Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article ISLE OF MAN. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 2 →
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the peculiar virtues of which it encourages the exercise . A collection was made at the close of the service , amounting to £ 10 18 s . The brethren again formed in order and returned to the Music Hall , to partake of a banquet most creditably served by Bro . Lloyd , the host of the Black Horse Hotel . Upwards of SO sat down , and the party separated at an early hour . In the course of the evening the Masonic and other toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Fitzgerald and
Trowman gave performances on the organ with great professional skill ; and a grant of £ 10 was made to the schools of St . Mary ' s Church . It may be added that the lodge Bible , on a velvet cushion , was borne in the precession by sons of Bros . Alfred Hancocks , Pen-in , ~ W . G . Hopkins , and AA ' estley . The youths were admitted to the banqueting table to partake of the good cheer , and
afterwards having beon presented to the Provincial Grand Master , were suitably and impressively addressed by him . He concluded by presenting to eacli a handsomely bound Bible containing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVorcestershire to
( the name of the youth ) a Lewis , who at a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held at Kidderminster , on Tuesday the ISth of June , 1867 , assisted in carrying the Volume of the Sacred Law in procession to attend Divine Service at St . Mary ' s Church . The Provincial Grand Master in presenting to him this , the Great Light in Masonry , charges him to give it his most serious
contemplation , and ever to consider it as the unerring standard of Truth and Justice , and to regulate his Life and Actions by the Divine precepts which it contains . A . II . Royds , Provincial Grand Master . " On the whole it may bo said that the meeting passed off most satisfactorilyand that the Provincial Grand Master provedby
, , the manner in which he conducted the proceedings , and by the evidence he gave of the great interest he had taken in the province during the past year , his first in the office , that his appointment has been a happy one , thereby affording strong ground for an assurance that his promises for the future will be fully realised .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' S LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( NO . Si ) . —On the l 9 thinst . the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held . The members present were the AA . M . Bros . J . H . Guilbert ; Martin , S . AA '' . ; Gardner , J . A \ . ; P . M . Bros . Churchouse , Sparrow , and Collenette ; Bros . Hutchinson , Treas . ; Sarchet , Sec ; Gleuci-oss , S . D . ; MillingtonJ . D . ; SneathI . G . ; ManserTler ; Turton
, , , y , Nicolle , Bougourd , and Coles , Visitors : Bros . Smythson , AV . M . 168 ; AA ' akley , Le Page , Jervois , and Davies . The AA . M . Bro . Guilbert took the chair at eight o ' clock , and opened the lodge in the first and second degrees . The minutes of the preceding lodge wero then read and confirmed , and Bro . Parker having responded to the questions asked of him in a very satisfactory manner , was entrusted , and left tho lodge for preparation . The
lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Parker having been re-admitted was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by tho AA . Af . in a very impressive manner , and he also delivered the lecture on the tracing board with great accuracy and ability . AV . II . Muntz , Esq ., of St . Martin's , who had been regularly proposed and seconded at the last lodge , was then baUotted tor and elected . Some time was afterwards spent in
considering an application for pecuniary assistance from an aged widow , the relict of a decased brother , who had been for a few years a subscribing member to Lodge 1 GS , and ultimately relief was granted her . There being no other business , the lodge was finally closed in solemn form and perfect harmony after 9 . 30 . The members then retired to the battquethtg-rooui for refreshment . After the usual Masonic toasts had been gone through
, the health of Bro . Hopkins , P . AI . 4-3 and 958 , was proposed by Bro . Sneath , 84 , in a short eloquent speech . It is almost needless to say that it was received by all present in a truly enthusiastic manner , the great trouble he went through in so kindly and ably presiding over the lodge of instruction which he held during his sojourn amongst us , coupled with his well-known
Channel Islands.
earnest anxiety to do everything in his power for tho good of Masonry , havi . ig endeared him to all good Masons with whom ho came in contact in the island , and especially to those of Doyle ' s- Lodge .
Isle Of Man.
RAMSEY . ST . MA : N * GIIOLD LODGE ( NO . 1 , 075 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge took place ou Thursday , the 13 th inst ., at the Grammar School , under the presidency of Bro . H . Rothwell , AA . M , assisted by his AA ' ardens , Bros . Dumbell and AA ebb , the following officers and brethren also being present , viz .: —Bros- George Orme , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of
Cers-, E . L . ; Rev . AV . Kermode , Chap . ; Hunter , Treas . ; Higgins , Sec . ; Walker , S . D . ; Henderson , J . D . ; Skeoch , I . G . ; . Allen , Org . ; Vondy , Tyler , & c . The minutes of the previous lodge meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . AA . L . Wild , and declared unanimous in his favour , and being in attendance was initiated ; after which Mr . Oilerhead , who was balloted for at the last meeting , was also initiated .
Bro R . Kerruish having passed a satisfactory examination fertile second degree , w-as duly passed . Bro . AA . Cannell sought advancement , and having proved his claim , was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Cannell was duly admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a HLM . All the ceremonies were performed by the AA ' . M . in his usual impressive and able style . The other business of thelodge having been disposed of the lodge was closed . Bro . Orniocomph ' mented tbe AV . M . and officers on the very creditable manner in which tho lodge was conducted .
Obituary .
MELANCHOLY DEATH OF BRO . FRANK COLSEY . It is our painful duty to have to record the melancholy death , by drowning , of Bro . Frank Colsey , the proprietor of tho Exchange Commercial Hotel . Norwich , a gentleman widelyknown and greatly respected , ancl one of the most useful and prominent Freemasons in the province . On AA edncsday eveningthe 12 th inst ., the deceased attended a Royal Arch Chapter
, at Great Yarmouth , and on the following morning , at about eleven o ' clock , he went into the sea for the purpose of bathing . Being a good swimmer he went out some distance from the shore , and seemed to enjoy himself for some time , but in returning a strong tide was against him , and it is supposed that after struggling iu the water , cramp seized him , when he suddenly sank , and was never more seen alive . His body being recovered
about two hours afterwards , was brought to Norwich on the same evening . The melancholy tidings soon spread throughout the city , and occasioned a feeling of profound grief . For years Bro . Colsey had been a most useful and active member of tho Masonic body in Norwich . During his Mastership of Lodge Perseverance his extensive practical knowledge was found to be of tho highest service in the working of the degreesand as
, originator of the school of instruction held at his own house-He took a lively interest in its welfare , being seldom absent from its meetings . At all great Masonic ceremonies in the province he took a prominent part , being ever ready and willing to assist without any desire to become ostentatious or obtrusive .. Iu social life ho was " a man of infinite wit , " at all times mirthful and amusing , and his lively spirit at the social board kept
the company in the best of humours . The mortal remains of the deceased were interred in the Rosary burial ground , on AVednesday morning last , the obsequies being attended by a large number of brethren from all parts of the province , who met at the house of Bro . Dawharn , and joined the funeral cortege as it passed along Prince of AVales's-road .
Poetry .
We have this week had wafted to us across the great waters that separate us from our American brethren " A Token of Grate-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the peculiar virtues of which it encourages the exercise . A collection was made at the close of the service , amounting to £ 10 18 s . The brethren again formed in order and returned to the Music Hall , to partake of a banquet most creditably served by Bro . Lloyd , the host of the Black Horse Hotel . Upwards of SO sat down , and the party separated at an early hour . In the course of the evening the Masonic and other toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Fitzgerald and
Trowman gave performances on the organ with great professional skill ; and a grant of £ 10 was made to the schools of St . Mary ' s Church . It may be added that the lodge Bible , on a velvet cushion , was borne in the precession by sons of Bros . Alfred Hancocks , Pen-in , ~ W . G . Hopkins , and AA ' estley . The youths were admitted to the banqueting table to partake of the good cheer , and
afterwards having beon presented to the Provincial Grand Master , were suitably and impressively addressed by him . He concluded by presenting to eacli a handsomely bound Bible containing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVorcestershire to
( the name of the youth ) a Lewis , who at a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held at Kidderminster , on Tuesday the ISth of June , 1867 , assisted in carrying the Volume of the Sacred Law in procession to attend Divine Service at St . Mary ' s Church . The Provincial Grand Master in presenting to him this , the Great Light in Masonry , charges him to give it his most serious
contemplation , and ever to consider it as the unerring standard of Truth and Justice , and to regulate his Life and Actions by the Divine precepts which it contains . A . II . Royds , Provincial Grand Master . " On the whole it may bo said that the meeting passed off most satisfactorilyand that the Provincial Grand Master provedby
, , the manner in which he conducted the proceedings , and by the evidence he gave of the great interest he had taken in the province during the past year , his first in the office , that his appointment has been a happy one , thereby affording strong ground for an assurance that his promises for the future will be fully realised .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' S LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( NO . Si ) . —On the l 9 thinst . the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held . The members present were the AA . M . Bros . J . H . Guilbert ; Martin , S . AA '' . ; Gardner , J . A \ . ; P . M . Bros . Churchouse , Sparrow , and Collenette ; Bros . Hutchinson , Treas . ; Sarchet , Sec ; Gleuci-oss , S . D . ; MillingtonJ . D . ; SneathI . G . ; ManserTler ; Turton
, , , y , Nicolle , Bougourd , and Coles , Visitors : Bros . Smythson , AV . M . 168 ; AA ' akley , Le Page , Jervois , and Davies . The AA . M . Bro . Guilbert took the chair at eight o ' clock , and opened the lodge in the first and second degrees . The minutes of the preceding lodge wero then read and confirmed , and Bro . Parker having responded to the questions asked of him in a very satisfactory manner , was entrusted , and left tho lodge for preparation . The
lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Parker having been re-admitted was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by tho AA . Af . in a very impressive manner , and he also delivered the lecture on the tracing board with great accuracy and ability . AV . II . Muntz , Esq ., of St . Martin's , who had been regularly proposed and seconded at the last lodge , was then baUotted tor and elected . Some time was afterwards spent in
considering an application for pecuniary assistance from an aged widow , the relict of a decased brother , who had been for a few years a subscribing member to Lodge 1 GS , and ultimately relief was granted her . There being no other business , the lodge was finally closed in solemn form and perfect harmony after 9 . 30 . The members then retired to the battquethtg-rooui for refreshment . After the usual Masonic toasts had been gone through
, the health of Bro . Hopkins , P . AI . 4-3 and 958 , was proposed by Bro . Sneath , 84 , in a short eloquent speech . It is almost needless to say that it was received by all present in a truly enthusiastic manner , the great trouble he went through in so kindly and ably presiding over the lodge of instruction which he held during his sojourn amongst us , coupled with his well-known
Channel Islands.
earnest anxiety to do everything in his power for tho good of Masonry , havi . ig endeared him to all good Masons with whom ho came in contact in the island , and especially to those of Doyle ' s- Lodge .
Isle Of Man.
RAMSEY . ST . MA : N * GIIOLD LODGE ( NO . 1 , 075 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge took place ou Thursday , the 13 th inst ., at the Grammar School , under the presidency of Bro . H . Rothwell , AA . M , assisted by his AA ' ardens , Bros . Dumbell and AA ebb , the following officers and brethren also being present , viz .: —Bros- George Orme , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of
Cers-, E . L . ; Rev . AV . Kermode , Chap . ; Hunter , Treas . ; Higgins , Sec . ; Walker , S . D . ; Henderson , J . D . ; Skeoch , I . G . ; . Allen , Org . ; Vondy , Tyler , & c . The minutes of the previous lodge meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . AA . L . Wild , and declared unanimous in his favour , and being in attendance was initiated ; after which Mr . Oilerhead , who was balloted for at the last meeting , was also initiated .
Bro R . Kerruish having passed a satisfactory examination fertile second degree , w-as duly passed . Bro . AA . Cannell sought advancement , and having proved his claim , was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Cannell was duly admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a HLM . All the ceremonies were performed by the AA ' . M . in his usual impressive and able style . The other business of thelodge having been disposed of the lodge was closed . Bro . Orniocomph ' mented tbe AV . M . and officers on the very creditable manner in which tho lodge was conducted .
Obituary .
MELANCHOLY DEATH OF BRO . FRANK COLSEY . It is our painful duty to have to record the melancholy death , by drowning , of Bro . Frank Colsey , the proprietor of tho Exchange Commercial Hotel . Norwich , a gentleman widelyknown and greatly respected , ancl one of the most useful and prominent Freemasons in the province . On AA edncsday eveningthe 12 th inst ., the deceased attended a Royal Arch Chapter
, at Great Yarmouth , and on the following morning , at about eleven o ' clock , he went into the sea for the purpose of bathing . Being a good swimmer he went out some distance from the shore , and seemed to enjoy himself for some time , but in returning a strong tide was against him , and it is supposed that after struggling iu the water , cramp seized him , when he suddenly sank , and was never more seen alive . His body being recovered
about two hours afterwards , was brought to Norwich on the same evening . The melancholy tidings soon spread throughout the city , and occasioned a feeling of profound grief . For years Bro . Colsey had been a most useful and active member of tho Masonic body in Norwich . During his Mastership of Lodge Perseverance his extensive practical knowledge was found to be of tho highest service in the working of the degreesand as
, originator of the school of instruction held at his own house-He took a lively interest in its welfare , being seldom absent from its meetings . At all great Masonic ceremonies in the province he took a prominent part , being ever ready and willing to assist without any desire to become ostentatious or obtrusive .. Iu social life ho was " a man of infinite wit , " at all times mirthful and amusing , and his lively spirit at the social board kept
the company in the best of humours . The mortal remains of the deceased were interred in the Rosary burial ground , on AVednesday morning last , the obsequies being attended by a large number of brethren from all parts of the province , who met at the house of Bro . Dawharn , and joined the funeral cortege as it passed along Prince of AVales's-road .
Poetry .
We have this week had wafted to us across the great waters that separate us from our American brethren " A Token of Grate-