally . At the close of the ceremonial , the general business of the-Provincial Grand Lodge was regularldisposed ofwhich
iny , cluded the reading of a new code of bye-laws for the government of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and voting of sums of money for charitable purposes . Amongst other office-bearers and brethren present at the lodge , or at the banquet held afterwards , were the following , viz . -. —Earl Bective , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., Kendal ; Whitwell , M . P ., D . Prov . G . M ., Kendal ,- Edward Busher , Prov . G . S . B ., Prov . G . S ., Kendal ; John Holme , Prov . G . D . C ., I . P . M ., 129 , Kendal ;
Henry Rauthmell , Prov . G . A . D . C ., S . W ., 129 , Kendal ; William Dodd , Prov . G . S . B ., I . P . M ., 1 , 074 , Kirkby Lonsdale ; Crowther Morton , W . M ., 1 , 267 , P . M . 1 , 002 and W . M . 872 ( Egremont ) , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; John M'Kelvie , P . Prov . G . S . D ., P . M . 119 , Whitehaven ; John Spittall , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 872 , Whitehaven ; George W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , Prov . G . J . W ., Cumberland and Westmoreland ; Edward Gerrard Hughes , P . Prov . G . T ., P . Prov . G . D . C , and P . M . 872 , Whitehaven ; John Slack , P . Prov . G . J . D ., and W . M . 310 , Carlisle ; Edward Fearon , Prov .
G . S ., W . M . 119 , Whitehaven ; Richard Robinson , Prov . S . D ., P . M . 1 , 002 , Cockermouth ; John Pearson , P . Prov . S . D ., Prov . S . W . 1 , 002 , Cockermouth ; James Robertson , Prov . G . T ., W . M . 872 , Whitehaven ; J . W . Wallace , Prov . G . S ., W . M . 1 , 073 ; Henry Fleming , P . Prov . G . A . D . C , P . M . 412 ; William Johnson , Prov . G . S . W . 310 , Carlisle ; John Lemon , Prov . G . T ., Wigton ; George Ryrie , Prov . A . D . O ., Whitehaven ; Joseph Pearson , Prov . G . S ., P . M . 327 , Wigton ; Garrett Braithwaite , P . Prov . S . G . W .,
Cambridge , P . M . S 59 ; William White , P . Prov . G . T ., P . M . 119 ; Patrick Qninn , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 119 ; H . Cook , P . Prov . G . Supt of Wks . ; E . W . Watts , Cliap . 872 ; T . Atkinson , J . D . 872 ; G . H . Hughes , Ora \ , 872 ; T . Brown , I . G ., 872 ; J . M . Salisbury , 872 ; John M'Culloeh , 872 ; Ernest C . Biggs , 872 ; W . Johnston , 872 ; Robert Twentyman . 872 ; George Harker , 872 ; Hugh L . Ellis , P . G . W , S 72 ; William Curtis , 872 ; Rev . F . W . Wicks , S 72 ; J . DansonS 72 ; T . Guard 872 ; J . MortonS 72 ; H .
Cross-, , , ley , 872 ; John Mills , 872 ; Pingnoy Bowley , 872 ; John Huddleston , 872 ; John Jackson , 872 ; John Reay , 872 ; Edward Chapman , J . W ., 1 , 267 ; John Eilbeck , 1 , 267 ; E . Clarke , 1 , 267 ; Joseph Pearson , P . W ., 327 ; Jaincs M'Cormick , 119 ; Jamos Rothery , 119 ; John Huggins , 119 ; William Cowie , 119 ; Robert Brown , I . G ., Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; James Gooding , 119 ; Jamos S . Wilson , 119 ; George Brooker , Sun and Sector , 962 ; David Gatier , 119 ; Henry Hampton , Jun ., 119 ; James Swan ,
119 : Thomas C . Windvoss , S . W ., 119 ; William Chi-ruthers , 119 ; Thomas Richardson , 119 ; W . F . Lamonby , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; Isaac Evening , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; William Alsop , 119 ; II . S . Oppenheim , Loyalty , Prescot , S 6 ; William Potts , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; W . H . Lethwaite , S . D . ; Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; Joseph Graham , Skiddaw Lodge , 1 , 002 ; Isaac Pattinson , jun ., 327 ; James Hudson , Lodge of Furness , 995 ; James WhinfieldKenlis 1267 James WilliamsHartington
, , , ; , Lodge , 1 , 021 ; Francis Tremble , 119 ; Matthew Kendall , 138 ; John Sandwith , 1 , 2 G 7 ; Francis M'Lean , 1 , 267 ; Alexander Irving , 1 , 2 G 7 ; 3 ohn E . Johnson , S . W ., Hartington Lodge , 1 , 021 ; Adam Brown , P . S . W ., Workington , 962 ; William Hopkins , Workington , 962 ; II . R . Daud , W . M ., St . John's Lodge , 327 ; J . G . Forster , Solway Lodge , 1 , 220 ; Robert Bell , Sun Square and Compass Lodge , 119 ; John Rothery , Sun Square and Compass Lodge , 119 ; Leopold Michclson , Union Lodge , Carlisle-,