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V . AV . AV . Dennis Moore , D . Prov . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , Prov . S . AV . and S . G . D . of England ; C . Spence Bate , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg . ; J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , 70 ; J . Nicholls , AV . M . 70 ; J . B . Witheridge , AA . M . ; J . Head , P . AL ; I . C . Radford , P . M . ; Jane , S . AV . ; W . Balkwill , S . D . ; E . J- Laity , E . B . Oram , G . H . Laity , I . Latimer , AV . D . Thomas , J . D . ; AVestcotfc , I . G . In the evening about seventy of the brethren sat down to a well laid out banquet . Lord Eliot presided , supported
on the right and left by the Prow G . Masters of Devon and Cornwall and other provincial officers . After tbo banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero drank , and that of ' The Visiting Brethren of the adjoining Province of Devon , " suitably replied to hy the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the Eev . John Huyshe , and Bro . L . P . Metham , Prov- S . AV . During the evening several of ihe brethren visited the grounds and gardens of Port Eliot , the adjoining ancient Priory of St . Germans , the seat of the Earl of St . Germans .
DEVONSHIRE . HOME PARK , STOKE , NEAB DEVONPORT . — Consecration of tiie Masonic Mall—On Thursday , the 13 th inst ., the Masonic Hall of the Huyshe Lodge was consecrated by Bro . the Eev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . M . The building has been used for some months as a lodge room under warrant , but this solemn ceremonial of dedication had through various circumstances been unavoidably postponed . The niht being a regular lodnight
g go , the proceedings opened with some of the lodge business , which included the election of Bro . J . Austin , S . AV ., to be AV . M ., and the re-election of Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., as Treas ., and Bro . Lashbrook as T yler for the ensuing year . At the close of the lodge business the ceremony of the consecration was proceeded with , in which the Prov . G . M . was assisted by Bros . L . P . Metham , P . M ., Prov . S . G . AV ., P . G . D . England ; E . Lose , AV . M . ; Austin
J . , S . AV . ; and S . Willoughby , J . AV . of tho lodge . There Avas a full attendance of tho brethren of the lodge , and a large number of visiting brethren were present . At the conclusion of the ceremony the lodge was closed . The officers and brethren then adjourned to their banqueting room , where they had the honour of entertaining at a banquet Bros , the Eev . j . Huyshe , M . A ., Prov . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , S . G . D . of England ; aud a of
large party visiting brethren . Among the brethren present during the evening , in addition to the above-named-, were Bros . S . Chappie , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Captain Shanks , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Spry , Brov . G . S . ; J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . D . AV ; Maddock , AV . M . ; Miller , J . May , and AV . Browning , P . M . ' s ; J . Hawton , and J . B . AVitheridge , AV . M . ' s ; Mureh and Fox , P . M . ' s ; Petherick , P . M . 39 ; AVoolf , P . M . ; Russell and G . AA arreu , AAMl . 's ; AV . C . Oke , AV . M 131 ; and AV . H . Rouse , J . D . 131 , Truro .
PBESENTATION TO BRO . L . P . METHAM , S . G . D . op ENGLAND . On Monday , the 10 th inst-, a presentation was made by the brethren of the Sincerity Lodge , No . 189 , to Bro . L . P . Metham , of the Elms , Stoke , on the occasion of his being appointed by the M . AV . Master tho Earl of Zetland to the distinguished office ol Senior Deacon of the Grand Lodge of England , and in recognition of the respect they entertained towards him
as one who in every relation of life has carried fully into practical operation those great principles which Freemasonry enjoins . The testimonial consisted of a full-dress apron , handsomely embroidered and trimmed with rich gold lace and fringed ; a full dress collar to match ; a pair of full-dress gauntlets ; ° i very rich and handsome jewel , hall-marked and enamelled ; a large Morocco case , This was for the clothing for his office of SD
.. in the Grand Lodge . Besides these , there was also contributed a collar for his office in the Grand Chapter of England . The Prov . G . Master was invited to mako the presentation , and for that purpose a meeting of the Sincerity Lodge was held at St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , on the 10 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . W . N . Maddock presiding . The R . AV . tho Prov . G . Master , in presenting the articles of described
" clothing" above , said : Although at first I was desirous that some one else might have been selected by my brethren to present this testimonial of fraternal love to our excellent Bro . Metham , I feel that no one could have been chosen for such a duty more warmly attached or filled with more ardent esteem for him than myself . A close observation of his Masonic careor for many years past had induced me to confer upon him the highest rank in the Provincial Grand Lodso that I had then the power to bestow , but I was also very desirous to see him , if possible , an officer of the Grand Locise of England . I know
that the first question which would be asked would be , " What has Bro . Metham done for Masonry ? " In this province such a question would he unnecessary , and right glad was I to receive from one of the most esteemed and distinguished brethren in England this emery , " AA hat are Bro . Metham ' s charities in Masonry ? " —because it gave me tho opportunity of saying that , in addition to his other charitable actions , he bad , by the influence which he justly possesses Avith the Board of Directors
of the Eoyal Female Orphan Asylum at Devonport , been the instrument , in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe , in rescuing from poverty and destitution , and saving probably from far greater evils , no less than fifteen female orphans of deceased brother Masons . Should such a fact come to the knowledge of the Grand Master of England I felt that it would prove irresistible , and the result was that the Earl of
Zetland has conferred upon our brother the high office of being one of the Grand Deacons of England . Brethren , I congratulate the province en this result . I feel that it is an honour conferred upon myself , and I congratulate all the brethren in this district , and especially the brethren of the Lodge of Sincerity , on the dignity which has been conferred upon their Senior Past Master . Be pleasedthento receive from my handsdear
, , , Bro . Metham , this tribute which I new offer for your acceptance from the members of the lodges in this county , as a small recognition of your many arduous and valuable services on . behalf of the Craft , and as a proof of the affectionate regard in which you are held by all your brethren . I beg you also to
accept our united heartfelt congratulations on the high and distinguished honour which the M . AA . the Grand Master of England has so worthily bestowed upon yon . The Eev . AA . Prov . G . Master then decorated Bro . Metham with the badges of his distinguished offices . Bro . Metham returned thanks iu a very appropriate speech-Bro . Lord Eliot , 31 . P ., tendered , on behalf of the brethren ,-their warmest thanks to the E . AV . Prov . G . Master for having
graced the ceremony with his presence on that day , to assist in the agreeable work in which they wero all too warmly interested . Bro . E , K . Eodd seconded the proposition , which was of course unanimously adopted . Bro . E . W . Huyshe having acknowledged the compliment , Bro . Radford , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Dr . Dowse , P . M ,,
seconded , a vote of thanks to the AA ' . M . Bro . Maddock for presiding on that occasion , and for the interest ho had manifested in the matter of the testimonial . The AA . Master , in acknowledging the vote , expressed thegratification he had experienced in the proceedings of the day , and added that , if he had wanted five or six times the money , he should have had no difficultin obtaining the amount .
y Bro . John Sadler , S- AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the year ensuing , and Bro . Dr . Dowse was re-elected Treasurer of the lodge for the seventh year in succession . The AA . Master having invited all members and visiting brethren to a banquet , the lodge was closed , as it had been opened , by the Eev . John Huyshe , with solemn prayer .
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY— Rutland Lodge ( No . 1 , 130 . )—Thefirsfc annual festival of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on the 13 th inst ., and was numerously attended by members and visitors . The time fixed by the by-laws for this celebration is in February , but the lodge having only been opened in October last , and the WM . and AA ardens having consequently to occupy their offices for sixteen months it was determined to
hold it this year before the summer recess . Additional interest was given to the meeting , owing to the members having unanimously resolved to present a testimonial to tho D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , as a token of the gratitude felt to him for his kindness at its foundation , ancl for his frequent presence at their meetings and his assistance in working the lodge up to its present prosperous condition . Amongst the members present in addition to the D . Prov . G . M ., were Bros . George Norman ,
J . P ., AV . M . and Prov . S . G . AV . ; Eev . AV . K . Eobinson , S . AV . ; Eev . \ A . Langley , , T . AA . and Prov . G . Chap . ; Hugh Morris , P . AI . 216 , Treas . and P . G . Sec . ; AA . L . Johnson , Sec ; Douglas , S . D . ; S . Weaver , J . D . ; Oldham , Adeoek , Bright , and many others . A isitors : —Bros . E . Goodyer , P . AL 523 , and P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . Stretton , P . G . Reg . ; AVeare , P . AI . 279 and P . Prov . G . D . ; G . H . IIodues , AV . M . elect , 523 and Prov . G . D . ; : A . L . Clarke , AA -M . 279 ; J . Adlard , S . AV . 279 and P . Prov . G . Purst ,: AA * . Barfoot , Sec . 523 ; E . Gosling , J . D . 523 and Prov .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
V . AV . AV . Dennis Moore , D . Prov . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , Prov . S . AV . and S . G . D . of England ; C . Spence Bate , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg . ; J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , 70 ; J . Nicholls , AV . M . 70 ; J . B . Witheridge , AA . M . ; J . Head , P . AL ; I . C . Radford , P . M . ; Jane , S . AV . ; W . Balkwill , S . D . ; E . J- Laity , E . B . Oram , G . H . Laity , I . Latimer , AV . D . Thomas , J . D . ; AVestcotfc , I . G . In the evening about seventy of the brethren sat down to a well laid out banquet . Lord Eliot presided , supported
on the right and left by the Prow G . Masters of Devon and Cornwall and other provincial officers . After tbo banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero drank , and that of ' The Visiting Brethren of the adjoining Province of Devon , " suitably replied to hy the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the Eev . John Huyshe , and Bro . L . P . Metham , Prov- S . AV . During the evening several of ihe brethren visited the grounds and gardens of Port Eliot , the adjoining ancient Priory of St . Germans , the seat of the Earl of St . Germans .
DEVONSHIRE . HOME PARK , STOKE , NEAB DEVONPORT . — Consecration of tiie Masonic Mall—On Thursday , the 13 th inst ., the Masonic Hall of the Huyshe Lodge was consecrated by Bro . the Eev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . M . The building has been used for some months as a lodge room under warrant , but this solemn ceremonial of dedication had through various circumstances been unavoidably postponed . The niht being a regular lodnight
g go , the proceedings opened with some of the lodge business , which included the election of Bro . J . Austin , S . AV ., to be AV . M ., and the re-election of Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., as Treas ., and Bro . Lashbrook as T yler for the ensuing year . At the close of the lodge business the ceremony of the consecration was proceeded with , in which the Prov . G . M . was assisted by Bros . L . P . Metham , P . M ., Prov . S . G . AV ., P . G . D . England ; E . Lose , AV . M . ; Austin
J . , S . AV . ; and S . Willoughby , J . AV . of tho lodge . There Avas a full attendance of tho brethren of the lodge , and a large number of visiting brethren were present . At the conclusion of the ceremony the lodge was closed . The officers and brethren then adjourned to their banqueting room , where they had the honour of entertaining at a banquet Bros , the Eev . j . Huyshe , M . A ., Prov . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , S . G . D . of England ; aud a of
large party visiting brethren . Among the brethren present during the evening , in addition to the above-named-, were Bros . S . Chappie , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Captain Shanks , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Spry , Brov . G . S . ; J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . D . AV ; Maddock , AV . M . ; Miller , J . May , and AV . Browning , P . M . ' s ; J . Hawton , and J . B . AVitheridge , AV . M . ' s ; Mureh and Fox , P . M . ' s ; Petherick , P . M . 39 ; AVoolf , P . M . ; Russell and G . AA arreu , AAMl . 's ; AV . C . Oke , AV . M 131 ; and AV . H . Rouse , J . D . 131 , Truro .
PBESENTATION TO BRO . L . P . METHAM , S . G . D . op ENGLAND . On Monday , the 10 th inst-, a presentation was made by the brethren of the Sincerity Lodge , No . 189 , to Bro . L . P . Metham , of the Elms , Stoke , on the occasion of his being appointed by the M . AV . Master tho Earl of Zetland to the distinguished office ol Senior Deacon of the Grand Lodge of England , and in recognition of the respect they entertained towards him
as one who in every relation of life has carried fully into practical operation those great principles which Freemasonry enjoins . The testimonial consisted of a full-dress apron , handsomely embroidered and trimmed with rich gold lace and fringed ; a full dress collar to match ; a pair of full-dress gauntlets ; ° i very rich and handsome jewel , hall-marked and enamelled ; a large Morocco case , This was for the clothing for his office of SD
.. in the Grand Lodge . Besides these , there was also contributed a collar for his office in the Grand Chapter of England . The Prov . G . Master was invited to mako the presentation , and for that purpose a meeting of the Sincerity Lodge was held at St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , on the 10 th inst ., the W . M . Bro . W . N . Maddock presiding . The R . AV . tho Prov . G . Master , in presenting the articles of described
" clothing" above , said : Although at first I was desirous that some one else might have been selected by my brethren to present this testimonial of fraternal love to our excellent Bro . Metham , I feel that no one could have been chosen for such a duty more warmly attached or filled with more ardent esteem for him than myself . A close observation of his Masonic careor for many years past had induced me to confer upon him the highest rank in the Provincial Grand Lodso that I had then the power to bestow , but I was also very desirous to see him , if possible , an officer of the Grand Locise of England . I know
that the first question which would be asked would be , " What has Bro . Metham done for Masonry ? " In this province such a question would he unnecessary , and right glad was I to receive from one of the most esteemed and distinguished brethren in England this emery , " AA hat are Bro . Metham ' s charities in Masonry ? " —because it gave me tho opportunity of saying that , in addition to his other charitable actions , he bad , by the influence which he justly possesses Avith the Board of Directors
of the Eoyal Female Orphan Asylum at Devonport , been the instrument , in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe , in rescuing from poverty and destitution , and saving probably from far greater evils , no less than fifteen female orphans of deceased brother Masons . Should such a fact come to the knowledge of the Grand Master of England I felt that it would prove irresistible , and the result was that the Earl of
Zetland has conferred upon our brother the high office of being one of the Grand Deacons of England . Brethren , I congratulate the province en this result . I feel that it is an honour conferred upon myself , and I congratulate all the brethren in this district , and especially the brethren of the Lodge of Sincerity , on the dignity which has been conferred upon their Senior Past Master . Be pleasedthento receive from my handsdear
, , , Bro . Metham , this tribute which I new offer for your acceptance from the members of the lodges in this county , as a small recognition of your many arduous and valuable services on . behalf of the Craft , and as a proof of the affectionate regard in which you are held by all your brethren . I beg you also to
accept our united heartfelt congratulations on the high and distinguished honour which the M . AA . the Grand Master of England has so worthily bestowed upon yon . The Eev . AA . Prov . G . Master then decorated Bro . Metham with the badges of his distinguished offices . Bro . Metham returned thanks iu a very appropriate speech-Bro . Lord Eliot , 31 . P ., tendered , on behalf of the brethren ,-their warmest thanks to the E . AV . Prov . G . Master for having
graced the ceremony with his presence on that day , to assist in the agreeable work in which they wero all too warmly interested . Bro . E , K . Eodd seconded the proposition , which was of course unanimously adopted . Bro . E . W . Huyshe having acknowledged the compliment , Bro . Radford , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . Dr . Dowse , P . M ,,
seconded , a vote of thanks to the AA ' . M . Bro . Maddock for presiding on that occasion , and for the interest ho had manifested in the matter of the testimonial . The AA . Master , in acknowledging the vote , expressed thegratification he had experienced in the proceedings of the day , and added that , if he had wanted five or six times the money , he should have had no difficultin obtaining the amount .
y Bro . John Sadler , S- AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the year ensuing , and Bro . Dr . Dowse was re-elected Treasurer of the lodge for the seventh year in succession . The AA . Master having invited all members and visiting brethren to a banquet , the lodge was closed , as it had been opened , by the Eev . John Huyshe , with solemn prayer .
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY— Rutland Lodge ( No . 1 , 130 . )—Thefirsfc annual festival of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on the 13 th inst ., and was numerously attended by members and visitors . The time fixed by the by-laws for this celebration is in February , but the lodge having only been opened in October last , and the WM . and AA ardens having consequently to occupy their offices for sixteen months it was determined to
hold it this year before the summer recess . Additional interest was given to the meeting , owing to the members having unanimously resolved to present a testimonial to tho D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , as a token of the gratitude felt to him for his kindness at its foundation , ancl for his frequent presence at their meetings and his assistance in working the lodge up to its present prosperous condition . Amongst the members present in addition to the D . Prov . G . M ., were Bros . George Norman ,
J . P ., AV . M . and Prov . S . G . AV . ; Eev . AV . K . Eobinson , S . AV . ; Eev . \ A . Langley , , T . AA . and Prov . G . Chap . ; Hugh Morris , P . AI . 216 , Treas . and P . G . Sec . ; AA . L . Johnson , Sec ; Douglas , S . D . ; S . Weaver , J . D . ; Oldham , Adeoek , Bright , and many others . A isitors : —Bros . E . Goodyer , P . AL 523 , and P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . Stretton , P . G . Reg . ; AVeare , P . AI . 279 and P . Prov . G . D . ; G . H . IIodues , AV . M . elect , 523 and Prov . G . D . ; : A . L . Clarke , AA -M . 279 ; J . Adlard , S . AV . 279 and P . Prov . G . Purst ,: AA * . Barfoot , Sec . 523 ; E . Gosling , J . D . 523 and Prov .