Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 3 →
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its governorship by having contributed an equal sum from its funds . Every lodge in the jirovince , except No . 161 , was represented and gave a favourable account of its progress in Masonry , ancl the flourishing position of its finances . The Prov . Grand JIaster having now called upon the brethren to elect a Grand Treasureron the motion of P . Prov . Jun . Grand
, Warden , B . J , Thompson , seconded by P . Prov . S . G . AV ., E . D . Davis , Bro . John Barker was unanimously re-elected for the third time . The R . AA . Prov . Grand Master then proceeded to appoint the Grand Officers for the ensuing year ; and , in so doing , announced to the brethren the deep regret he felt , and which ho doubted not would be shared hy every member of Grand Lodge , that the G . AO . T . U . having been jileased to strike their respected Bro .,
the A . AV . D . Prov . G . Master Bro . Richard Medcalfe with severe illness , ho had deemed it his duty to resign the office held hy him ; under these circumstances and before he proceeded to appoint a successor , ho proposed that a vote of sympathy for our worthy brother ' s condition should be passed to him , as he was sure it will be a solace to him in his present- state . The proposition of the Prov . G . Master met with a hearty response and
unanimously jiassed . The following were the officers ajipointed : — V . W . Bro . Mark Lambert Jobbing , ( P . Prov . S . G . AV ., in 1835 Senior Past Warden in the Province ) , as Dep . Prov . Grand Master ; AVilliiiin-Punshoii , ( the father of Masonrv in the province ) , as Prov . S . G . W .: Henry Pattison , ( W . M . of 554 ) , Jun . Prov . G . W . ; Rev . Samuel Atkinson , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; John Barker , Prov . Grand Treasurer ( elected ); Andrew Gillesjiic , Prov . Grand Reg . ; B . J .
Thompson , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thos . Crawford , Prov . S . G . D . ; James Gibson , Prov . J . G . D . ; George Lambton , Prov . G . Sup . AA orks . AVm . Palzicl , Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; John Popjilewell , Ass . Prov . G * Dir . Cer . ; Thos . llaswell , Prov . G . Org . ; Joseph Shepherd , Prov .. G . S . B . ; John AVatson , Prov . G . Stand . B . ; C . J . Bannister , Prov . G . Purs . ; Alex . Dickson , Prov . G . Tyler ; and the following brethren as Prov . G . Stewards : Alfred Louiidcs , Robert Towerson , J . Jensou , AV . ParkR . KingJames Symnington . The Grand Lodwas then
, , go duly closed inform . The Banquet was held at the lien and Chickens , and attended by over sixty brethren , the Prov . Grand Master presiding . On the tremoval of the cloth , he loyal toasts were proposed ancl responded to , which wore followed by the healths of the Y . AV . Grand Master the Earl of Zetland ; the R . AV . Dep . G . M ., Earl Panmure ; the Jt . AY . Grand Master of Scotland and Ireland , and also responded
to with the usual Masonic feeling . The Prov . Dep . GRAND MASTER then jirojiosed the health of the R . AV . Grand Master ofthe Province , the Rev . K . C . Ogle , and in doing so recalled to the members present his worth , and the happiness all felt underhisbenignant sway , and the progress Masonry hadmade since he commenced his reign amongst us . That fund of Benevolence which originated with him , and of ivhich they heard such good account
of in Grand Lodge , was prognosticated never to reach £ 200 ; before ten years was over that amount had more than doubled . Tlicy would always find their AVorthy Grand Master as they found hiiii the first year he jiresided over them , as the affable aiid kind gentleman , and the kind and sympathising brother . Tho Dep . Grand Master was rcjieatcdly interrupted by long and continued ajiplause , and the toast was finally responded to by all the brethren with great cordialitv .
Ihe PliOX . G . M . in rising was received with repeated applause , and when it subsided , addressed the brethren in those kind terms that none better than himself can use , and which go through the heart of every brother . He reminded them that he had repeatedly been so well received amongst them , he could only repeat what he told them often , that he regretted that his merits were not commensurate with their kind expressions , —as he knew ivell his own imperfections—in factwhen a he announced to them that
, year ago , he thought his health , and his deficient Masonic qualifications , would oblige him to resign the high office the M . W . G . M . had thought proper to invest him with , had the announcement been received with a formal vote of regret , he would have felt perfectly satisfied that he had merited it , " ancl have quietlv resigned hi ' s position . But , on the contrary , the expression was such that it ivas virtuallforcing him back to his chairand he determined
y , after such an expression and as long as they continued so to support him and to look over his deficiencies , he could not refuse the wish that he should continue to preside over them . Therefore , as long as the favor of the G . M . and their kindness desired him to keep his post , he would be there , and he trusted that the G . A . O . TU . would grant him health and streng th to sujiport the labours entailed to his office . After a few more words the G . M . sat down amidst
thunders of cheers , —as no man enjoys a better or more deserved popuhnity in the province toau the Prov . Grand Master . P . Prov . Sen . G . AV . Bro . DAVIS proposed the health of the Dep .
Prov . G . M ., Bro . Mark L . Jobbing . He was sure that the selection niade that clay , by the Prov . G . M ., ofthe Senior Past Grand Warden , iu the jirovince , ivas one that would be hailed with pleasure by every Mason in the province , for his Masonic knowledge was well ' known to them all , and his gentlemanly and' dignified manner was appreciated by all who knew him . He regretted the toast had fallen to his hands , as he had not done it that justice which it'deserved , but the
way it was received by the brethren ivould compensate for his defects . ( Great applause ) . The D . PJIOV . G . M . then rose to thank the brethren for the manner his name had been received ; for the first time as D . G . M . of the . jirovince . Ho assured them that he would do all in his power to cooperate with tho excellent staff of officers that day ajijiointed , to render the province second to none in its working and positionhe
; would endeavour to visit all the lodges , and bring them into a , uniformity of working , —for without uniformity of ivorking , the landmarks coulcl not be maintained . AVith some further remarks , the Dep . G . M . sat down , accompanied by the apjilause of the brethren present . The health of the Prov . G . M . of Durham was given from the . Chair ; and res-ponded to by the Prov . G . M . for Durham , Bro .
Crooks . That of the Present and Past Officers coupled with that of the Father of Masonry , the venerable V . W . Bro . AA m . Punshon , P . Purs . S . G . AA .. ivas given , and responded to by him . The W . M . of St . David ' s and the Lodge were also given and acknowledged , and those of the other lodges of the province coupled with tiie health of the AV . M . of Lodge 21 were also given , when the brethren rose to aoconijiany the Prov . Grand Master and the Newcastle brethren , to the station , and wished them a happy and safe journey home .
Mark Masonry.
BERKSHIRE . IsEwnriiY—Porchesler Lodge ( No . 27 ) . —At a meeting of this lodge , held at . the Three Tuns Hotel , on Monday last , Bro . E . S . Cossens , G . S . and Prov . G . Reg ., Berks and Hants , was duly elected as AV . M ., and Bro . B . Pinniger , Jun . J . AA ., re-elected as Treasurer , for the ensuing year .
HAMPSHIRE . CONSTITUTION" OE A XEW LODGE AT WHTCIIESTElt . A new Lodge , styled the Mark Lodge of Economy , AVinchcsteiy No . 51 , was ronstituted in ample and solemn form on Friday , the 14 th instant , by the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , the Grand JIaster of Mark Masons , in person , in the presence of upwards of thirty brethren , embracing some of the most distinguished Masons in Hampshire ; and twelve brethren were advanced to the
interesting degiee of Mark Masonry . The Right AVorshipful AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., Grand JIaster of the Province of Hants and Berks , presided ; and having opened the Lodge , and discharged other preliminary duties , the warrant of Constitution was read , and the names ofthe R . AV . Bro . Beach , Rev . Bro . G . Portal , and Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing nominated as First AV . JIaster and Senior and Junior Wardenswere submitted to the Lod and unanimousl
, ge , y approved . The Grand JIaster jilaeed the AV . JIaster in the chair according to ancient and solemn form , with tho AVardens , received the congratulations of the brethren , and the AV . JIaster then thanked the Grand JIaster for the honor conferred on hinv and on the Lodge by his presence and co-operation , and the brethren for their support and kindness on the occasion . Bro . RAXKIX Si'i-iirixa- said he was requested by the Mark
Masons jiresent , and by many who desired to be present , had it been in their power , to express to his lordship the great gratification experienced in the Province by the honor of his lordshiji ' s attendance there that day , and to offer their fraternal ancl earnest congratulations on the first ojiportuiiity that offered on his election as Grand JIaster of J [ ark Masons . That illustrious brother now occupied the exalted jiosition of Grand JIaster of the Order , and he could assure the Most Worshinful brother that he would receive on all
occasions proofs ot the love and attachment of Humjisliire J : roemasons , and a devotion to his person , and obedience to his rule and government , that would always be agreeable to his feelings , arising from the confidence that a long knowledge of his lordship ' s love of Masonry and constitutional views had constautiy inspired . Bro . the Earl of CARXARVOX" rose to respond to the compliment , and having exju-essed his high sense of the honour just conveyed
tohim through the AY . JIaster , ju-oeeeded to remark ujion the imjiortant and interesting jiroceedings of the day . His lordship said it had been with some difficulty that he had managed to be present among them that afternoon , and oven uji to the latest moment he had hardly known whether he should be able to arrive in time . But it was with very great satisfaction indeed that he found himself in the new Shirk Lodge , and he had exjierienced
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
its governorship by having contributed an equal sum from its funds . Every lodge in the jirovince , except No . 161 , was represented and gave a favourable account of its progress in Masonry , ancl the flourishing position of its finances . The Prov . Grand JIaster having now called upon the brethren to elect a Grand Treasureron the motion of P . Prov . Jun . Grand
, Warden , B . J , Thompson , seconded by P . Prov . S . G . AV ., E . D . Davis , Bro . John Barker was unanimously re-elected for the third time . The R . AA . Prov . Grand Master then proceeded to appoint the Grand Officers for the ensuing year ; and , in so doing , announced to the brethren the deep regret he felt , and which ho doubted not would be shared hy every member of Grand Lodge , that the G . AO . T . U . having been jileased to strike their respected Bro .,
the A . AV . D . Prov . G . Master Bro . Richard Medcalfe with severe illness , ho had deemed it his duty to resign the office held hy him ; under these circumstances and before he proceeded to appoint a successor , ho proposed that a vote of sympathy for our worthy brother ' s condition should be passed to him , as he was sure it will be a solace to him in his present- state . The proposition of the Prov . G . Master met with a hearty response and
unanimously jiassed . The following were the officers ajipointed : — V . W . Bro . Mark Lambert Jobbing , ( P . Prov . S . G . AV ., in 1835 Senior Past Warden in the Province ) , as Dep . Prov . Grand Master ; AVilliiiin-Punshoii , ( the father of Masonrv in the province ) , as Prov . S . G . W .: Henry Pattison , ( W . M . of 554 ) , Jun . Prov . G . W . ; Rev . Samuel Atkinson , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; John Barker , Prov . Grand Treasurer ( elected ); Andrew Gillesjiic , Prov . Grand Reg . ; B . J .
Thompson , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thos . Crawford , Prov . S . G . D . ; James Gibson , Prov . J . G . D . ; George Lambton , Prov . G . Sup . AA orks . AVm . Palzicl , Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; John Popjilewell , Ass . Prov . G * Dir . Cer . ; Thos . llaswell , Prov . G . Org . ; Joseph Shepherd , Prov .. G . S . B . ; John AVatson , Prov . G . Stand . B . ; C . J . Bannister , Prov . G . Purs . ; Alex . Dickson , Prov . G . Tyler ; and the following brethren as Prov . G . Stewards : Alfred Louiidcs , Robert Towerson , J . Jensou , AV . ParkR . KingJames Symnington . The Grand Lodwas then
, , go duly closed inform . The Banquet was held at the lien and Chickens , and attended by over sixty brethren , the Prov . Grand Master presiding . On the tremoval of the cloth , he loyal toasts were proposed ancl responded to , which wore followed by the healths of the Y . AV . Grand Master the Earl of Zetland ; the R . AV . Dep . G . M ., Earl Panmure ; the Jt . AY . Grand Master of Scotland and Ireland , and also responded
to with the usual Masonic feeling . The Prov . Dep . GRAND MASTER then jirojiosed the health of the R . AV . Grand Master ofthe Province , the Rev . K . C . Ogle , and in doing so recalled to the members present his worth , and the happiness all felt underhisbenignant sway , and the progress Masonry hadmade since he commenced his reign amongst us . That fund of Benevolence which originated with him , and of ivhich they heard such good account
of in Grand Lodge , was prognosticated never to reach £ 200 ; before ten years was over that amount had more than doubled . Tlicy would always find their AVorthy Grand Master as they found hiiii the first year he jiresided over them , as the affable aiid kind gentleman , and the kind and sympathising brother . Tho Dep . Grand Master was rcjieatcdly interrupted by long and continued ajiplause , and the toast was finally responded to by all the brethren with great cordialitv .
Ihe PliOX . G . M . in rising was received with repeated applause , and when it subsided , addressed the brethren in those kind terms that none better than himself can use , and which go through the heart of every brother . He reminded them that he had repeatedly been so well received amongst them , he could only repeat what he told them often , that he regretted that his merits were not commensurate with their kind expressions , —as he knew ivell his own imperfections—in factwhen a he announced to them that
, year ago , he thought his health , and his deficient Masonic qualifications , would oblige him to resign the high office the M . W . G . M . had thought proper to invest him with , had the announcement been received with a formal vote of regret , he would have felt perfectly satisfied that he had merited it , " ancl have quietlv resigned hi ' s position . But , on the contrary , the expression was such that it ivas virtuallforcing him back to his chairand he determined
y , after such an expression and as long as they continued so to support him and to look over his deficiencies , he could not refuse the wish that he should continue to preside over them . Therefore , as long as the favor of the G . M . and their kindness desired him to keep his post , he would be there , and he trusted that the G . A . O . TU . would grant him health and streng th to sujiport the labours entailed to his office . After a few more words the G . M . sat down amidst
thunders of cheers , —as no man enjoys a better or more deserved popuhnity in the province toau the Prov . Grand Master . P . Prov . Sen . G . AV . Bro . DAVIS proposed the health of the Dep .
Prov . G . M ., Bro . Mark L . Jobbing . He was sure that the selection niade that clay , by the Prov . G . M ., ofthe Senior Past Grand Warden , iu the jirovince , ivas one that would be hailed with pleasure by every Mason in the province , for his Masonic knowledge was well ' known to them all , and his gentlemanly and' dignified manner was appreciated by all who knew him . He regretted the toast had fallen to his hands , as he had not done it that justice which it'deserved , but the
way it was received by the brethren ivould compensate for his defects . ( Great applause ) . The D . PJIOV . G . M . then rose to thank the brethren for the manner his name had been received ; for the first time as D . G . M . of the . jirovince . Ho assured them that he would do all in his power to cooperate with tho excellent staff of officers that day ajijiointed , to render the province second to none in its working and positionhe
; would endeavour to visit all the lodges , and bring them into a , uniformity of working , —for without uniformity of ivorking , the landmarks coulcl not be maintained . AVith some further remarks , the Dep . G . M . sat down , accompanied by the apjilause of the brethren present . The health of the Prov . G . M . of Durham was given from the . Chair ; and res-ponded to by the Prov . G . M . for Durham , Bro .
Crooks . That of the Present and Past Officers coupled with that of the Father of Masonry , the venerable V . W . Bro . AA m . Punshon , P . Purs . S . G . AA .. ivas given , and responded to by him . The W . M . of St . David ' s and the Lodge were also given and acknowledged , and those of the other lodges of the province coupled with tiie health of the AV . M . of Lodge 21 were also given , when the brethren rose to aoconijiany the Prov . Grand Master and the Newcastle brethren , to the station , and wished them a happy and safe journey home .
Mark Masonry.
BERKSHIRE . IsEwnriiY—Porchesler Lodge ( No . 27 ) . —At a meeting of this lodge , held at . the Three Tuns Hotel , on Monday last , Bro . E . S . Cossens , G . S . and Prov . G . Reg ., Berks and Hants , was duly elected as AV . M ., and Bro . B . Pinniger , Jun . J . AA ., re-elected as Treasurer , for the ensuing year .
HAMPSHIRE . CONSTITUTION" OE A XEW LODGE AT WHTCIIESTElt . A new Lodge , styled the Mark Lodge of Economy , AVinchcsteiy No . 51 , was ronstituted in ample and solemn form on Friday , the 14 th instant , by the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , the Grand JIaster of Mark Masons , in person , in the presence of upwards of thirty brethren , embracing some of the most distinguished Masons in Hampshire ; and twelve brethren were advanced to the
interesting degiee of Mark Masonry . The Right AVorshipful AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., Grand JIaster of the Province of Hants and Berks , presided ; and having opened the Lodge , and discharged other preliminary duties , the warrant of Constitution was read , and the names ofthe R . AV . Bro . Beach , Rev . Bro . G . Portal , and Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing nominated as First AV . JIaster and Senior and Junior Wardenswere submitted to the Lod and unanimousl
, ge , y approved . The Grand JIaster jilaeed the AV . JIaster in the chair according to ancient and solemn form , with tho AVardens , received the congratulations of the brethren , and the AV . JIaster then thanked the Grand JIaster for the honor conferred on hinv and on the Lodge by his presence and co-operation , and the brethren for their support and kindness on the occasion . Bro . RAXKIX Si'i-iirixa- said he was requested by the Mark
Masons jiresent , and by many who desired to be present , had it been in their power , to express to his lordship the great gratification experienced in the Province by the honor of his lordshiji ' s attendance there that day , and to offer their fraternal ancl earnest congratulations on the first ojiportuiiity that offered on his election as Grand JIaster of J [ ark Masons . That illustrious brother now occupied the exalted jiosition of Grand JIaster of the Order , and he could assure the Most Worshinful brother that he would receive on all
occasions proofs ot the love and attachment of Humjisliire J : roemasons , and a devotion to his person , and obedience to his rule and government , that would always be agreeable to his feelings , arising from the confidence that a long knowledge of his lordship ' s love of Masonry and constitutional views had constautiy inspired . Bro . the Earl of CARXARVOX" rose to respond to the compliment , and having exju-essed his high sense of the honour just conveyed
tohim through the AY . JIaster , ju-oeeeded to remark ujion the imjiortant and interesting jiroceedings of the day . His lordship said it had been with some difficulty that he had managed to be present among them that afternoon , and oven uji to the latest moment he had hardly known whether he should be able to arrive in time . But it was with very great satisfaction indeed that he found himself in the new Shirk Lodge , and he had exjierienced