Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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HERTFORDSHIRE . WATEORD . — Watford Lodge ( No . 404 ) . — -The annual installation meeting was held on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at the Clarendon Hotel , Watford , Bro . G . H . Cottam , W . M . Tho lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Wilson lies , P . M ., occupied tbe chair , and raised to the sublime degree Bro . F . J . Sedgwick ; Bro . T .
Halsey , P . M ., then presided , aud Bro . the Rev . H . F . H . Burchell Heme , the AV . M . elect was presented by Bro . lies , and regularly obligated and installed and saluted , in the presence of Past Masters Finch , Sedgwick , Humbert , Rogers , Martin , Cottam , King , and How . The following brethren were appointed aud invested : —Bros . Herbert Fellowes , S . AV . ; E . Palin , J . W . ; W . Roger , Treas . ; AV . lies , Sec ; E . T . Foord , S . D . ; J . Blenkinsop , S . D . ; G . Goodliffe , D . C ; Adcock , Stew . ; C . Blenkinsop ,
I . G . j-T . Thomas , Tyler . The AV . M . tendered his thanks to the brethrenlfor the honour conferred upon liim , assnring them that nothing should be wanting on his part to merit the confidence reposed in him . Bro . Goodliffe then referring to a resolution passed at the preceding lodge , that a Past Master ' s Jewel should be given to their excellent Secretary , in recognition of his services , and his devoted attention to the lodge , ho ( Bro . Goodliffe ) had been deputed to procure a jewel , which he handed
to the W . M . The W . M . then addressing Bro . Wilson lies said , his first duty in presiding over tho lodge was most pleasing , and in kind terms , while placing the jewel upon Bro . Iles ' s breast , he sincerely hoped their worthy Secretary would for many years be able to continue those services , and Bro . lies gracefully and gratefully acknowledged the present . In referring to the Lodge of Instruction , of which arepovfc would be laid before them , he regretted it had not been so well supported by the Past Masters
and some of the officers . All business being ended , tbe brethren , 21 in number , adjourned to the banquet . The AV . M ' s . health was proposed by Bro . P . M . Halsey , and in acknowledgment , Bro . Heme referring to past times , said he knew how much esteemed his dear father was , by all , and emulating his deeds , he trusted he Bhould be found a good and worthy member , and that he would do his best to advance the interests of Masonry , and the lodge . The evening was enlivened by some excellent glees by Bros . Donald King , Ransford , and Young . The jewel referred to was manufactured by Bro . Spencer .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge , ( No . 279 ) . —A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday , the Sth inst ., the AV . M ., Bro . Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . Reg ., presiding . There were also prosent Bros . Kelly , P . M . and R . W . Prov . G ' . M \; Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; Stanley , M . B . C . S . I . P . M . L . A . ClarkePMand PProvGSW
, ; , .. . . ... ; AViddowson , Sec ; Palmer , S . D . ; J . AVright Smith , J . D . ; Halford , I . G . ; Capt . Goodchild ; McAllister ; Blaukley ; Porter ; Stathain ; Shuttlewood ; Wilkinson ; Edward Elwood ; Cleaver ; Bembridge and Dunn , Tylers . Visitors : Bros . Richard Massey , Sec . 614 ; R . Hawkes , 103 ; and Geo . Toller , P . M . ; C . Johnson , P . M . ; Buzzard , AA ' . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . AV . ; Partridge , S . D . ; No . 523 . The only work was to raise BroSamuel Cleaver
. , which , after due examination , was done , the ceremony being performed by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Chns . Johnson presiding at the Organ . On the conclusion of the traditional history , Bro . Toller , Prov . G . Sec , gave the lecture on the tracing-board , and the working tools . Grand Lodge certificates were delivered to those present out of twenty brethren , who had been initiated , passed and raised iu the lodge during the past year . A letter
was read from Bro . AV . J . Hughan , of Truro , Prov . G . Sec . for Cornwall , in acknowledgement of the honour done him in his election at the last meeting as an honorary member of the lodge , and the Prov . G . M . reported that he had received a further contribution from Bro . Hughan , to the library of the Masonic Hall . Bro . AV . E . S . Stanley , M . & . C . S ., the I . P . M ., tendered his resignation as a member , ho being about to emigrate to Kansai
-, United States , which was accepted with regret ; and the Prov . G . M . and W . M . expressed to Bro . Stanley their own , and the brethren ' s best wishes for his health , happiness , and prosperit y in his future home . Bro . Stanley thanked the brethren for the kindnen ho had invariably received from them . There being no further business , the lodge was closed , aud the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PONTYPOOI . — Kemiard Lodye ( No . 1 , 258 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 17 th inst ., Bro . Oliver took tho chair in the absence of the W . M . There was a good attendance . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Mr . Hartley Feather , was balloted for and unanimously admitted , and being in attendance was initiated into Masonry , the ceremony being most ably rendered by tho acting W . M . Bro .
Treharne was nominated to act as Provincial Grand Steward for this lodge , at the installation of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master at Newport on Thursday , 20 th inst . The report of the Building Committee was then brought up aud read by Bro . Dovey , when it was proposed that the same be confirmed and adopted , aud that a cordial and hearty vote of thanks be given to the building committee for their very able and valuable servicesthis being secondedwas carried unanimously . The
, , S . AV ., on behalf of the committee , acknowledged the compliment , and warmly eulogised the conduct of Bro . Waite for the indefatigable way iu which he had acted , especially in bringing the matter to such a speedy issue . Bro . Waite very feelingly thanked the brethren for approving of his conduct . It was then resolved that the first bye-law be altered by fixing the future meetings
on the last Monday in the month instead of the third Monday as heretofore . The Building Committee were then requested to see to the removal of tho lodge furniture to tho new Masonic Hall , which they promised to do . The acting AV . M . then read the second , third , and fourth bye-laws relative to the election of a AV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler in May , and the Secretary was instructed to prepare the necessary voting papers . One brother was proposed as . a subscribing memberand the brethren then
, proceeded to Complete their preliminary arrangements for , visiting the Provincial Grand Lodge at Newport on the 20 th inst ., and the lodge was closed in harmony at 8 . 10 p . m . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —A special Lodge of Emergency was held at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock Street , Newport , on Tuesday last , and was very well attended . P . M . Bro . the Rev . S . FoxProv . Grand Chaplaintook the chairin
, , , the absence , through illness , of the AV . M ., Bro . H . Grattie . The minutes of the last meetinghaving been read , also the requisition convening this meeting , Sergeant-Major John Campbell and Mr . Edwin Hibbard were duly initiated , the ceremony being most ably rendered by the acting W . M . All preliminary arrangements for the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting on the 20 th ., were then completed , and the Lodge was closed in harmony at 9 p . m .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OE THE PUNJAB . A regular communication of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab was held at the Masonic Hall , Lahore , on Saturday , the 14 th January , 1871 . Present : — Wor . Bro . A . Stewart , D . D . G . M ., as D ' . st . G . M . „ „ G . II . Basevi Dist . G . S . W . „ „ W . Adlard Dist . G . J . W .
„ „ R . E . K . AVilkinson . „ G . Reg . „ „ AV . H . AA ilson ... „ G . See . Bro . J . J . O'Callagham as D . G . S . D . „ A . M . Saunders as D . G . J . D . „ P . H . Wallerstein as D . G . Org . „ E . C . Jessawalla as D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ C F . Amery as Asst D . G . Dir . of Cers . G . C . Rowcroft as Dist . G . Pursuivant .
„ „ C . H . Chetham D . G . Steward „ Geo . Davis as ., „ E . Nicholl as „ „ P . Scott as „ „ Hy . Cunningham D . G . Tyler Lodges Hope aud Perseverance , Ravee and Multan were duly represented . The District Grand Lodge was opened iu form at 7 ' 30 , p . m .
Apologies for non-attendance from the following brethren were read and recorded : — Wor . Bro . W . Clark P . D . Dist . G . M . of Bengal . Bro . J . D . Waters D . G . Treas . Wov . Bro . G . N . Money ... D . G . S . Deacon „ „ J . Goldney ... D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ „ Bleckley , M . D .... D . G . Swd . Bearer . , „ Blake D . G . Steward
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
HERTFORDSHIRE . WATEORD . — Watford Lodge ( No . 404 ) . — -The annual installation meeting was held on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at the Clarendon Hotel , Watford , Bro . G . H . Cottam , W . M . Tho lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Wilson lies , P . M ., occupied tbe chair , and raised to the sublime degree Bro . F . J . Sedgwick ; Bro . T .
Halsey , P . M ., then presided , aud Bro . the Rev . H . F . H . Burchell Heme , the AV . M . elect was presented by Bro . lies , and regularly obligated and installed and saluted , in the presence of Past Masters Finch , Sedgwick , Humbert , Rogers , Martin , Cottam , King , and How . The following brethren were appointed aud invested : —Bros . Herbert Fellowes , S . AV . ; E . Palin , J . W . ; W . Roger , Treas . ; AV . lies , Sec ; E . T . Foord , S . D . ; J . Blenkinsop , S . D . ; G . Goodliffe , D . C ; Adcock , Stew . ; C . Blenkinsop ,
I . G . j-T . Thomas , Tyler . The AV . M . tendered his thanks to the brethrenlfor the honour conferred upon liim , assnring them that nothing should be wanting on his part to merit the confidence reposed in him . Bro . Goodliffe then referring to a resolution passed at the preceding lodge , that a Past Master ' s Jewel should be given to their excellent Secretary , in recognition of his services , and his devoted attention to the lodge , ho ( Bro . Goodliffe ) had been deputed to procure a jewel , which he handed
to the W . M . The W . M . then addressing Bro . Wilson lies said , his first duty in presiding over tho lodge was most pleasing , and in kind terms , while placing the jewel upon Bro . Iles ' s breast , he sincerely hoped their worthy Secretary would for many years be able to continue those services , and Bro . lies gracefully and gratefully acknowledged the present . In referring to the Lodge of Instruction , of which arepovfc would be laid before them , he regretted it had not been so well supported by the Past Masters
and some of the officers . All business being ended , tbe brethren , 21 in number , adjourned to the banquet . The AV . M ' s . health was proposed by Bro . P . M . Halsey , and in acknowledgment , Bro . Heme referring to past times , said he knew how much esteemed his dear father was , by all , and emulating his deeds , he trusted he Bhould be found a good and worthy member , and that he would do his best to advance the interests of Masonry , and the lodge . The evening was enlivened by some excellent glees by Bros . Donald King , Ransford , and Young . The jewel referred to was manufactured by Bro . Spencer .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge , ( No . 279 ) . —A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday , the Sth inst ., the AV . M ., Bro . Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . Reg ., presiding . There were also prosent Bros . Kelly , P . M . and R . W . Prov . G ' . M \; Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; Stanley , M . B . C . S . I . P . M . L . A . ClarkePMand PProvGSW
, ; , .. . . ... ; AViddowson , Sec ; Palmer , S . D . ; J . AVright Smith , J . D . ; Halford , I . G . ; Capt . Goodchild ; McAllister ; Blaukley ; Porter ; Stathain ; Shuttlewood ; Wilkinson ; Edward Elwood ; Cleaver ; Bembridge and Dunn , Tylers . Visitors : Bros . Richard Massey , Sec . 614 ; R . Hawkes , 103 ; and Geo . Toller , P . M . ; C . Johnson , P . M . ; Buzzard , AA ' . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . AV . ; Partridge , S . D . ; No . 523 . The only work was to raise BroSamuel Cleaver
. , which , after due examination , was done , the ceremony being performed by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Chns . Johnson presiding at the Organ . On the conclusion of the traditional history , Bro . Toller , Prov . G . Sec , gave the lecture on the tracing-board , and the working tools . Grand Lodge certificates were delivered to those present out of twenty brethren , who had been initiated , passed and raised iu the lodge during the past year . A letter
was read from Bro . AV . J . Hughan , of Truro , Prov . G . Sec . for Cornwall , in acknowledgement of the honour done him in his election at the last meeting as an honorary member of the lodge , and the Prov . G . M . reported that he had received a further contribution from Bro . Hughan , to the library of the Masonic Hall . Bro . AV . E . S . Stanley , M . & . C . S ., the I . P . M ., tendered his resignation as a member , ho being about to emigrate to Kansai
-, United States , which was accepted with regret ; and the Prov . G . M . and W . M . expressed to Bro . Stanley their own , and the brethren ' s best wishes for his health , happiness , and prosperit y in his future home . Bro . Stanley thanked the brethren for the kindnen ho had invariably received from them . There being no further business , the lodge was closed , aud the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PONTYPOOI . — Kemiard Lodye ( No . 1 , 258 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 17 th inst ., Bro . Oliver took tho chair in the absence of the W . M . There was a good attendance . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Mr . Hartley Feather , was balloted for and unanimously admitted , and being in attendance was initiated into Masonry , the ceremony being most ably rendered by tho acting W . M . Bro .
Treharne was nominated to act as Provincial Grand Steward for this lodge , at the installation of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master at Newport on Thursday , 20 th inst . The report of the Building Committee was then brought up aud read by Bro . Dovey , when it was proposed that the same be confirmed and adopted , aud that a cordial and hearty vote of thanks be given to the building committee for their very able and valuable servicesthis being secondedwas carried unanimously . The
, , S . AV ., on behalf of the committee , acknowledged the compliment , and warmly eulogised the conduct of Bro . Waite for the indefatigable way iu which he had acted , especially in bringing the matter to such a speedy issue . Bro . Waite very feelingly thanked the brethren for approving of his conduct . It was then resolved that the first bye-law be altered by fixing the future meetings
on the last Monday in the month instead of the third Monday as heretofore . The Building Committee were then requested to see to the removal of tho lodge furniture to tho new Masonic Hall , which they promised to do . The acting AV . M . then read the second , third , and fourth bye-laws relative to the election of a AV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler in May , and the Secretary was instructed to prepare the necessary voting papers . One brother was proposed as . a subscribing memberand the brethren then
, proceeded to Complete their preliminary arrangements for , visiting the Provincial Grand Lodge at Newport on the 20 th inst ., and the lodge was closed in harmony at 8 . 10 p . m . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —A special Lodge of Emergency was held at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock Street , Newport , on Tuesday last , and was very well attended . P . M . Bro . the Rev . S . FoxProv . Grand Chaplaintook the chairin
, , , the absence , through illness , of the AV . M ., Bro . H . Grattie . The minutes of the last meetinghaving been read , also the requisition convening this meeting , Sergeant-Major John Campbell and Mr . Edwin Hibbard were duly initiated , the ceremony being most ably rendered by the acting W . M . All preliminary arrangements for the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting on the 20 th ., were then completed , and the Lodge was closed in harmony at 9 p . m .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OE THE PUNJAB . A regular communication of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab was held at the Masonic Hall , Lahore , on Saturday , the 14 th January , 1871 . Present : — Wor . Bro . A . Stewart , D . D . G . M ., as D ' . st . G . M . „ „ G . II . Basevi Dist . G . S . W . „ „ W . Adlard Dist . G . J . W .
„ „ R . E . K . AVilkinson . „ G . Reg . „ „ AV . H . AA ilson ... „ G . See . Bro . J . J . O'Callagham as D . G . S . D . „ A . M . Saunders as D . G . J . D . „ P . H . Wallerstein as D . G . Org . „ E . C . Jessawalla as D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ C F . Amery as Asst D . G . Dir . of Cers . G . C . Rowcroft as Dist . G . Pursuivant .
„ „ C . H . Chetham D . G . Steward „ Geo . Davis as ., „ E . Nicholl as „ „ P . Scott as „ „ Hy . Cunningham D . G . Tyler Lodges Hope aud Perseverance , Ravee and Multan were duly represented . The District Grand Lodge was opened iu form at 7 ' 30 , p . m .
Apologies for non-attendance from the following brethren were read and recorded : — Wor . Bro . W . Clark P . D . Dist . G . M . of Bengal . Bro . J . D . Waters D . G . Treas . Wov . Bro . G . N . Money ... D . G . S . Deacon „ „ J . Goldney ... D . G . Dir . of Cers . „ „ Bleckley , M . D .... D . G . Swd . Bearer . , „ Blake D . G . Steward