Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CAN AN ENTERED APPRENTICE VOTE? Page 1 of 1 Article THE LITTLE TESTIMONIAL FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LITTLE TESTIMONIAL FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE RITE OF MISRAIM. Page 1 of 2 →
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3 rd vol . of nistoire secrete de la C ' our de Berlin , par Mirabeau . Another Correspondent , calling himself Vampire , wishes to know if any man of honour , knowing the history of the S . G . C . can retain membershi p with it . I reply that there are two or three thousand of us ,
whose names are not entirely unknown amongst our brethren of the craft , who are proud to be owned as members of the Antient and Accepted Rite . Following the example of such good Masons as " Lupus " and " A Masonic Student , " I am not so anxious as some Masons to puff my name before the craft—but am quite content again to sign myself , A MASON WHO BELIEVES IN HIS O . B .
Can An Entered Apprentice Vote?
TO THB EDITOE OE THE UEEESIASON 9 ' MAGAZINE AMD KASONIO KIEEOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Will you kindly answer me the following in your next issue . Can an E . A . vote in matters pertaining to the lodge , and more especially for the Master of the lodge , in accordance with the constitutions of Grand Lodge ? Is it in
accordance with the teachings of ancient Freemasonry for any one beneath the degree of M . M . to vote ? Is the Master of the lodge duly elected , if , contrary to the bye-laws , an E . A . voted , and by the votes of E . A . it was decided who should be Master . Yours , F . C .
The Little Testimonial Fund.
TO T 1 IE ED 1 TOK OB TUB IKEEHASONs' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKEOB . Dear Sir and Brother—I have noticed with considerable surprise a list , published elsewhere , of subscriptions to the "Little Testimonial Fund . " I say with surprise , because , as I understand , this is in acknowledgment of services rendered in re Eosicrueian Red Cross of ConstantineOrder of
, Holy Sepulchre , and the Rite of Misraim . Members of the 18 ° and 30 ° , whose names I see amongst them , must surely forget their allegiance to the Supreme Council , when they thus indirectly support a movement destined or , at least , intended to supplant the authority of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite . One can understand how men of a certain class , holding under the S . G . C , and Masonic jewellers ( not all I hope ) should , as a matter of £ s . d . thus appear in print as contributors ; though it would be much more to their credit if their names were suppressed ; but when independent men , gentlemen , and I observe a few of the still hi gher classes , have been
The Little Testimonial Fund.
induced to support such a movement , it might well be asked , "Do they really know the signification of what they are doing ?" The Supreme Council , 33 ° , may well be careful whom they admit to participate in the government of their Orders ; but whether this rivalry orig inated in
jealousy and disappointment , as intimated in a recent American periodical , or in mistaken notions of free trade in Masonic degrees , every one must admit that the common courtesies of life would prompt any gentleman to request to be allowed to resign his connection with one body before attaching himself to
a rival establishment , for * ' to hold with the hare and run with the hounds " has ever been considered an invidious and discreditable position . It was observed by tbe writer of an excellent letter in the "Freemasons' Magazine , " April 8 th , that " some brethren iu taking the O . B . of'W . M . seem to
consider it a mere matter of form . " Let those members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , who are thus acting , place their hand on their heart and say , " are we not of that class ?" I have ventured to write this , not to upbraid , but to remind these Ex . and 111 . brethren that they are
unmindful of their allegiance , which they thus inadvertently transfer , by supporting indirectly an irregular and unauthorised system . I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , As ADMIRER OF CONSISTENCY . K . H . 30 ° . Sidmouth , April 13 th , 1871 .
The Rite Of Misraim.
TO THE BDITOE OP THE EEEEMASOlfS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC HIREOH . Dear Sir and Brother , —The Conservator General , 30 ° , who composed the article in your contemporary of the 8 th inst ., must have been hit very hard to have written such a penny-a-line effusion . I wonder what the Golden Square Monarchs will reply ?
What amuses one most is the barefacedness of any follower of " the Great Bedarride himself" to twit any other body with regarding " £ B . d . as the summum bonum of Masonry , —the first qualification of candidates . " Why Marc Bedarride and his brothers were the biggest Masonic extortionersif Masonic
, history be true , that the world ever saw . The very first lodge of Misraim which they started rebelled in consequence of the deplorable way the three brothers appropriated the funds , —which , by the way , they couldn't replace as they were declared bankrupts by the Tribunal of Commerce . In 1840 the supposed
despisers of £ s . d . declared the Rite of Misraim indebted to them £ 5 , 272 , although they had received all the money that had been paid for initiations , steps , and diplomas . One cannot be astonished that the Misraimites accused the Brothers Bedarride of trading and living
upon Misraim Masonry , ( it is to be hoped the same accusation may not be made with equal truth against its principal promoter now , ) in spite however of that opinion , at the revival of the Rite , the brothers made-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
3 rd vol . of nistoire secrete de la C ' our de Berlin , par Mirabeau . Another Correspondent , calling himself Vampire , wishes to know if any man of honour , knowing the history of the S . G . C . can retain membershi p with it . I reply that there are two or three thousand of us ,
whose names are not entirely unknown amongst our brethren of the craft , who are proud to be owned as members of the Antient and Accepted Rite . Following the example of such good Masons as " Lupus " and " A Masonic Student , " I am not so anxious as some Masons to puff my name before the craft—but am quite content again to sign myself , A MASON WHO BELIEVES IN HIS O . B .
Can An Entered Apprentice Vote?
TO THB EDITOE OE THE UEEESIASON 9 ' MAGAZINE AMD KASONIO KIEEOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Will you kindly answer me the following in your next issue . Can an E . A . vote in matters pertaining to the lodge , and more especially for the Master of the lodge , in accordance with the constitutions of Grand Lodge ? Is it in
accordance with the teachings of ancient Freemasonry for any one beneath the degree of M . M . to vote ? Is the Master of the lodge duly elected , if , contrary to the bye-laws , an E . A . voted , and by the votes of E . A . it was decided who should be Master . Yours , F . C .
The Little Testimonial Fund.
TO T 1 IE ED 1 TOK OB TUB IKEEHASONs' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKEOB . Dear Sir and Brother—I have noticed with considerable surprise a list , published elsewhere , of subscriptions to the "Little Testimonial Fund . " I say with surprise , because , as I understand , this is in acknowledgment of services rendered in re Eosicrueian Red Cross of ConstantineOrder of
, Holy Sepulchre , and the Rite of Misraim . Members of the 18 ° and 30 ° , whose names I see amongst them , must surely forget their allegiance to the Supreme Council , when they thus indirectly support a movement destined or , at least , intended to supplant the authority of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite . One can understand how men of a certain class , holding under the S . G . C , and Masonic jewellers ( not all I hope ) should , as a matter of £ s . d . thus appear in print as contributors ; though it would be much more to their credit if their names were suppressed ; but when independent men , gentlemen , and I observe a few of the still hi gher classes , have been
The Little Testimonial Fund.
induced to support such a movement , it might well be asked , "Do they really know the signification of what they are doing ?" The Supreme Council , 33 ° , may well be careful whom they admit to participate in the government of their Orders ; but whether this rivalry orig inated in
jealousy and disappointment , as intimated in a recent American periodical , or in mistaken notions of free trade in Masonic degrees , every one must admit that the common courtesies of life would prompt any gentleman to request to be allowed to resign his connection with one body before attaching himself to
a rival establishment , for * ' to hold with the hare and run with the hounds " has ever been considered an invidious and discreditable position . It was observed by tbe writer of an excellent letter in the "Freemasons' Magazine , " April 8 th , that " some brethren iu taking the O . B . of'W . M . seem to
consider it a mere matter of form . " Let those members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , who are thus acting , place their hand on their heart and say , " are we not of that class ?" I have ventured to write this , not to upbraid , but to remind these Ex . and 111 . brethren that they are
unmindful of their allegiance , which they thus inadvertently transfer , by supporting indirectly an irregular and unauthorised system . I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , As ADMIRER OF CONSISTENCY . K . H . 30 ° . Sidmouth , April 13 th , 1871 .
The Rite Of Misraim.
TO THE BDITOE OP THE EEEEMASOlfS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC HIREOH . Dear Sir and Brother , —The Conservator General , 30 ° , who composed the article in your contemporary of the 8 th inst ., must have been hit very hard to have written such a penny-a-line effusion . I wonder what the Golden Square Monarchs will reply ?
What amuses one most is the barefacedness of any follower of " the Great Bedarride himself" to twit any other body with regarding " £ B . d . as the summum bonum of Masonry , —the first qualification of candidates . " Why Marc Bedarride and his brothers were the biggest Masonic extortionersif Masonic
, history be true , that the world ever saw . The very first lodge of Misraim which they started rebelled in consequence of the deplorable way the three brothers appropriated the funds , —which , by the way , they couldn't replace as they were declared bankrupts by the Tribunal of Commerce . In 1840 the supposed
despisers of £ s . d . declared the Rite of Misraim indebted to them £ 5 , 272 , although they had received all the money that had been paid for initiations , steps , and diplomas . One cannot be astonished that the Misraimites accused the Brothers Bedarride of trading and living
upon Misraim Masonry , ( it is to be hoped the same accusation may not be made with equal truth against its principal promoter now , ) in spite however of that opinion , at the revival of the Rite , the brothers made-